18 Oct November Special Focus Dates
We all have ‘those days’ where something catches us off-guard, or a pleasant surprise floats in. Here are a few dates to help you be...
We all have ‘those days’ where something catches us off-guard, or a pleasant surprise floats in. Here are a few dates to help you be...
Have you ever dreamt of a deceased loved one? Had a moment of synchronicity where you just ‘feel’ their presence? Contact with the dead is...
What is Human Design? Human Design is a logical, mechanical system that reveals the operating manual of your unique genetic design. An exquisite synthesis of Astrology,...
Listen to the Podcast! https://youtu.be/s8kn7BfT2Xo Join the Membership BIG PICTURE ASTROLOGY FOCUS “Change, before you have to.” - Jack Welch The Biggest Transit of 2021 (Saturn square Uranus) occurs three...
September: the Art of Doubt We are learning to be okay in the highs, lows, in the stillness and in the adventure this month - we...
Putting the Plan in Planet. Astrology is a tool we use in metaphysical counseling, and it's a tool we use to map out business strategies,...
Entering the Magician’s Realm Every year from July 28th until August 12th, the Lion's Gate portal opens, peaking on August 8th. It combines ancient astrological wisdom...
Midsummer, we find ourselves looking for a little extra celestial magic in the Skies. Know this: you are not alone, and help is on the...
We hear a lot from shamans and energy workers that it's time to Dream a new future for ourselves and our world - but what...
by Tiffany HarelikEmancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds. - Bob Marley, Redemption SongsThe United States is facing its Pluto...