2020 Horoscopes

2020 Horoscopes

By Tiffany Harelik

We are in a 4-Universal year of structure, foundations, and process, with an astrological focus on the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. What do you need to simplify in 2020? Where can you downsize? What can you reduce, and remove in order to properly set up a new foundation for the next chapter of your life? What do you want to build over the next 30 years?


Aries: This is a pivotal year for your career and public appearance. If you’re not in an ideal role or workplace environment, it’s time to change it up. If you’re already working in your perfect job/field, it’s time to build an empire. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Your work life: processes, procedures, visuals

What you’re healing: Self-delusion and self-righteousness


Taurus: If you’ve been extremely attached to your belief system, this is a year for you to question everything. Dedicate time to meditate for 20 minutes in silence every day. Set aside what you think you know, and ask for the truth to be revealed.

What you’re simplifying and building: Your mind and mental prowess

What you’re healing: Issues around philosophies and false beliefs 



Gemini: Consider yourself a master psychologist this year. Your gift is knowing what makes other people 

tick, and your special magic is understanding the bigger picture of your group’s goals. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Shared resources (time, money, love, space)

What you’re healing: Anything that has felt taboo or hidden – face your skeletons in the closet with open arms. 


Cancer: This is a pivotal year for your close relationships. If something is triggering you this year, be thankful for the medicine of awareness it has brought into your focus. Take a deep look at why anything bothers you, and seek out a complete healing. Take full responsibility for yourself and your actions – not anyone else’s. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Honest relationships

What you’re healing: Intimacy and vulnerability, as well as the need to control, defend, manipulate, and force outcomes or reactions. 


Leo: This is your year to create a foundation for your healthiest life. Focus on your physical health through new daily routines. Learn something new about your health every month. Seek out new healthcare professionals and dedicate time to see them regularly: chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, cooking school, etc. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Your health habits

What you’re healing: Body image issues, heart health, broken hearts, inner strength, and vitality


Virgo: Your challenge this year is to see life as a big game. Who are the players? What are their goals? How can you zoom out, lighten up, and have more fun with challenges this year? Trust your creative impulses, read romance novels, and schedule time to play. Be open to new ways of giving and receiving love. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Playtime 

What you’re healing: Wounds from childhood, or inner-child issues, betrayal/abandonment 


Libra: This is a pivotal year for your home and family. You’re laying the groundwork, structure, and traditions for the next thirty years of your home life. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Your home and family 

What you’re healing: Mother issues, security issues 



Scorpio: You were born with a great purpose. Create your life’s mission statement this year, and see if your daily activities match up with your life’s priority. This is a year to take your personal experience, learn from it, and take it to a new level.

What you’re simplifying and building: Communications and platforms to share your message

What you’re healing: Creative blocks, sibling issues, and throat chakra issues


Sagittarius: Trust your instincts to build resources. This is a year to get honest with your finances: let go of what isn’t working in order to create a firm foundation. Where there is debt, create a payment plan. Where there are goals, create action steps. Rely on the wisdom of the elders: never take more than you need, be grateful for everything.

What you’re simplifying and building: Your empire 

What you’re healing: Self-worth, security, financial fears  


Capricorn: You’ll look back on 2020 as the year that changed everything. This is a monumental year for Capricorns who are willing to undergo extreme change. Set some time to define personal success. What does it mean? What does it look like – really? Be open to breakdowns in order to have breakthroughs.  

What you’re simplifying and building: Yourself 

What you’re healing: Ego issues, power struggles, personal blocks to success


Aquarius: Build in lots of private time in your schedule this year, Aquarius. You need more time to unwind, relax, and heal than you’re used to. Spirit calls you to have a deeper relationship with your higher self this year. Take a spiritual retreat or sabbatical. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Your secret talents and psychic abilities

What you’re healing: Facing your demons with eyes wide open



Pisces: You’re building something big, Pisces. It has to have the proper foundation. This is a year to reach for your biggest dreams 

and goals with structure and discipline. If power struggles form between friends and work, pause and keep a grateful heart. Whatever is triggered is the very thing that needs healing in order for you and your project to move forward. Be swift to take personal responsibility, quick to forgive yourself and others, and keep your eye on the prize. 

What you’re simplifying and building: Your dream life

What you’re healing: Power struggles


Do you want to know all of the 2020 transits?
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Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT, is an accomplished author, publisher, and co-owner of Wise Skies Advice (astrology and numerology forecasts) as well as Spellbound Publishers (metaphysical publishing company). She is a vegan yogi, with a Masters degree in Health Psychology. Find her work at www.TiffanyHarelik.com