
Astrology - Simplified

It’s a Matter of Time

Astrology is the study of planets and their influence on the natural world.  It can be used to understand your nature, and the weather of current times. 

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The Time of Your Life

A natal birth chart is a snapshot of the planets at the time of your birth. Your birth chart is unique to you, and illuminates personal lessons, patterns, opportunities, and challenges. You can also explore what the current astrological weather means for you – the advantages and curve balls are revealed in your personalized forecast.  Do you want to have a reading? Members get 25% off.

Learn Astrology

The Universe Has your Back

Join the membership for ongoing access to exclusive content, enroll in our certification course to become a skilled astrologer, treat yourself to an astrology retreat, or dive into free astrology lessons on YouTube to explore at your own pace. With engaging resources and expert guidance, you’ll gain the confidence to interpret birth charts, and understand planetary influences from a spiritual perspective. 
"You took birth here because you had certain work to do. This is your curriculum. It's not an error. Where you are now with all your neuroses and your problems, you're sitting in just the right place." - Ram Dass

Get the Forecast

What are the planets doing this month? What is the Moon reflecting to you? The astrological weather forecast provides a navigation system for identifying the windows of opportunities as well as the times to lay low each month. Take the guesswork out of planning your schedule, and begin to understand your natural cycles more deeply with astrology.

Why learn with Tiffany?

Tiffany brings over 20 years of experience to the classroom. She teaches Western, evolutionary astrology using the tropical placidus house system. She is a Christian, a yogi, and is involved with the recovery community. Tiffany holds a MA in health psychology and brings a wealth of wellness knowledge to her astrology practice. She has taught professionally in person and online at McClennan Community College, Lisa William’s school, and Nadiyah Shah’s school (Synchronicity University).