
Astrology transits reflect the influence the planets have on us as they move through the Skies and Gates of the Mandala. Not everyone experiences these...

In life, we have a series of decisions—some mundane, some life altering. We’ve been conditioned to “think through” decisions, putting a lot of emphasis on...

Let’s Go! (or is it Let Go!)What are you low-key determined about? What mysteries do you want to access? Do you notice wanting to experiment...

Jupiter kisses Neptune every twelve years or so—fairly common when it comes to the large, slow moving outer planets. But astrologers are getting excited about...

You may have felt there was something off with the energy of the New Year—like resolutions couldn’t quite stick, or that ideas for intentions weren’t...

Take a Chance in February: Endless PossibilitiesFebruary kicks off a huge window of opportunity. With Jupiter sextiling Uranus this month, and the New Moon in...

“What is real knowledge? What is true wisdom? What is actual education? From the gita’s perspective real education is to have the wisdom to see...

article by April Leman  What is the Enneagram? En·ne·a·gram/ˈenēəˌɡram/.    nouna nine-sided figure used in a particular system of analysis to represent the spectrum of possible personality...

Tiffany Harelik