Lion’s Gate Portal 2020

Lion’s Gate Portal 2020

After the intensity of the events of 2020, we find ourselves looking for a little extra celestial magic in the Skies. Know this: you are not alone, and help is on the way. This truly is a time to activate gratitude magic thank your lucky stars.   

Listen to the Lion’s Gate Podcast + Meditation!

The Lion’s Gate portal opened July 26, peaks on August 8, and completes August 12. It combines ancient astrological wisdom with numerology frequencies to open roads, clear paths, and grant wishes. The celebration of the Lion’s Gate dates back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians and Mayans. 

  • Numerology: the 8 resembles our infinite nature, and our ability to find stability within chaos. Think of it like surfing a wave of abundance – you’re both still and in motion. Visualize yourself surfing and feeling exhilarated.
  • Astrology: the Sun in Leo kisses the fixed star Sirius. This symbolizes a death and rebirth of our spiritual bodies. Consider this window in time a pilgrimage of your heart.

Even amidst the confusion and chaos of a changing new world, this portal can be a time when you’re feeling more creative, noticing more abundance, and getting some pleasant surprises.

 What better time than the Lion’s Gate portal to be asking yourself:

  • Who am I intended to become?
  • What motivates me and makes me feel alive?
  • How do I limit myself in life, love, business, health, and spirituality?
  • Where do I want to shine more?




Activating the Lion’s Gate portal:

  • Create a vision board – play your favorite music! 
  • Do yoga! Heart-opening exercises and sun salutations are a perfect fit today.
  • Create a crystal grid with eight of your favorite crystals. I love citrine for abundance – plus it’s golden/yellow hue aligns with all that solar Leo energy!
  • Sit still for some psychic downloads, celestial visitations from your guides, and messages from deceased loved ones. 
  • Meditate. Meditate. Here are three free meditations: meditation specific to 8-8, one-heart breath meditation from My Wild Magic, and my Lion’s Gate meditation at the end of the LG podcast.
  • Sirius also rules technology – meet with influencers, create a new blog post, tap into your techie-magic. 
  • Do an 8-card tarot spread – make it up as you go!
  • Clear your chakras + treat yourself to a 7-chakra tarot reading and guided meditation.
  • Journal: What is my highest aim? What is my highest calling? What actions am I taking daily in living out those aims?
  • Check out our Venus meditation to increase the love frequencies.
  • Make a “sunny” smoothie with turmeric, some cherry lemonade, or a golden mylk latte.
  • Move your Ganesha figurine out into the Sun! Call upon Ganesha to remove any obstacles blocking you on your path.
  • How about some gentle Sun-gazing? Stand barefooted, visualizing yourself rooted to the Earth. Inhale, raise your arms up overhead, exhale hands in prayer at heart-center. Gaze softly and safely towards the solar rays of the Grand Central Sun.
  • Remember the Long Time Sun is blessing you always…

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT offers astrology, mediumship, yoga, and tarot sessions. She uses the Golden Tarot deck combined with yogic philosophy and her lineage of Russian mysticism to address your concerns through practical advice. She holds a Masters degree in Health Psychology and founded Spellbound Publishers, a metaphysical book company. She owns and operates Wise Skies. Follow her work at