20 Nov A comprehensive guide to Jupiter entering Capricorn: What does it mean for you?
Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet I refer to as my cosmic fairy godmother who 'knows a guy' that can help me, is there to serve...
Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet I refer to as my cosmic fairy godmother who 'knows a guy' that can help me, is there to serve...
By Tiffany Harelik We are in a 4-Universal year of structure, foundations, and process, with an astrological focus on the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. What do...
2019 is all about the business of living your life. It's that time of year when we're called to offer gratitude for all that we handled...
Why, queries Woody Allen in the film Annie Hall, do we bother with such problematic, complicated, torturous things as relationships? Why make the effort to...
Keep your eye on the prize in September, and tap into the magic of good timing. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we...
August 2018: Total eclipse of the heart: the power of love. August intention: I am confident in my highest voice and trust the desires of my...
What passions do you want to revitalize? July intention: It is my intention to recognize integrity and genuine connection in all experiences, revitalizing trust, truth,...
June 27, 2018 [11:52pm] : A Full Moon at 6 Capricorn, calls attention to our ambitions/goals, promises, and stabilizing our futures. Harness the AstroMagic...
Our mission is to help you tap into the magic of good timing. And when better to do THAT than during eclipse season!? Get your Moonstone,...
June 13, 2018 [2:43pm, CST]: A Full Moon at 22 Gemini Governed by Mercury, Gemini rules social events, communication, and siblings. Variety, duality, and spontaneity are...