Venus Retrograde 2018: Housekeeping of the Heart

Venus Retrograde 2018: Housekeeping of the Heart

Why, queries Woody Allen in the film Annie Hall, do we bother with such problematic, complicated, torturous things as relationships? Why make the effort to learn something about, care for, give to, take from, cherish, fight, love other human beings? Woody Allen answers his own question with a joke:

My brother has gone crazy. He thinks he’s a chicken.
Then why don’t you commit him?
Because I need the eggs, says Woody.
Relationships are something like that.
-excerpt from Astrology for Lovers by Liz Greene

Venus is a personal planet that hits close to home. Known as the Goddess of Love, Venus rules matters of the heart (Libra), but she also reigns over our finances (Taurus). During Venus retrograde, issues around love and money are being redirected. But how? We put together some quick tips and resources to help you understand this astrological time. You can also download our Venus Retrograde Survival Guide for the signs and houses if you want to learn how this impacts you on a deeper, personal level or listen to our Venus Retrograde Podcast in the player below, or buy our Venus meditation to tap into Love Medicine.


Wise Skies Advice: “Change, before you have to.” Jack Welch 

Be like a leaf on a fast moving stream and go with the flow without giving in to unhealthy sexual impulses. Put extra time in your daily calendar for self-love. Seek the unusual, shocking, most interesting option to catalyze healthy change within your relationships and money, but don’t implement anything until after Venus leaves her shadow Dec 17. Do some serious housekeeping of the heart. Consider restructuring your finances in a way that works better for you moving forward.


Key dates: the three phases of the Venus retrograde cycle:

PHASE 1: Venus enters Pre-shadow: Sept. 3 – Oct. 5

You’re getting a preview of what’s coming down the pipeline. Pay attention. Focus on how you want to feel in terms of love and money. Be open to hearing some uncomfortable lessons. Get brave. Boost your vitality by supplementing with herbs to support your sex organs and elimination organs.  

  • Sept. 12: Venus opposes Uranus: the first disturbance in the force – where did this hit your chart?

PHASE 2: Venus goes retrograde Oct. 5  – Nov. 17 (10º Scorpio – 25’ Libra)

In the early stage of Venus Retrograde, Helen J. Adams describes it best: “Love is there but it is like a beautiful piece of art badly displayed.” This is not a good time to change your look or do anything drastic in terms of remodeling your home. During the retrograde period, you’re in the thick of it. Major upheaval and restructuring is going on in terms of love and money in whatever house Venus is rolling through in your personal chart. View this positively, and let it work in your favor. Be aware of the good/bad behaviors as listed below these phases as well as these critical dates:

Oct. 8th: New Moon is in Venus-ruled Libra – set your intentions for balanced love and your ability to give/receive in harmony

Oct 12  Venus enters Scorpio Decan 1  (Detriment)

Oct 24th: Full Moon is in Venus-ruled Taurus – put an end cap on that which doesn’t serve your best financial interests

Oct 26  Venus conjunct the Sun – Be a magnet! It’s all about attraction rather than promotion today.

Oct 31 Venus opposes Uranus, squares the Nodes and enters Libra decan 3 (Ruler) – this is the third and final pass this year.

PHASE 3: Venus is in Post-shadow Nov. 17 – Dec. 17

You get to see the lesson and are offered a window of time to emerge differently. Think of the phoenix rising from the ashes (a version of the Scorpio mythology). The veil of perception is lifted so you get a glimpse of the truth. In essence: “When you know better, do better,” Maya Angelou. Here are a few more key dates:

Nov 29 Venus opposite Uranus + square North Node.

Dec 17 Venus leaves post-shadow


Digging this chili?

You may want to download our Venus Retrograde Survival Guide to learn how this affects you personally ($1.99), buy our Love Medicine Meditation ($4.99), or invest in one of our Lovers reports (we have one for astrology and one for numerology in our shop).  

Venus retrograde in Scorpio: the bad behaviors

  • expression of love is hindered
  • the ability to give/receive love is twisted
  • more drive to accumulate ‘things’
  • impatience, intolerance
  • secret losses and destined heartaches resurface
  • the cold shoulder, isolation
  • temptation, lust, affairs
  • anger, rape, out of control aggression, abuse
  • arranged marriage
  • gag orders, secrets that hurt, cold cases, unsolved mysteries
  • tax probs coming back to haunt you
  • estate probs

Venus retrograde in Scorpio: the bright side

  • find some cool sales on things that were valued improperly
  • shop the vintage market or sell your old gems
  • toxic elements of relationships come up for healing
  • intense passion is available in healthy/balanced relationships
  • take time (to learn how) to love yourself
  • virginal, loving, reflective, curious, even shy energies
  • getting pregnant (again)
  • renewing vows, revising your partnership agreements
  • finding new ways to appreciate your lover
  • buy some new lingerie (or that french maid outfit!)
  • take a class on jewelry-making
  • learn how to sew and make your own clothes (or take your pile to the seamstress)
  • send flowers, cards, and chocolates to say I love you
  • keep fresh flowers by your bed and in your love/marriage corner

During Venus retrograde, we are granted extra Mars energy.

As Venusian qualities are reversed, our yin-feminine energy and receptivity slip into the background. In her book Understanding Retrogrades, Helen J. Adams calls attention to the symbols of the planets in retrograde, and their opposing forces. With the example of Venus/Mars, we can look to the old symbol of Mars, a circle with a cross at the top as the mirror opposite of Venus, a circle with a cross at the bottom. “This indicates that spirit is energized, causing retrograde Venus to resemble the qualities of Mars. Which means that having Venus retrograde is almost like having Mars in two places.” Maybe this is why the ancient Babylonians considered Venus the Goddess of Love and War.

Venus Retrograde acts like a “Junior Mars” to all she aspects.

Pre-shadow + Retrograde Venus opposes Uranus on September 12, October 31, and November 29 and effects us all fall-long. There’s an element of your life that is undergoing a big change. It’s karmic, likely pretty heavy, and shakes the foundation up in whatever house the opposition is hitting in your chart. This can be super uncomfortable, but you know it has to be done in order to grow something that is more in alignment with what you really want. You might have to chop 4 inches of dead ends off in order to grow healthier hair (do it, it’s symbolic of much more). You might have to say no to a toxic relationship in order to rebuild something more authentic. You might have to dissolve a business partnership and go in a completely new direction. You might be looking for a new kind of lover (be careful, this is likely short-lived during a retrograde period).

Retrograde Venus (Junior Mars) squares Mars on October 10 and acts like a Mars/Mars square. This can result in explosive, unpredictable energy. Watch out for abuse, aggression, unhealthy competition, overdoing it, unbalanced drive, and jealousy issues October 7-10. Take it easy, slow down, and stay hydrated.

What NOT to do during Venus retrograde:

  • Do not buy real estate.
  • Do not give in to lust/affairs that could have long-term damaging effects on your relationships and your sex organs (remember, this is happening in Scorpio – STDs should be top of mind).
  • Do not get a divorce during this time – collect facts, data, and work on healing yourself if you’re going through relationship hell. If you need to move forward with a permanent break up, it’s best to wait until Venus goes direct so you can limit regrets.
  • Do not overindulge in sugar and booze.
  • Do not break ground.

Focus instead on supporting yourself:

Crystals to support self-love: rose quartz, carnelian, selenite, angelite, amazonite.

Listen to this free Love yourself meditation from the one and only Louise Hay.

Study up on the 12 ties that bind long-term relationships according to Psychology Today.

For the ladies: Listen to Dr. Erin’s womb breath meditation to feel sexy, alive and to help you be more open to receiving all of the abundance that life has to offer. You might also like Dr. Erin’s article on how to take exquisite care of yourself.

Remember that ‘this too, shall pass.’

Get extra gems of support from Wise Skies:

Your Health Sitch:

Venus rules veins, kidneys, your throat, ovaries, and certain glands, while Scorpio rules your sex organs, bowels, cervix, urinary tract, and prostate. Be careful of tendencies to overdo sugar and alcohol. Put your cosmic magnifying glass on those areas and give your body a little extra love. Check with your local herbalist on what is best for your body – we are not medical professionals.

  • Get through UTIs with D Mannose.
  • Keep your Ovaries cyst-free with Vitex, Black Cohosh, Dandelion, and Yarrow.
  • Keep your Prostate happy with Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin, Sage, Green Tea, and Nettle.

Sciencey fun facts:

  • Venus is her brightest in the Skies on Sept. 20 in the evening and Dec. 1st in the morning.
  • Each Venus retrograde period is 40 days. It takes 96 years for a sign to be completed in the retrograde cycle, with about 18 months in between one retrograde period to the next.

Extra Magic:

  • Agatha Christie, H. G. Wells, Martin Scorcese all have Venus in Scorpio.
  • The temptation theme and exact timeline of Venus retrograde appears in the bible during the 40 days and 40 nights when Satan tempted Jesus in the desert.
  • Support from the Lunar cycle: We know that Venus rules Libra and Taurus… check out the extra magic supporting your emotions and feelings during this Venus retro period. On October 8th, the New Moon is in Venus-ruled Libra, and on Oct 24th the Full Moon is in Venus-ruled Taurus.

Next up:

Venus goes retrograde again in Gemini in 2020 and it’s all about reevaluating the way we perceive love: May 13 to June 25.