23 Dec Finding World Peace at Home Depot
“What is real knowledge? What is true wisdom? What is actual education? From the gita’s perspective real education is to have the wisdom to see...
“What is real knowledge? What is true wisdom? What is actual education? From the gita’s perspective real education is to have the wisdom to see...
article by April Leman What is the Enneagram? En·ne·a·gram/ˈenēəˌɡram/. nouna nine-sided figure used in a particular system of analysis to represent the spectrum of possible personality...
https://youtu.be/1-iEOSM3QrE Want to listen to the January podcast? "Hope begins in the dark." Anne Lamott What themes are baked in? What’s there to savor? When should we...
2022 is approaching. What themes are baked in? What’s there to savor? When should we avoid burnout? Astrology shows us where to find ports in the...
Any business can benefit from understanding Mercury's role in the Skies and following Mercury's influential patterns. Mercury helps inform the details of when to launch,...
December: Being Here NowBuckle up and hang on to your crystals! 2021 goes out with a bang as the third and final Saturn/Uranus square completes...
by Celeste Brooks The Sun symbolizes our outward expression and the Moon our subconscious needs. The Sun emits light and the Moon reflects it. Each month,...
by Leisha Barnette and Tiffany HarelikAura Type, Strategy and Authority are the most important awareness tools to experiment with and are the foundation of living...
The Bigger PictureEven though tension is building for a final difficult transit in December, we’re experiencing Future Nostalgia: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for...
We all have ‘those days’ where something catches us off-guard, or a pleasant surprise floats in. Here are a few dates to help you be...