19 Oct November 2021 Astrology Forecast: Future Nostalgia

The Bigger Picture
Even though tension is building for a final difficult transit in December, we’re experiencing Future Nostalgia: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the future. Here’s why…
Trigger, or Medicine Bag?
We all have ‘those days’ where something catches us off-guard. When an emotional trigger is hit, can you see it as a medicine bag this time? These ‘triggers’ are helpers. Also: Watch out for compulsive behaviors and a need to place meaning on things that may have none. The metaphysical megaphone is prime for making mountains out of molehills, and oppositely – overlooking major things that require your attention, and overcoming the odds. Bet on the underdog this month. [Jupiter semisquare Chiron ℞ releases November 17]
Blast from the Past
Shared memories, learning from the past, healing with ancestor work, and beginning new mentor relationships are an optimal way to work with the planets in November. [Saturn sextile Chiron ℞ releases November 26]
The field of infinite wisdom, where all things are possible.
This combination allows you to sense what great things are possible. Tune into the field of all possibilities and remain optimistic – it’s your secret weapon for manifesting exactly what you wish for the future. [Jupiter semisextile Pluto releases November 27]

Astrology Playbook: Future Nostalgia
NEW MOON: November 4th in 12-Scorpio
Intention: I experience clarity, magic, and curiosity. I trust that all is well in my kingdom.
Make wishes around: liberation, magic, mystery, vitality, and healthy use of personal power. What do you want to change at a deeper level? This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions based on the house-themes wherever 12-Scorpio is in your chart.
- Liberation, transformation, deep healing
- Magic, mystery & metaphysical activities
- Passion, desire, connecting deeply
- Shedding old skins
- Resourcefulness: tools, connections, finances
- Estate planning
- Crystals: Tiger’s Eye for empowerment, Carnelian for emotional intelligence
There are challenging vibes with the Scorpio New Moon too. What you might wish to remove? Jealousy, Resentment, Secrecy, Distrust, Revenge.
November 5: Venus and Mercury make moves
Venus enters Capricorn: With Venus staying in hotel Capricorn through the end of the year, we can feel a little more cautious with love and money. We are seeking something more long term, we want to feel committed, and we are called to take a more mature approach with life.
Mercury enters Scorpio: Mercury represents how we think and process. When in Scorpio, we may experience a more fixed and calculated approach to thinking through issues. People may be more blunt, and humor can be dark. You might find an interesting mystery book to explore secrets or take a lesson in learning to read tarot cards. Mercury is in Scorpio through November 24.
Circle November 6 as a potential “best day”
Mercury sextiles Venus: Ease, harmony, flow. It’s a good day for a good day. Shop the sales, find deals at vintage markets, and interesting items at garage or estate sales. If you’re organizing, and you don’t love it, let someone else have it: it’s an equally good time to put your unwanted things on the market and clear your clutter. It’s amazing what a clean ‘junk’ drawer can do for the mind.
November 10: Caution Lights
Things get heated, accidents are more likely, and tempers flare. Stay hydrated and pack your patience. On the positive, this is an ideal time to work with the power of your mind. Take inventory. What’s working? What details to change? What are you afraid of? Plan before you make changes: what is your call to action? [Mercury and Mars square Saturn].
Launch a campaign to help others, volunteer your time, consider the life you live is your legacy. This yang phase signifies decision making, determination, and commitment to action wherever 19-Aquarius is in your chart.
November 12: Stand up for Your Inner Child
Mars inconjunct Chiron ℞: “Mars aspecting Chiron [natally] indicates a deep association with the sacred warrior archetype. Mars is the activation of the animus, the male aggressive principle in the natal chart, and aspects to Chiron spiritualize the issue.” ― Barbara Hand Clow
November 13-15: Trouble in paradise: Moderation in all things.
Loose lips sink ships. Change your passwords, be frugal, and be cautious about over-sharing [Venus semi square Jupiter + Sun square Jupiter].
November 15-19: Caution Lights
Breakthroughs, breakdowns, aha moments. Sometimes accidents reveal necessary information. Because we anticipate a lot of wires being crossed, this is not the best day for a launch or important meeting. Slow down, and seek to understand. Give emergency care workers a thoughtful gift [Mars opposite Uranus ℞ on the 17th].
FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE: November 19th in 27-Taurus
Intention: Hidden emotions organically process through and out of my body, mulching back into the Earth for transformation into nutrients
Coming Unearthed. Light is shed on buried secrets. More will be revealed. Be still. This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure wherever 27-Taurus is in your chart. Make wishes around healthy choices in food and sensuality, no longer playing the victim, standing in your worth and power, feeling richly rooted.
Sun semisquare Venus on the 19th too: Notice where you might have been denying yourself. We all deserve more unconditional love, not less. If it’s moody out there, it’s probably moody ‘in here’. The ho’oponopono prayer helps us all: I’m sorry (responsibility). Please forgive me (forgiveness). Thank you (gratitude). I love you (love).
November 20: Micro not matching the Macro
Make a list of your priorities, then make a second list of your daily activities. If they don’t sync up, it’s time to navigate yourself back to a lifestyle that works for you [Mercury square Jupiter]
November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius
Happy Birthday Sagittarius! Tap into your adventure-seeking, lucky, and optimistic Sagittarius vibes through December 21. Bonus! Mercury sextiles Pluto today too: Put on your detective hat, take a mediumship training, and solve some mysteries. This would be a fun transit to do a mystery dinner theatre or play the game Clue. Your inner psychic is ready to wow you. (Pssst… We have gifts and birthday readings for your Sagittarius at www.tiffanyharelik.com).
November 24: Mercury enters Sagittarius
Exciting new ideas, adventure, and a little indecision – these are the go-with-the-flow vibes of Mercury in Sagittarius, available to all of us through December 13.
November 25: Thanksgiving Forecast
Persuasion, influence, and quirky ways of communication can work in your favor, if you keep your wits about you at the family table [Mercury semisquare Venus]. Shared memories, learning from the past, and beginning new mentor relationships are all possible this week [Saturn sextile Chiron ℞].
November 27: LAST QUARTER MOON [5-VIRGO]: A Season of Hope
Get your ducks in a row, then let the cards fall where they may. This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course wherever 5-Virgo is in your chart. Jupiter semisextile Pluto releases this day too: This MAJOR planetary combination allows you to sense what great things are possible: what do you want for the future?
November 29-30: The Hope Domino Effect
- Creativity in action, and community projects. The planet of passion is working with the planet of compassion to bring heart and muscle [Mars trine Neptune ℞]
- Seek to understand. Have healing conversations, read self-discovery books/newsletters, and say prayers/intentions/affirmations for a healthy outlook [Mercury trine Chiron ℞]
- Clarity in thinking and speaking. Study your family lineage, work with people who are older and wiser, and negotiate long-term deals [Mercury sextile Saturn].
- Inner healing. Counseling, self-care, acceptance, and being of service [Sun trine Chiron ℞]
- Art, music, philanthropy, creative outlets [Venus sextile Neptune ℞]
- Your hard work is paying off – keep going. Reminder: Karma is not a punishment, it’s a learning opportunity. Whatever is coming back to you now, originated from you [Sun sextile Saturn]
- Intense interactions. The details change everything. Be mindful of the struggle between the intellect and primal life forces right now. Wait to make your move [Mercury semisquare Pluto].

by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Texan to the bone, Tiffany is a fourth-generation Austinite who shares her practice from Travis and Callahan counties. Her family lineage is steeped in Russian and Blackfoot ancestry. She holds a Master’s in Psychology and specializes in guiding clients through astrology, tarot, mediumship, and intuitive sessions. When she’s not in sessions, you can find Tiff bee keeping, gardening, and midwifing new books at Spellbound Publishers. Explore her creative projects at www.TiffanyHarelik.com