06 Dec 2022 Predictions
2022 is approaching.
What themes are baked in? What’s there to savor? When should we avoid burnout? Astrology shows us where to find ports in the storm.
Article by Tiffany Harelik, Wise Skies Collective
Looking back:
- 2021 was a 5-universal year: feeling spread too thin, things moving in a lot of directions, moving parts, scattered energy, RV lifestyles
- Saturn/Uranus squares: energy grid breakdowns, shocking weather patterns, unexpected events, freak accidents, burnout, old structures fractured, dividing lines change, boundaries broken and rebuilt, pandemic of airborne disease
- Moving out of a year of chaos, we want to feel calm, clear, and certain. We want to tie up loose ends when possible.
Hurry culture is out.
2022 is a 6-Universal year with the North Node moving into Taurus. The United States is facing our Pluto Return which will rock karmas set in place since 1776. This is a long walk. This is not a year to crush goals, it’s a year to slow down.
Slow culture is in.
January kicks the year off with both Venus and Mercury retrograde. In a time when we are adjusting from massive world and personal changes, we need our ‘Mom’. We need some down time. We need our homes to be our rock. This is a critical year to help the Earth by slowing down, and coming to terms with pollution and toxins through practical action.
Tiff’s 2022 media predictions:
Sorry doesn’t cut it. Karma and restorative justice for indigenous people will make waves in the USA. Bigfoot, aliens, and crystal caves will attract big media. Worker strikes, teacher strikes, student strikes – the great resignation continues. Homeland security, redistribution of taxes, changing districts/boundaries in the land will be in the headlines. Poisonous gas/oil leaks and cover-ups are also likely. Can mushrooms save the world with bioremediation?
Quickie Horoscope:
- Money: Diversify, make money online, get creative, keep pivoting with technology. Relax, see what comes to you. Stop pushing. Plant seeds with patience.
- Love and Relationships: Wait for emotional clarity, then commit (to yourself, to others). Redefining long term alliances based on hope. Make new house rules, find new spaces and paces together.
- Health: Stock up on herbs for lung health, practice breath work [Mars rx in Gemini agitates the airways]. Medicine from the Garden, Body Wisdom, Lean on what you know in your bones [North Node in Taurus]. Eat more plant-based food.
- Garden: April 30/May 1: The Partial Solar Eclipse in 10-Taurus is conjunct Uranus. What quirky heirloom veggie do you want to grow this year?

Big Picture Overview
A LightHouse in January
The North Node shifts into Taurus, while the South Node into Scorpio for 18 months.
- Focused effort yields results: embrace what is, instead of what could be
- Self-care that involves financial honesty and integrity is sexy
- We’re not trading love for money anymore [Venus is retrograde until the 29th]
- Awareness for what does work: simplicity, truth, practical action
- Acknowledging what doesn’t work: relying on outside resources, manipulation, lies, secrets, seduction, emotional hijacking
- Find your inner Stevie Nicks – that Earthy Practical Magic. Unplug, buy responsibly harvested crystals, think about what type of Earth steward you want to be [ask me about beekeeping!].
Take a Chance in February
February kicks off a huge window of opportunity with a New Moon in Aquarius on the 1st. With Jupiter sextiling Uranus this month, seek conflict resolution, a return to joy, and roll the dice. An 8-Universal month, it’s time to go big. It can indicate big money and big solutions from uncanny places. Note: February 20th begins the Pluto return for the USA. Note: The Dust Bowl of the 1930’s marked the half-return of Pluto. Get an early start on your gardens before we hit some rough patches, specifically with herbs for lung health [earmark: Fork and Moon for later].
We don’t know what we don’t know in April
Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on April 12th, magnifying the unknown and creating a new thirteen year cycle. Cultural matters will be in the media (perhaps a spike in disease or complications with drugs/vaccines as Mars conjuncts Neptune early April, or a new genre of art/music). This can be the month an epic, masterpiece film debuts that changes the world. This is also eclipse season: is it too good to be true, or big magic working in your favor?
May Day, May Day
Heads up: May is a hot mess of burnout, confusion, and wishy washy. Don’t push it.
- May 10: Mercury retrograde [Gemini-Taurus] through June 2: Changing Minds
- May 10th: Jupiter moves into Aries through October 28: Fireball
- May 16: Lunar Eclipse in 25-Scorpio (square Saturn in Aquarius): Friction
- May 17: Saturn semi-sextile Neptune (Aquarius / Pisces): Sidetracked
- May 18: Mars conjunct Neptune (Pisces): Invasions
Supply chain shifts and border issues in July?
This is a pivotal month for the future of the USA. On the USA’s second Pluto return pass [July 11th], a retrograde Saturn presses the USA’s Moon. The people are not going to be duped or controlled anymore. Borders and boundaries will be challenged. Uranus will conjunct the North Node indicating new twists of fate when it comes to food and finance. Then Mars will conjunct Uranus at the end of the month indicating explosions, disruptions, forest fires, and droughts. The Roman empire fell during their second Pluto return, and while it may not be the end of the USA, there will be a lot of upheaval and an inability to get everyone on the same page as previously hidden corruption is made known. Is it possible to hold a vision of love and peace through the fog? Yes, it is friends.
Mars retrogrades in November
The Scorpio eclipse on October 25th brings a new awareness as it’s planetary ruler Mars sets up to retrograde October 30th for the rest of the year in Gemini. Mars represents challenges, energy, competition, and war. Gemini governs the lungs, shoulders, and hands, as well as our schools, teachers, and the way we learn. This Fall we will be reflective on where we are of a divided mind, and what we are at war with, within ourselves. I think we’re going to see health challenges or breakthroughs with respiratory health, as well as reversals of opinions, delays, strikes, and unfortunately violence in our schools. People will be changing teams/philosophies when it comes to public health. Much will be challenged and questioned the rest of the year.
The end of an era: Hope begins in the dark
By the third pass of the USA’s Pluto return at the end of December, the people are seeing clearly and taking the power back, or sinking further into denial. By this point, the economy has changed. Alliances have shifted. And the Earth itself seems to be mad. Pluto rules the underworld, hazardous waste, government, sex crimes, and also gold. Confronting the darkness won’t be an option, but like Anne Lamott says, “Hope begins in the dark.” Check out the subsection on the USA’s Pluto return below.

Your Main Anchor in 2022: Homing In
The Numerology changes to a Universal 6: there’s no place like home
Lessons from the past: WWII ended in a 6 year (1941): cleaning up the rubble and settling into a new normal. What can you do from home? Victory gardens, planting seeds, burying the past with reverence. Finding balance: Live and let live.
- Acclimating to a new pace or space
- Finding a Spiritual home [yoga studios, church families]
- Keeping and creating family traditions [and house rules/boundaries]
- Home Sweet Home: feng shui, redecorate, reflow, keep the homefires burning
- Shelter from the storm: home protection [insurance, security cameras, root cellars, prepper pantries]
- Write feeling-based intentions and post them for every space
- Craving home cooked meals: have a handy list of go-to comfort meals
- Home as a symbol for emotional security. Re-mothering yourself: what advice would the wisest Mom give you?
- Do you want to learn about Vesta, asteroid goddess of hearth and home?
- Reframe relationships: brothers, sisters, who is your family?
- Ancestry work: Many are called to generational healing, indigenous reparations, and family tree work this year [South Node in Scorpio – intense emotions, karmas]
- Mother Earth Guardianship: Seed security, advances in farming equipment for homesteaders, livestock as garden companions not food. Commit to no pesticides, discover regenerative agriculture, add mycelium in your garden, learn natural beekeeping [treatment free], eat locally, eat from your garden, focus on the Earth’s bounties and Earth magic [North Node shifts to Taurus]. Geek out on heirloom seeds: https://www.seedsavers.org/. This is not a drill.

Planetary Overview: Brave New World
- The Nodes shift into Taurus/Scorpio
Embracing what is, instead of what could be. Self-care that involves financial honesty and integrity
- Mercury, Mars, and Venus retrograde in Air and Earth signs
Allow plenty of room to reconsider and rework ideas. What do you want to focus on that requires learning by experience? We also listed all the 2022 Mercury business transits here! - Jupiter dips into Pisces and moves into Aries
This influences a zest for life and helps us anticipate the good things coming in 2022. Hope and Innocence are important motivators during such uncertain times. Invitation: Notice what is unfolding organically, versus what feels forced.
- Saturn remains in Aquarius all year [until 2023]
Slow progress with science, airborne disease, robots, and networks continue. Do you want to rebel against the system? Feeling controlled by the chaos? Where can discipline bring freedom? [yoga, meditation]
- Uranus remains in Taurus all year [until 2025]
Changes in values. Diversify food and finances – we don’t know what’s changing. Have a variety of food sources on hand (frozen, dried, and fresh). This also indicates radical changes in the Earth. The terrain itself becomes a battlefield or a place of shock and awe [consider war tactics of the Apaches, and the Russians underground systems]. Mother Earth regenerates herself volcanically. - Neptune remains in Pisces [until 2025]
We truly don’t know what we don’t know. Keep checking in with yourself for what feels true. Enjoy the mystery of life without getting duped. - Pluto remains in Capricorn [moves to Aquarius in 2023]
This is the last year of resistance from the old guard. Will we see a revolution in the USA during our Pluto return hot spots? Mark these dates: February 20th, July 11th, and December 28th. July – December are pivotal months for the future of the USA.
If you are 18, 37, 55, or 74 years old this year, you will have your Nodal Return, which is a time when the wheel of fate spins you in a new direction.

USA Pluto Return: The Turning of a Nation
With an orbital period of 248 years, Pluto returns to the place it was in a birth chart every 250 years! The United States’ natal Pluto is in 27-Capricorn. We will experience our exact return three times in 2022: February 20th, July 11th, and December 28th. Here are some themes:
- Restorative justice for native peoples and plants: seeking peace and harmony.
- Unresolved karmic issues with upper/lower class and the misuse of power [since 1776]
- National homecoming – who are we, what do we stand for?
- Major changes in government, and who we give our power/authority to
- Discovering our true power source and working with individual life force energies instead of mining energy for controlling entities
- Agendas exposed. “The USA hasn’t been run by the people for the people – it has functioned as a trojan horse functioning for those in power.” -Adam Gainsburg
- Changing how we handle death, death rites, burials
- Judgment card in tarot: the world is watching

Practical Magic
What’s your prayer for 2022?
As I’m writing this forecast, I’m watching documentaries on native peoples, and thinking about some of the earliest cries for peace in the USA by Black Kettle:
We have been travelling through a cloud. The sky has been dark ever since the war began.
Although wrongs have been done to me I live in hope. … Now we are together again to make peace.
And some inspiration one of my favorite poems to ring in the new year:
The Guest House by Rumi
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
We live under mysterious Skies.
Be well my friends. Follow the strategy and authority of your unique Human Design. Gift yourself the Wise Skies membership for VIP access to our unique classes and monthly readings. It’s a fascinating time to be alive.

by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Texan to the bone, Tiffany is a fourth-generation Austinite who shares her practice from Travis and Callahan counties. Her family lineage is steeped in Russian and Blackfoot ancestry. She holds a Master’s in Psychology and specializes in guiding clients through deep diving intuitive sessions. When she’s not writing the astrology column, you can find Tiff bee keeping, gardening, and midwifing new books at Spellbound Publishers. Explore her creative projects at www.TiffanyHarelik.com