25 Jul August Skies: Astrology Forecast
August Intention: I find stability through the foundation of new beginnings.
August is a 3-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year
Fertility, creativity, and connection are themes of the 3, while structure remains an important theme of the 4. Let’s balance the yin(3) and yang (4) energy this month! Optimize the 3*4 number code by finding creative solutions and creating a clear action plan.
Look up! The Perseids meteor shower peak August 11-13.
Astrology Power Days
August 3rd – Full Moon in Aquarius
August 5th – Mercury enters Leo
August 7th – Venus enters Cancer
August 15th – Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
August 19th – New Moon in Leo
August 20th – Mercury enters Virgo
August 22nd – Sun enters Virgo
Geek out with me on the August Lunations forecast over here!
Check out the latest article on the Saturn/Mars squares and how to shapeshift through time by working with the planets each day.
Saturday, August 1
Sun trine Chiron: Inner healing. Counseling, self-care, acceptance, and being of service. Planning ahead? This transit comes back around November 26th.
Mercury opposite Pluto: Be mindful of power-plays, far-out doctrines, or hyper-focusing on things that don’t matter. Let some time pass before initiating constructive conversations. Travel is not advised.
Sun square Uranus: Expect the unexpected. Watch for surprises and breakthroughs.
Happy Lammas! Lammas, also called Lughnasa, is an ancient Celtic festival honoring Sun God Lugh (pronounced “loo”). It falls halfway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, making it a cross-quarter holiday.
Our invitation for this time of year is to use gratitude as a tool for visionary magic. Feeling deeply grateful for some aspect of life conjures more of that thing. We recognize the warmth of the fading Sun within the harvest we are now receiving. Consider: What do you want to transform with the light of the Sun? What is being prepared (physically and emotionally) to endure a barren winter?
I relish the warmth of late summer with a playful heart and a keen mind. This is the season for dreams to become reality.
This Week: August 3 – 9
This week starts out a little zany but has a happy ending. Notice spiritual signposts throughout the week – What song is playing? What street are you driving on? What animal shows up in your dreams? They all carry messages for you.
Monday, August 3rd: Full Moon in 11-Aquarius: What groups, or collective ideas do you need to separate yourself from? This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure. Get ceremony ideas here!
Numerology: 11: Magic 6: Intuition 11: Spiritual Awakening
*Pay attention today! The numerology code 11*6*11 is prime for precognitive insights and heightened intuition. Stay grounded.
Intention: I think with clarity, act with focus, and behave honorably, while experiencing satisfaction and pride in our collective progress.
Positive (High) Vibes of the Aquarius Full Moon:
(Set intentions for closure or completion in these areas)
Finding connection through empowering groups and friends
Finding solutions for issues that concern the masses: human rights, health, environment, etc.
Getting curious about what isn’t working in order to find creative new solutions
Being radically honest in order to discover personal responsibility
Getting in touch with your inner weirdo
Finding completion with any area of life to gain liberation and freedom
Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Aquarius Full Moon:
(What you might intend to remove)
Being overwhelmed
Aloof behavior
Being flakey
Judgmental attitudes
Mercury opposite Saturn: Increased responsibilities. Where do you need to step up, even if you’re not being recognized?
Tuesday, August 4th
Numerology Power Code Day 3*4: This can be a winning combination of feminine creativity and practical action. Tap into both! Watch out for over-doing and over-thinking. Balance is key. 3 = Creativity and 4 = Practical action.
Mars square Jupiter: Growing pains. Speeding tickets. Proceed with caution. Turn lead into gold and problems into opportunities without burning up your pocketbook. Planning ahead? This energy can be revisited October 19th.
Wednesday, August 5th
Mercury enters Leo: … and remains there through August 20th. This is an optimal time for making large announcements and getting your business in the limelight through playful and fun marketing efforts.
Thursday, August 6th
The new energy in the airwaves helps us enjoy the last bit of the current season. Get grateful for what you have, and what you want: the planet of abundance governs Thursday.
Friday, August 7th
Venus enters Cancer and remains there through September 6th. Beauty, security, and feeling at home are important in the subtle energies. Get a new decorative pillow, cook someone dinner, and take time for self-care.
Mercury semisquare Neptune: Avoid toxic people, places, and delusions of grandeur. Antidote: be of service.
This Week: August 10 – 16
Keep calm and carry on through disruptive and potentially dangerous energy this week. Yin yoga or restorative stretching might be what the doctor ordered. Keep any pets inside, and a close eye on the kiddos in your world.
Monday, August 10th
Mercury square Uranus: Disruption of peace and plans. This is not a good time to travel, make decisions, or buy electronics. Be prepared to calm your nerves if triggered. What tools do you have to maneuver through fiascos?
Tuesday, August 11th
Last Quarter Moon in 19-Taurus: Trust that the Universe is nurturing your wishes without you having to take action. This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course.
Look up! The Perseids meteor shower peak August 11-13.
Wednesday, August 12th
Moon enters Gemini: Focus on communication. Spend time with friends, write a chapter of your book, and be at peace with multiple options. When in doubt – don’t force decisions. Crystal Magick: Labradorite (consciousness expansion + energetic balance) and Sodalite (mental stimulation + clear communication). Shooting star incoming! The Perseids meteor shower peak August 11-13.
Thursday, August 13th
Mars square Pluto: Danger, explosive outbursts, anger surfaces. Be careful. This transit occurs three times this year and can be felt 3-5 days in advance of each date: August 13, October 9, and December 23. Lift your eyes to the night Skies. The Perseids meteor shower peak August 11-13.
Friday, August 14th
Moon enters Cancer: Focus on home, or wherever you have a sense of belonging. Do some cooking and nesting, reassure your loved ones that all is well, listen to your inner-knower. Some may want to tap into Crab-energy and recharge through alone time. Crystal Magick: Moonstone (intuition + connection) and Rhodonite (compassion + emotional balance).
Weekend Vibes:
Uranus Retrograde: Uranus retrogrades in Taurus on Saturday/Sunday and remains retrograde the rest of the year. Find progressive ways to ignite old ideas. You may experience a bit of a roller coaster wherever 10-Taurus is in your chart today – the karmic lesson is about experiencing fulfillment within.

Photo by Amanda Vick
This Week: August 17 – 23
Monday, August 17th
Mercury semisquare Chiron: Wisdom in wounds. What messages from the past are surfacing for your soul’s evolution?
Mercury trine Mars: Much can be accomplished through physical or mental effort – check some boxes off your list.
Sun conjunct Mercury: Success, quick wit, and making memories. Good news, bright ideas, and communication flow make it a positive time to send newsletters, refine your image, launch an ad.
Tuesday, August 18th
Venus sextile Uranus: Throw a surprise party, network, solve problems.
Wednesday, August 19th: New Moon in 26-Leo: Make wishes around leadership, creativity, and passion. This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions. Get ceremony ideas here!
Numerology: 9: Leadership 22: Building something to last 26: Abundance
Intention: I am aware of my thoughts, feelings, and physical body. I allow heart-centered growth and healing to flow to me and through me. I am empowered through gratitude.
Positive (High) Vibes of the Leo New Moon:
(Make wishes in these areas)
Passionate Play
Falling in love with life
Igniting and activating vitality in your DNA
Trusting your insights
Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Leo New Moon:
(What you might wish to remove)
Attention-Seeking tendencies
Self-centered behaviors
Inability to experience and truly express gratitude
Unrealistic expectations
Thursday, August 20th
Moon enters Virgo: Focus on being of service. Where can you problem solve and organize without getting into analysis paralysis? Crystal Magick: Amazonite (soothing of the mind, body & soul) and Amethyst (clarity + spiritual grounding).
Mercury enters Virgo: Mercury enters Virgo and will be there through September 5th. This brings extra precision to processes and procedures. It’s also an ideal window of time to create contracts, organize drawers, map out plans, and spend time in the garden or farmer’s market.
Friday, August 21st
Moon enters Libra: Focus on companionship. A new look/haircut/outfit are equally pleasing as a healing conversation or quality time with your partner in crime. Justice, equality, and fine art are also themes to work with. Crystal Magick: Fluorite (clarity + peace) and Blue Apatite (authenticity + balance).
Mercury semisquare Jupiter: Flawed judgment and distorted thinking. Delay big spends, avoid credit purchases, do not sign contracts.
Weekend Vibes:
Heads up: tension from the week ahead may show up over the weekend. Set yourself up for success by getting organized. What can you do to feel prepared and stable?
Saturday, August 22nd
Numerology Power Code Day 3*4: Communicate your thoughts, needs and desires today and be patient with the results. Watch out for unreasonable expectations and a need for immediate gratification. Your mantra: Hurry up and wait! 3 = Communication and 4 = Patience.
Sun enters Virgo: Happy Birthday Virgo! Tap into your hard-working, highly organized, service-oriented Virgo vibes through September 22nd.
Sunday, August 23rd
Moon enters Scorpio: Focus on your deepest needs. Review your motives – what drives you? This is a good Moon for planting seeds, as well as going out for a special date, or playing with tarot cards. Spend time connecting to your highest self through visualization and meditation. Crystal Magick: Serpentine (regeneration + psychic stimulation) and Black Tourmaline (energy clearing + security).
This Week: August 24 – 31
Watch out – this week looks intense. Is someone blowing things out of proportion? Stick to your personal practices for your spiritual health.
Monday, August 24th
Mercury semisquare Pluto: Intense interactions. The details change everything. Be mindful of the struggle between the intellect and primal life forces right now. Wait to make your move.
Mars square Saturn: Take caution – things get heated, accidents are more likely, and tempers flare. Stay hydrated and pack your patience.
Tuesday, August 25th
Mercury trine Uranus: Brilliant ideas and large downloads of information are coming in. Grab opportunities, make phone calls, sign up for a new class. Planning ahead? This radical energy resurfaces December 24th.
Sun semisquare Jupiter: Overindulgence, overspending, and foolish optimism. It’s a seller’s market. Emotions can blow up. Keep calm and carry on.
First Quarter Moon in 2-Sagittarius: Write your bucket list with a plan for executing at least one item on it. You have this one life and this present moment – it’s time to live. This yang phase signifies decision making, determination, and commitment to action.
Venus opposite Jupiter: Abundance is a blessing and a curse. Things won’t gel today – let some time pass before making decisions and appointments.
Mercury semisquare Saturn: Chop wood, carry water. Prospects aren’t great right now. This transit can indicate loss/theft, separation, and anxieties. The heart’s wisdom knows the truth despite what the logical mind says.
Wednesday, August 26th
Mercury semisquare Mars: Lay low and let some time pass. This is not an optimal time for important calls, appointments, and decisions.
Thursday, August 27th
Venus trine Neptune: Rose colored glasses make it easier to appreciate the beauty of the Universe. On the positive side, you can enjoy the arts, and more nebulous side of life. Be careful about overly intoxicating foods, drinks, people, and situations.
Friday, August 28th
Take it easy, schedule important calls and appointments for next week when the energy starts to clear and the numerology shifts.
Weekend Vibes:
We are feeling better but aren’t in the clear just yet. If you feel anxious, try to be of service to someone else. Get out of your head.
Saturday, August 29th
Mercury trine Jupiter: Success in business or legal affairs, interest in a higher quest, find flow in articulating your messages through writing and educating.
Sunday, August 30th
Venus opposite Pluto: Depression, and deception, and swimming with sharks are likely right now. Keep your guard up and protect your loved ones while this storm passes.
Sun semisquare Pluto: You’re being asked to step up in some area. What will you do with your life? How aligned are you with your higher power?
Mercury opposite Neptune: Deception. You don’t have all the evidence. More will be revealed as time passes.
Monday, August 31st
Finally, there’s a break in the intensity. Skies begin to clear. Ease into the week slowly.
Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT is an author, medium, and astrologer. She has a Master’s degree in Health Psychology and a background in yogic philosophy. She pulls from her Russian lineage as a tarot teacher and story-teller. Tiffany has been publishing mind-body-spirit books, cookbooks, and advice columns since 2000. She owns Wise Skies Advice and Spellbound Publishers. Tiffany has studied under internationally recognized mediums including Janet Nohavec, Tony Stockwell, and Elodie Joelle. She is certified through the IEL Institute, Resonance Repatterning Institute, and Yoga Alliance. She loves gardening, crocheting, cooking vegetarian food, and has a lifelong goal of studying at the Arthur Findlay College. Her private practice is based in Austin, Texas. Find her projects at www.TiffanyHarelik.com and schedule a session with her here: https://schedulewithtiff.as.me/