29 Dec January 2025
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Happy New Year! 2025 is a 9-Year in numerology, which is all about integration, completion, and transition. Look for resolution and ways to tie up loose ends throughout the year. What fruits are you harvesting from the last nine years?
January is a 1-month in a 9-year: New Beginnings within Endings.
Fresh starts. Transition phase. January is a unique blend of closing old chapters while starting new ones.
- Set new goals that integrate all you’ve learned.
- Effective new beginnings are informed by the past.
- Cornerstones. Set the foundation for the next cycle.
- Stay positive: this month can feel like a push-pull between endings and beginnings (this is what growth feels like).
- January is a preview for October, which is also a 1-month in a 9-year.
- Flowers associated with 1-9: Sunflower, Marigold, Pansy, Chrysanthemum
- More ways to work with numerology: tinyurl.com/tiffnumbers

Your January astrology checklist
Biggest theme of the month: The Nodes Change Signs
1/11! The nodes shift from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo for eighteen months starting January 11th. This shift highlights a movement toward work, healing, health, service, and intuition (Pisces/Virgo). This is important to pay attention to, as this shift rules how our eclipse stories will play out this year. The South Node shows us what to eliminate in Virgo (over-thinking and perfectionism), while the North Node shows us what to embrace in Pisces (forgiveness and flow). Read more in the links below.
The Vibrant Sun
- The Sun moves from solid Capricorn, into unpredictable Aquarius January 19th – February 18. The focus shifts from career and long term planning to groups. It’s been said we become like the 3-5 people we spend the most amount of time with. Do any adjustments need to be made among friends you have outgrown? What networks would you like to be involved with?
- Think – Niche and Innovation. Open-mindedness, diversity, and attraction to differences. Without differences, we would all be the same. Diversity is necessary for evolution. What makes you stand out from the crowd?
- Vibrant Health: Aquarius governs ankles, calves, veins, circulation, the circulatory system, the pineal gland, cramps, spasms, and blood flow. There may be a special focus on supporting/healing these areas while the Sun moves through Aquarius.
- Flower Essence for Aquarius season: Water Violet enhances connection and empathy, helping balance our emotional detachment and need for independence. It helps us increase warm and dignified relationships with others. Flower essences are energetic remedies that deliver a flower’s healing frequency to us. Statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
- The Sun will enter ethereal Pisces on February 18th.
The Intuitive Moon
- January 6th: First Quarter Moon at 16° Aries. Look back 9 months ago to see what themes and events feel like they are developing with green lights. Sabian Symbol: TWO PRIM SPINSTERS SITTING TOGETHER IN SILENCE
- January 13th: Full Moon at 23° Cancer: Be aware of excess energy—tides and emotions are high. You’re receiving more information from something that started back in July of 2023. Sabian Symbol: A WOMAN AND TWO MEN (OR A MAN AND TWO WOMEN) CAST AWAY ON A SMALL ISLAND)
- January 21st: Last Quarter Moon at 2° Scorpio: Law of the Harvest. Something that started 2.5 years ago, is now coming to fruition. Sabian Symbol: NEIGHBORS HELP IN A HOUSE-RAISING PARTY IN A SMALL VILLAGE
- January 29th: New Moon 9° Aquarius: Something new begins. Sabian Symbol: A MAN WHO HAD FOR A TIME BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF AN IDEAL IS MADE TO REALIZE THAT AS A PERSON HE IS NOT THIS IDEAL. The New Moon phase represents a story that flows over a larger 27-month cycle. What narrative is unfolding? It will complete by April 28, 2027.
Open-hearted Venus
Venus enters intuitive Pisces January 3rd – February 4th. Observe the beauty all around you. Yin yoga. Rose oil facials. Leave beautiful music playing for your house plants to enjoy while you’re gone. The energy around love, relationships, and values becomes dreamy, compassionate, and deeply empathetic. Pisces is a water sign known for its sensitivity, creativity, and spiritual depth, so when Venus is in this sign, love takes on a more selfless, romantic, and imaginative tone.
Raw and primal Mars
- Mars has been retrograde since December 6th, 2024. The retrograde started in Leo, and backtracks into Cancer January 6th. The retrograde cycle lasts 79 days. Mars is considered in fall in Cancer, which is a destabilized position. Don’t let mood swings win. Stabilize your nervous system and come from a neutral place with solutions when approaching others. The underdog wins. This is your comeback. Fall down 7 times, get up 8.
- Clarity is kindness. Remove wishy-washy language (maybe, might, could, probably, around, etc.)
- Domestic focus: the courage to change. Vulnerability. Protection.
- Space for grace. Mars retrograde can influence like a mini-Venus in the Skies. You may feel more drained, fatigued, or lazy. Allowing room for more naps and slower mornings can be helpful.
Trickster Mercury
- Mercury enters Capricorn January 8th – 28th, requiring wise and careful consideration. Long term plans, and action steps.Communication, thinking, and learning becomes more disciplined, practical, and strategic. Capricorn is an earth sign known for its focus on structure, organization, and long-term goals, so when Mercury is in this sign, it influences a more serious, goal-oriented, and methodical approach to processing information and making decisions.
- Sophisticated. Disciplined. Analytical. There’s a preference for a polished and well-organized appearance, reflecting a sense of competence and authority.
- Themes of this month could include: eco friendly business plans, home improvement plans that consider how to be a good steward of the Earth, healing generations of nervous system trauma, activating generational wealth, and you may feel inspired to create procedures, write protocol, or training modules.
- Journal prompt: What is the business of your life? What type of inventory can you take on this business of your life? Do you have/want an accountability buddy to help you monitor your life’s work?
- Mercury moves into open-minded Aquarius on January 28th.
Caution Lights
1. With struggle comes opportunity. The first week of January is intense with Mars retrograde opposing Pluto, and Mercury squaring Neptune.
- Mental Health Awareness. Be aware of confusion, delusion, lies we tell ourselves, overdoses, improper medications, and toxins. Things are not as they seem.
- Mars (in Leo) and Pluto (in Aquarius) harness primal power. But in opposition in fixed signs – this match creates friction and breakthroughs. Emotional pressure. Inner anger. Sus. How can we beat the heat? Strength requires training. So keep training because you never know what you’re training for in the future. Breathe. Find your fuel for change within the emotions of the first week. What would happen if you stopped fighting? Einstein taught us that the observer affects the experiment. What would it look like to be a good steward of your energy and awareness?
- Heads up: Once Mars goes direct, it will oppose Pluto a second time this year on April 27, 2025. You can feel the energy of this transit building up to a week in advance. You may experience it internally, or externally.
2. The Sun opposes Mars, while Venus squares retrograde Jupiter January 14-16, bringing attention to our values and valuables.
- You may feel stretched out of your comfort zone or get surprised with some unplanned expenses. Do you have champagne taste on a beer budget? Are you trying to save up for something greater but haven’t been honest or realistic about your expenses?
- Consider your financial freedom. Squares help challenge our personal and spiritual growth. What do you want to be free from? What do you want to be free for? What would the middle road look like? What resources do you have to build your financial future intentionally?
- Sweet tooth discipline. Is it time to kick your sugar habits? Venus rules sugar, Jupiter magnifies any excesses. The square indicates a challenge with excessive sugar that results in weight gain. Jupiter also rules the liver – is it time to quit alcohol?
3. On January 23rd retrograde Mars sextiles retrograde Uranus, while Mercury opposes Mars retrograde.
- Plot twist! Remain open minded about a bold new direction and change of pace.This transit can be felt up to a week in advance. Reminder: Worrying is praying for something you don’t want.
- Mental stimulation and competition. Pressure cooker. Argumentative. Something requires a lot of thought. Watch out for mental burn out—temper tantrums are more likely as people release pent up mental energy. Irritable, restless, discontent.
4. Uranus goes direct in Taurus on January 30th
- Nothing to fear – just a reminder to slow down. Uranus has an annual retrograde cycle that lasts about five months. It has been retrograde since Sep 1, 2024. While retrograde, it moved from 27° to 23° in Taurus.
Fixed Stars add complexity and nuance. They add extra details to an astrology forecast, like how a special seasoning can change the flavor of food. They are not part of the main forecast, but they are activated by the transits. They can help us see different parts of a situation more clearly. This transit activates: Zaurak: fear of death (23°52 Taurus)
- Going deeper: in yogic philosophy, the fear of death is called abhinivesah, which is also understood as a primal attachment to life. Yoga International describes abhinivesah as that which has penetrated every living being, from all around, in every respect. They also share that abhiniveśaḥ has come to mean death and the fear of death because both death and the fear of it have pierced every aspect of consciousness. To become free from death, is also to become free from fear. Resource: taking a fear inventory helps us get to the root cause of our own mental imprisonment. FEAR: Face Everything and Rise.
- Uranus in Taurus represents radical changes when it comes to food, values, and finances. If you’re feeling more hungry than usual, know that this is your body’s way of grounding and seeking comfort. Do you want to plan a healthy, home cooked meal to stay satiated? Health food signals safety to your body and mind. Reflect on what has changed with health, diet, the physical body, financial responsibilities, and core values. Do you feed your body like it’s your temple? Consider these themes closely – it’s the last time Uranus will be in Taurus for 84 more years. Uranus moves into Gemini in July for 7 years.
Opportunity Knocks
- Although the Skies are intense, the Sun in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces on January 4th – indicating hard work pays off. What opportunities are you aware of? Consider spiritual consequences and results.
- On January 21st Pluto is cazimi in 1° Aquarius. This is considered auspicious and falls on three fixed stars: Sham: combative, opinionated, Albiero: contemplative, and Altair: boldness, sudden fortune, courage. The Sabian Symbol here is an unexpected thunderstorm: clearing the air after a build up of energy, the need for perseverance, awe in natural wonder, moving through instability, breakthroughs. Journal prompts: What type of legacy do you want to leave? Who are you becoming? How are you feeling empowered lately? Are you empowering others? What metaphoric skin are you shedding? What if it all works out for the new you?
- The Sun will trine Jupiter on January 30th – an auspicious time for promotions, growth, travel, and luck. Be mindful the energy is slow with Uranus going direct the same day.

- January membership classes: https://tiffanyharelik.com/classes/
- Man’s Search for Meaning is a book by Viktor Frankl that every astrology/yoga-enthusiast should read. Frankl teaches that we can’t avoid suffering, but we can choose our response to it.
- 2025 Predictions Replay – Tiffany Harelik, Celeste Brooks, and Sarah L’HRar provide their astrology predictions for 2025: https://buy.stripe.com/5kA7w31UXe5n4KscN5
- Ideas for spiritual activities you can do according to the house: https://tinyurl.com/SpiritualActivitiesbyHouse
- Love and the Law of Attraction: https://tinyurl.com/loveandlawofattraction
- Money, Mercury, and Your Nervous System: https://tinyurl.com/moneymercNS
- Happy Birthday Capricorns and Aquarius’! Need a unique gift for your Aquaurius? Check out our zodiac gift guide: https://tinyurl.com/ZodiacGiftGuide
- Learn about Cazimis: https://tinyurl.com/astrocazimi
Astrology Certification starts in February – discount of $700 when you pay by January 15th. Here is the syllabus:
Disclaimer: Astrology helps make sense of the seasons of life. We shouldn’t use it to control and manipulate our goals. We should use it to be aware of God’s timing, and be in prayer and meditation for His will in our lives.

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT is a professional astrologer and spiritual development teacher based in Texas. As the founder and publisher of Spellbound, Tiffany has authored and produced several best-selling books that span from cooking to astrology, and yoga to beekeeping. She holds a Masters in Health Psychology and is a certified Master Teacher under Lisa Williams. Enjoy her Wise Skies digital astrology calendar or 40 Days of Spirit email product all year long. Connect with Tiffany on her youtube channel, podcast, retreats, or membership classes at tiffanyharelik.com.