04 Aug Mercury in 2025
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
It has been said that every morning peace knocks on our door in the form of choices.
That’s Mercury. It represents how our life is reflected back to us due to the sum of our decisions and choices. We were all born with unique ways of making decisions. Some of us make decisions quickly, others slowly. One thing is for sure – when we make decisions on our own (without Spirit), our lives become distorted. I really enjoyed reading and discussing this book with a small group: Think Ahead: 7 Decisions You Can Make Today for the God-Honoring Life You Want Tomorrow by Craig Groeschel. I hope you enjoy the path of Mercury in 2025—and learning more about your choices, life direction, and decision making process.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” — Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Mercury is associated with our learning styles, messaging, and communication.
It travels the zodiac from pragmatic Capricorn to intense Scorpio in 2025. Studying the archetype of Mercury will help you understand different seasons we all go through regarding how we make decisions and how we talk with with each other. It’s fun to observe how the general structure of our thought-life changes as Mercury moves through the different energy of each sign. From the visionary realm of Aquarius, the compassionate waters of Pisces, the assertive terrain of Aries, and beyond, the nature of Mercury and the sign it is in impacts how we connect, express, and perceive the world around us. By the time Mercury reaches Scorpio, the focus shifts to embracing transformative conversations, making the 2025 journey of Mercury a time of mental evolution.
Mercury is also associated with the brain and nervous system, which is profoundly connected to the way we make decisions.
What is the quality of your decisions and thoughts when you’re in fight/flight/fright? Do you wait to make decisions and/or convey important points when you’re emotionally neutral? Since the eclipses are on a health axis this year, you may want to support your gut/brain axis to enhance or neutralize the quality of your thoughts. Here’s what I use.
Mercury retrogrades three times in fire and water signs in 2025. Retrograde periods support reassessing, reevaluating, and remembering. Fire and water create steam. Read more about retrograde cycles in the link below.
Resource: What house is Mercury traveling through in your chart each month? Here are some ideas for spiritual activities you can do according to the house in this PDF workbook.
Below is a list of ingress dates along with interpretations for each season. Mercury’s transits to other planets are located in the wise skies digital astrology calendar.

January 8th – 28th: Mercury in Capricorn
January 28th – February 14th: Mercury in Aquarius
February 14th – March 3rd: Mercury in Pisces
March 1 – 15: Mercury enters pre-shadow in Pisces
– March 1st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 26° Pisces
– March 3rd: Mercury enters Aries
Mercury Retrograde in Aries/Pisces March 15 – April 7
– March 15th: Mercury retrograde at 9° Aries
– March 30th: Mercury retrogrades into Pisces
– April 7th: Mercury goes direct at 26° Pisces (post-shadow begins)
– April 16th: Mercury enters Aries
– April 26th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 9° Aries
May 10th – May 26th: Mercury inTaurus
May 26th – June 8th: Mercury in Gemini
June 8th – June 26th: Mercury in Cancer
June 26th – Sept 2nd: Mercury in Leo
June 30th-July 18th: Mercury enters pre-shadow in 4° Leo
Mercury Retrograde in Leo July 18th – August 11th
– July 18th: Mercury goes retrograde at 15° Leo
– August 11th: Mercury direct (post-shadow begins) in 4° Leo
– August 25th: Mercury exits post-shadow in 15° Leo
September 2nd – September 18th: Mercury in Virgo September
September 18th – October 6th: Mercury in Libra
October 6th – October 29th: Mercury in Scorpio
October 21st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 20° Scorpio
Mercury retrograde at 6° Sagittarius: November 9th-29th
– November 19th: Mercury retrograde dips back into Scorpio
– November 29th: Mercury goes direct at 20° Scorpio (post-shadow begins)
– December 17th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 6° Sagittarius

✨☿♑︎ Mercury enters Capricorn: January 8th – 28th
Wise and careful consideration. Mercury enters Capricorn January 8th – 28th. Consider long term plans, action steps, and then allow some room for practical magic.
Mercury rules mindsets, communication, learning, beekeeping, transportation, the nervous system, and thinking. Capricorn is an Earth sign ruled by Capricorn that governs crystals, Earth magic, businesses, politics, and climbing mountains.
Themes of this month could include: eco friendly business plans, home improvement plans that consider how to be a good steward of the Earth, healing generations of nervous system trauma, activiating generational wealth, studying your lineage and family tree on the fathers side, connecting with wise elders, and mentoring others. You may be drawn to learn more about working with crystal grids, the or the shamanic concept of the stone people. You may feel inspired to create procedures, write protocol, or training modules.
Journal prompt: What is the business of your life? What type of inventory can you take on this business of your life? Do you have/want an accountability buddy to help you monitor your life’s work.
✨☿♒︎ Mercury enters Aquarius: January 28th – February 14th
Information exchange! Stay curious with Mercury in Aquarius January 28th – February 14th. Free thinking, futuristic solutions, AI, unconventional ideas, and networking are themes to blend into the next few weeks. Detachment from certain groups or thoughts may be beneficial to keep a clear mind.
Mercury represents how we think, our nervous system, our communication, and learning styles. Aquarius represents groups, technology, change, and a certain modesty. Mercury moves into spiritual Pisces February 14th. Astrology micro lesson: Mercury is in fall in Pisces, because Pisces in the sign directly opposite Mercury’s exaltation (which is Virgo).
✨☿♓︎ Mercury enters Pisces: February 14th – March 3rd
Ethereal. Poetic. Creative. Mercury, the messenger, moves into spiritual Pisces February 14th – March 3rd. Imagination is a powerful tool. Mercury represents our mindsets and nervous systems. Pisces illuminates dreams and visions. This is an optimal window for creative projects, art, choreography, music, cinema, yoga, meditation, and blending with the cosmic muses for guidance.
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney
Pisces is a water sign that governs the Seas. Spending time by water, or volunteering to clean up a beach/lake increases clarity.
Masaru Emoto, author of The Hidden Messages of Water would often pray over the bodies of water in cities where he was giving talks about his studies. He found that water exposed to positive words and intentions formed beautiful crystalline structures when the water was frozen. But water exposed to negative words created disorganized structures. Do you want to write positive words and intentions on a piece of paper and tape it to your water glass? Check out his books and research for more info.
Mercury moves into fire sign Aries March 3rd.
✨ Mercury enters pre-shadow in Pisces: March 1 – 15
Revising, reviewing, redoing, removing, re-loving. Preparing for Mercury retrograde in Aries/Pisces helps us find a part of ourselves we lost touch with over time. Mercury retrogrades for 23 days from March 15th – April 7th, but the effects are felt two weeks before and after the retrograde period.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period).
Reclaiming innocence. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. The first Mercury retrograde cycle of the year fluctuates between Pisces and Aries. This brings an opportunity for emotions to heat up, purge, and be cleansed. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making amends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– March 1st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 26° Pisces
– March 15th: Mercury retrograde at 9° Aries
– March 30th: Mercury retrogrades into Pisces
– April 7th: Mercury goes direct at 26° Pisces (post-shadow begins)
– April 16th: Mercury enters Aries
– April 26th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 9° Aries
✨☿♈︎ Mercury enters Aries: March 3
Focus. Streamline. Mental fuel. Mercury, the planet that inspires our thinking processes and learning styles enters penetrative fire sign Aries. Activate the astrology with quick-wit, trivia tidbits, and working with bullet points in texts and emails. Be direct and clear. Balance taking initiative, with active listening. Brainstorm, list ideas, and stay open to feedback.
A word of caution: self-centric thinking is also part of the cosmic tapestry. Stand ‘for’ yourself without standing ‘against’ another person. Watch for impulsiveness and ‘my way or the highway’ thinking. Let your words pass through the three gates before saying anything: Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said right now? .
Morning ritual to get out of Self: do something for someone else first. Examples: feed the birds and fill their water, walk the dogs, pray for someone else’s good fortune and health for five minutes, water the plants, do the dishes for the family/roommates, etc. Smiling before walking into a room changes everyone’s mindset. Do you want to try it out?
– March 3rd: Mercury enters Aries
– March 15th: Mercury retrogrades in Aries
– March 30th: Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces
– April 7th: Mercury goes direct in Pisces
– April 16th: Mercury re-enters Aries
✨☿♈︎ Mercury Retrograde March 15 – April 7
Communication, travel, and electronic glitches. Stay patient as times change. Revising, reviewing, redoing. Mercury retrograde in Aries/Pisces helps us find a part of ourselves we lost touch with over time. Mercury retrogrades for 23 days from March 15th – April 7th, but the effects are felt two weeks before and after the retrograde period.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period).
Reclaiming innocence. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. The first Mercury retrograde cycle of the year fluctuates between Pisces and Aries. This brings an opportunity for emotions to heat up, purge, and be cleansed. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making ammends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– March 1st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 26° Pisces
– March 15th: Mercury retrograde at 9° Aries
– March 30th: Mercury retrogrades into Pisces
– April 7th: Mercury goes direct at 26° Pisces (post-shadow begins)
– April 16th: Mercury enters Aries
– April 26th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 9° Aries
Mercury (r) enters Pisces: March 30
Redemption. Rewriting your story. Reclaiming innocence. Purification. Spiritualization. Editing your Spiritual testimony. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. The first Mercury retrograde cycle of the year fluctuates between Pisces and Aries. This brings an opportunity for emotions to heat up, purge, and be cleansed. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making ammends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces March 30th, goes direct on April 7th, then moves back into Aries April 16th.
Here are the dates:
– March 1st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 26° Pisces
– March 15th: Mercury retrograde at 9° Aries
– March 30th: Mercury retrogrades into Pisces
– April 7th: Mercury goes direct at 26° Pisces (post-shadow begins)
– April 16th: Mercury enters Aries
– April 26th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 9° Aries
✨☿♓︎ Mercury Direct in Pisces (post-shadow period begins): April 7th
Communication, travel, and electronic glitches are beginning to smooth out. Stay patient as times change. Revising, reviewing, redoing. Mercury retrograde in Aries/Pisces helps us find a part of ourselves we lost touch with over time. Mercury was retrograde for 23 days from March 15th – April 7th, and the effects are still felt two weeks after the retrograde period. We are in that two weeks after zone known as post-shadow.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. That’s where we are right now – a repeat of energy as Mercury goes direct. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period).
Reclaiming innocence. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. The first Mercury retrograde cycle of the year fluctuates between Pisces and Aries. This brings an opportunity for emotions to heat up, purge, and be cleansed. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making amends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– March 1st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 26° Pisces
– March 15th: Mercury retrograde at 9° Aries
– March 30th: Mercury retrogrades into Pisces
– April 7th: Mercury goes direct at 26° Pisces (post-shadow begins)
– April 16th: Mercury enters Aries
– April 26th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 9° Aries
✨☿♈︎ Mercury enters Aries: April 16
Focus. Streamline. Mental fuel. Mercury, the planet that inspires our thinking processes and learning styles enters penetrative fire sign Aries. Activate the astrology with quick-wit, trivia tidbits, and working with bullet points in texts and emails. Be direct and clear. Balance taking initiative, with active listening. Brainstorm, list ideas, and stay open to feedback.
A word of caution: self-centric thinking is also part of the cosmic tapestry. This isn’t a ‘bad’ thing – but something to be aware of in finding the balance between standing ‘for’ yourself without standing ‘against’ another person. Watch out for impulsiveness and ‘my way or the highway’ thinking. Let your words pass through the three gates before saying anything: Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said right now?
Morning ritual to get out of Self: do something for someone else first. Examples: feed the birds and fill their water, walk the dogs, pray for someone else’s good fortune and health for five minutes, water the plants, do the dishes for the family/roommates, etc. Smiling before walking into a room changes everyone’s mindset. Do you want to try it out?
– April 16th – May 10th: Mercury is in Aries
– April 26th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 9° Aries
– May 10th: Mercury enters Taurus
☀️ Mercury Exits Post-Shadow: April 26
Clarity returns. We can’t blame Mercury anymore. Themes from the recent Mercury retrograde cycle that started on March 1st are now resolving. Mercury has been direct since April 7th, and is now out of it’s post-shadow period. Communication, technology, and travel resume to normalcy.
Here is a recap of the dates:
– March 1st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 26° Pisces
– March 15th: Mercury retrograde at 9° Aries
– April 7th: Mercury goes direct at 26° Pisces (post-shadow begins)
– April 16th: Mercury enters Aries
– April 26th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 9° Aries
Mercury enters Taurus May 10th – May 26th
Mercury in Taurus helps us know beauty, trust slow growth, and enjoy slowing down. Practical, down-to-Earth, conservative mindsets are valuable while Mercury is in dependable Taurus May 10th – May 26th. Give yourself extra space and time to make decisions.
Be mindful of bull-headed tendencies. Replace any stubborn, repetitive thoughts with this consideration: what small thing can I do to support my stability? How can I shift my perspective and trust in Spirit? What would it be like without the drama? Where do I need to redeem my trustworthiness?
Mercury rules the mind, intelligence, thinking, communications, the nervous system, and learning. Taurus helps us slow things down and enjoy the pleasures of learning, cooking, training, and talking with others over time. This is a great season to find a long book or show with several seasons — and then discuss it with others over a good meal.
Mercury will move into home sign Gemini May 26th.
Mercury enters Gemini May 26th – June 8th
Mercury moves into Gemini May 26th – June 8th. Mercury is in domicile (at home) in Gemini. Domicile is the zodiac sign that a planet rules. It is considered the strongest placement for the planet.
Articulate. Gather and/or share information. Create content, run an ad, map out an outline. Conversations and class discussions offer new angles and ideas. Socialize. Play trivia.
Busy bee. Be mindful of keeping too many tabs open, or trying to do too much. You can’t be in two places at the same time. Pause, and breathe into discernment before jumping into the next thing.
Mercury and Gemini themes include: talking, writing, learning, neighborhoods, siblings, elementary schools, and public transportation. In health, the focus is on wrists, lungs, the nervous system, and shoulders.
Micro lesson: The twins in Gemini are Castor and Pollux, who were brothers in Greek mythology. Castor was mortal, but Pollux was immortal, so when Castor died, Pollux asked Zeus to let them be together forever. Zeus turned them into stars, and they became the constellation Gemini. The twins in Gemini represent duality, communication, and adaptability. They are always together and sharing ideas.
Mercury moves into nurturing Cancer June 8th.
Mercury enters Cancer June 8th – June 26th
Mercury moves into nurturing Cancer June 8th – June 26th.
Recharge the batteries of your heart. Talk with your family. Set up a night of the week to have dinner and do a fun family meeting to go over family business and important dates. Invite friends over for family game night.
Heal family-oriented, or mother/sister wounds. It’s time to let someone off the hook and forgive them for your own wellbeing. Spend time pouring love into your meal planning. Cancer represents cooks, Mercury stimulates new recipe ideas to uplevel nostalgic recipes from childhood.
Notice what’s not being said: nonverbal communication speaks volumes. Intuition, spiritual development, and reading body language.
Cancer is the crab of the zodiac. You (and others) may need some extra alone time. Clarity is kind – be sure to let others know if you’re needing to retreat for an afternoon.
The challenge this season? Do not take anything personally. Bless others who are projecting their pains and wounds onto you. You have spiritual eyes to see through their woundedness and can send them love.
Mercury moves into loving Leo June 26th.
Mercury enters Leo: June 26th
Mercury enters heart-centered Leo June 26th, and goes retrograde July 18th – August 11th. Take center stage. Make large announcements. Put yourself or your business in the limelight. Let us hear your roar! You are the star of your own life.
Leo is fun, creative, playful, and flirty. It rules leadership, lion hearts, life force energy, strength, vitality, and celebrities. Mercury represents our mindset, and the way we think.
Celebrate your successes, and those of others. Look for ways to recognize, reward, and promote others. Consider bold forms of expression. Gather with friends to watch a TV show together.
Lead with the heart and keep asking yourself: is this option the most loving thought for all concerned?
When Mercury enters pre-shadow, things feel nebulous and glitchy just as they do during the retrograde and post-shadow. Don’t make any drastic changes to your appearance, as you’re likely to change your mind during the retrograde period. The retrograde will give you an opportunity to edit any big splashes you’ve made recently.
Here are the dates:
– June 26th: Mercury enters Leo
– June 30th: Mercury enters pre-shadow in 4° Leo
– July 18th: Mercury goes retrograde in 15° Leo
– August 11th: Mercury direct (post-shadow begins) in 4° Leo
– August 25th: Mercury exits post-shadow in 15° Leo
✨ Mercury enters pre-shadow in Leo: June 30th
Desire. Desire is a main theme of this Mercury retrograde period. Did you know the word desire is from the Latin ‘de sidere’ which means ‘from the stars’? Your desires are God-given. What is the desire of your heart?
Revising, reviewing, redoing, removing, rewiring, reloving. Preparing for Mercury retrograde in Leo helps us get back in touch with our passions. However! Stay alert – travel for pleasure and drastic changes of appearances are a no go. Mercury retrogrades for 24 days from July 18th – August 11th, but the effects are felt two weeks before and after the retrograde period.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period.
Reclaiming desire. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. This second Mercury retrograde cycle of the year flows through fire sign Leo. This brings an opportunity for emotions to heat up, and show you what unconditional love really is. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making ammends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– June 30th: Mercury enters pre-shadow in 4° Leo
– July 18th: Mercury goes retrograde in 15° Leo
– August 11th: Mercury direct (post-shadow begins) in 4° Leo
– August 25th: Mercury exits post-shadow in 15° Leo
✨☿♌︎ Mercury Retrograde in Leo: July 18 – August 11
Desire. Desire is a main theme of this Mercury retrograde period. Did you know the word desire is from the Latin ‘de sidere’ which means ‘from the stars’? Your desires are God-given. What is the desire of your heart?
Revising, reviewing, redoing, removing, rewiring, reloving. Mercury retrograde in Leo helps us get back in touch with our passions. However! Stay alert – travel for pleasure and drastic changes of appearances are a no go. Mercury retrogrades for 24 days from July 18th – August 11th, but the effects are felt two weeks before and after the retrograde period.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period.
Reclaiming desire. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. This second Mercury retrograde cycle of the year flows through fire sign Leo. This brings an opportunity for emotions to heat up, and show you what unconditional love really is. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making ammends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– June 30th: Mercury enters pre-shadow in 4° Leo
– July 18th: Mercury goes retrograde in 15° Leo
– August 11th: Mercury direct (post-shadow begins) in 4° Leo
– August 25th: Mercury exits post-shadow in 15° Leo”
✨☿♌︎ Mercury Direct in Leo (post-shadow period begins): August 11
Mercury goes direct in 4° Leo. Communication, travel, and electronic glitches are beginning to smooth out. Stay patient as times change. Desire. Desire is a main theme of this Mercury retrograde period. Did you know the word desire is from the Latin ‘de sidere’ which means ‘from the stars’? Your desires are God-given. What is the desire of your heart?
Revising, reviewing, redoing, removing, rewiring, reloving. Mercury retrograde in Leo helps us get back in touch with our passions. However! Stay alert – travel for pleasure and drastic changes of appearances are a no go for two more weeks.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period.
Reclaiming desire. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. This second Mercury retrograde cycle of the year flows through fire sign Leo. This brings an opportunity for emotions to heat up, and show you what unconditional love really is. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making ammends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– June 30th: Mercury enters pre-shadow in 4° Leo
– July 18th: Mercury goes retrograde in 15° Leo
– August 11th: Mercury direct (post-shadow begins) in 4° Leo
– August 25th: Mercury exits post-shadow in 15° Leo
– September 2nd: Mercury enters helpful Virgo
☀️ Mercury Exits Post-Shadow August 25
Clarity returns. We can’t blame Mercury anymore. Themes from the recent Mercury retrograde cycle that started on March 1st are now resolving. Mercury has been direct since August 11th, and is now out of it’s post-shadow period. Communication, technology, and travel resume to normalcy.
Here is a recap of the dates:
– June 30th: Mercury enters pre-shadow in 4° Leo
– July 18th: Mercury goes retrograde in 15° Leo
– August 11th: Mercury retrograde ends (post-shadow begins) in 4° Leo
– August 25th: Mercury exits post-shadow in 15° Leo
– September 2nd: Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury enters Virgo September 2nd – September 18th
Good manners. Precision, processes, and procedures. Mercury enters helpful Virgo September 2nd – September 18th. Themes include reviewing contracts, organizing drawers, mapping out plans, adopting a pet, volunteering, and spending time in the garden or farmer’s market.
Think “minimalist” energy: what can you cut out to create more efficiency, clarity, and simplicity? Mercury rules the mind and communications, Virgo rules health, healing, organization, purification, service, helpfulness, and attention to details. What adjustments do you want to make to your routine and environment to clean things up a bit?
Mercury in Virgo supports clear, polite, and direct communication. Your helpful nature to dig into the details with others should be respected – be aware of why you are actually helping. It might surprise you. Are you people pleasing? Controlling? Manipulating? Overgiving for approval? Or simply helping. Do you have peace about your helpfulness? Anne Lamott reminds us that help is the sunny side of control. Note: the challenging side of Mercury in Virgo is being overly critical. Where does this criticism come from? Is it time to let that go?
What is your life in service to? What are you devoted to? They say you can’t rule two masters. The physical act of bowing, kneeling, or putting your hands in prayer creates a biochemical emotional and spiritual response.
Personal story from a Virgo Midheaven: Every morning, I kneel and bow while praying. Sometimes my hands are open like an offering, which is the same posture as receiving. I set the daily intention of what my life is devoted to from this place. In that way, the mundane becomes spiritual. Making the bed is an act of service to God. Keeping up with the financial spreadsheet is an act of service, etc. With the proper intention and remembrance, every activity becomes holy.
Mercury moves into sweet Libra September 18th.
Mercury enters Libra September 18th – October 6th
It has been said that every morning peace knocks on your door in the form of choices. Mercury moves into sweet Libra September 18th – October 6th. You may feel more indecisive than usual. This could be out of consideration for others and compassion for how they feel, or it could be due to people-pleasing and codependent behavior.
Libra is the only sign in the zodiac that is neither man nor animal. It’s the scales of justice. When something feels off this month, you’ll recognize it and make adjustments to rebalance. When struggles or problems pop up, notice your perspective. Get another opinion. Would you benefit from a new perspective?
Libra rules companionship, marriage, and partners. This is a great window of time to do a relationship inventory: which ones are inspiring, which ones are draining, what is it like to be on the other side of you? Let there be peace, let it begin with me.
Libra is an air sign. Mercury rules our minds. Reignite your silent meditation practice. Libra rules beauty and luxury. Mercury rules learning and transportation. Are you considering a new car, or splurging on a detail? Do you want to beautify your study area, or reorganize your bookshelf (by color, of course)?
Mercury moves into the deep waters of mysterious Scorpio on October 6th.
Mercury enters Scorpio October 6th – October 29th
Subconscious influences. Mercury moves into mysterious Scorpio October 6th – October 29th.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”― C.G. Jung.
Would it be helpful to take something off your mental to-do list, or narrow down options? What needs to be eliminated? Limitations can be helpful guidelines to force creative solutions. Scorpio helps finalize and get the job done.
Mercury is associated with communication. When in Scorpio you may be attracted to deep and intense conversations, taboo topics, secrets, and getting to the bottom of things ‘once and for all’. When communication is direct and passionate, there is a search for a deep and meaningful connection. Where can you find similarities and focus on them? A house divided will fall.
Heightened Intuition and Perception. You might notice a stronger ability to read between the lines and understand hidden motives.
Scorpio is associated with power, estates, desire, gold, secrecy, and jealousy. Ensure your side of the street is clean and that you are not creating jealousy or holding onto secrets that are poisoning you. There can be great treasures found in bringing the darkness into light when you invite Spirit to fight your battles. Spiritual therapy may be useful if you’re putting up an emotional wall, falling victim to obsessive thinking, or repeating addictive behaviors as a form of escaping pain.
Scorpio is a fixed sign. With Mercury here, you may find you’re more certain and determined. When distorted, this can be felt as self-righteousness or having blinders on. Stay curious. Even when you think you ‘know’ – stay curious about what Spirit is wanting you to know at this time. Scorpio is also a sign of prisons, redemption, and regeneration. Bob Marley reminds us in his famous line that we must emancipate ourselves from mental slavery – none but yourself can free your mind.
Scorpio is where we build our testimony. It’s where we fall, make mistakes, go dark – and then come out on the other side. It’s where we fall seven times, but get up eight. It’s where we get a new life, a death/rebirth. My grandad was wise to teach the old saying, if you’re going through hell keep going. My mentor reminds me: there is a solution to every perceived problem – it starts and ends with me and my willingness to lean into my Higher Power.
Scorpio represents taxes, death, wills, and estate planning. This is a good window to get your affairs in order. Going deeper: in yogic philosophy, the fear of death is called abhinivesah, which is also understood as a primal attachment to life. Yoga International describes abhinivesah as that which has penetrated every living being, from all around, in every respect. They also share abhiniveśaḥ has come to mean death and the fear of death because both death and the fear of it have pierced every aspect of consciousness. To become free from death, is also to become free from fear.
Mercury moves into curious Sagittarius October 29th.
✨ Mercury enters pre-shadow in Scorpio Oct 21
Defenders of the Truth. Revising, reviewing, redoing, removing, reloving. Preparing for Mercury retrograde in Scorpio/Sagittarius helps us find a part of ourselves we lost touch with over time. Mercury retrogrades for 19 days from November 9th – 29th, and the effects are felt two weeks before and after the retrograde period.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period? Re-incarnate?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period).
Quest for Truth. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. The last Mercury retrograde cycle of the year fluctuates between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This brings an opportunity to blend the yin/yang, dark/light. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making amends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– October 21st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 20° Scorpio
– November 9th: Mercury retrograde at 6° Sagittarius
– November 19th: Mercury retrograde dips back into Scorpio
– November 29th: Mercury goes direct at 20° Scorpio (post-shadow begins)
– December 17th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 6° Sagittarius
Mercury enters Sagittarius Oct 29-Nov 9, Dec 11 – rest of the year
Remember to love the adventure of life. We are here for a good time, not a long time. Studying philosophy, law, and foreign languages. Sagittarius represents the life of the party, non-traditional travel, and flexibility – go-with-the-flow this season.
Mercury moves into curious Sagittarius October 29th, then retrogrades for 19 days November 9th – November 29th. During the retrograde cycle, Mercury will dip back into Scorpio on November 19th, and stay there through December 11th.
Honest, Optimistic and Big-Picture Thinking. Communication may focus on broader ideas, and a desire to explore new perspectives or cultures. People are more blunt or straightforward, sometimes to the point of being tactless, but with good intentions. There is a strong love for learning and seeking knowledge.
In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is linked to the centaur Crotus, the son of Pan and Eupheme. Crotus was known for his skill in archery and his love of music, often accompanying the Muses. To honor his talents, Zeus placed him in the sky in the constellation Sagittarius, depicted as a centaur archer. This is a great season to learn a musical instrument – music is a universal language.
Sagittarius also rules law, lawyers, and judges. Justice prevails, even when we don’t feel like it is. We aren’t called to be the karma police. We are called to offer comfort, truth, and love. There is a spiritual plan unfolding – we don’t get to know all the answers to the mystery of this plan. Life doesn’t always get better, but we do. Mercury in Sagittarius gives us a thirst for spiritual truth.
Here are the dates:
– October 21st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 20° Scorpio
– November 9th: Mercury retrograde at 6° Sagittarius
– November 19th: Mercury retrograde dips back into Scorpio
– November 29th: Mercury goes direct at 20° Scorpio (post-shadow begins)
– December 17th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 6° Sagittarius
✨☿♐︎ Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Nov 9-29
Defenders of the Truth. Revising, reviewing, redoing, removing, reloving. Preparing for Mercury retrograde in Scorpio/Sagittarius helps us find a part of ourselves we lost touch with over time. Mercury retrogrades for 19 days from November 9th – 29th, and the effects are felt two weeks before and after the retrograde period.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde.
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period).
Quest for Truth. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. The last Mercury retrograde cycle of the year fluctuates between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This brings an opportunity to blend the yin/yang, dark/light. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making ammends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– October 21st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 20° Scorpio
– November 9th: Mercury retrograde at 6° Sagittarius
– November 19th: Mercury retrograde dips back into Scorpio
– November 29th: Mercury goes direct at 20° Scorpio (post-shadow begins)
– December 17th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 6° Sagittariu
✨ Mercury Direct in Scorpio Nov 29
Defenders of the Truth. Revising, reviewing, redoing, removing, reloving. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio/Sagittarius helps us find a part of ourselves we lost touch with over time. Mercury was retrograde for 19 days from November 9th – 29th, and the effects are felt two weeks before and after the retrograde period. We are in that two weeks after zone.
Tech glitches, communication barriers, and fogginess are normal leading up to, and after a Mercury retrograde. The two weeks before and after a retrograde period are called retroshade. The retroshade period is divided into two periods. Pre-shadow is the period before retrograde, while post-shadow is the period after retrograde (where we are now).
Visualizing Mercury retrograde and retroshade: Imagine with me a baseball field. The player running the bases represents Mercury. First, the player runs the bases in a normal (prograde/direct) order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. The retrograde period itself is like watching the baseball player run the bases backwards from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st base. Then, once the energy is direct again, the player returns to run the bases forward once more: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home. This is why you will notice planetary aspects ocurring three times (and sometimes five times with the outer planets).
During retroshade, and retrograde periods we are invited to edit, by REconsidering- all things. Redo, revise, reconsider, reimagine, reorder, rewarm, rediscover, regain, reiterate, rejoice, recalculate, rekindle, reenter, rewrite, reassemble, repeat, rearrange, etc. What re- words can you come up with for this period?
Why does Mercury retrograde effect some people more, and not others? The answer: it depends on what aspects Mercury is making to your personal chart, and which house it is traveling through.
Personalizing the retrograde: What house will this Mercury retrograde period travel through your personal chart? The theme of the house brings focus to what is being reordered in your life. It is said that if the retrograde goes through your third house, it makes for an extra hinky (and typical) retrograde period).
Quest for Truth. Each retrograde cycle has it’s own vibe. The last Mercury retrograde cycle of the year fluctuates between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This brings an opportunity to blend the yin/yang, dark/light. Are there any patterns or people to revisit with a renewed spirit? Include yourself and your inner child if making ammends during this period. You deserve your unconditional love as much as anyone else.
Here are the dates:
– October 21st: Mercury enters pre-shadow at 20° Scorpio
– November 9th: Mercury retrograde at 6° Sagittarius
– November 19th: Mercury retrograde dips back into Scorpio
– November 29th: Mercury goes direct at 20° Scorpio (post-shadow begins)
– December 17th: Mercury exits post-shadow at 6° Sagittarius

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT is a professional astrologer and spiritual development teacher based in Texas. As the founder and publisher of Spellbound, Tiffany has authored and produced several best-selling books that span from cooking to astrology, and yoga to beekeeping. She holds a Masters in Health Psychology and is a certified Master Teacher. Enjoy her Wise Skies digital astrology calendar or 40 Days of Spirit email product all year long. Connect with Tiffany on her youtube channel, podcast, retreats, or membership classes at tiffanyharelik.com.