06 Jan Your First Call with Spellbound
Here’s a Handy Checklist for your Call
Before the Call:
🗹 I have decided to work with Spellbound to produce my book and am ready to move forward with a quote.
🗹 I have sent my 1 paragraph synopsis, and completed manuscript in a word document or google doc ready for Spellbound to review for purposes of issuing a book production quote to Tiff@TiffanyHarelik.com.
🗹 I have a google drive folder of all of the images/illustrations I want to use in my book, or will have them within one month of signing a publishing contract with Spellbound. Note:
Here’s what We Will Cover in the call:
- Identify your personal goals for your book/series
- Identify genre & your spot on the “bookshelf”
- Discuss the ideal market for your work (who are your readers?)
- Identify the size of book you want to produce: (a) 5.5 x 8.5, (b) 6 x 9, (c) 8 x 8
- Identify if you would like to do paperback, hardback, ebook – or all three
- Next steps for the editing + publishing process
- Overview of our admin process: Copyright, ISBN, Library of Congress
- Confirm our plan for photos/illustrations
- Any questions you have
What to expect after the call:
Spellbound will:
- Send a publishing quote with timeline for your signature
- Send a cover questionnaire for you to complete
Author will:
- Return signed publishing contract and deposit
- Submit author bio (250 words or less) in the body of an email
- Submit back cover text (250 words or less) in the body of an email
- Submit current headshot of author – hi res – 300 dpi or higher as jpg (this can be omitted)
- Complete and return cover questionnaire
- Begin considering marketing and sales angles
It's not too early to consider marketing
Check out some of our tips on book marketing in these blog posts: