03 Nov What is a Profile? Human Design Keys
by Leisha Barnette and Tiffany Harelik
Aura Type, Strategy and Authority are the most important awareness tools to experiment with and are the foundation of living your design. Profile is also an important aspect to be aware of in the bodygraph. This awareness of the profile allows a person to step more fully into what is natural for them, their way of being, and to release what is not natural for them and not how they are designed to operate. [Do you want to take a tour of the bodygraph in our membership area? November-only]
We are here to love ourselves deeply, and this shows us the path.
What is a Profile?
Your bodygraph gives many lenses to understand and experience the true self. [New to HD? Do you want to start with this beginners article and aura type podcast episode?]
Similar to signs in astrology, a person’s Profile is like the costume they wear while learning to play specific roles in their life. Think about it like this: Profile is how we go about life. We share certain characteristics with others, like those with the same Type and Authority as ours, but Profile takes us on very different paths. A 1/ 3 Projector has a different path and way of being than a 2/ 4 Projector, for example. Additionally, we may find that we really understand and connect with others with the same profile, or the same Profile lines – even if they’re a different type.
The profile itself is not one’s purpose, it’s how the person will navigate toward their purpose,and is how they operate naturally. The profile also describes the genetic characteristics imprinted on the person, the particular angle of geometry, the unique orientation with which they came into this life. There is much to discover within one’s profile.
Your Profile has two numbers
The Profile lines are based on the six lines of the hexagram in the iChing. There are twelve potential Profile combinations. These combinations are represented by two numbers.
- 1st number – Comes from the Sun and Earth lines on the Personality side of the bodygraph [the top two boxes on the black, right side of the bodygraph]. You’re likely ‘aware’ of the expression of this number, as the black/ Personality activations in our chart are conscious. You can read the description of it below.
- 2nd number – Comes from the Sun and Earth lines on Design side [the top two boxes on the red, left side of your chart]. You’re likely ‘not as aware’ of the expression of this number in your chart, as the red/ Design activations in our chart are unconscious. You will understand it more over time as you experiment.

Profile Lines (using the House Metaphor)
(Reminder: HD has it’s own language that often doesn’t translate directly into what we use the word for in regular language.)
- Line 1 Investigator – Foundation of the house
Investigator, insecure until an authority, introspective – will listen in order to learn, research and study driven, secure foundation for what can be spread tribally, fundamentals/ details.
- Line 2 Hermit – Window on first level of the house
Hermit, the natural, internal creativity, just doing their own thing, leave me alone, shyness/ boldness, others need to break barrier first, always noticed, here to get the calling from the tribe, looking for harmony, unsure of skills until further development, about timing. Projection outward.
- Line 3 Martyr – Stairs from 1st to 2nd level (transition between levels)
Martyr, anarchist, discovering what doesn’t work, pessimistic but persistent, adaptable, bonds made and broken, must learn on their own, mutative, individual, externally creative, material plane.
- Line 4 Opportunist – foundation of 2nd floor
External influence through friendship, here to spread foundational research when it’s ready, network, social but also people fatigue, influence, friend. Externalizes foundation through network of opportunity.
- Line 5 Heretic – window on 2nd floor of house
Influence the collective, Universalization, practical (hero thru practicality), aware, can be paranoid b/c of projection, wants attention from others, capacity to universalize. Projection inward (receives), projection is seductive, projection is not what’s real – like the savior sought after.
- Line 6 Role Model – the roof outside the house
Role model, optimism, objectivity, trust themselves or not, transition to the future, living example.
Tripartite Life Force process
– first 30 years is a 3rd line experience (trying things, “mistakes”, can take that pessimism into 2nd phase of life)
– ages 30-50 we are on the roof (watching, seeing things in a new way, integrating first 30y, contemplating entire scope of things)
– 50+ we are flowering, time to come down off the roof, and be the role model by being ourselves.
The 12 Profiles
Oh! I really do have a place.
Through awareness of the profile mechanics, we can realize we each came into this life in a very specific place.
We can live against this, against our very nature, unaware, homogenized – in our thinking, being and seeing. This will bring us resistance in the form of frustration, bitterness, anger, and disappointment. And we will not live the life that is meant for us.
Or, we can live it fully in alignment, in our fullest potential as a differentiated being – thinking, being, and seeing in the unique way we are designed to. This will bring us satisfaction, success, surprise or peace. And we will feel it – finally, we will be living the life that is meant for us.
We are here to love ourselves deeply, and this shows us the path.
Enjoy the ride!
Leisha Barnette has had a successful career in the business world, helping to optimize people satisfaction, communication, and collaboration in several conscious companies. She is a masterful facilitator of transformative workshops and a perpetual learner and student of Life.
Leisha holds multiple certifications, including an Evolutionary Psychology degree and certifications in Appreciative Inquiry, The Energy Project, Project Management, Learning Design, Reiki, and the Human Design System. She is also a lover of the earth, herbal remedies, observing the world, understanding others, life enjoyment, and all things mystic.
Leisha is an avid Human Design experimenter, and uses her experience with facilitation and the art of the question to support, share, and empower those who invite her unique guidance and expression.