Weekly Forecast March 13-19, 2017

Weekly Forecast March 13-19, 2017

The skies have a lot of great energy to utilize this week. Saint Patrick’s falls on Friday, but you can use the Irish Blessing any day. The best days to get things done are Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. Hold back a little Friday if you can.

Action-driven Mars kisses the North Node early Monday Morning as the Moon enters Libra. Look for destined solutions, win-win situations and balanced approaches over a morning work-out or coffee. By Monday afternoon, Mercury will enter Aries. This is a great time to make decisions quickly, think fast, and put some real energy behind your plan on paper. A mentor of mine used to tell me that in order to grow in business, you have to keep making decisions: even the wrong ones get you that much further along if you learn from them.

Ask for insight or an intuitive dream Tuesday night, as the Sun conjuncts Chiron. This is a transit that marks destiny and major self-healing. We might see that WE (ourselves) are the cause of the problem we think we are having. We might get a major download from the Spirit realm with much-needed clues. It can be a magical evening for any healing work like massage or reiki.

Take it easy Wednesday morning with the Moon Void of Course until she enters Scorpio at 10am (CST). The coast is clear the rest of the day. With nothing remarkable in Thursday’s skies, it’s clear to do business as usual.

The Moon enters Sagittarius Friday night putting us in the mood to entertain or find a party. But Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations might not go as planned when the optimistic Sun squares pessimistic Saturn in the early evening just as the Moon goes Void of Course for several hours. Be aware that grumpy attitudes, low self-esteems, and insecurities may flare up so you can take care of yourself and side-step any negative self-talk.

Mercury conjuncts Venus on Saturday. This is a great day for performing arts, sensual connections, and sympathetic conversations. It’s a time when you can balance the head and the heart. The skies are clear on Sunday to do as you please with your time and thoughts.

Are you feeling Venus Retrograde? I’ll be honest, it hit me harder than I thought it would. Knowing the astrological playing field does not make us (me) immune to serious life events. I have heard from several people undergoing relationship and/or financial upheaval, freak accidents, and strange weather patterns. Read more about how Venus Retrograde affects your health here. If you would like a personalized 3-page report ($67) on how this Venus Retrograde is affecting your chart, email [email protected].

What are you up to this week? Leave us a comment! We would love to hear who you are and how our forecast has helped you!