Weekly Forecast June 5 – 11, 2017

Weekly Forecast June 5 – 11, 2017

Hey gang! Best days of the week are Tuesday through Friday. Lay low Monday. Not much to report for the weekend astrologically speaking, so Skies are clear to schedule as you please.

Monday – It’s a ‘case of the Mondays’ as Mercury squares the North NodeĀ and goes on to square Chiron this evening. This can make for some cranky attitudes out there when people realize things aren’t as they seem, or unhealed business rears its head for some attention. Splurge on your favorite coffee this morning and take care of your inner child’s thoughts. If you’re parenting young ones, give your kiddos some positive affirmations on the way to school. Example: I love you for who you are. I believe in you. I’m proud of who you are.

Tuesday – Sweet Venus enters her home sign Taurus AND Mercury enters his home sign of Gemini. Phew! Two of the planets that affect us most on a daily basis are snug as a bug in a rug, happily tucked into their preferred placement in the Skies. Venus in Taurus calls us to pay attention to what we value, beauty, relationships, steady action, and our finances. Mercury in Gemini energizes our thoughts, helps us with the details of life, and offers another perspective (duality).

FridayThe passionate love vibe is on high tonight with the Full Moon in Sagittarius and Venus sextiling Mars. Plan ahead to find yourself exploring an enchanted island with your beloved, going on a road trip with your lovah, or otherwise exploring things you lurve. Bonus – Jupiter goes direct today. Confession: I think of Jupiter as a Jewish mother – she has all the connections you need to make the next big change and she’s got a pot of your favorite meal bubbling over when you get home. Jupiter is full of expansion, growth, connections, over-indulging, and luck. Keep in mind that even though Jupiter goes direct today, it’s a slow-moving planet. So it may take a few weeks before you feel the luck and expansion hit your chart. Be sure to check out our Full Moon report for more information on how to utilize this lunar energy to the “fullest.”

Tiffany Harelik