19 Jun Weekly Forecast June 19 – 25
It’s Summer Solstice week! The Sun enters Cancer late Tuesday night and the Season officially changes to Summer. Then on Friday, we have a New Moon in Cancer bringing plenty of magic sparkles from the Crab. Although Cancer plays the main role this week, there is a lot of Chiron action as well, making it a good week to give your mom, your inner mom, and your inner child a little extra attention and healing.The best days of the week to schedule activities and appointments are Wednesday through Friday. Lay low when the Moon is void of course Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
The best days of the week to schedule activities and appointments are Wednesday through Friday. Lay low when the Moon is void of course Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Love: Work with the New Moon energy on Friday to cultivate a caring, nurturing relationship with your partner or shine that love you are looking for back on yourself.
Money: Allow the crazy ideas to flow Tuesday morning when Mercury sextiles Uranus. Advertise (or advocate for) yourself Wednesday morning when the Sun conjuncts Mercury.
Food: You might be craving comfort food this week, but take time to explore a new restaurant or new-to-you food Wednesday night with the adventurous Gemini Moon.
Monday – The Moon is void of course in the afternoon, which is usually a foggy time for me. I try to avoid important calls and conversations during the few hours the Moon is void of course. The big astrological event for Monday is Sun square Chiron, which happens shortly after the Moon enters sensuous Taurus. This could play out as a spiritual struggle, nervous tension, or feeling anxious about being out of control. Mercury will kiss the North Node later in the evening; gear up to take care of your mind with meditation, journaling, or a conversation with a mentor.
Tuesday – Happy Summer Solstice! The Sun will enter the sign of the Crab today marking the start of Summer, and the longest day of the year. Sweet dreams and bright ideas fill your mind early Tuesday morning with a Venus/Neptune sextile and a Mercury/Uranus sextile making it a fun time to, ahem, try something new in the bedroom? By the afternoon Mercury will square Chiron, and your inner Magician is ready to go to work, just be sure you’re using your thoughts for the greater good. As you think, so will it be. Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Take great care of your thoughts.
Wednesday – When the Sun conjuncts Mercury Wednesday morning, you may receive some important information or an interesting announcement. Variety is the name of the game Wednesday night with a Gemini Moon: schedule a new activity, take a new class, or party hop. It’s a great night to put tapas on the menu, try something new to eat, or host a potluck.
Thursday – There is nothing remarkable in Thursday’s skies, but you may be feeling the amp of up Mars squaring Jupiter on Sunday. Take caution if you feel the urge to overspend, overdo it, or overindulge in food and drink.
Friday – New Moon in Cancer! We love New Moon mapping at Wise Skies Astrology. Be sure to read the New Moon in Cancer post for the full report, but in the meantime, you can fill your Friday night with water magic by taking a healing bubble bath, curling up with a fun beach read, and making a homemade meal to nourish and nurture. New Moon wishes for the Cancer Moon can include things like protection, home life, and feelings (including empathy, overcoming moodiness, and being in touch with your feelings). Cancer rules the breasts, stomach and chest area. If you’re having any issues in these areas, the New Moon in Cancer is a good time to set forth healing intentions and prayers to attract radiant health, the energy to take action, or the path to the right healing work for your breasts and stomach. We encourage you to stay on top of your monthly breast exams this month and always.
Saturday – There is nothing remarkable in Saturday’s skies, but you may be feeling the amp of up Mars squaring Jupiter on Sunday. Take caution if you feel the urge to overspend, overdo it, or overindulge in food and drink.
Sunday – Mars square Jupiter today. If you’ve been overdoing it lately, there is some relief after the square passes today but lady luck is not on your side. So don’t gamble. Be aware of any anger that could spiral out of control, and be careful if you’re burning off some excess energy through vigorous workouts.