Weekly Forecast July 17-23, 2017

Weekly Forecast July 17-23, 2017

The climate of the Skies this week on fire with three planets moving into Leo. Where are you a natural-born leader? How can you take better care of your heart-health and passions? What sounds like fun?

The Moon will move into sensual Taurus Monday morning while Venus squares Neptune. Do you feel like your dreams are being interrupted or put on hold?  By Monday evening, Mars will square Uranus and someone has a temper tantrum out of nowhere. Don’t poke the bear Monday night and let the Skies change.

You have an opportunity to heal any miscommunications or forgive any arguments from the night before when Mars trines Chiron on Tuesday. Choose to let it go, and so it is. Venus trines Jupiter Tuesday afternoon bringing some good news in the areas of love, money, and beauty. Set forth any wishes in the areas of abundance, and be careful not to overindulge in food/drink/spending/excessive thinking.

The Moon enters Gemini Wednesday and you may want to flit through the day like a social butterfly checking on various projects, people, and in different places. Mercury trines Saturn today as well putting on green lights to get the hard work done. You know the saying – if you want to get something done, ask a busy person. Today is the day to employ that logic.

Mars enters Leo on Thursday and ‘me first’ becomes a theme for better or worse. How can you activate this energy to uplift the inner leader in you? Where do you need to take action? Whats the most loving thing for yourself? What can you do for your heart-health?

On Friday Luna enters Cancer and any mama-bear tendencies will be on high alert. Your intuition is on point, and you can rely on your gut instincts to carry you through any decisions that need to be made today.

Mercury conjuncts the North Node in the wee hours of Saturday morning and then the Sun joins Mars in Leo. Are you thinking about what you were born to do? Where can you play more? What are you passionate about? What do you need to get on the grandstand about?

We wrap up the week with a New Moon, also in Leo. Be sure to read the newsletter or check the Lunar Lore page for more insight on how to best utilize this New Moon cycle. Be prepared to make wishes in the areas of self-respect, heart-health, love, creativity, your kingdom, stamina, recognition, healing inflammation, and healing issues of pride or bossy-pants tendencies.