Weekly Forecast January 1-8, 2017

Weekly Forecast January 1-8, 2017

Venus enters Pisces Tuesday the 3rd,
Mercury enters Sagittarius Wednesday the 4th, and the Sun conjoins Pluto Friday the 6th. This is the last week of Mercury retrograde and we have a
Waxing Moon, signifying a time of growth.


The best days of the week to get things done are Monday and Tuesday.

Happy New Year Wise Skies readers!

We have a Waxing Moon to kick off the New Year, which offers good timing for anything you want to grow– such as implementing your New Year’s resolutions. This is also the last week of Mercury retrograde which takes place in the final degrees of Sagittarius, where beliefs, dogma, and rigid attitudes hold on for dear life, fighting their own extinction. As Mercury swims in the same pool with Saturn (also in Sagittarius), comings, goings, and conversations tend to be difficult and heavy. The best way to utilize this seemingly trickster energy is to ‘go back over’ items ruled by Mercury: communications, computers, and cars. For example, Mercury retrograde is an optimal time to take care of your car by proactively getting the oil changed, tires rotated and filters replaced as necessary. It’s a great time to edit (go back over) an old writing project, update your resume, or backup your data. Have the hard talks for resolution. You can often find unique sales during Mercury Retrograde as well. Since this Mercury Retrograde happens in Capricorn, if you find where Capricorn falls in your chart, you will see where to pay extra attention to details this week.

Tuesday, January 3rd: Venus enters Pisces: Rose Colored Glasses

We have this fairytale love energy gracing the skies for one full month. Venus is the planet of beauty, love, money and sensual pleasures. Between now and [end date], it’s as though you are looking at the world through rose colored glasses.

Wednesday, January 4th: Mercury enters Sagittarius: Know-it-All-Syndrome

Use care in communication, now through [date]. Mistaken assumptions trip things up. Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, meaning he is not operating at his preferred tempo. Mercury rules left-brained, quick thinking, fact-based processing, while Sag rules more broad possibilities of philosophical expansion.

Friday, January 6th: Sun conjoins Pluto

You finally get the energy to complete a project that has been lingering.

This Week in Work
  • With 2 planets having just changed signs, there is a lot of new energy, new projects, new contacts, etc.
  • A change may occur in company policies or platforms.
  • Focus on distant goals.
  • Jump in more than one occupational pool.
  • Get energized to complete a big item that has been heavy on your task-list.
  • Capricorn also rules structures and buildings, so go back over blueprints, floor plans, layouts, construction, etc.
  • Capricorn is old-fashioned and thrives with rules. Redesign or update the employee handbook, or discuss trust, rules, and healthy boundaries in the work family.
This Week in Love
  • Everything looks (and feels) a little sweeter with the rose colored glasses of Venus in Pisces.
  • Double-check all outgoing messages before licking the envelope or hitting the “send” button.
  • Pets may need more attention.
This Week in Health
  • If you are feeling unsure about a diagnosis or treatment plan, keep digging. Make sure you understand the plan before you move forward.
  • Diagnostic tests may come up inconclusive or need repeating later.
  • Use this period to research treatment options or get a second opinion.