Weekly Forecast 8/14 – 8/20

Weekly Forecast 8/14 – 8/20

Better late than never? I have had a case of the Mercury Retrogrades and am two days late on nearly all my writing assignments. I hope this post finds you enjoying a great start to this week – here’s some advice for how to finish it out:

Tuesdays’ skies bring Venus in opposition with Pluto and by Thursday she will square Jupiter. This can result in tendencies to overindulge, overspend, and overdo it in any area you are naturally prone to go overboard (and also wherever Venus/Jupiter is in your chart). That coupled with the Moon in Gemini may have you feeling that you are of two minds on a topic on Tuesday. See if you can make this double-mindedness be a blessing by utilizing the energy to do a pro and con list.

The Moon enters Cancer Thursday afternoon and you can reach for compassion, mothering, and nurturing energies. Take care of your inner child, your actual child, and be sweet to those around you.

On Sunday, Mars will sextile Jupiter, potentially energizing you to start a new class, go horseback riding, or initiate a move in the legal system. Jupiter favors anything grandiose – it could be a good time to employ the energy of Mars with the generosity of Jupiter and engage in a fun-run for charity, donate to a gofundme account, or start something big. Remember that Mercury is in Retrograde now, so while it might be a good time to ‘start’ something that you’ve been meaning to do foreverrrrr, just let it be in the planning phase for awhile. Don’t finalize the details or sign the dotted lines until Mercury goes direct.

Next week we will be talking about the Great American Eclipse, Saturn Direct and more astrological juju than you can shake a stick at. We look forward to hearing your questions in the comments.