The Astrology of Austin, Texas

The Astrology of Austin, Texas

“Welcome to Austin, Please Don’t Move Here ” and “Please don’t Dallas my Austin” are shirt slogans seen around the capitol city of Texas. We looked at the astrology of Austin to find out more about what illuminates the headquarters of Wise Skies.


Austin is the State capital. and the  county seat of Travis County.
Please note there are two charts for the city of Austin.
Incorporation of the town of Waterloo, located at the present site of Austin, was approved January 15, 1839 (1839 Republic of Texas Laws).
We are using the chart for the Incorporation as the city of Austin: Dec. 27, 1839. 

The Astrology of Austin – here are some highlights:

  • Mars/Neptune in Aquarius in the 11th – Keep Austin Weird. There is a deep appreciation for the unique and the absurd in Austin. It’s a place where people can let their freak flags fly. All are welcome in the city. And there is a tendency to create celebrity figures from curious characters around town (deep bow to Leslie). The 11th house in this chart also favors big tech groups (Dell, Samsung, Facebook, Google fiber, Amazon, Apple, SpaceX are a few that come to mind). Leadership themes of this chart are reflected with the University of Texas’ slogan: What starts here changes the world. 

  • Libra Moon – Being the capital city, a strong call for justice and fairness rings through the city’s Libra Moon. Laws are made and broken in Austin. In addition to serving as a place of justice, several citizens congregate around the capitol building for large signature city-events such as the Texas Book Festival.

  • Sun opposite Chiron – Austin is known as being the live music capital of the world. It’s true, musicians of all genres can be found on the hike and bike trial, the dive bars, and major headlining venues and festivals like Austin City Limits. The Sun’s opposition to Chiron in this chart also sheds light on the many healers, yogis, and people coming to Austin to find themselves. 

  • Aries rising with Pluto in the 1st house. People come to Austin to transform themselves, to change their lives. There is a celebration of the individual here. 

  • Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio – there is a loud focus on sexuality, and huge power-players in the city. 

  • Sun in Capricorn in 10th – There is a focus on achievement and entrepreneurialism on the city’s midheaven. Of course, as the state capitol, we will see government activity activated with this placement. 

  • Uranus in Pisces in the 12th – There is a history of strange and interesting events near the waters of Lady bird lake and Auditorium shores.  Remember aquafest? 

  • Venus in 8th – Keep Austin Beautiful is an organization that really shines. There is encouragement to keep shared spaces beautiful through various volunteer opportunities.

  • Chiron in Cancer in the 4th house – Austin wants to feed you! It’s a healing profession to be a chef, or have a restaurant in Austin. Maybe some of you may remember the food truck movement in 2000s via my cookbooks and gypsy picnic festival.

  • There are mostly water elements in this chart. The city’s hike and bike trail and greenbelt trails around lady bird lake, or boating and paddle boarding on Lake Austin, are great ways to escape the heat.
Did you enjoy this dabble into the astrology of a city? Would you like us to look at your city’s chart? Drop us an email at [email protected].
Every year from July 28th until August 12th, the Lion’s Gate portal opens, peaking on August 8th. It combines ancient astrological wisdom with numerology frequencies to open roads, clear paths, and grant wishes. The celebration of the Lion’s Gate dates back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians and Mayans.
Do you want to activate the time of your life?

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT

Tiffany is an evidential psychic medium and best selling author who specializes in finding missing people. She offers forensic mediumship, astrology, and tarot through elevated metaphysical counseling sessions at

Tiffany holds a Master’s in Psychology and has been trained by some of the world’s best mediums including Lisa Williams, Tony Stockwell, Janet Nohavec, Lynn Probert, Mavis Patilla, Colin Bates, and Stella Upton. Her corporate background includes music event management and publishing. She continues to receive ongoing education through law enforcement classes. 
When she’s not writing the astrology forecast, you can find her in the apiary, yoga studio, or midwifing new books at Spellbound Publishers.