September Skies: Astrology Forecast

September Skies: Astrology Forecast

Where are the planets guiding us? What is the Moon reflecting to us? The September astrological weather forecast provides a navigation system for living during uncertain times. Listen to the podcast and check out the lunations page for more cosmic support in September.

September Astrology Overview

September 2nd – Full Moon in Pisces
September 5th – Mercury enters Libra
September 6th – Venus enters Leo
September 9th – Mars retrograde in Aries
September 13th – Jupiter direct in Capricorn
September 17th – New Moon in Virgo [use your bagua map today!]
September 22nd – Sun enters Libra [use your bagua map today!]
September 27th – Mercury enters Scorpio
September 29th – Saturn direct in Capricorn

September is THE month to reassess, tweak, and take practical action. Do a little inventory of your year – see what’s going well, and what you want to do differently. This is an optimal time to recalibrate and actualize your core desires. Hint: honesty, acceptance, and willingness to make changes are keys to a solid, useful inventory.

Quick Housekeeping

The 2021 digital calendar is here! – If you could glance at your phone and read the astrological ‘weather’ forecast for the day, would you check it out? If so – we want to help you make the most of your day with our signature Astrology Digital Calendar.

Wise Skies Bagua – This ancient Chinese energy map is perfect for the New Moon in Virgo. Check it out!

Wednesday night classes are resuming! – If you want to develop your psychic skills, learn how to do tarot readings, learn how to read the astrology forecast and apply it to your chart, or learn about mediumship, schedule your class with Tiff here.

Do you enjoy the podcast? I’d be incredibly honored if you would subscribe and rate/review.  Consider it a virtual tip!

September 1-6: Explore behind the scenes, then shift gears.   

The week starts out calm, and increases in intensity on Wednesday’s Full Moon. Stay curious and open-minded. This is an excellent week for writing, researching, and exploring new ways of thinking.  Look back to what was going on in your life in May for any clues or spiritual signposts of what is unfolding this week. Astro Gems: Carnelian (emotional intelligence) and Pyrite (empowered stability + clarity). 

Feeling triggered? Sarcasm, abrupt changes, and rebellion are all in the air while Mercury semisquares Uranus and Venus squares Mars this week. Pause, pivot, and let some time pass before reacting. While Mercury trines Pluto and Saturn you can get much accomplished on a fact-finding mission. Set an intention for efficiency and clarity. When in doubt lay low, play it safe.

Full Moon in 10-Pisces [Wednesday, September 2nd]

Emotions are on high with a Full Moon in intuitive Pisces. Go with your gut feelings. This phase signifies the completion of a cycle wherever 10-Pisces is in your chart. Find compassion with something that has come full circle, put the finishing touches on a work of art, detox mind/body and living spaces. 

Intention: I am aligned with my soul-self, letting go of insecurities that limit my faith. 

Word to the Wise: Venus opposes Saturn while the Sun trines Uranus and semisquares Saturn during this Full Moon. Be mindful of escapism, addiction, delusional thinking, boundaries, codependency, and detachment. If you’re being rerouted, know that any delays are a blessing in disguise. Read the Full Moon forecast + ritual here.

Numerology Power Code Day [Friday, September 4th]
4*4: Master Code 44 = Creating Sustainable Abundance. 

We are offered a window in time to buckle down and take practical action towards creating our future. Envision yourself living in the highest form of prosperity in daily meditation. Use mantras to anchor your meditation. Example: I welcome prosperity into my life. Or – Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha [Salutations to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Abundance] With Mercury and Venus working together in a sextile, more ease, harmony, and flow are available to help you focus on uplifting your life.

Weekend Vibes: New vibrations

Mercury and Venus come to rest in new signs.  The subtle energies support balance and harmonious relationships – consider how you relate to people. Mercury rules our communications and thought processes and is very comfortable settling into Air-sign Libra through September 27th. You’re able to see issues from both sides. Venus governs our love languages and thrives in heart-centered Leo through October 2nd – shine your lovelight, learn each other’s love languages, and fall in love with life again.


September 7 – 13: Look for natural provision instead of forcing issues.

If your perspective is challenged this week, welcome it. Would it serve you to change the way you think/respond?  We offer blessings to those affected by 911. Consider bringing your local emergency crew a thank you card or special gift. The Sun and Jupiter create favor for you mid-week for any upgrades, road trips, publishing projects, and beneficial legal matters. Astro Gems: Red Jasper (stability + trust) and Labradorite (consciousness expansion + energetic balance).

Mars retrogrades this week as part of his six-month journey through Aries (June 28, 2020- January 7, 2021). You may feel out of touch with your body. There might be a sense of urgency to force events. Invitation: look inside instead of making things happen. Take responsibility for any issues around ego and “self” by looking at your motivations and true nature. Themes for consideration on your self-study: self-esteem, self-worth, self-delusion, self-reliance, self-responsibility, self-righteousness. Karmically, we may be playing out roles and reactions that didn’t get expressed in past lives. Take the high road for your Soul’s evolution. 

Thursday’s Last Quarter Moon in 18-Gemini is a yin phase that signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course. However, you should still remain cautious and seek to understand others. Illusions, deception, dark plots, and relationship twists are still clouding the skies while Venus semisquares Neptune, the Sun opposes Neptune, and Mercury opposes Chiron. Watch out for getting played and don’t overbook yourself. Caution lights also come on around drugs, alcohol, and temptation.

Weekend Vibes: Listen with an ear of the heart.

Venus trines Chiron under a Leo Moon: Reconciliation in love. Financial amends. All things are possible when you come from a space of love. Slow down and draw energy from inner wisdom gained during Jupiter’s retrograde cycle (May 14 – September 13). Jupiter comes out of retrograde this weekend and direct motion the rest of the year. 

Pro tip: You may find an extra dose of luck or insight wherever 17-Capricorn hits your chart by Sunday night. Intermediate scholars of the Skies: We have an excellent guide to Jupiter in Capricorn through the houses:


September 14 – 20: Your stabilizing mantra: All is well in my kingdom. 

Renewal, rejuvenation, and meaningful new beginnings. Take advantage of this high-energy phase to move forward with hopes and dreams while the Sun trines Pluto. Astro Gems: Amazonite (soothing of the mind, body & soul) and Amethyst (clarity + spiritual grounding). Pssst… Do you know about our 2020 Wish Map? It’s a freebie download:

Remain flexible. Plans change and surprise expenses can crop up while Venus squares Uranus and Mercury squares Jupiter. Skepticism, insecurity, and disbelief in the airwaves give us another opportunity to pause, pivot, and realign the details of our daily lives with the big picture of our life purpose. 

New Moon in 25-Virgo: [Thursday, September 17th]

The New Moon this week falls on an auspicious manifestation portal day. Get clear about your intentions. What is the ‘why’ behind your day to day activities? Make wishes around health, organization, and anything that requires attention to detail. 

Intention: I share my gifts with joy and precision, finding peace and vitality throughout my day. I am willing to undergo a house cleaning of the heart so that I am in full integrity with my soul-self.

Any nervous tension that crops up is due to the Sun semisquare Uranus. It’s possible some wires get crossed, or that some folks get stuck in overly critical mindsets. But with the Sun trine Saturn blessing the skies, positive change comes through committed action. This manifestation portal is excellent for selling properties, enhancing your public image, and finding purpose. (I offer career sessions for those seeking planetary guidance on their life purpose

Weekend Vibes: “The trouble is, you think you have time.” – Buddha. 

Skies are clear. That doesn’t mean easy, breezy – it just means there are no major cosmic indicators. Maybe it’s a good time to dive into a good book. Maybe you want to revisit your 2020 goals and utilize the September numerology code to check boxes. However, you choose your own adventure this weekend – make it count. The Moon in Scorpio supports you in attending to your deepest needs.


September 21 – 27: Reaping what you’ve sown.

We celebrate the equinox as the Sun shifts into Libra this week. Yet caution lights come back on as Mercury squares Pluto and Saturn. Be aware of misrepresentation and deception. If things look too good to be true, they probably are. Some are facing extreme tests of endurance. Fortify your stamina with healthy food choices and sleeping patterns.  Astro Gems:  Kyanite (alignment + yin/yang balance) and Lapis (travel, adventure + freedom).

Are you feeling some determination bubble up? Thursday’s First Quarter Moon in 1-Capricorn is a yang-phase where committed action pays off. Slow and steady wins the race. A wise woman once told me “if you go slow, you can’t hurt anything.” Backfires are more likely as Mercury opposes Mars this week. It’s time to reconcile being pulled in two directions. 

Image by cosmic collage

Equinox [Tuesday, September 22nd]

Invitation: reflect on how you are reaping what you have sown. What are the fruits of your personal harvest of accomplishments in your work or at home, or in relationships? How does your outer world express expansion of the seeds you have planted on inner levels? In other words, how are your subconscious belief patterns playing out in physical reality?

Consider also what needs to be balanced out, how you relate to people in your close circle, and what needs to be recalibrated in your relationships. Do you need to pledge non-violent communication? Get out of an unhealthy relationship? Renew your devotional vows?

Intention:  I willingly prepare for a return to greater internal stillness and a more reflective time of year. 

Bonus: The equinox falls on a Numerology Power Code Day 4*4. The Master Number 44 supports centering your Mind + Body + Spirit and rooting yourself into the tribe of humanity.  And Happy Birthday Libras! The Sun enters your sign from September 22nd through October 22nd. 

Weekend Vibes: Deep Waters.

Mercury, the planet that governs our thoughts and communications, moves into the constellation of Scorpio this weekend. With the combined force of Venus semisquare Chiron, emotions are surfacing for clearing. Dive deep into a mystery novel, explore healing arts, and do some inner-detective work. When in Scorpio, we may experience a more fixed and calculated approach to thinking through issues. People may be more blunt, and humor can be dark. You might find an interesting mystery book to explore secrets or take a lesson in learning to read tarot cards. Mercury is in Scorpio through October 28. 


 September 28 – 30: End of month review

We are likely to experience some mixed energy levels with Saturn coming out of retrograde this week. Karmically, we are seeking inner fulfillment by reviewing our achievements and goals. Now that Saturn is direct, you can reflect upon any lessons or ideas around your work-life you may have been exposed to during the retrograde period (May 11 – September 29). Make the most of this by asking yourself: Where have the last three years of your work taken you? What has become more clear? Heads up: Saturn will enter Aquarius on December 17th. 

Things get heated as Mars squares Saturn this week: accidents are more likely, and tempers flare. Stay hydrated and pack your patience. Read about the impact of Mars and Saturn on time in this article:

The silver lining comes early in the week as Venus trines Mars bringing benefits through teamwork, enthusiasm to spruce up your home, and optimism for creative solutions. The Sun opposing Chiron supports healing imbalances by finding new approaches to old issues. Astro Gems: Blue Lace Agate (healing + calm) and Chevron Amethyst (peace of mind + dream/meditation enhancement).


The numerology supports the astrology in creating order and routines to stay centered. September is a 4-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year. This is a Master Numerology Month that weaves extra efficiency, practicality, and cleanliness into the energy. The four emits a very stabilizing frequency. You may feel like minimizing, decluttering, and setting up new procedures this month. If so, we invite you to enjoy our free download on how to use the bagua to feng shui your home, garden, or workspace! 

Heads up: the downfall of too much 4-energy can result in analysis paralysis, controlling tendencies,  and overcomplicating things. If you’re noticing yourself in OCD-mode, give yourself a simple and realistic checklist to systematically work through each item. Flexibility is your friend under volatile Skies.

Looking ahead

October Astrology Power Days
October 1st – Full Moon in Aries
October 2nd – Venus enters Virgo
October 13th – Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, Libra
October 16th – New Moon in Libra
October 22nd – Sun enters Scorpio
October 28th – Retrograde Mercury enters Libra, Venus enters Libra
October 31st – Full Moon in Taurus (rare Blue Moon)

September Journal Prompts

  • When do I feel most efficient? What can I do to declutter my life? Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.
  • What does “building a solid foundation” look like to me? Am I willing to take action on a daily basis this month towards establishing stability?
  • Am I working smarter, not harder this month? What can I do to be more efficient in my day?
  • How can I organize my day, week and month for optimized productivity and abundance?
  • What goals do I believe I can achieve in the remainder of 2020? How can I best prioritize their success?

“Space is for everybody. It’s not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That’s our new frontier out there, and it’s everybody’s business to know about space.”- American astronaut Christa McAuliffe 

Do you enjoy the monthly forecast? Virtual tips are greatly appreciated through venmo @Tiffany-Harelik or Paypal:

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT offers astrology, mediumship, yoga, and tarot sessions. She uses the Golden Tarot deck combined with yogic philosophy and her lineage of Russian mysticism to address your concerns through practical advice. She holds a Masters degree in Health Psychology and founded Spellbound Publishers, a metaphysical book company. She owns and operates Wise Skies. Follow her work at