Sagittarius New Moon – Dec 17/18th

Sagittarius New Moon – Dec 17/18th

Set your career and lovelife on fire with this Sagittarius New Moon! 

It’s been a tough year for many: you’re not in the mood for BS, and the truth is becoming more and more clear with each passing day. The New Moon in Sagittarius provides some much-needed optimism and hopeful energy. This Moon can be an exciting firestarter to help you ignite some things you’ve been dying to do, but no Lunar activity operates in a vacuum. There are several other things to consider with the chart of this New Moon. Let’s explore this together…

Luna conjunct Saturn in Sag: Get to Work

You can feel the call to new types of work in your bones (Saturn). If you use the Saturnian energy to get organized with your new path, you’re going to feel great. Possibly even exhausted. If you do not heed the Saturnian call to action, you can feel overwhelmed, lethargic, and depressed. This transit may even have you on the defense. The antidote to all those feelings is simple: get to work. Slow and steady wins the race.

Luna conjunct Venus in Sag: Karmic Love

This is a positive and light-hearted time for relationships and social interactions. With Saturn in this mix as well (see above), your lover might be seeking a long-term commitment.

Luna trine Uranus in Aries

This is a high-vibrational frequency that has us feeling ready for whatever the future holds. Listen to bright ideas and intuitive hunches. Get ready to move on them when Mercury goes direct December 22/23 and the fog clears after the holidays.

Let’s not forget that Saturn is moving into Capricorn on 12/19 for 3 years! 

This is the time to set up your career mojo – under the influence of the New Moon, with Saturn (the planet of work) entering Capricorn (the planet of career & acheivement). What is your masterpiece? What is your life’s work? Plant the seeds to accomplish what you came to Earth to do during this Lunar cycle and you will benefit from some extra sparkly cosmic assistance (the New Moon mojo!)

What to wish for with a Sagittarius New Moon 
Source: New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller

Take the timing seriously. The energy for wishing, focusing, and planting intention-seeds is within the first 8 hours of the New Moon. Not before. Not after. The rules are simple: handwrite on paper up to ten wishes in the below-mentioned areas. Make sure to include a feeling tone in each wish.

Honesty + Truth
Glass-half full perspective
Overcoming indulgences
Faith + Spirituality + Religion
Adventure + Spontaneity
Legal issues resolving peacefully
Best Friends + Connection
Colleges + Universities + Broadening your mind
Hips, Sciatic Nerve, Liver, Thighs

Yeah, Mercury is in retrograde… so you might want to start thinking about these early, so you have some time to edit before you make your wishes official. I apologize I didn’t give you a bigger heads up, but here are some sample wishes I’ll be making. Please share your wishes in the comments below if you’d like me to add them to our New Moon prayer field.

  • I feel vibrant and confident when facing the truth of every aspect of my life.
  • I feel deeply excited about making the commitment to love myself better.
  • I feel passionate about my podcast, youtube channel, and social media because I really enjoy communicating clearly to help inspire and educate people about the cosmic calendar on multiple platforms.
  • I am in full alignment with my upcoming trip to India.
  • My mind receives new information about astrology easily and effortlessly, so that I continue to have more to share with my clients.
  • I feel ready and open to find a Spiritual community that I really belong to where it feels like home.
  • I am open to a total and complete healing in the areas of my hips, liver, and sciatic nerve.
  • I feel total enthusiasm about how much fun we are having with every aspect of the AstroMagic membership.

Recipes ruled by Jupiter
Source: The Rulership Book by Rex Bills

Consider cooking with nourishing fats and nutritious, gentle fruits when the Moon is in Sagittarius. Here are a few foods ruled by Jupiter that you may want to put on your grocery list (the planetary power behind Sagittarius):

  • Asparagus
  • Beets – check out my recipe below
  • Berries
  • Chestnuts
  • Currants
  • Endive – check out my recipe below
  • Fats
  • Figs
  • Honey
  • Limes
  • Liver
  • Mint
  • Sage
Endive with Gruyere

Although Endive has a bitter taste, it is so good for your liver. This is an awesome recipe for when we are under the influence of Jupiter. This makes 1 serving.

1 endive
a few slices of gruyere

Remove the outer leaves of one endive, then slice it in half. Steam directly in a pan of hot water until the endive has cooked through and you can easily insert a knife. Put the cooked endive on a small pan and top with sliced gruyere. Broil in a toaster oven on 450 5-10 minutes or until the cheese has melted and slightly browned. Serve warm.

ABC salad: Avocados, Beets and Carrots with Lemon Mustard Sauce
As featured in The Live Pain Free Cookbook by Cannone & Harelik

Avocado, Beets and Carrots are the main components of the highly nutritious ABC salad. The avocadoes provide healthy protein and are high in potassium, vitamin K, folate, vitamin c, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. Beets are high in Vitamin C, potassium, manganese and folate, while the carrots provide beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B8, pantothenic acid, folate, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese. Make the beets the night before to save you time when preparing the salad the next day. This makes 4-6 servings.

2 organic beets, peeled, baked and cubed
2 organic avocados, peeled and cubed
1 cup organic raw carrots, shredded
4 ounces goat cheese, crumbled (optional)
Mustard dressing, enough to coat

Mustard dressing
2-3 tablespoons dijon mustard
Juice of one lemon

To bake the beets, first wash them thoroughly. Wrap them individually in aluminum foil. Bake on 400 for approximately one hour. Allow them to cool and remove the skin.

Cut the beets and avocados into cubes, and place in a large mixing bowl. Add shredded carrots and goat cheese if you are using the cheese.

In a separate bowl, whisk dijon and lemon juice together. Pour mustard dressing over the bowl of vegetables and toss to thoroughly combine. Serve at room temperature or slightly chilled. The salad will keep 2-3 days in the refrigerator. The lemon in the dressing will help prevent the avocado from browning.