16 Jun Q3 Astrology Forecast
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Q3 Themes July-September
This is a season of revisiting themes around romance and finance.
For help making decisions, here is a useful checklist.
Venus squares Uranus three times during her retrograde cycle: things feel unpredictable with love and money. What to watch:
- Compatibility for people from different age groups
- Celebrity engagements and breakups
- The stories we tell ourselves around love and money are evolving, and shocking
- Be prepared to use savings for unexpected expenses
- This is not an ideal season to travel for pleasure, elective surgeries, or changing appearance
July 2023: A wild ride
July Intention: I experience adventure, freedom, and inner peace.
Theme: Unprocessed emotions may surface. We are learning to be okay in the highs, lows, stillness, and adventures of life – trusting that we are exactly where we are meant to be.
- Venus and Chiron retrograde. This period influences a return of past loves, or unrequited love. It is not an ideal time for pleasure-seeking travel.
- The nodes shift signs, creating a new 18 year cycle.
- Unpredictable Skies: Unexpected expenses and surprise visits are likely June 2nd as Venus squares Uranus, and Mercury squares Uranus on the 23rd.

July Classes at Wise Skies: Inner Visions
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July Numerology
July is a 5-Month in a 7-Year. If you worked with the organizational energy of the 4 in June, July is a great time to expand and get creative from all the structures you have firmly in place. This is your month to create mini adventures in the mundane— and play! Just be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Distractions and inconsistency may pull you in several directions. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask yourself: what do I want to be free from? What do I want to be free for?
Big energy on Day 1
The first day of the month sets the tone.
Powerful new vision. Listen for downloads, bright ideas, good news, opportunities, clarity and focused communication. What kind of memories are you making? What needs to be reworked and will be even more powerful under the new vision? Sun/Mercury Cazimi sextile Jupiter.
July 3: Full Moon at 11°Capricorn: How are you taking care of your future self?
Look for signs and symbols from Spirit on themes around ambitions, public figures, your contribution to society, any long-term goals that the sea-goat can help you conquer in real life ‘on land’ and subconsciously ‘at sea.’ Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time. Be aware of excess energy—emotional tides are high.
Celebrate Progress. This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 9-12-Capricorn is in your chart. Look for completion in 9 months:
- January 2, 2022 New Moon 12-Capricorn: A new cycle began
- October 3, 2022 First Quarter Moon 9-Capricorn: Something kicked into action
- **July 3, 2023 Full Moon 11-Capricorn: Pivot: More is revealed:
- April 2, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 12-Capricorn: Mission Complete
July 5-9: Rewiring:
Memories and dreams are strong influences right now. Is it time to forgive and forget? Remember this: worrying is like praying for something you don’t want. Do you want to tap into the positive creativity flowing through the Universe? Good news and new ideas are yours for the finding when you choose to change your mind. Mercury square Chiron, sexile Uranus, trine Neptune
Mars Enters Virgo: July 10 – August 27
Precision, fine tuning, health, service, procedures, and routines, are key words for Mars in Virgo. Mars rules our drive, energy, and assertiveness. Virgo rules our health, herbs, volunteerism, and orientation to details.
Mercury enters Leo: July 10-28
Mercury opposes Pluto upon entering heart-centered Leo. Who or what is taking center stage? This is an optimal window for making large announcements and getting featured. Be mindful of losing heart by hyperfocusing. Lead with the heart and keep asking yourself: is this option the most loving for all concerned? Travel is not ideal right now, and for most of the month.
July 10: Last Quarter Moon at 17° Aries
This is harvest time. Something that started 2.5 years ago is now coming to fruition. Notice: what feels complete now? This Moon marks wisdom, experience, and seasoned perspective. Can you provide awards, a pay off, or recognition for something that is concluding? In health, Aries rules the head, blood, and arteries.
July 12-14: Change of plans.
Remember this: life is happening from you, not to you. Let problems become ‘medicine,’ and listen for the truth. Take nothing personally, yet take full responsibility for your soul’s evolution. One door closes and another opens. Follow your intuition. What’s encouraging you forward? Sun square Chiron, sextile Uranus
July 17: New Moon at 24°Cancer, Nodes Change Signs
New Moon Intention: I love how I feel at home.
Creating intentions around: home, family, real estate, emotional healing, intuition, personal space, control-tendencies, and home-cooked meals. This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time wherever you have 24-Cancer in your birth chart.
Sabian Symbol: Dark shadow or mantle thrown suddenly over the right shoulder.
Moon Family Story: A New 2 ½ year long story begins.
- **July 17, 2023 New Moon 24-Cancer: A new cycle
- April 15, 2024 First Quarter Moon 26-Cancer: Poised for action
- January 13, 2025 Full Moon 23-Cancer: Pivot: more is revealed
- October 13, 2025 Last Quarter Moon 20-Cancer: Mission Complete
The Nodes Shift from the financial polarity of Scorpio/Taurus (inflation/recession) to the relationship polarity of Libra/Aries (me versus we). The Nodes were last in Libra/Aries September of 1939 – May of 1940, and symbolized a time of war. The nodes tell a tale of past and future karmas—predestined events. Free-agency, chosen partnerships, and compromises between the true-self, the not-self, and the self-in-partnership. With Mercury squaring Jupiter, and the New Moon, this is an ideal day to realign with your heart of hearts. Is the micro matching up with the macro? Can we be at peace even now?
July 20 – 22: Sacred Contracts
Listen to your heart. Focus on creativity. Honor sacred agreements. Souls we are linked with in our destiny show up this week and we may experience tension, or increased responsibilities with the special people. Seek to understand. Rework an old art project. We all deserve more unconditional love, not less. What does transcendence and forgiveness look like in your life? Sun trine Neptune, opposite Pluto, square the Nodes; Mars Opposite retrograde Saturn; Mercury trine Chiron
Sun enters Leo: July 22 – August 23
Happy Birthday Leo! We can all tap into our confident, creative, starpower, leadership-Leo vibes.
July 23: Red alert
Disruption of peace, ideas, and fixed plans. This is not a good time to travel, make decisions, or buy electronics. Be prepared to calm your nerves if triggered. Replace caffeine with water today. There’s more to the story than meets the eye. Mercury squares Uranus as Venus and Chiron retrograde. Safety first.
Venus Retrograde in Leo: July 23 to September 4
This period influences a return of past loves, or a reignition of romance in current relationships. Venus retrograde can generate Mars-like activity – notice if you’re feeling particularly hot and bothered during this period :). Other themes include celebrity crushes, and making money moves.
Chiron Retrograde in Aries: July 23 to December 27, 2023
This marks a period of revisiting tools and techniques for self-discovery, self-help, and self-healing. We are so honored you’re here!
July 25: First Quarter Moon at 2° Scorpio: Shift Gears
This yang phase signifies it’s time to take action (not contemplate). What pressures are working in your favor? Look back to events that were seeded by the New Moon in this sign (9 months ago).
July 27 – 28: Major turning point
The Skies encourage you to focus on your quality of life. Good energy is here to help resolve issues, and find harmony. If needed: it can be a time when you unplug yourself from living someone else’s program and reset your internal peace. Work with this return to love up to one day at a time. Pluto Square the Nodes, Mercury conjunct Venus
Mercury enters Virgo: July 28 – October 4: Minimalism
Bring extra precision to processes and procedures. It’s also an ideal window of time to create contracts, organize drawers, map out plans, adopt a new pet, and spend time in the garden or farmer’s market. Think “minimalism” energy: what can you cut out to create more efficiency, clarity, and simplicity? Mercury rules the mind and communications, Virgo rules health, healing, and attention to details.
August 2023: No Place Like Home
August Intention: I enjoy feeling at peace in my body, and nourished in my home.
Theme: Make home a place you run to, not away from.
- Mercury joins the retrograde party with Venus and Chiron. This period influences a return of past loves, or unrequited love. It is not an ideal time for pleasure-seeking travel. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 23—September 15.
- Unpredictable Skies: Unexpected expenses, breakthroughs, and surprise visits are likely August 9th as Venus squares Uranus, and Sun squares Uranus on the 15th.
- Two Full Moons on the 1st and 31st; the one on the 31st is known as a “Blue Moon.”
August Classes: Lion’s Gate
Aug 5th: Lion’s Gate (12p CST)
Aug 10th: Tribal Channels 1 in HD (12p CST)
Aug 17th: Automatic Writing (6p CST) – **This one is pre-recorded, not live
August Numerology
August is a 6-Month in a 7-Year: Emotional Intelligence. Focus on the heart, unconditional love, nesting, nurturing, and compassionate self-care this month. Keep asking yourself: what’s most loving for me?
Big energy on Day 1: The first day of the month sets the tone.
Strong energy – where do you want to go big? This is a beneficial time full of good mojo and big magic but it comes with increased responsibilities. Where do you need to step up, even if you’re not feeling recognized? Mars Trine Jupiter, Mercury opposite retrograde Saturn, Full Moon
August 1: Full Moon at 9° Aquarius: Pivotal Vision
Intention: I am proud of my progress and experience futuristic solutions with ease.
This Moon brings liberation from the crazy-making side of life. What groups, ideas, and friends do you need to separate yourself from? Creating a little space for yourself to unplug can be part of your self-care plan this month. Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is being discovered at this time. Be aware of excess energy—emotional tides are high.
Celebrate Progress. This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 9-Aquarius is in your chart, and look for completion in 9 months:
- February 1, 2022 New Moon 12-Aquarius:A new cycle
- November 1, 2022 First Quarter Moon 8-Aquarius: Poised for action
- **August 1, 2023 Full Moon 9-Aquarius: Pivot: More is revealed
- May 1, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 11-Aquarius: Mission Complete
August 2 -11: Unpredictable Skies
- August 4: Mercury enters retroshade, creating communication fog during an already confusing Venus retrograde cycle. What is being renegotiated and reorganized?
- August 4-6: Savings and moderation are important. There is a tendency to overspend while the Sun squares Jupiter, but watch out for surprise expenses the first few weeks of August.
- August 8: Last Quarter Moon at 15° Taurus: Harvest time. Something that started 2.5 years ago is completing it’s journey now. This Moon marks wisdom, experience, and seasoned perspective. Bills are due—it’s time to pay things off and provide recognition for jobs well done.
- August 9-11: Surprises! The gift of unpredictable times is that we can rely on our faith, and learn to trust ourselves. This is not an ideal time to be spending if you can avoid large purchases. Venus Square Uranus, Mercury trines Jupiter
- August 12-14: Love is in the air! Think creature comforts, relaxation, date nights, and delicious connections. Sun and Venus [Cazimi] trine Chiron
- August 15: Rebel moves! Will we see some unexpected proposals and breakups in the media? This excitable and disruptive energy is sure to be seen in the headlines. Sun squares Uranus, Mars trines Uranus.
August 16: New Moon at 23°Leo: Be the star of your life – even if it’s a little messy at times.
Intention: I love life when I let my heart lead.
Set intentions around leadership, having fun, creative projects, romance and passion. This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time wherever you have 23-Leo in your birth chart. Help is on the way! The Sun trines the North Node bringing good karma, purpose, and destiny in right behind this Moon on the 19th.
Sabian Symbol: An untidy unkempt man.
This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle over the course of four Moons:
- **August 16, 2023 New Moon 23-Leo: A new cycle
- May 15, 2024 First Quarter Moon 25-Leo: Poised for action
- February 12, 2025 Full Moon 24-Leo: Pivot: More is revealed
- November 12, 2025 Last Quarter Moon 20-Leo: Mission Complete
August 23 – 24: Bittersweet restoration
Are you feeling the need to get away or escape? The Skies support an opportunity to detach with love. It’s possible to find unexpected expenses as part of the letting go process. Autoimmune issues and medical mysteries may flare up during this time. What do you want to be free from? What do you want to be free for? Venus Square Jupiter, Mars opposes Neptune
Sun enters Virgo: August 23 – September 23
Happy Birthday Virgo! We can all tap into our hard-working, highly organized, service-oriented Virgo vibes with you this month.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 23—September 15: Patience
Revising eating and workout patterns can be a good use of this cycle. There’s lots to think about – stay curious and open-minded for the best possible solution. Be prepared to upgrade electronics, vehicles, and communication styles. Mercury will exit the post-shadow period September 30, 2023, and retrogrades again December 13—January 1, 2024.
August 24: Energy boost: ready to make a change?
What opportunities is life bringing you to respond to? Mars trines Pluto under a First Quarter Moon at 1°Sagittarius. Don’t push or force issues right now—*strategise*. Actions taken now will have big results. This yang phase represents a turning point and a time to do something. What pressures are working in your favor? With the Sun opposing Saturn on the 27th, there’s a tendency to make hard going of life. Instead: be mindful of how you handle challenging situations.
Mars Enters Libra: August 27 – October 12
Strategise with diplomacy. Indecision is more likely right now because we are capable of seeing multiple perspectives. This is a good thing – just wait. Stay true to yourself.
August 29: Uranus Retrogrades in Taurus
You may find yourself more hungry than usual. This is your body’s way of grounding and seeking comfort. Plan a healthy, home cooked meal to stay satiated and signal safety to your body. Go easy, let the dust settle as times change in food and finances. Uranus will remain retrograde for the rest of the year—and will return to direct motion January 27, 2024.
August 31: Full Moon at 7° Pisces: Psychic Illumination
Intention: I enjoy feeling the full experience of my soul-aligned-self.
Trust your gut and stay grounded. Emotions, creativity, and escapism are on high with a Full Moon in intuitive Pisces. Do you want to find compassion with something that has come full circle? Set intentions around healthy boundaries, finishing an inspiring book or movie series, detoxification of the mind, body, and living spaces—and wrapping up anything that no longer serves your higher purpose. Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time. Be aware of excess energy—emotional tides are high.
Celebrate Progress. This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 9-12-Capricorn is in your chart. Look for completion in 9 months:
- March 2, 2022 New Moon 12-Pisces: A new cycle
- November 30, 2022 First Quarter Moon 8-Pisces: Poised for action
- **August 31, 2023 Full Moon 7-Pisces:Pivot: more is revealed
- May 30, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 9-Pisces: Mission Complete
September 2023: Soul Alignment
September Intention: I find fulfillment in self-development.
Theme: Staying curious about the spiritual breadcrumbs on your path.
- Venus and Mercury direct: what have we learned from Leo and Virgo?
- Unpredictable Skies: Unexpected expenses, breakthroughs, and surprise visits are likely September 29th as Venus squares Uranus, and Sun squares Uranus on the 15th.
September Classes: Equinox Alignment
Sept 2nd: The Midheaven & Your Purpose (12p CST)
Sept 7th: Tribal Channels 2 in HD (12p CST)
Sept 21st: Psychic Senses: Seeing & Knowing (6p CST)
September Numerology
September is a 7-Month in a 7-Year: Soul Quest. The energy of the double 7 encourages personal reflection and insight. We all get to have ‘life lessons’ – what are yours?
Big energy on Day 1:
The first day of the month sets the tone.
With no planetary aspects, we can look to the Moon in Aries for guidance. Let this be a month of starting things that you don’t have to finish. Do you want to?
Venus Direct in Leo on the 3rd: Love and Money
As Venus returns to direct motion after being retrograde since July 23, more clues are revealed about romance, and finance. Heads up: Venus will be in shadow period until October 7, 2023. Clarity returns this Fall.
September 4: Jupiter Retrogrades in Taurus
On this day, Mercury will trine Jupiter creating good news – look for the wins! Jupiter acts like a mini-Saturn in the Skies, helping us bring awareness (yet again) to our financial responsibilities, as well as what needs to be restructured in our budgets and diets. Jupiter is retrograde September 4 – December 31, 2023.
September 6: Information wizardry
Listen for downloads, bright ideas, good news, clarity and focused communication. This is harvest time. Something that started 2.5 years ago—is now coming to fruition. CAZIMI Sun conjunct Mercury + Last Quarter Moon at 14° Gemini
September 8: Bring it!
What big opportunities are being presented? The Sun represents the self, vitality, and our unique way of shining. It is trine, a positive aspect, to Jupiter—the archetype of guru, professor, world traveler. Where can you expand your world?
September 14: New Moon at 21°Virgo
Intention: It feels good to be thoroughly organized and create healthy routines.
Create intentions around: health, service work, data organization, pets, traditions, everyday maintenance, routines, and anything that requires attention to detail. This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time wherever you have 21-Virgo in your birth chart.
Sabian Symbol: A royal coat of arms.
Moon Family Story: This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle over the course of four Moons:
- **September 14, 2023 New Moon 21-Virgo: A new cycle
- June 14, 2024 First Quarter Moon 23-Virgo: Poised for action
- March 14, 2025 Full Moon Eclipse 23-Virgo: Pivot: more is revealed
- December 11, 2025 Last Quarter Moon 20-Virgo: Mission Complete
September 15: Mercury Direct in Virgo
What needs to be renegotiated? Mercury is direct, but will remain in retroshade until September 30, 2023. Sparks may fly today! Sun Trine Uranus, Mercury will retrograde again in Capricorn on December 13, 2023.
September 16-20: Renewal, safety first
An uplevel is in order. Know this: whatever isn’t evolving, is dissolving. Do you want to let it? Are you feeling the need to get away or escape? The Skies support an opportunity to detach with love and find renewal within. It’s possible to find unexpected expenses as part of the letting go / new creation process. Gossip and rumors may flare up during this time – don’t believe everything you think/hear. What influences do you want to be free from? What projects do you want to be free for? Venus Square Jupiter, Sun opposes Mars/Neptune, Sun trine Neptune/Pluto
September 22: First Quarter Moon at 29°Sagittarius: Time to Boogie
This yang phase signifies it’s time to take action (not contemplate). What pressures are working in your favor?
Sun Enters Libra: September 23 – October 23
Happy Birthday Libra! We can all tap into our harmonic, diplomatic, and double-trouble-Libra vibes with you this month. Venus (which governs Libra) trines Chiron upon this ingress, bringing an unexpected blessing. Look for extra good news through the 25th Mercury trines Jupiter.
September 29: Full Moon at 6° Aries: Self-Illumination
Intention: I forgive my past, I enjoy the present, and I trust the future is aligning in perfect order.
Set intentions around wrapping up anything that no longer serves you, removing any blocks to new beginnings, and removing anything that hinders your confidence and clarity. What are you learning about yourself under the light of the Full Moon? it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen about yourself at this time. Be aware of excess energy—emotional tides are high as Mercury moves out of shadow in trine to Uranus. Stay open to chance encounters and a unique swirl of experimental energy!
Celebrate Progress. This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 6-Aries is in your chart. Look for completion in 9 months:
- April 1, 2022 New Moon 11-Aries: A new cycle
- December 30, 2022 First Quarter Moon 8-Aries: Poised for action
- **September 29, 2023 Full Moon 6-Aries: Pivot: more is revealed
- June 28, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 7-Aries: Mission Complete

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Tiffany is an evidential psychic medium, astrologer, and best selling author. She holds a Master’s in Psychology and has been trained by some of the world’s best mediums including Lisa Williams, Tony Stockwell, Janet Nohavec, Lynn Probert, Mavis Patilla, Colin Bates, and Stella Upton. When she’s not writing the astrology forecast, you can find her in the apiary, yoga studio, or midwifing new books at Spellbound Publishers.