23 Mar Q2 Astrology 2023
Q2 Themes April-June 2023
We are called in a new direction this Spring. One door closes and another opens. Ask for help and receive it in April. Health and Wealth are the priority in May. New commitments made under the May 19 New Moon are setting the foundation for something to last a lifetime. June is ideal for fine tuning and restructuring.
Important Dates to Watch:
Best dates: April 24, May 13-15, June 28
Pivotal dates to take caution: April 3 and 20, May 17, June 11 and 25
Significant Eclipses: April 20 at 29°Aries and May 5 at 14° Scorpio
The Sun and Mercury move through Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer – with Mercury taking a retrograde cycle April 21-May 15.
– Venus is a little ahead of the Sun and Mercury – traveling through Gemini, Cancer, and Leo before going on to her retrograde July 23-Sept 4
– Mars moves from Gemini (finally) to Leo
– Neptune and Pluto retrograde
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April 2023
April Intention: I experience balance, harmony, and reciprocity in myself, all of my experiences.
April Numerology 2-Month in a 7-Year:
Relationships. Connecting the seen and unseen, harmonious interactions, give/take. Watch out for people-pleasing tendencies and codependent behaviors.
Mercury enters Taurus: April 3 – June 11: Quiet the Mind
Practical, down-to-Earth, conservative, dependable. Watch out for any stubborn, or bull-headed tendencies and replace them with this consideration: What thought do I need to think in order to feel solid?
Mercury square Pluto: April 3: Caution lights
Be aware of misrepresentation, misunderstanding, and deception. If things look too good to be true, they probably are. This is NOT an ideal time for travel, important communications, nor decisions. Let time pass. Pause and meditate when agitated.
Mercury sextile Saturn: April 5: Mentorship
Clear your mind, clear your heart – get ready to learn. The student becomes the teacher and vice versa. This is a great transit to work with when you need to come across as an authority, or step into the authority of your own life. It’s also optimal for studying your family lineage, working with people who are older and wiser, and negotiating long-term deals. Know this: Sometimes silence is the best teacher. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs April 5, May 12, May 19, December 2, and December 21.
CAZIMI Sun conjunct Chiron: April 5: The value of witness mentality
The Buddha said, “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Embrace healing through yoga, meditation, and breath work. Read more about cazmi here: https://tiffanyharelik.com/cazimi-a-magical-moment/
Full Moon at 16°Libra April 6, 12:34am: Relationship-Illumination
Intention: I feel balanced, inside and out.
What needs to pivot? Libra rules partnerships, integrity, and fairness. It’s time to balance the scales in your own heart. Reminder: this is an inside job of forgiveness and grace. Celebrate your Progress, and look for a feeling of completion next January. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 13-16-Libra is in your chart.
Libra Moon Family Story: This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle.
October 6, 2021 New Moon 13-Libra: A new cycle
July 7, 2022 First Quarter Moon 14-Libra: Poised for action
**April 6, 2023 Full Moon 16-Libra: Pivot: more is revealed
January 4, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 13-Libra: Mission Complete
Venus Sextile Neptune: April 7: Creative Streak!
Art, music, philanthropy. Find your creative outlet. This is an ideal time to launch a new book, start a music tour, raise money for a cause, or escape from it all on a romantic getaway.
Mercury sextile Mars: April 8: Power writing
Decisiveness and clear thinking. Take time to write, journal, and process large amounts of information quickly. Mercury considers, Mars fuels: consider writing a personal mission statement to understand what drives you. Or take some time to generate a ton of content. This occurs three times this quarter: April 8 and 23, and June 21.
Venus enters Gemini: April 10 – May 7
Sometimes we feel caught in the middle. There can be a push/pull dynamic in our relationships and finances while Venus is in flirty Gemini. When we are unclear on the inside, it shows up as confusion on the outside. Get chatty to find solutions.Who can you talk things out with?
Venus trine Pluto, CAZIMI Sun Conjunct Jupiter: April 11: Magnetism
Feeling the magnetism? There is new life in relationships. Hearts are wide as the world right now. Access the magic of the Heart. Find your imaginary meditative temple of love.
What you focus on feeling (good or bad) will increase. Read more about cazmi here: https://tiffanyharelik.com/cazimi-a-magical-moment/
Venus square Saturn: April 14: Responsibilities
Beware of overcommitting right now with time, expenses, and people. Adjust your attitude to take on responsibilities with love. Where can you be of service to the elders in your life? What do you need to set straight (inside yourself)?
Sun enters Taurus, squares Pluto: April 20 – May 21
Happy Birthday Taurus! The strength of the Skies inspires stabilization of any area that feels uncertain or shaky. Pack your patience and avoid the temptation to force issues and opinions while the field is irritable, restless, and discontent. Don’t stop before the miracle happens.
New Moon at 29°Aries [Solar Eclipse]: April 20, 12:12am: An expansive new personal journey begins
“New Moon Eclipse Intention: I embrace my light, and highest potential in this life.
– Jupiter and North Node are conjunct this eclipse pivotal moments of expansion
– Uranus is conjunct Mercury / Mars sextile Mercury – aha moments of great insight
– Pluto squares the eclipse bringing intensity and moodiness over what’s lost
A New 2 ½ year Cycle Begins. Plant seeds around: yourself, a new purpose, starting a new project or adventure with fresh eyes. This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 29-Aries in your birth chart. Remember that eclipses are big energy portals that can feel like we’re fitting years into days.
Sabian Symbol: A duck pond and its brood.
Moon Family Story: This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle over the course of four Moons.
**April 20, 2023 New Moon 29-Aries: A new cycle
January 18, 2024 First Quarter Moon 27-Aries: Poised for action
October 17, 2024 Full Moon 24-Aries: Pivot: more is revealed
July 18, 2025 Last Quarter Moon 25-Aries: Mission Complete
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: April 21 – May 15: Patience & Flexibility
Communication, travel, and electronics have a way of going haywire during Mercury retrograde – stay patient as times change. Renegotiate finances and recommit to your physical health. Mercury will go direct May 15th, and exit it’s post-retrograde-shadow period June 1, 2023.
Mercury sextile Mars: April 23: Power writing
Decisiveness and clear thinking. Take time to write, journal, and process large amounts of information quickly. Mercury considers, Mars fuels: consider writing a personal mission statement to understand what drives you. Or take some time to generate a ton of content. This occurs three times this quarter: April 8 and 23, and June 21.
CAZIMI Sun Conjunct North Node: April 24: The Universe has your back
Follow the green lights, pay attention to the red lights. What is wanting to happen through you? Where can you lean into your special privileges?
Mars Square Chiron: April 27: Perseverance and Faith
Challenging issues around important men in your life may pop up. If one of us is unhealed, a fraction of all of us are unhealed. Do you want to try the hoponopono prayer? “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”
Mars sextile Uranus: April 29: You’re seeing the situation clearly
Pedal to the metal. Spontaneity and impulsivity can be a good thing during this transit. Go where the wind takes you to get inspired!
May 2023
May Intention: I am inspired by creativity, clarity, and connection. I feel a renewed sense of charisma and purpose throughout the month, and easily stay focused on the tasks that are most important to my highest calling.
May Numerology 3-Month in a 7-Year:
Connection. Creativity, communication and charisma. Write. Draw. Tap into a state of childlike wonder and playfulness to find your unique inner vision. Be careful to not overcommit or overdo it under this extroverted energy.
Pluto Retrograde: May 1 – October 11
Pluto moved into Aquarius in March, where it will spend 20 years revamping our technologies and the layout of our communities. However, when Pluto retrogrades (May 1 to October 11), it will dip back into Capricorn on June 11. Pluto direct helps us face external challenges. Pluto retrograde helps us face internal, deeply personal challenges. Who are you becoming?
CAZIMI Sun conjunct Mercury: May 1: Information wizardry.
Listen for downloads, bright ideas, good news, clarity and focused communication. With Mercury retrograde you might also consider: What kind of memories are you making? What needs to be re-worked and will be even more powerful under the new vision? Read more about cazmi here: https://tiffanyharelik.com/cazimi-a-magical-moment/
Venus square Neptune / sextile Jupiter: May 4: False securities
Feeling spontaneous and also impressionable? There is a tendency to see the potential instead of accepting what actually is. Although you’re tempted to roll the dice, this is not a good time to make life altering decisions.
Full Moon Eclipse at 14° Scorpio: May 5, 1:33pm: Transformation-Illumination.
Intention: I choose healthy attitudes, behaviors, and experiences with integrity and honesty.
Scorpio rules sex, death, and taxes, life’s mysteries—and the deepest human bonds. You may notice your spidey-senses and psychic nature being enhanced rapidly. Give yourself plenty of breathing room during an eclipse. It can feel like we are living 100-days in 24-hours.
Set intentions around the ability to execute or finish projects, transcendence, closure on unhealthy obsessions, overcoming addictions—and wrapping up anything that no longer serves you, removing any blocks to new beginnings, and removing anything that hinders your confidence and clarity. Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time.
Scorpio Moon Family Story: This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 12-14-Scorpio is in your chart. Celebrate your Progress.
November 4, 2021 New Moon 12-Scorpio: A new cycle
August 5, 2022 First Quarter Moon 13-Scorpio: Poised for action
**May 5, 2023 Full Moon 14-Scorpio: Pivot: more is revealed
February 2, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 13-Scorpio: Mission Complete
Venus Enters Cancer: May 7- June 5: Home vibes
Keep asking yourself: how do I feel? Getting in touch with your emotions and nesting are important themes.
CAZIMI Sun conjunct Uranus: May 9: Aha moments
Notice a little extra energy? Even though this is regarded as a positive transit full of energy, this is NOT a good time for travel or working with mechanical/technical issues. Stay grounded and let the ideas flow. Read more about cazmi here: https://tiffanyharelik.com/cazimi-a-magical-moment/
Mercury sextile Saturn: May 12: Mentorship
Clear your mind, clear your heart – get ready to learn. The student becomes the teacher and vice versa. This is a great transit to work with when you need to come across as an authority, or step into the authority of your own life. It’s also optimal for studying your family lineage, working with people who are older and wiser, and negotiating long-term deals. Know this: Sometimes silence is the best teacher. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs April 5, May 12, May 19, December 2, and December 21.
Mercury sextile Venus: May 12: Love letters
Ease, harmony, flow. It’s a good day for a good day. Shop the sales, find deals at vintage markets, and interesting items at garage or estate sales. Clear your clutter. It’s amazing what a clean ‘junk’ drawer can do for the mind. Note that Mercury is still retrograde. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs May 12, and June 17 this quarter.
Venus trine Saturn: May 13: Commitments in Love
You’re able to make some headway with long term goals and plans in the love and money areas of your life.
Mars Trine Neptune: May 15: Find inspiration
Do you want to get away from the grind? The desire to escape, meditate, or be somewhere else is strong. Where can you let yourself off the hook? Is there a spiritual adventure calling your name?
Mercury Direct in Taurus: Revise your revisions
Mercury is direct, but will remain in retroshade until June 1 2023. What needs to be renegotiated? What is stabilizing in your life, even if not perfectly?
Jupiter Enters Taurus: May 16 through next May 2024
Jupiter is the cosmic magnifying glass that enlarges everything Taurean and brings hope and abundance to real estate, soil regeneration, luxury items, food, and things that deeply enrich your life. You will also have opportunities to connect with a loyal and wise teacher. Globally, this is a time of financial prosperity.
Jupiter Squares Pluto: May 17: Moving mood-mountains
This is the biggest astrological transit of the year. Integrity and honesty are required to get from point A to point B. There are no ways around it – the only way is through it. Get clear about your objectives, and then stand back and let other people come to their own conclusions and truths. “If I’m honest with myself and with you, then XYZ is how I’m seeing this, and XYZ is what I’m doing about this. Do you want to share your feelings and perspectives?”
Sun Sextile Neptune: May 18: Dreams come true
Reach for new opportunities, get creative, meditate, and help others. This mystical energy can arrive a day in advance – ask for open doors, pay attention to dreams.
Mercury sextile Saturn: May 19: Mentorship
Clear your mind, clear your heart – get ready to learn. The student becomes the teacher and vice versa. This is a great transit to work with when you need to come across as an authority, or step into the authority of your own life. It’s also optimal for studying your family lineage, working with people who are older and wiser, and negotiating long-term deals. Know this: Sometimes silence is the best teacher. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs April 5, May 12, May 19, December 2, and December 21.
New Moon at 28°Taurus: May 19, 11:53am: Physical-Illumination.
Intention: I feel safe, secure, and trust my body to take me to and through correct experiences.
Planting seeds around your body, money, food, perseverance, feeling grounded, and letting go of stubbornness. This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 28-Taurus in your birth chart.
Sabian Symbol: Two cobblers working at a table.
Moon Family Story: A New 2 ½ year Cycle Begins. This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle over the course of four Moons:
**May 19, 2023 New Moon 28-Taurus: A new cycle
February 16, 2024 First Quarter Moon 27-Taurus: Poised for action
November 15, 2024 Full Moon 24-Taurus: Pivot: more is revealed
August 16, 2025 Last Quarter Moon 23-Taurus: Mission Complete
Mars Enters Leo: May 20-July 10 Creative self-expression
Being YOU makes an impact. Use discernment when self-promoting – there’s a time, audience, and place for you to lead – who is inviting you? Talk to those who see the real you, instead of beating your chest to people who aren’t on your fractal.
Mars opposes Pluto: May 20: Get strategic.
You have energy, purpose, and power – are you using it wisely? Do you want to experiment with directing your full focus with all you have, mind/body/spirit? This is a potent time for change. Are you open to seeing results?
Sun enters Gemini: May 21- June 21
Happy Birthday Gemini! We can all tap into our intelligent, friendly, curious, multi-tasking Gemini vibes through June 21.
Sun Trine Pluto: May 21: Become you.
Renewal. Upgrade. Uplevel. Positive Change. Know this: whatever isn’t evolving, is dissolving. Do you want to let it? Standing in both the light and darkness.
Sun sextile Mars: May 22: Self-improvement
Energy boost! Forward momentum and healthy self-competition. Where can you improve yourself (based on yourself, not others)? Stay hydrated, workout, don’t overdo it on the coffee.
Mars squares Jupiter: May 23: Worth fighting for
Some things are worth fighting for – but beware: it can be easy to make mountains out of molehills under this defensive energy. Your spirit is strong, use it wisely for your best karma. What do you need to shake off so that it doesn’t stick with you? Do you want to find a healthy physical outlet to funnel emotions through?
Venus square Chiron: May 24: Rewiring the heart
Pay attention to the messages of your relationships – sometimes we learn best through the lens of another (don’t be surprised if you’re feeling this a few days ahead of schedule). Sometimes this transit shows us who we need to say goodbye to, or what part of us needs to mature. Reparenting yourself: What would the best Mom in the world tell you for advice?
Venus sextile Uranus while Mars squares the Nodes: May 26: Surprise!
This is great energy to entertain, and find unique deals and connections. All things are possible. This can be a fortunate financial transit as well.
Sun squares Saturn: May 28: Life is happening from you, not to you.
Steady progress. Setbacks are blessings in disguise—they help us reset to divine right timing, instead of our own timing. Added responsibilities are likely to pile up. You might require some alone time (in your own aura) to be able to regroup and see things clearly. Do you want to make health a priority? Making time for self-care is important right now.
June 2023
Digital Astrology Calendar
2023 Workbook Journal
June Intention: It feels good to experience clarity and consistency on a regular basis. I trust the process that is unfolding through me. I believe in progress, not perfection.
June Numerology 4-Month in a 7-Year:
What can you declutter? It’s time to Focus Pocus. Get things in order on the home front and with estate planning. Minimize distractions. Take note of anything that overcomplicates your life or triggers anxiety, and be willing to clean it up. This is a great month to assess priorities and make sure daily actions match up with your bigger vision. Are there ways you can maximize your time by developing more efficient processes, protocols, and procedures? This is your month to fine-tune.
Mercury is out of Shadow: There we go. Communications, details, learning, and understanding retrurn to normal. Whatever you’ve been rewiring the last several weeks is free to operate normally. Watch for another retrograde period August 23 – September 15, 2023 in hotel Virgo.
Jupiter Conjunct North Node & Mercury out of Shadow: The Universe has your back.
A kiss from your fairy godmother. A big move. Destiny brings good news and helps you change courses with ease.
Venus trine Neptune: June 2: Eat dessert first.
Love is in the air. Work your magic in rose-colored glasses. Allow yourself a mini escape from the daily grind. Romance, fantasy, and creativity are favored.
Mercury conjuncts Uranus: June 4: Experiment
This energy favors a meeting of the minds, alternative solutions, and out of the box thinking.
Full Moon at 13° June 3, 11:41pm: Truth-Illumination
Intention: I expand my horizons through adventures that light me up.
Sagittarius rules adventures, truth, the court, publishing, teaching, and foreign affairs.
Set intentions around putting an end to excess, finalizing travel plans, finishing a course or class work, committing to a mentor or mentee—and wrapping up anything that no longer serves you, removing any blocks to new beginnings, and removing anything that hinders your confidence and clarity. Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time. Do you want to make a bold declaration for yourself?
Sagittarius Moon Family Story: This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 11-13-Sagittarius is in your chart. Celebrate your Progress.
December 4, 2021 New Moon 12-Sagittarius: A new cycle
September 3, 2022 First Quarter Moon 11-Sagittarius: Poised for action
**June 4, 2023 Full Moon 13-Sagittarius: Pivot: more is revealed
March 3, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 13-Sagittarius: Mission Complete
Venus Enters Leo: June 5 – October 8: Shine your lovelight!
Venus is in Leo encourages a louder form of creative self-expression. Heart-centered leaders are called to step up. Do you want to tap into your inner-lion, or ‘pet’ those around you with your affection? We all deserve more unconditional love, not less.
Venus Opposite Pluto and Jupiter retroshade, squares nodes: Do you feel the heat?
Sometimes things get worse before they get better. Be careful with intense interactions. Look for the helpers, the dragonflies, and the rainbows. Let time pass. This can be felt a day in advance.
Mercury sextiles Neptune: June 9: Creativity flows
This is an auspicious time to use your imagination, watch for synchronicities, listen to inspiring music, and get in touch with the magical, artistic side of life. In business, this is a positive time for launches, sales, and marketing. Are there any creative projects you’d like to work on? Trust your intuition.
Retrograde Pluto Re-Enters Capricorn: June 11: Restructuring
Old structures are crumbling, so new forms can come into being. It’s necessary to renovate things that aren’t working at a personal and tribal level. This is a significant change in the patterns of our cultures/societies, and technologies.
Mercury enters Gemini: June 11 – June 26
Gather information, take a new class, run an ad campaign, keep conversations rolling, get different angles to process ideas, get certified to teach while the planet of communication and understanding is in the sign of talking, writing, neighborhoods, siblings, elementary schools, and learning.
Venus Square Jupiter: June 11
Bittersweet. Saying goodbye to what you thought you wanted and old expectations is a healthy way of detaching with love. What’s next for you? A new person, vocation, or artistic hobby is coming into focus. What have you ‘always’ wanted to do but held yourself back from? Be careful of overspending. It’s possible you’ll have some unexpected expenses and need to tap into savings.
Mercury squares Saturn: June 15: Narrow the options
What needs to be eliminated? Limitations and delays can be helpful guidelines to force creative solutions. What is the Universe trying to slow you down for, in order to hear?
Saturn Retrograde in Pisces: June 17 – November 4: Discipline
Let your conscience be your guide. Observe where you can loosen your grip a little, and where you need to tighten up. Saturn retrograde can act like a mini-Jupiter in the Skies bringing a little extra mojo to wherever the retrograde hits your chart. This can feel equally unnerving and freeing.
Mercury sextile Venus: June 17: Love letters
Ease, harmony, flow. It’s a good day for a good day. Shop the sales, find deals at vintage markets, and interesting items at garage or estate sales. Clear your clutter. It’s amazing what a clean ‘junk’ drawer can do for the mind. Note that Mercury is still retrograde. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs May 12, and June 17 this quarter.
Sun square Neptune: June 18: Lower energy
If you feel unclear – wait for more to be revealed. Wait as long as you can wait.
New Moon at 26°Gemini: June 18, 12:36am [Happy Father’s Day!]
Intention: I communicate clearly with integrity, trust my inner voice, and work within divine right timing. I am present.
Planting seeds around: learning new skills, work or hobbies done with your hands, clear communication, travel, collecting information, social connection, and friends. This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 26-Gemini in your birth chart.
Sabian Symbol: A gypsy coming out of the forest.
Moon Family Story: A New 2 ½ year Cycle Begins. This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle:
**June 18, 2023 New Moon 26-Gemini: A new cycle
March 17, 2024 First Quarter Moon 27-Gemini: Poised for action
December 15, 2024 Full Moon 23-Gemini: Pivot: more is revealed
September 14, 2025 Last Quarter Moon 21-Gemini: Mission Complete
Jupiter Sextile rx Saturn and Venus retroshade: June 19: Growing pains
One step forward, two steps back. Growing pains. Slow and steady progress now gives big rewards later. Where are you throwing the karma boomerang? This a positive time for business and career pivots. Are you ready for more responsibility and a raise that comes with it? Venus, the planet of love and money creates a nebulous feeling as she enters a retroshade period.
Sun enters Cancer: June 21 – July 22: Homecoming
Happy Birthday Cancer! We can all tap into our traditional, nurturing, and intuitive Cancer vibes through July 22. Home and family is key. (Pssst… We have gifts and birthday readings for your Cancer at www.tiffanyharelik.com).
Mercury sextile Mars: June 21: Power writing
Decisiveness and clear thinking. Take time to write, journal, and process large amounts of information quickly. Mercury considers, Mars fuels: consider writing a personal mission statement to understand what drives you. Or take some time to generate a ton of content. This occurs three times this quarter: April 8 and 23, and June 21.
Mercury Sextile Chiron: June 21: Align the head with heart.
Talk therapy. The doors open for a deep dive into your favorite topic, as well as healing conversations.
Mars Trine Chiron: June 22: The hero’s journey
Healing rifts, moving forward. “Sometimes you’re the windshield. Sometimes you’re the bug. Sometimes it all comes together baby. Sometimes you’re just a fool in love.” -Dire Straits.
Sun sextile North Node: June 23: Many hands make light work
Where can you ask/give a little help?
Mercury squares Neptune: June 25: Red lights.
Red lights. Be aware of confusion, delusion, lies, overdoses, improper medications, freak accidents, and toxins. Things are not as they seem. More will be revealed. Take all safety precautions seriously—this transit is felt a few days in advance and occurs June 25, November 27, and December 27.
Mars square Uranus: June 26: Volatility
Feeling impulsive? Pause and go slow. The energy is ripe for misplaced electrical currents and accidentally leaving the stove on. Keep a keen eye out – accidents, errors, misfires, and eruptions are more likely right now. Take care of your pets, elderly, and littles. Play it safe.
Mercury enters Cancer: June 26 – July 10: Recharge the batteries of your heart
Talk with your family, get some new ideas around meal planning, and let someone off the hook. Notice what’s not being said: nonverbal communication speaks volumes. The challenge this season? Don’t take anything personally.
Sun trines Saturn: June 28: Manifestation portal
Harness positive change through commitment and slow and steady action. Bring the wisdom of the elders into the future, connect with a mentor (or become one), and ask for a long term commitment of yourself. What are you devoted to? This transit is also beneficial for dental appointments, legal issues, selling property, and increasing public image. It can be activated a day in advance.
Venus trine Chiron: June 29: Healing
Say yes, lean in, move through any tightness, take a yoga class, breathe deep. Opportunities for supportive relationships pop up – pay attention to who is present in your life.
Mercury trine retrograde Saturn: June 30: Working and practicing
Study, organize, pay bills, sign deals, make commitments – this is a stellar line up to be practical. Do you want to check a bunch of boxes off your list as you work efficiently towards long term goals?
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: June 30 through December 6: Imagine
This can be a time of increased psychic awareness and dream-building through imagination and reflection. Do you want to recommit to your meditation practice? Write a new song? Keep a dream journal?