23 Sep October 2024 Astrology Forecast
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
October Numerology: October is a 9-month in an 8-year: Closure, completion, tying things up. What are you integrating? Watch for a sense of urgency and overstimulation. Do you want to be careful with where you commit your time?”
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October Planetary Pathways
- THE SUN: Begins in 8° Libra, enters Scorpio on Oct 22nd, ends at 9°Scorpio
- MERCURY: Begins in 8° Libra, enters Scorpio on Oct 13th, ends at 27° Scorpio
- VENUS: Begins at 9° Scorpio, enters Sagittarius on Oct 17th, ends 17° Sagittarius
- MARS: Moves from 4- 28° Cancer
- Solar Eclipse on Oct 2nd: 10° Libra
- Full Moon on Oct 17th 24°Aries
- JUPITER: Moves from 20-21° Gemini
- SATURN: Moves from 12-14° Pisces, retrograde
- CHIRON: Moves from 20-21° Aries, retrograde
- URANUS: Moves from 25-26° Taurus, retrograde
- NEPTUNE: Moves from 27-28° Pisces, retrograde
- PLUTO: 29° Capricorn, retrograde
October 1st - 6th
October 2 | New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra
This eclipse marks a transitional moment, particularly in the realm of relationships, partnerships, and equilibrium. It’s a time to let go of old relationship patterns, establish healthier pathways to love, and embrace new beginnings with grace. The Libra influence also highlights our desire for connection and collaboration, urging us to move forward with a sense of fairness and unity.
Look at the house 10° Libra ignites in your personal chart for more information on this Moon phase family’s theme in your life.
1.♎︎ October 2, 2024, New Moon *Eclipse 10° Libra: Set intentions, a new 2.5-year cycle begins. Wait and see what unfolds.
2.♎︎ July 2, 2025, First Quarter Moon 11° Libra: Readiness to take action steps.
3.♎︎ April 2, 2026, Full Moon 12° Libra: Observe what is being illuminated – pivot if needed, then commit.
4.♎︎ December 30, 2026, Last Quarter Moon 9° Libra: Closure and completion. A time to pay up or receive payments both financially and energetically.
October 4 | Venus trine Saturn
Commitments in love feel good right now – and you’re able to make some headway with long term goals and plans in all areas of your life. This can be felt coming in a day early and occurs July 3rd and October 4th. Watch the astrology forecast closely and go with the flow – the Skies are sending mixed signals this week. Note: Mars enters shadow, and will retrograde December 6th, 2024 through February 23rd, 2025.
October 6 | Mercury square Mars
Pause when impulsive or agitated. Do you want to? Also: watch out for mechanical breakdowns. Think before speaking: is it true, is it necessary, is it kind? Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said right now? Allow room for errors, imperfections, and delays. Patience is the winning strategy. If you’re irritable, restless, and discontent – find a healthy way to channel your energy just for today. Just for this hour. Would a healthy walk help exert some energy and clear the mind? This energy can be felt a few days in advance.
October 7th - 13th
October 8 2024 | Venus trine Mars
Empowering. Passionate. Drive, energy, vitality, optimism. Working with the opposite sex, sprucing up your home (or self), and finding creative compromise. We can tap into this positive yin/yang energy up to one day in advance.
Mercury trine Jupiter
Look for the wins! Where do you want to feel success? What you focus on is expanding. There’s flow in writing, talking, and sharing information. Mercury represents ideas, Jupiter represents a megaphone. This energy can be felt a day early and occurs January 19 and October 8.
Mercury opposite Chiron
“Shifting gears. Next-level thinking. Are you aware of any old ideas and beliefs dissolving? Taking inventory of your thoughts and emotions can help you discover where your precious human energy is being spent. Do you want to meditate to clear your mind, and/or focus on positive memories? Consider radical forgiveness for yourself and others. Take a mental ‘diet’ from negative thinking a day in advance. Do you want to?
Note: Chiron is retrograde through December 29th: stay curious about themes of healers-healing, a cleansing of perspective, and deeper truths. As Ram Dass said: we are all just walking each other home.“
October 9 | Jupiter retrograde in Gemini
Jupiter retrogrades on October 9th at 21° Gemini and will turn direct on February 4, 2025, at 11° Gemini. Jupiter can influence like a mini-Saturn in the Skies while retrograde. Gemini themes include early childhood school, siblings, neighbors, classes, and the hands. If you’ve lost touch with your music abilities, this would be a good time to go back in and learn/practice the scales. Or if there is another class you’d like to do more coursework in, this is a time to rewire your foundation. What do you want to learn?
October 10 | First Quarter Moon at 17° Capricorn
A turning point: an opportunity to walk your talk. This yang phase signifies it’s time to take action (not contemplate). What pressures are working in your favor? Look back to events that were seeded by the New Moon in this sign (9 months ago) – for clues and themes.
Look at the house 17° Capricorn ignites in your personal chart for more information on this Moon phase family’s theme in your life.
1.♑︎︎ January 11, 2024, New Moon 20° Capricorn: Set intentions, a new 2.5-year cycle begins. Wait and see what unfolds.
2.♑︎︎ October 10, 2024, First Quarter Moon 17° Capricorn: Readiness to take action steps.
3.♑︎ July 10, 2025, Full Moon 18° Capricorn: Observe what is being illuminated – pivot if needed, then commit.
4.♑︎ April 10, 2026, Last Quarter Moon 20° Capricorn: Closure and completion. A time to pay up or receive payments both financially and energetically.
October 11 | Pluto direct in Capricorn
This is a significant change in the patterns of our cultures/societies, and technologies. Pluto was in Capricorn breaking down structures since 2008 and entered Aquarius where it will mostly stay until 2044. Futuristic Discoveries that shape the psyche of humanity will be a key theme for this period. This is the last chapter for Pluto in Capricorn themes to surface and shift.
The details:
- Enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023
- Retrogrades in Aquarius on May 1, 2023
- Retrogrades into Capricorn on June 11, 2023
- Direct in Capricorn on October 11, 2023
- Re-enters Aquarius on January 21, 2024
- Final visit to Capricorn from September 1, 2024
- Enters Aquarius to stay from November 19, 2024
- Dips into Pisces on March 9, 2043
- Final visit to Aquarius on August 31, 2043
- Enters Pisces to stay on January 19, 2044
October 12 | Jupiter sextile Chiron
A profound teacher. Healing moments. Prophetic dreams and visions. Jupiter retrograde expands. Chiron retrograde heals emotionally, physically, mentally, at the Soul level – through all space and time.
Note: Chiron is retrograde through December 29th: stay curious about themes of healers-healing, a cleansing of perspective, and deeper truths. As Ram Dass said: we are all just walking each other home.”
October 13 | Mercury square Pluto
Caution lights come on: Be aware of misrepresentation, misunderstanding, and deception. If things look too good to be true, trust your gut. The vibes don’t lie. This is NOT an optimal time for travel, important communications, nor heavy decisions. Do you want to let a little time pass? Do you want to pause and meditate when agitated? This energy can be felt a day in advance and occurs May 17th and October 13th, 2024. If reflecting on patterns and themes, this transit occurred April 3rd and October 20th in 2023.
And, Mercury enters Scorpio
Subconscious influences. ““Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”― C.G. Jung. Would it be helpful to take something off your mental list, or narrow down options? What needs to be eliminated? Limitations can be helpful guidelines to force creative solutions. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs October 13th and November 2nd. Mercury brings awareness to the Mind, Scorpio brings awareness to the subconscious.
Mars square Chiron
“Perseverance and Faith. Healing through courageous action. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. If one of us is unhealed, a fraction of all of us are unhealed. Do you want to try the ho’oponopono prayer for yourself and others? “”I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”” This transit can be felt a week early, and occurs January 25th and October 13th.
Sun opposite Chiron
“Facing what you were meant to overcome. Spiritual medicine bag. Awakening. Lingering fears, resentments, and worries may be cropping up for the purpose of addressing them once and for all – do you want to? What would it take to feel fully alive? Remember this: everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about today. Kindness goes a long way.
Note: Chiron is retrograde through December 29th: stay curious about themes of healers-healing, a cleansing of perspective, and deeper truths. As Ram Dass said: we are all just walking each other home.”
Sun trine Jupiter
Big energy. Confidence and optimism. Standing in your power, attracts big magic. This good mojo can be felt a day early. Rise and shine! While Jupiter is retrograde, it can have a Saturnian influence. What big things would benefit from attention to structure? Think: retreat or travel planning, outlining work for publishing/media purposes, setting up legal paperwork for businesses that have philanthropic goals.
October 14th - 20th
October 14 | Sun square Mars
Irritable, restless, discontent within. What needs to be expressed so that the body can stay healthy? Do you want to find a healthy physical outlet to process extra energy? Work out, go for a walk, take a deep breath in through the nose, out through the nose. Avoid weapons, explosives, and dangerous situations under this set up. Pack your patience – impulsivity due to extra energy now, can create problems later. Be alert – this energy can be felt a few days in advance.
October 15 | Venus trine Neptune
Eat dessert first. Love is in the air. Work your magic in rose-colored glasses. Allow yourself a mini escape from the daily grind. Romance, fantasy, and creativity are favored. Take advantage of the good mojo a day early and occur July 11th and October 16th. If reflecting or reviewing patterns, we last experienced these dreamy transits June 2nd, and December 25th 2023. Note: Retrograde Neptune in Pisces encourages us to dig deeper into the mystical and spiritual side (July 2nd through December 7th).
October 17 | Full Moon at 24° Aries
Full Moon Intention: I forgive my past, I enjoy the present, and I trust the future is aligning in perfect order. Aries rules the self, pioneers, the head/mind, fierceness, quick thinking, and passion.
Self-Illumination. Set intentions around wrapping something up in order to have more freedom. What do you want to be free from? What do you want to be free for? The Universe is giving you more information. Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time.
Be aware of excess energy—tides are high, blood flow is higher, cycles are breaking, and karmic deadlines are approaching. This can be a good time to find things/people, get a new understanding of hard to treat diagnoses, and present your work to shine in public.
This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle.Look at the house 24° Aries ignites in your personal chart for more information on this Moon phase family’s theme in your life.
1.♈︎︎ April 20, 2023, New Moon *Eclipse, 29° Aries: Set intentions, a new 2.5-year cycle begins. Wait and see what unfolds.
2.♈︎ January 18, 2024, First Quarter Moon 27° Aries: Readiness to take action steps.
3.♈︎ October 17, 2024, Full Moon 24° Aries: Observe what is being illuminated – pivot if needed, then commit.
4.♈︎ July 18, 2025, Last Quarter Moon 25° Aries: Closure and completion. A time to pay up or receive payments both financially and energetically.
Also: Venus sextile Pluto
Heat rising. Remember the power in the pause. It’s ok to take a breath, communicate with honesty, and let everyone have space to flow through their emotions as well as time to find their truth. Pro tip: this is an ideal time for a money makeover too. What actions would benefit you and your family regarding investments, banking, and estate planning? What needs to evolve? Do you want to sit with these questions and host a ‘high council’ meeting for the fam? This powerful energy can be felt a day in advance and occurs April 6th and October 17th.
And on the 17th, Venus enters Sagittarius
Have you ever met a free spirit? Venus enters Sagittarius October 17th – November 11th. Party central. Joy rides, romantic journeys, loving adventures. Sometimes there’s an overconfidence with Venus in Sagittarius—be aware of overspending by checking in with your budget.
October 21st - 27th
October 22 | Mercury trine Saturn
Working and Practicing. Study, organize, pay bills, sign deals, make commitments – this is a stellar line up to check a bunch of boxes off your list as you work efficiently towards long term goals. This occurred last October 22nd, 2023 and will occur June 26th and October 22nd 2024. Notice if you feel the energy coming a few days in advance, or right on time—this is how you will learn how the timing of astrological events inspires you at a personal level.
Also on the 22nd, Sun square Pluto
Breakdowns and breakthroughs. Pack your patience and avoid the temptation to force issues and opinions. If the field is irritable, restless, and discontent – don’t stop before the miracle happens. Life is happening for you, and from you—not to you. This beneficial energy can be felt a few days in advance and occurs April 21st and October 22nd this year (almost the same days as last year which were April 20 and October 21, 2023).
Sun enters Scorpio
Transformative, intuitive, sensual. The Sun enters Scorpio October 22nd through November 21st. Happy Birthday Scorpio!
Venus trine North Node / sextile South Node
Soul Contracts. Venus shows us how we Love, the Nodes show us who we were intended to Love. This can be felt a few days in advance and occurs July 19th and October 23rd.
October 24 | Last Quarter Moon at 1° Leo
This is harvest time. Something that started 2.5 years ago, is now coming to fruition. What feels complete? This Moon marks wisdom, experience, and seasoned perspective. What awards, gratitude, or recognition can be provided for something that is wrapping up?
Look at the house 1° Leo ignites in your personal chart for more information on this Moon phase family’s theme in your life.
1.♌︎ July 28, 2022, New Moon 5° Leo: Set intentions, a new 2.5-year cycle begins. Wait and see what unfolds.
2.♌︎ April 27, 2023, First Quarter Moon 7° Leo: Readiness to take action steps.
3.♌︎ January 25, 2024, Full Moon 5° Leo: Observe what is being illuminated – pivot if needed, then commit.
4.♌︎ October 24, 2024, Last Quarter Moon 1° Leo: Closure and completion. A time to pay up or receive payments both financially and energetically.
Also: Mars sextile Uranus
Plot twist! Spontaneity and impulsivity. Do you want to go where the wind takes you instead of following a plan? Mars and retrograde Uranus inspire firecracker energy to breakthrough perceived blocks. Your future self thanks you for the action you’re taking now to change things (shatter things). This transit can be felt up to a week in advance and occurs April 20th and October 25th.
October 28th - 31st
October 28 | Mars trine Neptune
Magnetism, romantic escapes, and creative motivation. Spiritual activation. Connecting with your muse. Yoga. Mars stimulates, retrograde Neptune loosens up. Do you want to create a sacred space to tackle something on your desire list? What would feel pleasurable?
Venus square Saturn
Beware of overcommitting right now with time, expenses, and people. If you’re feeling the heavy weight of responsibility, or that happiness is being denied, take this as an opportunity to adjust your attitude and increase your self-love, self-awareness, self-worth and self-esteem. Do you want to? Where can you be of service to the elders in your life? Venus represents love, warm fuzzies, luxury, and money. Saturn represents elders, karma, time, structures, and responsibility. The square indicates a challenge. This transit can be felt a day in advance and occurs on June 8th and October 28th.
October 30 | Mercury opposite Uranus
Radical new mindsets. Challenging points of view. Non-resistance to sudden change. Be aware of nervous breakdowns, inflammation, and the need for mental health support. Mercury informs. Retrograde Uranus hits the reset button. Fresh new energy is coming in on November 1st with the Scorpio New Moon.
October 31 | Mercury trine Neptune
Natural gifts and talents. Intuitive, imaginative, and creative. Psychic hits. Do you feel inspired? This positive energy supports flow, ease, and grace. Ideas: start a new dream journal, curate a bedroom or study-area makeover, redesign your website, or have new headshots made. It can be felt up to a day in advance and occurs July 2nd and October 31st/November 1st depending on your time zone. Watch the astrology forecast closely and go with the flow – the Skies are sending mixed signals this week. Note: Retrograde Neptune in Pisces encourages us to dig deeper into the mystical and spiritual side (July 2nd through December 7th).

Get Ready for 2025 with these resources

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT is a professional astrologer and spiritual development teacher based in Texas. As the founder and publisher of Spellbound, Tiffany has authored and produced several best-selling books that span from cooking to astrology, and yoga to beekeeping. She holds a Masters in Health Psychology and is a certified Master Teacher. Enjoy her Wise Skies digital astrology calendar or 40 Days of Spirit email product all year long. Connect with Tiffany on her youtube channel, podcast, retreats, or membership classes at tiffanyharelik.com.