11 Sep October 2022 Forecast
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
October Focus: Soul Quest
Mars and Jupiter retrograde—gathering momentum
Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury station direct—embracing predestined changes

7-Universal Month
6-Universal Year
October is a preview for 2023 (which is a 7-Universal Year). The energy of the 7 encourages us to buckle down and get focused on lessons about life’s deeper, inner workings. While the 6 keeps reminding us we are all walking each other home. The combined frequency encourages exploration of life, death, and consciousness.
Journal Prompts: What do you think about the Afterlife and the celestial realms? Do you want to do a Life Review while here on Earth?
October 3: First Quarter Moon at 9° Capricorn – action on what was planted 9 months ago
October 9: Full Moon at 16° Aries – illumination for next summer’s nodal shift
October 17: Third Quarter Moon at 24° Cancer – harvesting, getting paid
October 25: New Moon Eclipse at 2°Scorpio – pivotal energy

Astrology Overview
2nd: Mercury Direct in Virgo: Attention to Detail
8th: Pluto Direct in Capricorn: The Long Game
10th: Mercury enters Libra (still in shadow): Relationships
17th: Mercury leaves shadow zone at 8° Libra
22nd: Venus Cazimi
23rd: Saturn Direct in Aquarius: Futuristic Technologies Also: Venus and Sun enter Scorpio: Sensuality and Mystery
28th: Jupiter Retrogrades into Pisces: Spiritual Teachers
29th: Mercury enters Scorpio: Secrets
30th: Mars Retrograde in Gemini: Information-Weaponized
Quick Guidance
Love: Exploring the divine dance of the lovers—spiritually, and physically.
Money: Diversify, keep track of the details
Health: Herbs for respiratory health and inflammation reduction
Dates to lay low: 1st, 11th, 12th
Dates to say yes: 3rd, 22nd

October 1-10: The Minimalist
Mercury retrograde is over —
The planet that governs information stations direct in Virgo on October 2nd and will remain there until October 10th. Use this week to bring extra precision to processes and procedures. What needs to be organized, mapped out, placed under special intelligence? Does your pet need a special diet? Does your garden require a new fertilizer? Think “minimalist” energy: what can you cut out to create more efficiency in your lifestyle?
October 3: First Quarter Moon at 9° Capricorn 46′
A turning point: an opportunity to walk your talk. This yang phase signifies it’s time to take action based on something that was seeded 9 months ago. What pressures are working in your favor? Clue: the sabian symbol for this Moon is an albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.
October 5-7: Hidden data revealed
You’re on a fact-finding mission to uncover some important information. This is an excellent week for writing, researching, and exploring new ways of thinking. Look for clues or spiritual signposts to help face what you’re meant to overcome [Mercury trines Pluto while the Sun opposes Chiron]
Pluto Direct in Capricorn on the 8th
Go slow. Subtle alliances are changing. Self-discovery remains an important theme as times change. Pluto is finalizing its journey in Capricorn (where it’s been since 2008) and will move into Aquarius in March of 2023 (for the first time since 1777-1797: revolutions). This is a significant change in the patterns of our cultures/societies, and technologies through 2044. Futuristic Discoveries that shape the psyche of humanity will be a key theme for this period.
October 9: Full Moon at 16° Aries – preparing us for the nodal shift in 2023
Sabian Symbol: Two prim spinsters sitting together in silence.
Self-Illumination. New identity. Set intentions around wrapping up anything that no longer serves you, removing any blocks to new beginnings, and removing anything that hinders your confidence and clarity. Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time. Do you want to make a bold declaration for yourself?
Be aware of excess energy—tides are high, blood flow is higher, cycles are breaking, and karmic deadlines are approaching. This can be a good time to find things/people, get a new understanding of hard to treat diagnoses, and present your work to shine in public.
This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 16- Aries is in your chart. Look back to April 12, 2021—something started and was kicked into gear in January of 2022. Now is the time to make adjustments. Have patience—the project or lesson will find completion in July of 2023 as the nodes shift into Libra/Aries. The Nodes were in Libra/Aries in September of 1939 – May of 1940 and symbolized a time of war, as well as economic reset, free-agency, chosen partnerships, and compromises.
October 10th: Unpretty.
Renegotiating the terms of love. If self-esteem issues pop up for you or your kids/partners—do you want to write yourself or your loved ones a love letter, or remind yourself how far you’ve come? Invitation: Be sweet—your inner child is listening [Mercury enters Libra in Shadow; Venus opposes Chiron].

October 11-20: Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor
Mercury moves into hotel Libra October 10th-29th.
What would benefit from a new perspective? This is a great window of time to do a relationship inventory: which ones are inspiring, which ones are draining, what is it like to be on the other side of you?
Energy Shifts Down on the 11th-12th
Invitation: connect with your elders, mentors, and wise ones. The Sun trines Saturn initiating an opportunity to harness positive change through commitment and hard work. Simultaneously, Mars squares Neptune while Mercury opposes Jupiter—both are huge astrological red flags. Poison, toxins, deception, confusion, bad decisions, ‘bad’ news or unfair legal situations.
Energy Shifts Up on the 14th
Commitments in love feel good right now [Venus trine Saturn] – and you’re able to make some headway with long term goals and plans in all areas of your life. Keep your eye on the 22nd for the perfect date for love and money.
October 17: Third Quarter Moon at 24° Cancer & Mercury leaves shadow zone in Libra
This is harvest time. Something that started 2.5 years ago—is now coming to fruition. This Moon marks wisdom, experience, and seasoned perspective. Bills are due—it’s time to pay things off, or invoice for money owed. The Sun trines Mars and Venus over the next few days as well: the Skies offer added support and stamina.
Breakdowns and breakthroughs on the 18th-19th
Chiron is working with Mercury to dissolve old ideas and beliefs. Consider radical forgiveness for yourself and others. Do you want to take a mental ‘diet’ from negative thinking? Pack your patience and avoid the temptation to force issues, breakups, and opinions – the field is irritable, restless, and discontent. Invitation: Don’t stop before the miracle happens. [Venus trine Mars, Sun square Pluto, Mercury opposite Chiron, Venus square Pluto]

October 21-31: Pivotal
October 22: Venus enters the Heart of the Sun [Cazimi]
Love is in the air. This pleasurable transit can be a good time to schedule the sweeter things in life. When it comes to Venus think luxury, love, and lazy… creature comforts, relaxation, and delicious connections. This opportunity to ignite your lovelight only comes around once a year. Planning a wedding? The next Venus Cazimi dates are: August 13, 2023, June 4, 2024, March 22, 2025, and January 6, 2026.
October 23: Scorpio season
Stay curious. Lady Venus and the Sun move into hotel Scorpio. Love, life, and death take on a deeper meaning, finances get a boost, and work life feels more empowering. Also: Study, organize, pay bills, sign deals, make commitments – this is a stellar line up to check a bunch of boxes off your list as you work efficiently towards long term goals. [Mercury trines Saturn—which goes direct in Aquarius]. Heads up: Spiritual Reformation is upon us as Saturn moves from futuristic and tech-oriented Aquarius, into the Piscean sea-of-undoing from March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025.
October 25: New Moon Eclipse at 2°Scorpio: Pivotal Historic Moments
Sabian symbol: Neighbors help in a house-raising party in a small village.
Give yourself plenty of breathing room during an eclipse – it can feel like we’re living 100 days in 24 hours. Seeds are being planted around: liberation, power, magic, mystery, vitality, renewal, retail business, money, and healthy use of sexuality. What do you want to change at a deeper level? This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 2-Scorpio in your birth chart.
This Moon Family Cycle
Oct 25, 2023 – A new cycle starts
July 25, 2023 – Poised for action
April 23, 2024 – More is revealed
Jan 21, 2025 – Mission complete
October 27: Focus pocus. Think it through.
Something requires your great attention. But be aware of misrepresentation, misunderstanding, and deception. If things look too good to be true, they probably are. Pause and meditate. [Mercury Trine Mars, Mercury square Pluto]
Jupiter Retrogrades into Pisces on October 28
Jupiter in Pisces gives us opportunities to connect with special teachers and our intuition. As Jupiter retrogrades, a Saturnian influence inspires us to bring more discipline, routine, and structure to our spiritual life. Be sure to thank your lucky stars each night – what you focus on expands. By the way—Jupiter will enter Taurus in May of 2023 indicating a period of prosperity and optimism.
October 29: A Calculated Approach
Mercury enters Scorpio through November 17. People may be more blunt, and humor can be dark and dry. You might find an interesting mystery book to explore secrets or take a lesson in learning to read tarot cards.
Double Trouble: Mars Retrogrades in Gemini October 30- January 12.
Trick, not Treat. Mars rules aggression, determination, and power surges. Gemini rules schools, lungs, information, siblings, and communication. Banned books, violent words, issues forced, negotiations reneged, inflamed respiratory systems. Keep cooling agents on hand for mind, body, and spirit as times change.