09 Oct November Astrology
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT

November Intention: My experience improves when I’m “all in.”
Numerology 8-Month in a 6-Year: Roll the dice.
This combo charges up cycles of abundance, motivation, and chance-taking. You may notice a feeling “all in” whatever you’re doing (perhaps at home), and big financial decisions. Remember the 8 symbolizes the field of infinite wisdom, where all things are possible. Do you want to look back to February, which was also an 8-6 month for clues and patterns?
Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius on the 16th
Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd
Jupiter Direct in Pisces on November 23rd

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We are wishing all nations and peoples a very happy thanksgiving or week of gratitude, with love from our whole heart. May all beings be blessed, joy, and free. May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life.

November 1-10: Adapting to Curve Balls
November 1st: First Quarter Moon at 8-Aquarius: What seeds were planted 9 months ago? This yang phase signifies decision making, determination, and commitment to take action wherever 8-Aquarius is in your chart.
Opposites attract. Venus opposes Uranus November 5. You may notice a desire to diversify, blend wacky interests, or push up against what you “aren’t” to determine what you “are”.
Beware of overcommitting—Venus squares Saturn on the 7th. If you’re feeling the heavy weight of responsibility, or that happiness is being denied, take this as an opportunity to adjust your attitude with awareness.
Full Moon Eclipse at 16°Taurus: November 8th: Coming Unearthed. Light is shed on buried secrets. More will be revealed. Be still. Make intentions around healthy choices in food and sensuality, no longer playing the victim, standing in your worth and power, feeling rooted. Get extra insight on themes wherever 16-Taurus is in your birth chart.
Remember to go slow during eclipse energy, which can feel both heavy and illuminating. Good news and healthy communication are enhanced as the Sun kisses Mercury on the eclipse.
Brainstorm new solutions. Mercury and the Sun oppose Uranus on the 9th—you might blurt out something brilliant, something a little outside of your comfort zone. Carry a notebook so you have proper gear when your inner-Einstein strikes. This is also a good time to try something new.
A test of endurance is in the Skies on the 10th as Mercury square Saturn on the 10th. Take inventory. What’s working? What needs to change? What are you afraid of? Map out a plan before you get into action. Review the details with a mentor or wise elder. Even though you may be feeling ‘all in’ it’s wise to pause on big decisions or vows on the 9th-11th.
In good news: Venus also trines Neptune on the 10th love and creativity is in the air. Your mantra: let there be peace, let it begin with me.

November 11-20: Airstream Adventures
Life is happening for us, not to us. Setbacks or added responsibilities are blessings in disguise as the Sun squares Saturn on the 11th. Is it time to make our health a priority? Don’t worry – you’ll be back in the saddle super fast. Also: 11/11 – make a wish!
Gifted and talented. Optimize the trine of Mercury and Neptune by working with your natural skills and talents on the 12th. Launch a creative advertising campaign, curate a total home makeover, or have new headshots made. Tap into a sense of ease and comfort with any projects that put you and your work in the limelight.
Money makeover. Take action regarding investments, banking, and estate planning. What needs to evolve? Find healed relationships through a change of perspective on the 13th as Venus sextiles Pluto. Lucky you this healthy, creative energy extends to the 15th—a positive time for financial discoveries and bonuses and psychic development. Mercury sextiles Pluto, Venus trines Jupiter and the Sun trines Neptune on the 15th.
Venus and Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 16th under a Last Quarter Moon at 24° Leo. Are you excited about the adventure of life? It’s time to let your heart and mind roam. We value airstream adventures, our sense of freedom, and high spirited friends while Venus is in Sagittarius the rest of the year. This can be a fun period to learn a foreign language, learn how to cook a meal from a different heritage, or study laws, religions, and ethics.
Look for the wins as Mercury trines Jupiter on the 16th. Where can you feel success in terms of work, your higher quest, and life goals? There’s flow in articulating messages through writing and educating during this transit.
Personal empowerment. Reinvent yourself as the Sun sextiles Pluto on the 18th. Ask yourself the deeper questions about the meaning of your life. If you had 24 hours left (guilt-free and healthy), what would you do with them? Read the full forecast as there are mixed signals in the Skies this week: www.tiffanyharelik.com.
Safety first. Caution lights come on as Mars squares Neptune on the 19th: Poison, toxins, fevers, deception, and confusion are all themes. Be aware of this difficult energy coming in several days in advance

November 21-30: Spiritual Growth
Bring it! Say yes, go forward, stand in your power, attract big magic. The Sun trines Jupiter, and Mercury conjuncts Venus on the 21st. It’s time – really time – to resolve issues, find harmony, and be a team-player. There is a win-win and an opportunity to contribute. If old flames or feelings return in your love life – keep your heart curious and open to love.
Happy Birthday Sagittarius! The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd through December 21 and the New Moon occurs at 1°Sagittarius on November 23rd. New Moon Intention: I naturally find freedom, peace, and joy in each day and express my gratitude and contentment whenever possible.Make wishes around: taking a road trip, teaching a new class, publishing a book, learning a new philosophy or language, cooking from a foreign cookbook, and finding a new outlook on life. Do something fun! Where do you need to live a little? This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 1-Sagittarius in your birth chart.
Expect Spiritual growth to unfold November 23-December 20 as Jupiter goes direct in Pisces. Jupiter gives deeply spiritual souls the microphone or a larger platform to share their insights. This can be a fortunate time filled with optimism and expansion. Pisces rules hidden information and intuition. This is a great year to take psychic development classes with us. Be sure to thank your lucky stars each night – what you focus on with gratitude expands.
Heads up: Jupiter enters Aries on December 20th:
Seek to understand over the holidays. Mercury and Venus trine Chiron on November 25th/26th creating healing conversations, or making space to read self-discovery books. The power of prayer and spiritual fitness create a healthy outlook.
Perseverance, tact, and stamina help us get the job done as Mars trines Saturn on the 28th. This is an optimal time to commit yourself to an area where you want to see lasting success. Ask someone older and wiser for guidance.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Mercury Opposes Mars on the 29th. Think “King of Swords” energy – nerves and anxieties can bubble up while we approach uncomfortable topics. Is it time to rip the band aid off? Be really careful what you think and say – pause before reacting. There are no take-backs in this energy. Are you projecting, arguing, defending, or explaining? If so, why? Look inside, breathe deep, the answer was never ‘out there’.
Lean into mentorship. Set the intention of having a clear mind, and a clear heart. Mercury sextiles Saturn on the 30th. This is a great transit to work with when you need to come across as an authority, or step into the authority of your own life. It’s also optimal for studying your family lineage, working with people who are older and wiser, and negotiating long-term deals.
There’s also a First Quarter Moon at 8° Pisces on the 30th: Do you want to take one small step towards your dreams?

Heads up: December is a 9-Month in a 6-Year: This energy brings closure, completion, and an appreciation for tying things up. What are you integrating? This month can bring a sense of urgency and overstimulation. Do you want to look back to March or clues and patterns? It was a 9-month too.