30 Oct November 2023
Written by Tiffany Harelik

November Numerology 9-Month in a 7-Year
9-Month in a 7-Year.
Closure, completion, tying things up. What are you integrating? Watch for a sense of urgency and overstimulation. Do you want to be careful with where you commit your time? Look back to February for clues and patterns – it was a 9 month too.

November 1st – 5th
The Sun opposes Jupiter on the 3rd
Be conservative with finances—there may be unexpected expenses that require tapping into savings. Try to avoid large debt at this time. This energy can also influence teachers: are you challenging a teacher, taking a challenging class, having a ‘student becomes the teacher’ moment? This transit can be felt one day in advance.
Also on the 3rd, Venus Opposite Neptune
Things aren’t what they seem—do you want a second opinion? Or to give something a rest? Neptune dissolves – Venus governs love and money. Use this transit consciously by finding a little escape, getting lost in a daydream, or surrounding yourself with inspirational material. It’s not the best timing to tackle practical matters.
On the 4th, Saturn Direct in Pisces
“We are still finding our way with Saturn now in Pisces. This is a time of major Spiritual Reformation. Strict-Saturn is in Spiritual-Pisces through May 24, 2025. Has your foundation been built on solid values? What wanting to come undone?
Saturn moves from futuristic and tech-oriented Aquarius, into Pisces and the sea of undoing—representing a window of time to merge the form with the formless, the practical with the spiritual. Keep asking yourself what really matters. This is a foundational, significant astrological shift.
Saturn was previously in Pisces on these dates:
Feb 14 1935, to April 25, 1937
Oct 17, 1937, to Jan14, 1938
March 23, 1964, to Sept 16th, 1964
Dec 16, 1964, to March 3, 1967
May 21, 1993, to June 30, 1993
Jan 28, 1994, to April 7, 1996
March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025
September 1, 2025, to Feb 13, 2026
Mercury opposite Uranus
Interrupted communications bring new solutions. Brainstorm with a friend and see who blurts out something brilliant. Carry a notebook around with you so you have something to write on when your inner Einstein strikes—this transit can be felt a day in advance. If you’re fried, this is a good time to unplug.
November 6th – 12th
Venus trines Pluto on the 6th
Feeling the magnetism? There is new life in relationships. Hearts are wide as the world right now – access the magic up to a day in advance on April 11 and November 6.
And then Mercury trines Neptune, the same day!
Gifted and talented. Intuitive and Creative. Do you feel inspired to launch a new ad campaign, curate a home makeover, or have new headshots made? This positive energy supports flow, ease, and grace. It can be felt up to a day in advance and occurs July 9 and November 6.
On the 8th, Venus Enters Libra
Relationship oriented. What’s it like to be on the other side of you? What kind of partner do you want to be? Which partnerships are most fulfilling? Which need some adjustments for greater balance, respect, and love? Dancing with a partner, finding the right balance between work and play, and harmonizing or blending goals are fun ways to play with this energy while Venus is in homesign Libra through December 4.
Also on the 8th…
Mercury sextile Pluto
Truth-spotting. Do you find yourself wanting to solve some mysteries? This is a fun transit to do a mystery dinner theatre, take a mediumship training, or play the game Clue. Your inner psychic is ready to wow you. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs March 18, and November 8. Check out our current classes at www.tiffanyharelik.com.
On November 10th:
Mercury Enters Sagittarius
Get excited about the adventure of life. New ideas, foreign languages, airstream travel, and a little indecision – these are the go-with-the-flow vibes of Mercury in Sagittarius, available to all of us through December 1.
Mercury Square Saturn
Would it be helpful to narrow down the options? What needs to be eliminated? Limitations and delays can be helpful guidelines to force creative solutions. What is the Universe trying to slow you down for, in order to hear? This energy can be felt a day in advance, and occurs June 15, and November 10.
On November 11th, Mars Opposite Uranus
Lightning vibes create a strong new impulse. Is something shattering? Is there a foundation that needs to be broken down, in order to rebuild? This is not the best time to be spontaneous—slow and steady breathes will help move from moment to moment. Take things one hour at a time.
November 13th – 19th
On the 13th, Sun opposite Uranus
Irritable, restless, discontent? What if it’s time to step out of your comfort zone? Try something new – it might surprise you! This ‘aha’ or ‘enough’s enough’ energy can show up a day early.
On the 15th, Mercury sextile Venus
Love letters. Ease, harmony, flow. It’s a good day for a good day. Shop the sales, find deals at vintage markets, and interesting items at garage or estate sales. If you’re organizing, and you don’t love it, let someone else have it: it’s an equally good time to put your unwanted things on the market and clear your clutter. It’s amazing what a clean ‘junk’ drawer can do for the mind. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs May 12, June 17, November 15, and December 11.
On the 17th, Mars Trine Neptune
You’re being given time to ‘escape’ into a project, relationship, or to just take some time out. You’re being called to walk by faith. Where can you let go, and let your higher power take the reigns? This can be felt 3-5 days in advance.
Also, Sun trine Neptune
Creative Streak! It’s a good day for a good day! Maybe you’re revising an old art project, painting the walls a new color, or connecting with your spiritual group. You’ll find an increased level of empathy and sensitivity to any of your endeavors. Reach for a spiritual solution and you’ll get one. This can be felt a day early on July 20, and November 17.
On the 18th, CAZIMI Sun Conjunct Mars
We all rise together. The tide that lifts all boats is here. It’s a good time to step into correct action, for the highest good. Alternative meaning: Healthy competition with yourself (not others).
November 20th – 25th
On the 20th, the Sun sextiles Pluto
Personal empowerment. Are you reinventing yourself? What does the next version of you want to do with your next chapter? Ask yourself the deeper questions about the meaning of your life. If you had 24 hours left (guilt-free and healthy), what would you do with them? What primal urges are sending you messages? This transit can be felt a day early on March 20, and November 20.
Then, Mercury trines Chiron
Listen to your heart. Seek to understand. Would healing conversations, reading self-discovery books/newsletters, or saying your favorite prayers/intentions/affirmations/hymns feel supportive? We’re being called to become solution-oriented. This transit can inspire us a day in advance and occurs on July 22, and November 20.
On the 21st, Mars sextiles Pluto
Positive change is comin’ in hot! Mars energizes, Pluto transforms. What you put into action now, will yield results. Mutation is in effect. This transits can be felt 3-5 days in advance.
November 22nd: Sun enters Sagittarius!
Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! We can all tap into our adventure-seeking, lucky, and optimistic Sagittarius vibes through December 21. (Pssst… We have gifts and birthday readings for your Sagittarius at www.tiffanyharelik.com).
Venus opposite Chiron
Self-esteem. Guard against feeling and acting unpretty. Write yourself a love letter, remind yourself how far you’ve come, take yourself out for a self-care date. Be sweet to you – your inner child is listening. This can be felt a day or two early and will percolate.
On the 23rd, the Sun squares Saturn
Life is happening for you, not to you. Steady progress. Setbacks are blessings in disguise—they help us reset to divine right timing, instead of our own timing. Added responsibilities are likely to pile up. You might require some alone time in your own aura to be able to regroup and see things clearly. Do you want to make health a priority? Making time for self-care is important right now. This transit can be felt a day or two early and occurs May 28, and November 23.
On the 24th, Mars Enters Sagittarius
Inspiration, adventure, and exploration. Mars penetrates, drives, creates impulses, and helps us stay focused. Sagittarius is here for the party, the quest of truth, and the spontaneity of it all. There may be a new teacher entering your life – what do you want to learn? Where do you want to go? What’s on your bucket list? Mars is in Sagittarius the rest of the year. Stay aware: the astrology sends mixed signals this week (www.tiffanyharelik.com).
Then on the 25th, Mars squares Saturn
Discipline and endurance. Take caution – things get heated, accidents are more likely, and tempers flare. . Stay hydrated and pack your patience (note: this can be felt 3-5 days in advance). Stay aware: the astrology sends mixed signals this week (www.tiffanyharelik.com).
November 26th – 30th
Closing out the month…
On the 26th, Mercury enters retroshade
Adjust your magic. Mercury enters a retroshade period, making communication and deadlines a little more nebulous. Mercury will retrograde in Capricorn December 13 – January 2, 2024 – and will exit the post-retrograde shadow period on January 21, 2024. During this period be sure to go over data multiple times – it’s the little things that need attention. Re-organize, renegotiate, and edit.
On the 27th, Mercury squares Neptune
Red lights. Be aware of confusion, delusion, lies, overdoses, improper medications, freak accidents, and toxins. Things are not as they seem. More will be revealed. Take all safety precautions seriously—this transit is felt a few days in advance and occurs June 25, November 27, and December 27.
Finally, on the 29th…
Venus Opposite North Node / Conjunct South Node
Relationship inventory. Who’s cheering you on, who’s dragging you down—is the answer to either ‘you’? Saying goodybe to unsupportive relationships (with others and with yourself) will create space for healthy ones. There is something calling you forward that feels fated. Do you want to see what that feels like?

Tiffany is an evidential psychic medium, astrologer, and best selling author. She holds a Master’s in Psychology and has been trained by some of the world’s best mediums including Lisa Williams, Tony Stockwell, Janet Nohavec, Lynn Probert, Mavis Patilla, Colin Bates, and Stella Upton. When she’s not writing the astrology forecast, you can find her in the apiary, yoga studio, or midwifing new books at Spellbound Publishers.