New Moon in Aries 2018 + Mercury Direct

New Moon in Aries 2018 + Mercury Direct

The New Moon in Aries is one of my absolute favorite Moons – it’s the Moon of New Beginnings and New Cycles – in the sign of fresh starts, and trying new things. If you’ve been asking for a little push in a new direction, this Moon is the time to plant those seeds. On top of that, Mercury also goes direct! Both are good omens for moving forward with renewed vitality and energy. Additionally, the Moon will be working in unison with rebel-planet, Uranus, and having words with intense/destructive-planet, Pluto. But what does this mean for you?

Fire transforms and ignites. Sometimes it’s in the ‘heat of the moment’ that you gain a new perspective. The New Moon in Aries (on April 15) offers you the opportunity to take action, and to make a new plan.

Stay open to receiving a surprise today – this New Moon in Aries will also be conjunct Uranus in the Skies today. Think of Uranus energy like Einstein energy – there is brilliance, electricity, and eccentricity in the air. Freedom, spontaneity, genius and surprise news are all themes during this New Moon. No surprises in store? Well – Where can you surprise yourself?

The New Moon falls in the sign of Aries, which rules Mars. And Mars is currently in its sign of exaltation in Capricorn. In the Mountain Astrologer report, Emily Trinkaus offers this: “Mars in Capricorn brings the focus, discipline, and persistence to harness the Aries fire in a productive direction and translate our inspiration into form. The key is to own our authority as the creator of our own experience while releasing the need to control.” Themes for the day include freedom, initiation, and revolutionary thinking.

The New Moon will also be squaring Pluto. Think of Pluto as the planet that symbolizes deep feelings, destruction/transformation, and emotional intensity. Squares offer breakdowns that come with opportunities to break through. Once we are aware of this energy – we know what to be looking for. If things are feeling super intense, start looking for the breakthrough. Don’t get stuck in the breakdown. There’s always a gift on the other side of a square.”Change, before you have to.” (Jack Welch).

The New Moon occurs at 8:57pm CST and you have roughly 8 hours to write your wishes AFTER the New Moon is exact. Write your wishes and make your assignments for the April 15th New Moon in Aries with these themes in mind:

  • look for ways you can surprise yourself
  • have a courageous breakthrough
  • take personal responsibility to a new level
  • cultivate fire
  • start something new

Until next time, 
Tiffany Harelik