30 Apr May Skies 2018
“I feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the sky tumbling down…” Carole King.
The Big Picture.
Your plate may be so full it’s dripping with gravy, but my mentor assures me, “Honey if it’s on your plate, you ordered it.” We are stepping into new territory in May, in ways that weren’t possible before. The electric move of Uranus into Taurus mid-May is the biggest astrological event of the year. We are expecting a major change in finances/banking, farming, and value systems. Watch the news this month to see what happens to money at the global level, as well as shocking weather patterns.
While Uranian energy can be equally exciting and disturbing, good news is around the corner. The artist makes his big break, the seeker gains enlightenment, and your wildest dreams are coming true with a Jupiter/Neptune trine completing at the end of May. It’s not so easy, though. A draining disconnect is happening in the subtle energies all month with a Jupiter/Chiron sesquisquare. Be sure to put your wishes and prayers out there amidst the chaos on the New Moon on the 15th to take full advantage of the Jupiter/Neptune trine and cut through some of the tougher pieces of the month’s cosmology.
A Mars/Saturn parallel offers extremely positive and challenging energy around restructuring your career May 7-11. Put the hard work in, and then consider May 13 and 17 as strong dates for giving your business a new birth chart: open a new bank account with your partner, establish an LLC, open the doors, relaunch your website.
The important transits this month:
- Uranus enters Taurus
- Mars enters it’s Shadow
- Mercury enters Taurus and then Gemini
- Venus enters Cancer
- Sun enters Gemini
- Jupiter trine Neptune
- Mars parallel Saturn
Days to say yes: 1-5, 9-10, 12, 18, 22-23, 31
Days to say no: 6-8, 11, 14-16
Astrologer’s note: Astrology is a cosmic tapestry that is being woven while the planets are spinning. It’s an ever-changing love story of time, fate, and free will. The faster moving planets affect the details of our daily lives. They “trigger into action the great fields of potential created by the theme-generating outer planets.” (Steven Forrest). While the slower moving planets have more time to build complexity into broader themes in our lives. “Above all, remember this: The astrological symbols, in and of themselves, are powerless. They are only symbols. The are only the weather report. You – magician, life master, time shaper – are the weather.” (Steven Forrest).
Daily Forecast
Tuesday 5/1: Late start. With the Moon void of course this morning (until 10:19am), you may find yourself reaching for an extra cup of coffee. Luna then enters Sagittarius and the afternoon is a choose-your-own-adventure novel: get off the beaten path, try a new restaurant, dive into philosophical discussions. It’s also a favorable time to connect with horses, publishers, and lawyers. Schedule important calls and meetings after lunch.
Wednesday 5/2: Skies are clear, but no doubt the energies behind the massive shift of Uranus into Taurus as well as the Jupiter/Neptune trine will be felt with increasing intensity. Prepare for themes around revolutionary farming techniques, shock and awe with finances and banks, and a general changing of the guard within value systems. There’s a hint of destiny in the airwaves today as well: a sweet Venus/North Node sextile in the wee hours offers easy energy for a love that was meant to be.
Thursday 5/3: If things have been a little off with your daily grind, they can start to get back on track this afternoon. Mercury exits his *shadow at 3:50pm. Avoid traffic and important meetings this evening. With Luna void of course from 7:49pm-9:05pm you’re likely feeling cloudy, tired, and over it. The Moon slips into Capricorn and you’ll be better prepared to have an awesome Friday after a good night’s sleep.
*Note: After Mercury goes retrograde, he begins his forward motion in the Skies again, going back over the celestial points (and nerves) he hit when in retrograde. This is called his Shadow period. It happens roughly two weeks before and two weeks after each retrograde period.
Friday 5/4 – Saturday 5/5: The Skies are clear for work and/or play. Keep in mind the paintbrush of massive change is brushing over the canvas of your life in unexpected and out-of-the-box ways. Tap into life-changing surprises/news that are available for you now. The Sun sextiles Neptune tomorrow: look for open doors and opportunities as though they are truly a gift from God this weekend. Say yes.
Sunday 5/6: Easy like Sunday morning. Luna is void of course (8:48am – 9:48am) offering a ‘lets sleep in’ or ‘breakfast in bed’ kind of vibe. But you won’t want to laze around all day: the Moon enters active Aquarius and you’ll be ready to dive into a puzzle, zany project, or go on a wild adventure. Be aware of cranky and obstinate vibes today due to a latenight Mercury/Pluto square. A Venus/Neptune square (exact tomorrow) could have you feeling disillusioned for a few days. Things are out of tune. Avoid big spends, and don’t be afraid to kick the tires and ask questions. When in doubt, sleep it out.
The big theme for next week involves a permanent coming together in your work with Mars parallel Saturn. Because they are both in the same sign of career-oriented Capricorn, the parallel is even stronger. Mars is in exalt here, and Saturn is in the sign he naturally rules. There is an abundance of energy available to you for restructuring your business and getting organized in a way that makes your life easier. Where can processes, procedures, and strategies help you? These Capricorn themes offer tools that can yield big results. While this can be super positive, it can also be a difficult time. Molly suggests, “Put your back into it and get going.”
Monday 5/7: Personal challenge. You have the power. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you’re good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, etc. Play your theme song loud on the way to work and give yourself a pep talk. When Venus squares Neptune today, our self-image can be distorted. There may also be tendencies to overspend, or invest in the ‘wrong’ ideas. At it’s worst, it’s the vibe of joining a cult. It offers a dirty look into the truth of someone you held on a pedestal. Look any gift-horse’s in the mouth, and avoid big spends.
Tuesday 5/8: Pump the breaks. Tendencies to overdo, overspend, and overeat are high when the Sun opposes Jupiter. Go to bed early to catch the sweetest dreams. The Moon is void of course briefly from 9:28pm – 10:10pm then enters dreamy Pisces.
Wednesday 5/9 – Thursday 5/10: Stay fluid. The Skies are clear for your daily grind, but the bigger waves of change are rolling in the background. As the Mars/Saturn parallel gains momentum, make time to work on organization and structure in your line of work. What are some things you could put in place now, that would make your life easier? Automated email systems, employee handbooks, a new business plan, and a password manager are all simple ideas to get you started.
Friday 5/11: The Moon is void of course early (4:02am – 7:40am) then enters Aries, energizing morning meetings. Anything you’ve established in terms of restructuring your work can start as early as now, but the astrological weather is a bit of a mixed bag today. Be aware of hot tempers, stay hydrated, slow down and think before you speak – there’s a Mercury/Mars square brewing under a hot Aries moon. Look for healing tones and reach for opportunities that can come out of deep conversations with a Sun/Pluto trine.
Saturday 5/12: A Mercury/Uranus conjunction (exact tomorrow) offers bright ideas, and genius moments. Pay attention to electricity in your home, and electrical currents in your body/mind. Sneak peek. You’re getting a preview (now through June 26th) of the type of energy that will be up for review when Mars goes retrograde June 26th to August 27th, as Mars enters his pre-retrograde shadow this afternoon. You’ll have an opportunity to edit and revise any new projects, plans, or ideas you’re putting into motion now, later this summer.
Sunday 5/13: Mercury paves the way for Uranus this morning, as he enters Taurus where he will stay until the 29th. Dedicate some time to these themes over the next few weeks: taking things seriously, plotting and plodding, writing the details of your long term plan, investments/securities, gardening.
Extra magical timing: In her article in the Mountain Astrologer this month, Nina Grypon identifies this day as a positive day to make a magical election in the area of fortune, fun, and profit. Making a wish, or establishing something new in the planetary hour of Venus with Venus rising is important for the potency.
“Because this is a talisman for commerce, Venus benefits from being in Gemini, a sign of Mercury. Since he rules all transactions and business in general, Venus and Mercury will work synergistically in this talisman. In this chart, they are in each other’s signs, a condition known as “generosity.” This is when planets exchange signs but are not in major aspect with each other. Generosity among planets ties them together in a subtle way, so here we have good fortune (Venus) from transactions (Mercury). The talisman could be favorable for anyone in business and anyone hoping to conclude a successful deal, such as selling their house.”
Monday 5/14: There’s an awareness that something needs to change in order to expand and grow. What has been holding you back? What action could propel you forward? (Mars quintile Jupiter).
AstroWellbeing tip from Molly: “Just before the New Moon is when our growth and building (anabolic) processes are at a low ebb. The body tends to let go, detoxify, and clear out the old. Once the New Moon kicks in, a new growth cycle begins.”
Tuesday 5/15: The shift hits the fan. A New Moon in Taurus, along with Uranus’ move into Taurus marks an astrological changing of the guards in a major way through 2026. The last time the planet of shock and awe (Uranus) was in the sign of the bull, Alcoholics Anonymous was established, World War 2 was fought, and the Great Depression shattered our financial institutions. We can expect to see major shifts in the money markets, weather patterns, and farming techniques in the coming years.
“Tuesday 15th May 2018 is hugely important.” states astrologer Jessica Adams in her forecast. “Jupiter at 17 Scorpio (the deadly serious side of the money markets, mortgages and taxation) is opposite Bacchus at 17 Taurus (gold bullion, the bull market) at 2.00am, which sets the world up for the New Moon at 11.47am, London time, with the Sun at 24 Taurus conjunct the Moon at 24 Taurus. We then have the shock of Uranus entering Taurus at 3.16pm.”
NEW MOON at 24° Taurus 6:47am: Themes around money, pleasure, and longevity are available for you to tap into during this New Moon. Consider too, what you want to tap into in order to get your big deal – Jupiter/Neptune trine on the 25th offers good mojo for expanding through faith. Be sure to read the New Moon post on the forecast page for the full scope of the lunar forecast.
- Financial security
- Love/Sensuality
- Getting “down to Earth” or more practical
- Self-worth
- Patience
- Persistence, or a release of stubbornness
- Perseverance, or a release of attachment
- Thyroid, throat health, throat chakra, and vocal chords
- Overcoming sugar cravings
- Healing blood sugar imbalances
Wednesday 5/16: Shock waves. The news is buzzing under a Gemini Moon. Jessica Adams describes May 14-15-16 as ‘Three days that shake the world,’ due to a Mars/Uranus square. “Mars (heat, speed, friction, conflict, war) squares Uranus (shock, radical change, independence, freedom) in Aquarius, which rules groups like the United Nations, trade unions and other communities – on Wednesday 16th May.”
A Mars/Chiron sextile offers a healing opportunity around wounding from men, anger, and aggression over the next five days. The ball starts rolling today and gains momentum throughout the weekend. The energies around this topic lift on Sunday.
Thursday 5/17: Get important things done before lunch. The Moon is Void of Course from 1:17pm – 4:47pm then enters nurturing Cancer. You may feel like a home-cooked meal this evening and staying close to your house and family. Extra magical timing: In her article in the Mountain Astrologer this month, Nina Grypon identifies this day as a positive day to make a magical election to mix business and pleasure.
Friday 5/18: Discipline is rewarded. Be clear and ask for what you want: doors of opportunity open for progress at work through conversations. It’s also an ideal time to talk with your elders, or mentor those with less experience as Mercury trines Saturn. Stay level-headed: discussions could cover themes around minor frustrations and opportunities to breakdown in order to breakthrough with a Mercury square and Mars semisquare in the background.
You may also be feeling the sweet vibes of Venus moving into Cancer and sextiling Uranus (both exact tomorrow). Where can you make things a little easier on yourself? The songs Easy Money by King Crimson and Money for Nothing by the Dire Straits come to mind. Combine these Venusian vibes with those of the Mercury/Saturn mojo from earlier this month and consider what good idea could result in working smarter, not harder?
Saturday 5/19: Get important things done before the Moon goes void of course 4:14pm – 6:10pm. Luna then enters Leo and a need to act, shine, and be petted/praised arises this evening. Venus moves into Cancer today until June 13th (when there’s also a New Moon). On one end, opportunities for strong emotional bonds, and themes around a nurturing kind of love are available. However, Venus is making a difficult transit to Chiron today and tomorrow: your inner-crab can get protective, moody, and sideways. If you find yourself behaving with any of these protective tendencies, be aware you could be isolating yourself when what you really want is a connection.
Sunday 5/20: It’s Gemini season! The Sun enters Gemini this evening, making a great month to connect with friends, network, exchange information, and establish a writing group. Keep your plans light and fluid. Look for gifts, blessings, and lessons learned around wounds from Mars and Venus themes: the Mars/ Chiron sextile and the Venus/Chiron square both complete today.
Monday 5/21: Schedule important calls and meetings before lunch. Afternoon hours are mentally cloudy when the Moon goes void of course (2:10pm – 9:02pm). Luna then enters detail-oriented Virgo: organize the pantry, clean out the fridge, sort your spreadsheets. Listen to the subtle energies to find a blessing or healing: a Sun/Chiron sextile combined with a Mercury/Neptune sextile tomorrow brings you an opportunity to help others with the same problem you’ve been facing.
Tuesday 5/22-Wednesday 5/23: There’s a wave of new energy, strength and optimism brewing (Sun/Mars trine and Mercury/Jupiter opposition tomorrow). And the draining disconnect that has been in the subtle energies all month, lifts and heals today (Jupiter sesquisquare Chiron). Look for blessings, lessons, and gifts in the area of personal growth from your biggest wounds. Where have you been at war with yourself? How can you use these lessons to help others that are going through the same thing?
Thursday 5/24: Do you need to right any wrongs, make amends, or simply straighten a picture frame? A sense of equilibrium and balance feels necessary: Luna enters Libra before you wake up and the sign of the scales sets a tone of justice to the day.
Friday 5/25: The truth comes out. The big ass Jupiter/Neptune trine completes this morning under a Mercury/Pluto trine. Look for blessings, gifts, and lessons in the area of your wildest dreams, art, spiritual pursuits, and faith. Themes around publishing and legal issues you have been dealing with the last month come to a close. Things aren’t what they seem at work, and you may feel like taking off early for the holiday weekend (Venus opposite Saturn tomorrow).
Saturday 5/26: The Moon enters Scorpio at 8:39am this morning, strengthening themes under the Mercury/Pluto trine: detective work, solving cold cases, and tapping into the mystery of life.
Sunday 5/27: The Moon is getting fuller in the sky, but no major celestial activities pull sway on your day. Keep an eye on bigger picture items like the global financial shifts and how they affect your personal bank statements.
Monday 5/28: Get important tasks done before lunch. Things are unclear when the Moon goes Void of Course 12:25pm – 5:28pm. Luna then enters playful Sagittarius: plan a fun evening out exploring your city under a bright Full Moon.
Tuesday 5/29: Mercury enters Gemini today, which is one of his home signs. This shift into a favorable air sign offers us intellectual energy around detachment, logic, and reason for a few weeks.
FULL MOON. The Moon becomes Full at 08° Sagittarius at 9:30am this morning. Consider themes around completion with regards to your truth, travel, higher education, and freedom. It’s a fiery Full Moon, so you may want to review where fires need to be lit, and where also they need to be put out. What needs to stop in order to let something else begin? What is your burning desire? Where does the Sagittarius Full Moon hit your chart?
Fun things to do during the Sagittarius Full Moon:
- Read a book that takes you to far away places.
- Light candles or build a Full Moon fire.
- Binge-watch the travel channel.
- Take care of your hips, thighs, liver, and sciatic nerve.
- Work with pyrite or lapis lazuli to tap into the Sagittarius frequency.
- Send blessings to those who are traveling.
- Ask for the truth to be revealed.
- Clear your throat chakra so you can speak your truth.
Mantras for the Sag Full Moon:
- I’m ready to remove all blocks to hearing the truth.
- I’m willing to experience more freedom in the area of _________.
- I’m ready to learn and expand my horizons in the area of ____________.
- I’m easily handling all the legal matters that require my attention
AstroWellbeing from Molly: “In medical astrology, that brings physiological activity, attention, and blood flow to the parts of the body Sagittarius rules– the sacrum and lower back, butt, thighs, and liver. Sag loves to move.Yoga teachers, body workers, self-healers, and light workers, honor the Sagittarius Full Moon with some boogie, some gentle stretching and strengthening, or some therapy to the hip joints, psoas muscle, lower back, and sacrum.
“Sag’s ruling planet is Jupiter, which rules fat metabolism– and isn’t it interesting that the parts of the body ruled by Jupiter/Sagittarius are places where we tend to accumulate fat? Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, ruler of the boobs and tummy– so you might have already guessed that these planets and signs are important in the chart of someone who wants to improve fat metabolism and lose weight. And they are important “in the overall” right now, as the culmination of this Lunar cycle occurs in Sagittarius.” Read the full article here.
Additional healing magic is available during this Full Moon with a Sun/North Node sextile and a Mercury/Chiron sextile completing tomorrow.
Wednesday 5/30: Less is more. We are under an assimilation period today. My friend Deborah Carter Mastelotto wrote an interesting article about the assimilation of life’s parts in terms of Life as Cake Batter. Read her article here.
Thursday 5/31: Get to work early and be prepared to stay late. Luna enters ambitions Capricorn early this morning. Your plate may be so full it’s dripping with gravy, but my mentor assures me, “Honey if it’s on your plate, you ordered it.”