15 Apr May Astrology
We are expecting to see surprise engagements/babies and major plot twists in relationships following the Libra Full Moon and April Eclipse that fell over Eros and Uranus at the end of April. The relationship theme is heavy in our tarot readings as well as the numerology this month.
May Intention: I love finding new opportunities to be a better partner, friend, and person in my relationships.

2-Universal Month in a 6-Universal Year: Relationships.
Connecting the seen and unseen, harmonious interactions, give/take. Take opportunities to heal relationship issues inside relationships. This is a season to forgive, clear the air, and reconnect with your love light. Do you want to? Word to the wise: Watch out for people-pleasing tendencies and codependent behaviors (al anon is an awesome resource).
May Day, May Day: Astrology Forecast
Heads up: May’s astrology starts out smooth and glittery then looks like a hot mess of burnout. Saturn semi-sextiles Neptune and it’s easier for us to lose focus on what’s most important. Being aware of where you are being wishy washy eliminates confusion. This is not a month to give ultimatums or force things. Do you want to experiment with not pushing it? Not overdoing it? What’s the right amount of busy?
Best Day: May 6th: Mercury sextiles Venus – it’s good day for a good day.
Most Challenging Day: May 15th: The challenges presented will be easier to see in hindsight, once the Scorpio eclipse has passed.

May 1: Venus sextile Pluto: Money Makeover.
What has changed over time with love and money? What has stayed the same? This is a window to take action regarding investments, banking, moving, shaking things up at home—and estate planning. What needs to evolve? This can be felt a day in advance and occurs twice this year: May 1 and November 13.
May 2: Venus enters Aries: Finding inspiration.
Get off the couch and into action. Less yin, more yang. Get clear and direct when it comes to love and money through May 28. What do you want to feel? How’s it going to happen?
May 4-7: Energy boost!
This is an optimal window to find forward momentum – but keep some energy in your personal reserves. Stay hydrated, workout, don’t overdo it on the coffee. What special project or person do you want to focus on? Mars sextiles Uranus, Sun conjuncts Uranus, Mercury sextile Venus, Sun sextile Mars
May 10: Mercury retrograde [Gemini-Taurus] through June 2: Changing Minds
Communication, travel, and electronics have a way of going haywire during Mercury retrograde – stay patient as times change. Reviewing old notes, learning something you’ve always wanted to, meeting up with childhood friends and siblings, reworking the rules at school/work are the themes of Gemini. There’s lots to think about – stay curious and open-minded for the best possible solution. Allow room to go back and forth—don’t commit or corner people right now.
May 10th: Jupiter moves into Aries through October 28: Fireball
Inspiration from my yoga teacher: The life you live is your example to the world. Where do you want to take initiative? What kind of leader are you being to your family and friends? In Aries through October 28, Jupiter tends to super-size the self. There will be important opportunities for you to put the magnifying glass (Jupiter) on you (Aries). Keep a running list in your journal: where have I been selfish, self-centered, self-righteous, self-loathing, self-seeking? Where have I been too selfless? Where could I be more selfless?
May 15/16: Lunar Eclipse in 25-Scorpio (square Saturn in Aquarius): Friction
This is the energy of slammed doors and holy wars. Where are you inspired to take some risks?
Matters of the Heart are heavily involved with this eclipse as Venus conjuncts Chiron, Sun squares Saturn, and the Sun Sextile Neptune the same day.
May 18: Mars conjunct Neptune (Pisces): Invasions
On one hand this transit can indicate spiritual leadership, passion, faith, clarity on a new voyage… on the other it can illuminate where consciousness has been pierced, and where lines have been crossed. I think we will continue to see border issues in the news.
Sky Watch: This will be visible in the early morning Skies from Austin.
May 21: Sun enters Gemini
The Sun kisses Mercury and sextiles Jupiter as he enters Gemini. This means bright ideas! Good news, success, quick wit, making memories, and communication flow are all in good shape. Send newsletters, refine your image, launch an ad, and increase your mental agility. How quickly can you let things go? How quickly can you adopt new ideas?
May 23: Mercury retrogrades into Taurus
Revising eating and workout patterns can be a good use of this part of the retrograde cycle. Where are you being stubborn? There’s lots to think about with self-reflection – do you want to stay curious and open-minded for the best possible solution?
May 28: Venus moves into Taurus, squaring Pluto
Breakups, breakdowns, and breakthroughs are all possible in love, money, and diets – what is the most loving thing you can do for yourself long term? What’s a confidence builder for you? Venus in Taurus is all about that sense of security and adherance to core values. Speaking of, what are your core values? Do you need to update anything?
May 30: New Moon at 9°Gemini
New Moon Intention: I communicate clearly with integrity, trust my inner voice, and work within divine right timing. I am present. Make wishes around: learning new skills, work or hobbies done with your hands, clear communication, dualities, and friends. This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 9-Gemini in your birth chart.