March Skies 2020: Astrology & Numerology

March Skies 2020: Astrology & Numerology

March Intention:  I experience purpose-driven development, an expanded consciousness, and a heightened awareness of my reality while incorporating balance and connection with uplifting and inspiring communities.

Photo by Amanda Vick

In Numerology, March is a 7-month in a 4-Universal year. The numerology beckons a deeper, simpler, and more practical lifestyle. Listen for metaphors and watch for spiritual signposts on these Numerology Power Days: March 3rd, 4th, and 22nd!

Astrology Power Days

  • March 4 – Mercury retrogrades into Aquarius
  • March 5 – Venus enters Taurus
  • March 10th –  Mercury Direct in Aquarius
  • March 16th – Mercury enters Pisces
  • March 19th- Full Moon in Virgo
  • March 20th – Sun enters Aries
  • March 22nd – Saturn enters Aquarius
  • March 24th – New Moon in Aries
  • March 30 – Mars enters Aquarius

Sunday, March 1st: Set your Intentions for the month

First Quarter Moon in 12-Gemini: Hire or ask for help, think outside the box, do the next right thing, start your novel. This yang phase signifies decision making, determination, and commitment to action. Crystal Magick: Labradorite (consciousness expansion + energetic balance) and Sodalite (mental stimulation + clear communication). 

This Week: March 2 – 8

There is a mixed bag of emotions, challenges, and opportunities this week. Take it one day at a time. Reminder: We are in a 4-Universal year – when things feel rocky, go back to the basics. It’s important to get the foundation set up properly before advancing.

  • Venus square Saturn: Beware of overcommitting right now with time, expenses, and people. If you’re feeling the heavy weight of responsibility, or that happiness is being denied, take this as an opportunity to adjust your attitude and increase your self-love,  self-awareness, self-worth, and self-esteem.
  • Mercury moves into Aquarius: Get into editing mode with group decisions, technology, eclectic ideas, and social networking. Notice what comes up for review and reconsideration instead of launching new projects.  Note: Mercury is still retrograde and re-enters Pisces March 16th
  • Mercury sextile Venus: Ease, harmony, flow. It’s a good day for a good day. This opportunity comes four times this year: March 4, April 18, September 4, and October 12 (can be felt 1 day in advance). With Mercury still retrograde, it’s a good time to shop the sales, find deals at vintage markets, and interesting items at garage or estate sales. If you’re organizing, and you don’t love it, let someone else have it: it’s an equally good time to put your unwanted things on the market. 
  • Venus enters Taurus: Tap into sensual, Earthy, luxury-filled Taurean vibes through April 3rd by sharing an intimate home-cooked meal, treating yourself to a decadent day spa, and making time for companionship.

Photo by Dan Farrell

Weekend Vibes: 

This weekend is a dreamy combo to do some cleansing and clearing. Sun conjunct Neptune under a Virgo Moon: Spiritual renewal. Make room in your heart, lose track of time, get lost in your thoughts – or, as the song goes – (be) “your own, personal, Jesus.” Positive or auspicious changes with your income can pop up: be open to new enterprises.

This Week: March 9 – 15

The energy starts out intense but ends on a positive note. Give yourself some wiggle room in the calendar for delays and miscommunications.

Monday, March 9th: Full Moon in 19-Virgo:

Clean house, heart, and mind. Out with the old! {TODAY} This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure wherever 19-Virgo is in your chart. Intention: When I let go of excess and overthinking, I create sustainability, stability, efficiency, and consistency.

Positive (High) Vibes of the Virgo Full Moon:
(Make wishes in these areas)
Being of service
Constructive criticism
Trusting the process
Blending the old with the new
Setting up new procedures

Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Virgo Full Moon:
(What you might wish to remove)
Judgmental or overly critical attitudes
Analysis paralysis
Inefficiency; getting stuck in the details
Inability to see the bigger picture

  • Mercury Direct (Tuesday, March 10th): Focus your thoughts, go on a quest for information and knowledge, put your mind to the test. Mercury is in inventive Aquarius until March 16th when he re-enters Pisces. Heads up: Mercury retrogrades again June 18th.
  • Sun sextile Jupiter: Good luck, abundance, and positive juju are yours when you take action. Bonus: This same energy comes back around on November 15th. 

Weekend Vibes:

Get out of the house, go for a hike, or take a road trip! It’s a good weekend for an adventure. You never know who you’ll meet, or what stories you’ll create with an open mind and a full tank. Remember: downtime is not wasted time. It’s important to give yourself moments of nothing. 

  • Mars sextile Neptune: Reach for your dreams with tangible steps.
  • Sun sextile Pluto: Personal empowerment. Reinvent yourself. This transit makes two passes in 2020: today, and November 11th. 

This Week: March 16 – 22

Saturn’s move into Aquarius shakes things up this week. This combination reminds us to take responsibility for ourselves and for our freedoms. It can be a year when humanity and the collective consciousness has a breakthrough. You’ll feel undertones of this transit throughout the year as Saturn dances in and out of Aquarius and Capricorn. There are a lot of positive things in the Skies to offset Saturn’s transition, which can often bring changes to weather patterns and moods. If you feel a sense of urgency – good job! You’re tapped into something greater. Acknowledge your intuition is at work, and 

  • Mercury re-enters Pisces: Use your imagination. Thoughts become more dreamy, less precise with Mercury in Pisces through April 11th. Heads up: the next Mercury retrograde is June 18th.
  • Last Quarter Moon in 26-Sagittarius: Go with the flow. Things are happening for you, not to you. This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course.
  • Sun sextile Saturn: This is an optimal time to work on personal development and goal setting. If you’ve been working hard, take a moment to soak it in and reward yourself. Consider making regular chiropractic and dental appointments – anything to help with your physical structure(s). There is another opportunity to work with this energy November 19th.
  • Mars conjunct Jupiter: Take a big leap forward towards your biggest goals and achievements (can be felt 3-5 days in advance).

Photo by Robert Lukeman

Happy Equinox! [Thursday, March 19th]

Our invitation for this time of year is to observe new life with joy and childlike wonder. What wishes and cycles are taking root at this time?
I honor the changing season as the veil thins between Earth and Sky on the Spring Equinox. I sow seeds of fertile abundance with a pure heart and curious  spirit, trusting new growth in all aspects of my life. My soul is one with divine creation. 

Weekend Vibes:

Proceed with caution. There are a lot of great moments in the cosmos this weekend, but we approach some intense astrology next week – and it may show up early. Luna enters Pisces: Focus on compassion. Plan a little time to make a healthy escape into music, a good book, a long nap, or volunteerism. Crystal Magick: Blue Lace Agate (healing + calm) and Chevron Amethyst (peace of mind + dream/meditation enhancement). Mercury sextiles Uranus: Say yes to spontaneity, make plans for the future, brainstorm with mechanics and engineers. 


Photo by averie woodard

Sunday, March 22nd: BIG SHIFT: Saturn enters Aquarius – Connecting the cosmic dots. 

Saturn defines, while Aquarius dissolves. It’s necessary to break free from the past and explore new territory. This combination reminds us to take responsibility for ourselves and for our freedoms. It can be a year when humanity and the collective consciousness has a breakthrough. You’ll feel undertones of this transit throughout the year as Saturn dances in and out of Aquarius and Capricorn. 




Heads up: Saturn Retrograde cycle

  • 3/22 Enters Aquarius
  • 5/11 Retrograde in 1-Aquarius
  • 7/1  Backs into Capricorn
  • 9/29 Direct 25-Capricorn
  • 12/17 Enters Aquarius

This Week: March 23 – 29 

Mixed mojo. Treat yourself to our Address Numerology book – there are a few optimal times to use it in April (purchase the book at 

  • Venus sextile Neptune: Art, music, philanthropy. Find your creative muse/outlet and enjoy the softer vibes of this transit while the rest of the Sky is feeling intense.
  • Mars conjunct Pluto: Changing of the guards, power plays, and transformational moves. When these two heavies get together in the Skies things can go either way. Proceed with caution, watch out for explosives, and keep an eye out for potential accidents.
  • Sun conjunct Chiron: Subtle healing is available. Make appointments with healers of all types to help you move through the energy of past wounds.


Tuesday, March 24th: New Moon in 4-Aries

Start a new project with fresh eyes, minds, and hearts. {TODAY} This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions wherever 4-Aries is in your chart. The Moon of new beginnings in the sign of new beginnings is an auspicious time to start something new.

Intention: I take right action organically and welcome new opportunities that create joy and ease. 

Positive (High) Vibes of the Aries New Moon:
(Make wishes in these areas)
Starting something new: hobbies, habits, and health routines
Drive and high energy
Pioneering spirit
Paving the way for new beginnings
Mental wellness
Personal responsibility
Assertiveness and confidence
Authentic and genuine communication

Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Aries New Moon:
(What you might wish to remove)
Know-it-all attitudes
Short temper
Dealing with enemies
Antagonistic attitudes
Self-centered viewpoint

Weekend Vibes:

Love is in the air. What you focus on with feeling, expands in your life. This is a good weekend to shine your lovelight. If faced with indecision, do the thing that feels most loving to you. 

  •  Venus trine Jupiter: Look for positive support systems, influential connections, make proposals, and seek wisdom around finances. Lady luck is on your side with both love and money. Circle your calendar: there is another opportunity to tap into this mojo on October 19th.
  • Moon enters Gemini: Focus on communication. Spend time with friends, write a chapter of your book, and be at peace with multiple options. When in doubt – don’t force decisions. Crystal Magick: Labradorite (consciousness expansion + energetic balance) and Sodalite (mental stimulation + clear communication).
  • Venus trine Pluto: This sweet transit brings new life to love and romance. It offers hope, success, and fulfillment as well.

As March comes to a close, there is a changing of the guards. A new season of confidence, motivation, and determination are yours for the taking. Revisit your 2020 goals – what do you need to adjust?

  • Mars enters Aquarius: Learn something new, read up on cutting edge information in your field, replace the old with the new – you’ll feel undertones of this energy through May 13th.
  • Mars conjunct Saturn: Work hard, play hard. There is powerful energy behind work and karma right now. Buckle down, put in the long hours to get the reward. There is mixed mojo here depending on where this hits your chart. Beware of militant marching orders, bone-health, and issues with immune systems.


March Journal Prompts:

  • Where do I feel a sense of purpose, fulfillment and meaning in daily life?
  • What do I truly want? What do I desire?
  • Am I taking action towards my hopes, dreams, and desires?
  • Do I trust other people to aid me in my journey?
  • When do I feel most connected to my Higher Power?


Your forecast is written by 

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT, publishes books and podcasts from Austin, TX. She founded Wise Skies Advice & Spellbound Publishers. Her background is in health psychology and yogic philosophy. Tiff offers unique counseling sessions and teaches yoga. Schedule a session with her + find her work at