June Skies: Astrology Forecast

June Skies: Astrology Forecast

June Intention: I feel focused and clear, and comfortable in my own skin.

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Everything shifts into a different gear this month and offers plenty of opportunities to observe yourself and find your momentum. What makes you tick? What path are you walking on and why? 

Astrology Power Days

June 5th – Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius [June’s Moons]
June 18th – Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
June 20th – Sun enters Cancer – Happy Solstice!
June 21st – New Moon in Cancer [June Lunations Article]
June 23rd – Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
June 25th – Venus Direct in G
June 28th – Mars enters Aries

This Week: June 1 – 7

This is an energized week full of surprises. Stay present. You never know what battle others are facing, nor how much your kindness matters to them. Welcome challenges with hearts wide open – they are medicine. Here’s what’s in the stars… 

  • Sun semisquares Jupiter: Watch out for overindulgence, overspending, and foolish optimism. It’s a seller’s market. Emotions can blow up. Other people can get in your way.
  • Venus square Mars: Passions and tensions can result in volatility. This is not a good time to make purchases or have important conversations. Lay low and play it safe.
  • Sun conjunct Venus: Enjoy creativity, warm fuzzies, and pleasurable activities. Reach for the good things in life, promote a product you love, ask for support. This is also a positive time for activities with children.
  • Mercury sextile Uranus: Innovation, clear thinking, a meeting of the minds produces solutions. Send newsletters, book public speaking, and boost ads. Also – be ready for a change of plans.
  • Mercury square Chiron: Go easy on yourself and others. Pain is just below the surface for many you encounter this week. Mental illness, head wounds, false beliefs come up for healing. 

Friday, June 5th: Full Moon Eclipse in 15-Sagittarius

Spread ashes. This day marks an end of one journey. This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure. Numerology: 11: Magic   6: Emotional Intelligence  15: To Thine Ownself Be True. Eliminate the bullshit and procrastination. It’s time to finalize your plans and projects. Here are some extra ideas around how to play with the lunations this month.

Weekend Vibes:
Aim to go with the flow instead of resisting. Take all safety precautions. When in doubt, sit it out.

  • Sun semisquare Saturn: Change of plans. You’re being rerouted, delays are a blessing in disguise. Pay attention to your health, and avoid risky business.
  • Sun square Mars: Irritable, restless, discontent. Pack your patience – impulsivity due to extra energy now, can create problems for you later. Find a healthy physical outlet to process anger, loss of control, and tempers. Do not schedule doctor visits or healing treatments. Avoid weapons, explosives, and dangerous situations.
  • Venus semisquare Jupiter: Makeup or breakup? Mixed signals, over-shares, and awkward situations are likely around love and money. Is someone blowing something out of proportion? Or oppositely not paying enough attention to the important issues? 

This Week: June 8 – 14

Leave room for error mid-week. If you’re feeling things intensely, know that it’s likely karmic or past life issues coming up for review. Focus on the numerology of the 1-Universal month. How can you be the best version of yourself even if life doesn’t go the way you had in mind? What are you learning about yourself? Treat yourself to something fun on Friday. Crystal Magick: Aquamarine (purity, truth + freedom) and Hematite (stress relief + stamina).

  • Venus semisquare Pluto: Karmic relationships. This can feel heavy, deep, and fated. Be mindful about relationships that control, manipulate, and abuse power. Reminder: we all deserve more unconditional love, not less. Seek to deepen your capacity to love.
  • Sun square Neptune: Caution lights. Mistakes in diagnosis, cloudy judgment, errors and innocent mistakes become detrimental. Imaginations can take over.  Hold a steady line, and double check all of your work.
  • Venus sextile Chiron: Healing the feminine. Network with women. Connect with your yin side. Receive. 

Weekend Vibes:
Bookends. With the Moon leaving Pisces and entering Aries, the weekend is a good time to complete one task before beginning another. What do you need to clean up in order to move forward?  

  • Last Quarter Moon in 22-Pisces: Seek to understand. Find compassion and let it go. This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course.
  • Mars conjunct Neptune: False starts, loss of reality, emotionally unstable. Drugs and alcohol are lethal right now. This transit has a bit of mixed energy, as it can promote passionate leadership if the foundation is secure.

This Week: June 15 – 21

Mercury goes retrograde this week. Normal Merc-retro issues apply: delays, wonky electronic issues, miscommunications but don’t let it stop you from living your best life. Stay light. Crystal Magick: Red Jasper (stability + trust).

  • Mercury Retrograde: It’s normal to find yourself in a bit of analysis paralysis while Mercury retrogrades in 14-Cancer Thursday June 18th – July 12th. When making decisions, seek a balance between the head and the heart. On a deeper level, you may want to revisit issues from childhood – are you ready to stop re-enacting parent/child roles?
  • Mars sextile Pluto: Positive change. This is an ideal time for some emotional clean up and/or standing behind a cause.

Weekend Vibes:

Happy Solstice! In the Northern hemisphere it is considered the longest day of the year because it has the most amount of daylight. Also known as Litha, or Midsummer, the Summer Solstice kicks off the Summer season. We also celebrate World Surfing Day and International Yoga Day on the Solstice. Here’s the weekend vibes:

  • Mars sextile Jupiter: Good fortune! This is a positive time to plan a move, make an investment, plan a book launch, restructure partnerships and bring harmony to marriages.
  • Sun enters Cancer: Happy Birthday Cancer! Tap into your traditional, nurturing, and intuitive Cancer vibes through July 22nd. 

Saturday, June 20th: Happy Solstice! 

Solstice Invitation: Consider your unique illumination in this world. How are you showing up? How are you shining? Crystal Magick: Rhodonite (compassion + emotional balance).

Solstice Intention: I honor the changing season as the veil thins between Earth and Sky on the Summer Solstice. May my life reflect the glorious colors of the rainbow and send brilliant rays of healing and empowering sunlight throughout the cosmos. 

Sunday, June 21st: New Moon in 0-Cancer

Make wishes around your home, trusting your instincts, and a sense of belonging. This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions around emotional intelligence. Numerology: 9: No strings Attached  4: Trust  0: Pure Potential.  Here are some extra ideas around how to play with the lunations this month.

This Week: June 22 – 28

Your cosmic quest this Summer and Fall is to pay attention to clues in the present about any karmic unfinished business and clean it up. Cut through illusions and shadows. Energy is building as Mars moves into Aries over the weekend. What energizes you? Focus on that. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is – the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is feeling intense. Crystal Magick: Fuchsite (heart-centered joy + inspiration).

  • Neptune Retrograde: Finding significance. The subtle advisor of your intuition is asking you to sort through some things. Are you projecting your dreams onto someone else (or they to you?). Are you seeing the potential of a situation instead of reality? June 23rd – November 29th.
  • Venus Direct: There’s a sigh of relief on Thursday, June 25th when Venus goes direct in 5-Gemini. As we work through the shadow period to clean up emotional debris over the next few weeks, we can focus on building positive relationships and friendships that have an equal give and take.

Weekend Vibes:

On your marks, get set…. Mars will be in Aries for SIX MONTHS – from June 28, 2020- January 7, 2021! Mars is the planet of new action, Aries is the sign of new beginnings. This cosmic energy puts a little gas in the tank. The time is now. If you’ve felt like life is passing you by, it’s time to get going. On a cautionary side, this combo governs war and aggression. Pick your battles. Spiritual warriors are called to rise to the occasion. 

Make friends with the competitive side of life. This feisty, masculine, and often self-centric energy can manifest in different ways. You’ll be aware of more people asserting themselves, and life can take on a ‘what’s in it for me’ mood. You can work with this energy to your advantage by considering what’s in it for ‘them’ and loving your neighbor as yourself. Take care of yourself – this period can feel like you’re sprinting everyday and the finish line keeps moving out. Stay hydrated, well-rested, and vitamin-ed up! 

Mars in Aries:

  • Ingress into Aries June 28, 2020 with a sextile to Saturn 
  • Stations Retrograde September 9, 2020 at 28-Aries
  • Departs Aries January 7, 2021

This Week: June 29 – 30

The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction that finalizes this week offers a major theme of the Summer. Push pause on the practical side of life as you allow more fantasy, illusion, and metaphysics in your day. What are you learning Spiritually? There is a joker in the deck – keep seeking the truth from the inside. Crystal Magick: Black Tourmaline (energy clearing + security).

  • Jupiter conjunct Neptune: This is a period of increased intuition, enlightening dreams, astral travel, and spiritual growth.  This is not an ideal time to make critical decisions nor investments. Beware of delusions of grandeur (can be felt 2-6 weeks in advance).
  • Sun square Chiron: Minor identity crisis, wounds are revealed. Remember: external circumstances are happening for you (not to you). Be gentle with yourself and those around you –  deep feelings are just below the surface.
  • Mercury sextile Uranus: Innovation, clear thinking, a meeting of the minds produces solutions. Send newsletters, book public speaking, and boost ads. Also – be ready for a change of plans, there may be a joker in the deck.


 June is a 1-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year: We are entering a new cycle – what do you want it to look like for you? Catch the momentum of new beginnings. Focusing on your unique individuality without adopting a ‘me first’ attitude is the name of the game. Clarity, drive, and determination fuel your projects in June. Approach goals with a steady, realistic pace. 

Numerology Power Days

June 4th = New beginnings with new boundaries
June 22nd = Individuality in the details

June Journal Prompts: 

  • What is my personal vision for this month? For the remainder of the year?
  • What have I learned about myself and my individuality this year?
  • What motivates me? Who motivates me? Why?
  • What do I want this month? What do I desire this month?
  • Where do I see myself at the end of 2020? Can I envision it? Do I believe it?

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Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT is an author, medium, and astrologer. She has a Master’s degree in Health Psychology and a background in yogic philosophy. She pulls from her Russian lineage as a tarot teacher and story-teller. Tiffany has been publishing mind-body-spirit books, cookbooks, and advice columns since 2000. She owns Wise Skies Advice and Spellbound Publishers. Tiffany has studied under internationally recognized mediums including Janet Nohavec, Tony Stockwell, and Elodie Joelle. She is certified through the IEL Institute, Resonance Repatterning Institute, and Yoga Alliance. She loves gardening, crocheting, cooking vegetarian food, and has a lifelong goal of studying at the Arthur Findlay College. Her private practice is based in Austin, Texas. Find her projects at www.TiffanyHarelik.com.