20 Jun July Lunations
In July 2020, there is a revered Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn on the 5th, and a second New Moon in Cancer on the 20th. That’s right! A double New Moon in Cancer in July doesn’t happen very often. Take this as a second opportunity to integrate new pieces of the puzzle. Below are some excerpts from our Book of Ceremonies you can play with, or use to make your own rituals up as you explore what these lunations stir up.
In case you missed it – here’s the full July Forecast + Podcast. Happy Moons to you!
July 5 – Full Moon Eclipse in 13-Capricorn
When the Full Moon falls in the Earth sign of Capricorn, you can expect to feel ambitious, intuitive, and driven. This is the perfect Moon to set intentions around long-term plans and goals. This is the Moon of your public image, legacy, and contribution. It’s time to bang the drum of self-discipline and perhaps offer a renewed sense of commitment to something that requires slow and steady growth to develop wisdom over time.
Numerology: 3: Clear Communication 7: Drive 13: Organization
Full Moon at 4:44! Numerology Power Code: Tap into your creative processes.
Eclipse Intention: I transform and transcend outdated belief systems and ego-based motives through honesty, acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion. I set myself and others free.
Positive (High) Vibes of the Capricorn Full Moon:
(Set intentions for closure or completion in these areas)
– Seeing your ambitions all the way through to fruition
– Taking responsibility & a mature approach
– Finding gratitude for elders
– Winding up business projects
– Healing wounds around success and reputation
– Finding completion with a disciplined approach
– Recording traditions for posterity
– Building your empire consciously and compassionately
Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Capricorn Full Moon
(What you might intend to remove)
– Rigidity and sternness
– Resentment
– Not staying in the present moment
– Touchy or sensitive
– Controlling tendencies
– Pessimistic attitudes
– Fear of change
In Health, Capricorn Governs
(Areas of the body where you might wish for healing)
– Bones
– Knees
– Joints
– Arthritis
– Gall bladders
– Skin
– Root Chakra (Muladhara)
– Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Sample Wishes for the Full Moon in Capricorn
– I put away childish thinking in order to grow and mature.
– I am self-governing; I no longer need to take responsibility for other people’s actions and emotions.
– I easily address my resentments in order to face life with eyes wide open.
Crystal Healing Bathing Ritual
Step One: Selecting Tools
Set up a Full Moon wishing area in a quiet space without distractions. Ideally you can do this outdoors, but a private space inside works too.
Incorporating all of the elements:
We suggest using one or more items of your choice from each element when designing your ceremony—you can use as many or as few as you like.
CAPRICORN FIRE items: Candles + Smoke
- Gray or black candles – trusting the unknown
- Earthy scented candles, herbal bundles, or incense:
- Palo Santo – protection
- Mullein – slower pace
- Comfrey – healing
- Patchouli – deep magic
CAPRICORN EARTH items: Crystals + Stones
- Kambaba Jasper – higher wisdom
- Garnet – passion
- Snowflake Obsidian – healthy detachment
- Spirit Quartz -truth
CAPRICORN AIR items: Intentions + Mantras
- Any personal wishes you want to make in the areas Capricorn governs + the High Vibe Aspects of Capricorn
- CapricornFull Moon Intention
- Capricorn Full Moon Healing Invocation
CAPRICORN WATER items: Essential Oils + Flower Essences
- Patchouli – accelerated healing
- Nutmeg – intellectual stimulation
- Eucalyptus – cellular activation
- Bergamont – letting go of fear
JOURNAL – Any notebook or piece of paper will work to write your intentions and responses to the journal prompts.
EPSOM BATH SALTS – 1-2 cups as desired for the bath/shower, and an extra cup for the scrub.
Step Two: Ignite
Light a black or gray candle and place it nearby.
Say: I activate the highest frequencies of the Capricorn Full Moon vibration, infusing them with my energy field to cleanse, clear, and purge anything limiting me from my connection with the sun light of my Higher Power.
Step Three: Healing Waters
Draw a bath, by adding 1-2 cups of epsom bath salts to warm water along with a few drops of the recommended essential oils. Be mindful of adding essential oils to the water if your skin is sensitive.
Gently place a few crystals into the bath water, stirring the water counter-clockwise five times with your hand. Relax in the tub as long as you feel comfortable.
Shower Alternative: Turn on the shower and create heat and steam. Place the crystals you want to work with in the corners of the shower floor. Drop a few drops of the recommended essential oils into the shower area, creating an aromatic infusion. Stand in the shower and attune to the energies you’ve created. Relax in the waters as long as you feel comfortable.
Step Four: Shake it Off
Use another cup of bath salts as a body scrub. If you are in a bath, drain the water as you do this; whatever energies have collected in the water have been detoxed from your system and must be washed away. Scrub your body from head to toe with the salts (be mindful of face and eyes if you have sensitive skin).
Say: I am cleansing and clearing my energy field. I am rooted. I am grounded into my physicality. Any lower vibrational energies are transmuted into higher frequencies of pure positive potential. All aspects of me are here now.
Step Five: Meditation
After bathing or showering, collect the crystals, candle, and essential oils, finding a quiet spot to meditate and journal.
Hold the freshly activated crystals in your right palm. Ask for additional guidance or insight from your higher self and spirit guiest as to limiting beliefs, behaviors and attitudes.
Step Six: Set Intentions
What is coming to mind after the energetic reset of the body scrub and new clarity from the meditation? Write any fears or lower vibrational energies that you are willing to let go of in your journal. Example: I willingly let go of ___________________. Next, write your Full Moon intentions, wishes, and healing invocations at the time the Full Moon is exact (or within a few hours if possible).
Step Seven: Crystal Enhancement
Place the candle you used during your bath/shower and your journal out under the Capricorn Full Moon (or in a window sill). Leave them out for three days and nights, allowing the light of the Moon to illuminate your desires to the Heavenlies.
After the three days and nights, retrieve the crystals and place them in your bathroom (on the side of the bathtub, in the shower or somewhere in the bathroom you feel intuitively called to place them) and leave them there for the next 30 days to reactivate the energies of the Capricorn Full Moon and your willingness to let go of limitations. They are a physical reminder of the intentions you cast into the Spiritual realm for assistance.
Bonus: Each time you bathe or shower, you can restate intentions such as: I willingly let go of ___________________.
Step Eight: Closing Sacred Space
After the ceremony is complete, bring your palms together in front of your heart or your forehead (third eye). Close your eyes and take three breaths, breathing in and out through your nose.
Visualize a channel of white liquid light flowing through the crown of your head, down through your spine, and then down into the Earth to clear your physical, emotional, and spiritual body. Visualize this light becoming fluorescent in cleansing your DNA and the cells of your body, and then shining it’s unique rays out from your heart into the world.
Say: I honor myself, this sacred space, and the divine intelligence guiding my life. I trust my Higher Power to overlight my intentions and to align my heart with the highest good of the collective. This ceremony is whole and complete. I give thanks, it is done, and so it is. Namaste.
With hands in prayer, bow to the inner divinity own sacred heart, honoring your highest self. Remember God with gratitude.
July 20 – New Moon in 28-Cancer
When the New Moon falls in the Water sign of Cancer, you can expect emotional intelligence to reign supreme. Cancer is the Moon’s home sign, and Luna is quite comfortable here. You may feel like nesting and finding comfort in home-cooked meals, keeping the home fires burning. If you notice controlling behaviors and obsessive-compulsive patterns, that’s part of the bad behaviors of this Moon sign— consider where you can let someone off the hook. This is the perfect Moon to initiate a new project for your home, conduct a house blessing, or change your address numerology. This is the Moon of the Mother archetype as well as the Intuitive Counselor. There is a yearning to nurture and be nurtured. It’s time to bang the drum of self-care and healthy relationships.
Pro Tip: The New Moon in Cancer is an ideal time to change the vibe of your home. You can do this without packing up and moving by using the magic of address numerology. Changing the vibration of your home is an effective way to create a beautiful change in the energy of your living space. Seriously, it just takes a few steps, and does not require contacting the post office to change your address. All it takes is a post-it note! Check out A.R. Green’s book: “Numerology For Your Home” at www.tiffanyharelik.com/shop
Numerology: 9: Charity from the heart 4: Emotional Processing 28: Individuality
New Moon Intention: I openly discover parts of myself that are genuine, kind, and compassionate and find opportunities to unconditionally share them with others. I am courageously open, honest, and true.
Positive (High) Vibes of the Cancer New Moon:
(Make wishes in these areas)
– Home and family
– Cooking, nurturing and mothering
– Caring and caregiving
– Kindness and compassion
– Emotional intelligence
– Keen intuition and gut instincts
– Empathy and sensitivity to others
– Healing early childhood conditioning
– Creating space for self-compassion
Challenging (Low) Vibes of the Cancer New Moon
(What you might wish to remove)
– Being controlling
– Perfectionism
– Being over-protective
– Insecurity
– Obsessiveness
– Fear of rejection
– Lack of clear ambitions
– Being moody or crabby
In Health, Cancer Governs
– Chest
– Breast
– Ribs
– Stomach
– Pancreas
– Tumors
– Digestive system
– Third Eye (Anja)
– Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Sample Wishes for the New Moon in Cancer
– I easily allow myself to feel nurtured by others.
– I’m comfortable in my home, and in my own skin.
– I embrace a total healing in the area of chest and lungs.
Home Sweet Home
Step One: Selecting Tools
Set up a New Moon wishing area in a quiet space without distractions. Ideally, you can do this outdoors, but a private space inside works too.
Incorporating all of the elements:
We suggest using one or more items of your choice from each element when designing your ceremony—you can use as many or as few as you like.
CANCER FIRE items: Candles + Smoke
- Candles (white or off-white) – calming
- Natural scented candles, herbal bundles, or incense:
- Cedar incense – connection
- Sage – clearing
CANCER EARTH items: Crystals + Stones
- Rose Quartz – unconditional love
- Rhodonite – compassion
- Moonstone – intuition
- Pink or Watermelon Tourmaline – emotional clarity
CANCER AIR items: Intentions + Mantras
- Any personal wishes you want to make in the areas Cancer governs + the High Vibe Aspects of Cancer
- Cancer New Moon Intention
- Cancer New Moon Healing Invocation
CANCER WATER items: Essential Oils + Flower Essences
- Rosemary – passion
- Fennel – cleansing
- Cinnamon – heart health
- Juniper – healing
JOURNAL – Any notebook or piece of paper will work to write your intentions and responses to the journal prompts.
POST-IT NOTE – Or you may use a small piece of paper that can be taped to your wall.
SAGE WAND – Optional for a house blessing.
Step Two: Determine Your Address Numerology
Address Numerology is the art of using the numbers in your address to understand and shift the feeling you get when you’re in that particular space.
First, determine the current energy in your home by calculating your address numerology.
Add up the numbers of your address, then reduce it all to a single digit.
Example: 2705 Canyon Drive
Add or sum up the numbers:
2 + 7 + 0 + 5 = 14
Reduce it: 1 + 4 = 5
For this address, the vibration is a 5.
Step Three: Feeling at Home
Next, you will need to determine what energy you’re wanting to feel in your home life. This is no small thing—it requires discernment of your goals and desires.
Here is a quick review of the vibes behind each number:
1 = Individuality
2 = Partnership
3 = Creativity
4 = Process and analysis
5 = Adventure
6 = Nurturing
7 = Wisdom seeking
8 = Value and abundance
9 = Integrity
Step Four: Easy Math
Once you’ve determined what number you want “more” of in your home, take the vibe number of your current address and figure out what number you would need to add to it so that the sum would reduce down or sum up to the number you want. Let’s continue with the following example.
Say for instance your current address vibration is a 5 (adventure) and you want your address to have the vibe of a 2 (partnership).
So, what do you add to 5 to equal 2?
No, this isn’t a trick question.
The answer is 6 (It’s a base 9 system! For non-math people, a clock is a base 12 system that you use every day.)
5 + 6 = 11
1 + 1 = 2
Let’s do one more example with your address as a 5.
Perhaps you want your address to be a 9 (integrity).
What do you add to 5 to equal 9?
The answer is 4.
5 + 4 = 9
Step Five: Meditate
Light a candle. Dab a few drops of essential oil(s) on your left index finger. Rub this on the back of your neck, your throat, and the base of your spine. This will activate the root (home, safety, security) and throat (clear communication) chakras.
Breathe in for three seconds.
Hold your breath for three seconds.
Breathe out for three seconds.
Hold your breath for three seconds.
Repeat this three times.
Say: It is my intention that this home will embody the essence and highest vibrations of the number __________. (Now state some of the energies and trait words associated with that number that you want to call into your home to support your goals, dreams, and wishes at this time.)
Step Six: Set Intentions
Pull inspiration and insights from the properties of Cancer (as listed above in the areas Cancer governs + the High Vibe Aspects of Cancer) to write up to ten intentions in your journal. This is also an ideal time to write the New Moon Intention and the Healing Invocation. Reminder: the most potent time for wish-making is within eight hours of the New Moon. Invitation: Write one strong intention for your home.
Step Seven: Post-it Note
As calculated above (for example), you wanted to add a 6 to your 5 (adventure)-address to bring more vibes of 2 (partnership) into your home. All you need to do is get a post-it note and write the number 6 on it.
Note: Do not simply write the number that you’re wanting more of (in this instance, the number 2 for partnership). You will unintentionally affect the numerology in a completely different way than you are intending to change. Instead, be sure you write the number that actually changes the energy of your home to the energy of partnership, which in this instance is the number 6.
Write your intention for your home, or your favorite New Moon wish, on the backside of the post-it note. Write the number needed to add to your current number on the front side, then stick it to the inside of the doorframe of your front door within the first eight hours of the New Moon in Cancer. This is the most potent portal of the year to change the way your home feels.
Yes, that’s all you have to do! Trust us, it works. The energy field of your home is now changing. Give it a week or two (sometimes it can be sooner) and you will begin to notice a difference in the energy of your home. Put your intentions to work and trust the process. Prepare to be amazed.
*Option: Sage your house. After you place the post-it on the door, you can sage the house and say a blessing. See our home blessing ceremony (found on page xxx) for invocations to bless the new energy of your home.
Step Seven: Closing Sacred Space
After the ceremony is complete, bring your palms together in front of your heart or your forehead (third eye). Close your eyes and take three breaths, breathing in and out through your nose.
Visualize a channel of white liquid light flowing through the crown of your head, down through your spine, and then down into the Earth to clear your physical, emotional, and spiritual body. Visualize this light becoming fluorescent in cleansing your DNA and the cells of your body, and then shining it’s unique rays out from your heart into the world.
Say: I honor myself, this sacred space, and the divine intelligence guiding my life. I trust my Higher Power to overlight my intentions and to align my heart with the highest good of the collective. This ceremony is whole and complete. I give thanks, it is done, and so it is. Namaste.
With hands in prayer, bow to the inner divinity of your own sacred heart, honoring your highest self. Remember God with gratitude.
Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT is an author, medium, and astrologer. She has a Master’s degree in Health Psychology and a background in yogic philosophy. She pulls from her Russian lineage as a tarot teacher and story-teller. Tiffany has been publishing mind-body-spirit books, cookbooks, and advice columns since 2000. She owns Wise Skies Advice and Spellbound Publishers. Tiffany has studied under internationally recognized mediums including Janet Nohavec, Tony Stockwell, and Elodie Joelle. She is certified through the IEL Institute, Resonance Repatterning Institute, and Yoga Alliance. She loves gardening, crocheting, cooking vegetarian food, and has a lifelong goal of studying at the Arthur Findlay College. Her private practice is based in Austin, Texas. Find her projects at www.TiffanyHarelik.com.