July Astrology Forecast: Clearing the Heart and Hearth

July Astrology Forecast: Clearing the Heart and Hearth

We hear a lot from shamans and energy workers that it’s time to Dream a new future for ourselves and our world – but what does it mean when we’re experiencing a collective nightmare? Our dreams, good or bad, offer insight and lessons into our psyche and deepest soul guidance. We will be dissecting our nightmares with our resident Dream Analyst, Jen LeCompte in an open discussion format on July 21st. Register here.

As we come out of a Mercury retrograde/shadow period, my best advice to ride the celestial waves in July: “If it comes, let it come. If it stays, let it stay. If it goes, let it go.” The shift into Cancer energy is an ideal time to do some cleaning and clearing of the heart and hearth.

P.S. Be prepared for the United States Pluto return with this article.

3-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Creative Connection

Write. Draw. Go on a scavenger hunt. Work with this social butterfly numerology by connecting with people, pets, and the divine through simply having fun and witnessing the world with childlike wonder. Word to the wise: Be careful to not overcommit or overdo it under this extroverted energy.



June 30th: How to Open the Akashic Records 6p-7:30p CST

July 1: Last Quarter Moon in Aries

July 9: New Moon in Cancer

July 11: Mercury enters Cancer

July 15: Chiron retrograde in Aries

July 17: First Quarter Moon in Libra

July 21: Venus enters Virgo + Nightmare Lab 6p-7p CST

July 22: Sun enters Leo

July 23: Full Moon in Aquarius 

July 27: Mercury enters Leo

July 28: Jupiter ℞ enters Aquarius

July 29: Mars enters Virgo

July 31: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus [Lammas]


June 30th: How to Open the Akashic Records with April Leman: 6p-7p

July 21st: Nightmare Lab with Jen LeCompte: 6p-7:30p

August 3-24th: Psychic Development: with Tiffany Harelik, Tuesdays 6p-7:30p

July 1 – 4: Take caution

Volatility, misplaced electrical currents, surprises, restlessness, and irritability Mars opposes Saturn and squares Uranus). Misunderstandings, chemical issues, and frustrations can arise. If you’re feeling out of sorts, let time pass to get a different perspective. Combat any frustrations by working on yourself, your responses, and your health (Sun inconjuncts Saturn ℞ on the 3rd).

July 1st: LAST QUARTER MOON [10-ARIES]: Getting out of your own way. Where has self-reliance failed you? This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course wherever 10-Aries is in your chart.

July 4th: Independence Day for the U.S.A falls under a Taurus Moon while the Sun squares Chiron. Remember this: life is happening for you, not to you. Let problems become ‘medicine.’ Take nothing personally, yet take full responsibility for your soul’s evolution. Get a new metaphysical book, take a course you’d like to nerd out on, move out of isolation tendencies. It’s ok to be vulnerable – you’re growing and learning. Intrigued about the United States upcoming Pluto return? Here’s an article and special podcast episode.

July 5 – 11: Keep your house in order, stay focused

Remain vigilant: confusion, delusion, lies, overdoses, improper medications, freak accidents, and toxins are all the more likely while Mercury squares Neptune this week. Things are not as they seem. Wait for some time to pass before assessing the situation or making firm decisions. More will be revealed.  

In love: Watch out for miscommunications and a case of the ‘screw-its’ try to stay cool when plans change or ideas don’t match up- Venus opposes Saturn, squares Uranus, and trines Chiron. Take nothing personally, stay focused on what is true and most loving for you right now. 

In money: Stay focused and flexible. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to while the Sun semisextiles Mars. Anticipate some surprise expenses.

In health: This is an optimal time to get to the core of the matter. Writing, talking, and meditating will reveal new layers of the onion. Handle sibling rivalries, cathartic conversations, and triggering events with awareness July 8, and August 9 (Mercury inconjunct Pluto ℞).

July 9, 2021 NEW MOON in 18-Cancer: Nesting

Make wishes around home, family, personal space, home-cooked meals, and overcoming control-tendencies and fear. This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions on house-themes wherever 18-Cancer is in your chart. Check out our house clearing freebie for more ideas!

Potent New Moon Wishes

  • Cleaning house spiritually, physically, emotionally
  • New diets, healthy ways to take care of yourself, home-cooked meals
  • Change your address numerology 
  • Wishes around your home and family
  • Reunions
  • Personal Space 
  • Intuitive, gut instincts, 
  • Overcoming insecurities and control freakeries, moodiness, lack of clear ambitions
  • Healing from early childhood conditioning or ancestral patterns

New Moon Crystals: Moonstone for intuition, Watermelon Tourmaline for emotional clarity. 

Cancer New Moon Intention: My journey is illuminated with meaningful experiences. I feel comfortable, inspired, and relaxed at home. 

July 11: Mercury enters Cancer: Recharge the batteries of your heart, initiate a new habit around meal planning, and determine what the love language is for the people/pets in your household. The subtle energy calls for more introversion, responsibility around finances, and nonverbal communication through July 27. The challenge remains: Don’t take anything personally.      


July 12-18: Upgrades all around 

Maybe it’s as simple as getting a new phone, but your communications are in need of an upgrade this week.  There will be slower thinking, delays, and tough conversations while Mercury arm-wrestles Saturn. A positive use of this transit would be breaking down something old in order to rebuild it (think electronics, toys, instruments, and items you tinker with).

If you’re struggling, know this: it’s always darkest before dawn. Keep looking for silver linings, aha moments, and personal breakthroughs. You’re graduating from an outdated version of yourself and becoming more and more enlightened while the Sun opposes Pluto this week.

In love: Focus on alignment, fun, and connection Monday and Tuesday while Venus conjuncts Mars. Be aware that your perceptions may be skewed for better or worse while Venus battles Pluto and Neptune this week. Take care of the inner-child who has suffered from others’ reactions, disappointments, and disruptions. If you’re in a letting-go stage, notice any fears around unexpected shifts and determine if they are useful. 

In money: Game on! Mercury trines retrograde Jupiter bringing good news, success, and an ability to get your message across on Monday. Circle these dates to look for similar good financial juju: July 12, September 20, October 3, and November 1.

In health: Mixed messages. Meditate. Sometimes your mind can work against you when Mercury semisquares Mars this week. In yoga, the kleshas are responsible for all of our suffering: ignorance, ego, attachment, aversion, and fear of death. Circle July 15th as a good day to find a spiritual solution when the Sun trines retrograde Neptune

Overheating, food poison, and hanging out in the wrong crowds are more likely with Mars inconjunct Neptune. Mars can make your blood boil, or engage you enough to get into action. Neptune might not believe the truth. Tread softly July 18, and October 16. Let time pass.

July 15: Chiron ℞ in Aries: You cannot laugh at the same joke over and over again. So why do you cry over the same problems over and over again? It’s the placement and cycle of Chiron that holds the key to transforming your greatest mental, physical, and spiritual wounds. Check out our article about Chiron in Aries for more information on what to review and revise this retrograde cycle through December 19th: https://tiffanyharelik.com/chiron-in-aries-2018-2027-the-magical-quest-the-self-healing-journey/

July 17: FIRST QUARTER MOON [25-LIBRA]: Surprise someone by taking something off their plate today. Where can you be a good partner/friend/colleague? This yang phase signifies decision making, determination, and commitment to action wherever 25-Libra is in your chart.


July 19 – 25: “If it comes, let it. If it stays, let it. If it goes, let it.” 

Take a detour, walk the road less traveled, and be marveled at plot twists! Work with Mercury’s sextile to Uranus this week to ignite your curiosity and a new solution presents itself. The fog is lifting – take a moment to get clear on what you’re looking for or do some special visualizations Monday morning.

Fair warning: This is Bermuda Triangle energy. Travel is not advised this week through Sunday the 25th (Mercury opposite Pluto). Who knows, maybe we will find out what happened to the mystery planes. 

In love: Impasses are building and important decisions are forcing people’s hands in some relationships. Be true to yourself and kind to others in order to stay empowered as tricky situations arise. This is war like energy – schedule some down time to meditate, drink plenty of water, and don’t overdo it (Mars inconjunct Pluto ℞). Be mindful of power-plays, far-out doctrines, or hyperfocusing on things that don’t matter. Let some time pass before initiating constructive conversations. 

In money: Mo money, mo problems. Abundance is a blessing and a curse. Things won’t gel in love or money midweek – let some time pass before making decisions and appointments (Venus opposite Jupiter).

In health: Go easy on yourself and others. Pain is just below the surface for many you encounter. Mental illness, head wounds, and false beliefs are healing. Let’s be patient, tolerant, and kind as we move through Mercury squaring Chiron ℞ three times this year: January 4 (observe), July 19 (modify), December 18 (move forward).

Be realistic – and be careful not to overcommit. Our eyes are bigger than our bellies and we put too much on our plates with Sun inconjunct Jupiter ℞

July 21: Venus enters Virgo: Venus stays at hotel Virgo through August 16. The details come into focus, the little things count. Your heart-health and lovelife need your time, affection, and attention. Some of us may be working on reparenting ourselves during this transit. What feels most caring to you? That’s the question to keep asking yourself this month. Don’t forget to register for our Nightmare Lab tonight! 

July 22: Sun enters Leo: Happy Birthday Leo! Tap into your confident, creative, starpower, leadership-Leo vibes through August 22. (Pssst… We have gifts and birthday readings for your Leo at www.tiffanyharelik.com/shop).

July 23: FULL MOON in 1-AQUARIUS: Exiting the Crazy Train

What inspires brilliance?  What makes you crazy? What are your tools for looking inside to find disruptive patterns in yourself? What groups, or collective ideas do you need to separate yourself from? This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure wherever 1-Aquarius is in your chart and can help you find completion, liberation, and freedom. 

  • Getting in touch with your inner weirdo
  • Getting curious about what isn’t working in order to find creative new solutions
  • Being radically honest in order to discover personal responsibility
  • Overcoming self-righteous, stubborn, and flakey behavior 

Full Moon Intention: I easily connect with like-minded people to experience progress and forward momentum as a collective.


July 26 – 31: Walk your talk

If you’re feeling the urge to reach for more out of life, this is the time to go for it. The mojo is with you. Step on the gas, but watch out for speeding tickets (Mars opposes Jupiter ℞).

In love: Pushy vibes. You can attract more flies with honey than vinegar earlier in the week (Mercury semisextile Mars).

In money: Make sure you can put your money where your mouth is. There is a tendency to exaggerate and blow things out of proportion with this transit. When we aren’t honest with ourselves and others about what is realistic, we set the stage for resentment. Slow your roll (Mercury inconjunct Jupiter ℞).

Sometimes you have employment that you love, other times a job is just a job. There is an opportunity to take personal responsibility for your life right now. That may mean sacrifices or delays to doing what you really want to do within relationships and work. Stay disciplined in your approach to living life by your own design. This transit occurs twice: June 13, and July 30 (Venus inconjunct Saturn ℞).

In health: Get ready to kick old habits and start new health routines on the 29th. 

July 27: Mercury enters Leo and remains there until August 11. This is an optimal time for making large announcements and getting your business in the limelight through playful and fun marketing efforts. 

July 28: Jupiter ℞ enters Aquarius: Important:  it’s important to remember Jupitur influences more like Saturn while retrograde. Consider revising rules and regulations in your groups (Aquarius). Maybe you need to pick a new leader, or trust your gut under the Aries Moon.

July 29: Mars enters Virgo: You’re creating a well-oiled machine in health and wealth by staying disciplined, clean, and orderly. Fine tune systems and procedures while Mars is in Virgo through September 14. 


This yin phase of the Moon signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course wherever 8-Taurus is in your chart. What would it look like if I completely trusted God/HP/the Universe with my thoughts and my life? Ceres enters Gemini today too, making it a good time to use words in a nurturing way.

Lammas, also called Lughnasa is an ancient Celtic festival honoring Lugh (pronounced “loo”), the Sun God that falls on July 31st as well. It comes halfway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, making it a cross-quarter holiday. 

Invitation: Let dreams become reality.
Let gratitude be a tool for visionary magic. Feeling deeply grateful for some aspect of life conjures more of that feeling. We recognize the warmth of the fading Sun within the harvest we are now receiving. Consider: What do you want to transform with the light of the Sun? What is being prepared (physically and emotionally) to endure a long, cold winter?

Lammas Feast Ideas:

  • Cornbread with Non-GMO corn and peppers
  • Roasted street corn with vegan mayo and peanut crust
  • Fried squash blossoms
  • Pickled vegetable relish or fruit chutney 
  • Tomato basil soup or marinara sauce 
  • Lavender and Chamomile tea

August sneak peek: Magician’s Realm
We are walking in the realm of the Fool and the Magician in August.

NUMEROLOGY: 4-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Focus Pocus

NEW MOON: August 8th in 16-Leo: Courage, Fertility, and Primal Instincts

FULL MOON: August 22nd in 29-Aquarius [2nd FM in Aquarius in a row]

Tiff offers private sessions and classes. She uses the Golden Tarot deck combined with yogic philosophy and her lineage of Russian mysticism to answer your questions through practical advice. She holds a Masters degree in Health Psychology and founded Spellbound Publishers, a metaphysical book company. She owns and operates Wise Skies. When she’s not reading star charts you can find her advocating for bees and gardening. Follow her work at www.TiffanyHarelik.com