28 Jun July 2024 Astrology Forecast
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
July Intention:
I feel at home in my body.
July is a 6-month in an 8-year: Emotional Intelligence.
Nesting, nurturing, and compassion are important this month. What you love, will grow. Where are you rolling the dice, vs conservatively investing your heart? What do you notice about home, family, and connection as you move through the month?
Not so fast: the anaretic degree.
The anaretic degree is the last degree of a zodiac sign (29°) before it moves into a new sign. There can be a sense of urgency to finish something. Beginnings due to endings are emphasized. In progression work, the 29th degree is crisis-oriented. This is why decisions made while the 29th degree is activated can be made in haste.
The anaretic degree comes into significance twice this month. Neptune retrogrades in 29° Pisces (July 2nd through December 7th), and the second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row falls in 29° Capricorn on July 21.

July 1 - 11: Heart, Health, Habits, Home
July 2: Time to shine.
Mercury Enters Leo (July 2-25), trines retrograde Neptune and the Sun squares the Nodes. Take center stage. This is an optimal window for making large announcements and getting your business in the limelight. Space for Grace. Neptune retrogrades in the anaretic degree of 29° Pisces (July 2nd through December 7th). This nebulous period also offers a time of reflection and enhanced spiritual gifts.
July 5: New Moon 14° Cancer
Intention: I love how I feel at home.
Planting seeds around: home, family, real estate, emotional healing, intuition, personal space, control-tendencies, and home-cooked meals. This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Look at the house 14° Cancer ignites in your personal chart for more information on this Moon phase family’s theme in your life.
1.♋︎ July 5, 2024, New Moon 14° Cancer: Set intentions, a new 2.5-year cycle begins. Wait and see what unfolds.
2.♋︎ April 5, 2025, First Quarter Moon 15° Cancer: Readiness to take action steps.
3.♋︎ January 3, 2026, Full Moon 13° Cancer: Observe what is being illuminated – pivot if needed, then commit.
4.♋︎ October 3, 2026, Last Quarter Moon 10° Cancer: Closure and completion. A time to pay up or receive payments both financially and energetically.
July 6: Rewiring the heart.
Venus squares Chiron, illuminating a part of us that is vulnerable, repairing, and growing in the lens of our relationships. Reparenting, self-love, and empathy.
July 11: Venus enters Leo
Venus is in Leo July 5th – August 5th. We all deserve more unconditional love, not less.

July 12 - 21: Intensification: The Awareness Pressure Cooker
July 15: Safety First
Buyer beware. Safety first. Mars-Uranus conjunction on fixed star Algol. This explosive combo is supercharged with fixed star Algol. Known as the beheading star, the energy of this star also informs primitive female sexuality and hysteria. Take extra cautions around fire, wires, electricity, smoking, and keep a special eye on elderly, children, and pets.
More optimistically, this transit also brings awareness to where you feel held back in life to help you identify what needs to change. In this way, new opportunities for breaking through old patterns can be found. Mars pushes us forward. Uranus gets us out of our comfort zone and into our zone of genius. Taurus proceeds slowly. Algol complicates things.
July 20: Regenerate Nervous System Health
Mars is in Gemini July 20th – September 4th and brings awareness to where action is needed. Which Gemini themes are you motivated by? Consider nervous system health, getting out of fight/flight, processing information, transportation, siblings, teachers, announcements, and social activities. Watch this interview cortisol and intuition for nutrition ingredients and ideas to overcome foggy brain, heartburn, hormone/adrenal imbalances, digestion/bloating, and recalibrating the healing pathways: https://www.youtube.com/live/64myVUllK2I?si=N8S-i7QINRymzlj_
July 21: Full Moon in 29 °Capricorn
Intention: I feel fulfilled every day, satisfied in every way, and am deeply at peace in my core.
This is our second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row, and falls in the anaretic degree, creating a sense of urgency to complete something. Capricorn represents business, the Earth, motivation to achieve, maturity, and long term vision. Take care of your future self. Look for signs and symbols from Spirit.
Set intentions around ambitions, estate planning, public image, contribution to society, and any long-term goals that the sea-goat can help you conquer in real life ‘on land’ (practical) and subconsciously ‘at sea’ (dreams)—it’s time to wrap something up.
Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time.
Excess energy—tides are high, blood flow is higher, cycles are breaking, and karmic deadlines are approaching. This can be a good time to find things/people, get a new understanding of hard to treat diagnoses, and present your work to shine in public.
This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Look at the house 29° Capricorn ignites in your personal chart for more information on this Moon phase family’s theme in your life.
1.♒︎ January 21, 2023, New Moon 1° Aquarius: Set intentions, a new 2.5-year cycle begins. Wait and see what unfolds.
2.♑︎ October 22, 2023, First Quarter Moon 28° Capricorn: Readiness to take action steps.
3.♑︎ July 21, 2024, Full Moon 29° Capricorn: Observe what is being illuminated – pivot if needed, then commit.
4.♒︎ April 21, 2025, Last Quarter Moon 1° Aquarius: Closure and completion. A time to pay up or receive payments both financially and energetically.

July 22-31: Clean Spirited
The saying cleanliness is next to godliness comes to mind as July comes to close. Cleaning up your side of the street includes any confessions, apologies and changes of behavior that are required of the evolution of the Soul. Let nothing from the past hold you back: it’s your time to shine.
July 22: Sun enters Leo: Becoming the star of your own life
As Cancer season completes, the Sun moves into confident, creative, starpowered Leo. Happy Birthday Leos! The Sun is in Leo July 22nd – August 23rd.
July 25: Mercury Enters Virgo: Organize your thoughts
Precision, processes, and procedures. Mercury enters Virgo July 25th – August 15th. Themes include reviewing contracts, organizing drawers, mapping out plans, adopting a pet, and spending time in the garden or farmer’s market. Bring “minamalism” energy: what can you cut out to create more efficiency, clarity, and simplicity? Mercury rules the mind and communications, Virgo rules health, healing, and attention to details.
July 25: Heart Reset
Chiron retrograde in Aries brings introspection, reflection, and focus on healing. There is a promise made in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous that we will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
Chiron represents the wounded healer archetype and also our deep soulmate connections. Chiron retrogrades from July 26th to December 29th — and marks a period of increased self-healing. Learn more about Chiron in Aries and how it affects you personally.

July Horoscopes
Chiron brings your attention to soul mates, karma, and areas that make you feel vulnerable this month. Notice who is in your life for a reason, a season, and a lifetime.
Uranus and Mars in your sign create some restlessness and irritability. Reminder to pause when agitated, rest, and heal.
With Mars and Jupiter in your sign this month, be aware of any opportunities to catapult something forward in a big way. Where are you thinking about rolling the dice?
The New Moon in your sign gives you an astrological new beginning. What do you want to change, and start fresh this month?
The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will ignite your sign this month, creating good vibes for connecting with loved ones. Who do you need to schedule some hang time with?
With Mercury transiting your sign towards the end of the month, you may feel an extra push to organize and clear clutter. This will free up some mental space to enjoy learning something you’re curious about.
Chiron retrograde opposes your sign, illuminating something that needs to be said or forgiven when it comes to your significant other or best friend.
Uranus and Mars oppose your sign, bringing relationship issues to the surface. Are you able to be gentle with yourself and others?
Celebrate your progress when it comes to self-love and confidence. Mars and Jupiter oppose your sign this month, indicating something juicy going on in your love life.
The Full Moon in your sign this month illuminates more information on a topic that has been bothering you. What can you see now, that you can’t unsee?
Pluto retrograding in your sign activates three fixed stars Sham (opinionated), Albireo (contemplative), and Altair (impulsiveness/fortune). Notice what you are ruminating about. What feels nostalgic? What feels like a red flag? What feels like an absolutely yes?
Saturn and Neptune retrograde in your sign creating a nebulous vibe. Take it easy and go slow – let the Universe have your back.

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