17 Dec January 2021: astrology forecast
January 2021: Changing Gears
The new year brings a promise of hope and positive change. Astrology and numerology help anchor us when the territory is uncertain. Here’s our take on how to optimize the January Skies.
6-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: There’s no Place Like Home
Unconditional love and self-care are anchors as the annual numerology changes from 4 to 5. This shift can bring us out of our comfort zone, but the 6 helps us to take care of ourselves in this new territory. Go slow and no one gets hurt.
January 6: Mars enters Taurus
January 8: Mercury enters Aquarius
January 8: Venus enters Capricorn
January 13: New Moon in 23-Capricorn
January 19: Sun enters Aquarius
January 28: Full Moon in 9-Leo
January 30: Mercury Retrogrades in Aquarius
This weekend in Astrology: January 1-3
Study your lineage, learn about your spiritual inheritance, and let your conversations be intense and meaningful. Profound results are possible. Go deep this weekend.
January 1, 2021
Mercury sextile Neptune under a Leo Moon: This is an auspicious time to get creative. Watch for synchronicities, listen to inspiring music, and get in touch with the magical side of life. In business, this is a positive time for launches, sales, and marketing. This transit passes three times: January 1, April 29, December 26. See what happens when you plant seeds today… make revisions in April, and find a sense of completion in December.
New Year’s Crystal magick: Yellow Citrine (empowerment) & Fuchsite (heart-centered joy + inspiration). Gardeners: plant seeds for fruits under a Leo Moon.
Venus sesquisquare Uranus + semisextiles Pluto: Change it up! There is a desire to be unique and stand out right now. It’s the right time to break out of dysfunctional conversations, ugly surroundings, and things that don’t fit the true-you.
Every candle went through the fire. Don’t be surprised if old wounds, traumas, or uncomfortable conversations bubble up. You’re offered an opportunity to change your perspective on the past. The choice is yours: to become the lighthouse or the victim. This transit passes three times: January 3 (observe), February 22 (modify), October 30 (move forward).¶
This week in Astrology: January 4-10
Do you believe in what you pray for?
Jupiter semisquare Neptune: January 4, 2021 –
Jupiter is the megaphone for Neptune right now – there’s no more room for being wishy-washy. This transit has been building for some time. Pause and get real with yourself. You may find yourself in a position of blind faith, questioning your spiritual teachers, or feeling confused about the afterlife. Do you practice what you preach? What do you believe in? Clarity and honesty are powerful.
Mercury and Pluto are squaring Chiron: Go easy on yourself and others.
Pain is just below the surface for many you encounter. Mental illness, head wounds, and false beliefs are healing. Let’s be patient, tolerant, and kind as we move through this transit three times this year: January 4 (observe), July 19 (modify), December 18 (move forward).¶
January 6, 2021: Last Quarter Moon in 16-Libra
Friendly Cosmic Reminder: you don’t have to be the karma police. This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course wherever 16-Libra is in your chart. Crystal magick: Fluorite (clarity + peace) & Blue Apatite (authenticity + balance). Gardeners: plant seeds for flowers.¶
Mars enters Taurus
After a 6-month sabbatical in hotel Aries, Mars barges into Taurus January 6th through March 3rd. We are motivated by what makes us feel secure. Pace yourself: slow and steady wins the race.
Mercury enters Aquarius
Listen to your bright ideas and take swift action, fire up your inner rebel, get passionate about a cause, and raise the vibe in your network. Things can get weird and wonderful with Mercury (the messenger of the Gods and ruler of communication) in freaky Aquarius January 8 through March 15.
Venus enters Capricorn
With Venus staying in hotel Capricorn January 8th through February 1st, we can feel a little more cautious with love and money. We are seeking something more long-term, we want to feel committed, and we are called to take a more mature approach to life.
Awkward first dates, clashing moods, and nervous behaviors are likely as Mercury sesquisquares Venus this week. Nerd out on reruns to keep the vibe light. A Scorpio Moon on Thursday is the right time to figure out what makes your lover tick and to explore the sensual chemsitries. Crystal magick: Serpentine (regeneration + psychic stimulation) & Black Tourmaline (energy clearing + security).
Lean conservative. Think before you speak: is it true, is it necessary, is it kind? If frustrations in finances arise – you can gain clarity and perspective by taking a healthy pause. Sticky business- allow room for error. Don’t make important calls or decisions today. Mercury square Mars January 8, February 10, and March 23. Patience wins.
Distorted thinking, lack of focus, and indecision are more likely while Mercury semisquares Neptune this week. This is a danger zone for drugs/meds and alcohol. Take extra caution around any water-related activities and patients with dementia. This transit occurs on January 10 (warning signs) and comes back April 22 (another opportunity to gain understanding).
Weekend Vibes: January 9-10
Drive, energy, vitality, and optimism light up the Skies briefly as Venus trines Mars and Mercury conjuncts Saturn this weekend. Benefits come through working with the opposite sex, sprucing up your home (or self), and finding creative compromise. Higher learning, logical conclusions, in-depth communications are also stimulated right now. Use the time to research, and expect mild boredom and necessary delays in travel or shipping. If you’re lacking focus and determination, let the Mercury/Neptune sesquisquare lift before charging ahead.
This week in Astrology: January 11-17
1-11 Watch for Spiritual Stepping Stones January 11th
Jupiter trines Chiron: You’ve been learning something big about yourself. You’re growing out of old coping mechanisms and pain. You have an opportunity to use lessons from your biggest disappointments and hurdles to expand your consciousness and help others. It’s time to step up spiritually. Gardeners: plant seeds for roots under a Capricorn Moon.
Also on January 11, 2021: Mercury conjuncts Jupiter and trines Chiron, bringing good news, understanding, and good luck! This is an ideal time to write & publish books, articles, journals, and market your written words as you seek to understand other perspectives. Dive into higher realms of thinking and communicating with your prayers/intentions/meditation.
Nerves can be triggered even during the best of times. When your peace and plans are disrupted, just know Mercury/Uranus and Mars/Saturn squares are coming to pass mid-week. What tools do you have to maneuver through fiascos? (Pro-tip – this is not a great time to buy electronics).
January 13, 2021: New Moon in 23-Capricorn
Focus on what needs to be renewed in terms of your public identity, make wishes about landing your dream job, or set your ambitions on a new course. More themes to play with:
- Recharge the energy around your home office
- Many people changing careers or the way they work is changing (Grand Mutation)
- Long-term goals
- Personal Magic
- Renewing public image, new logo, launch
- Sabian Symbol: Two awards for bravery in war
- Venus trines Uranus rx on this New Moon: Try something new! Pleasant surprises, impermanence, unique approaches are favorable. There are four opportunities to live your best life: January 13, March 3, August 3, November 19.
Venus squares Chiron: Pay attention to the messages of your relationships – sometimes we learn best through the lens of another (don’t be surprised if you’re feeling this a few days ahead of schedule). There are four optimal opportunities to work with your love language this year: January 12, January 27, June 12, November 15.
Also: Mars semisquares Neptune come Thursday: This screams passive aggressive energy to me… be careful about picking your battles right now, you may not have all the information you need to make a good decision. Avoid toxins, slow down, use caution. Be sweet.
Sun conjunct Pluto on the 14th: Coming in hot! This can be your time to shine – be mindful of the best use of your personal power (some personalities are overbearing right now). This is an optimal time to research, develop your psychic abilities, set money-intentions, and go big or go home!
Herbal Correspondences to the Capricorn New Moon: Birch Bark, Comfrey. Try bathing with some Tiger’s eye to zoom out and get a bird’s-eye-perspective.
Weekend Vibes: January 16-17:
Plot twist! (Disruptions)
Jupiter square Uranus: Something big has shifted on your path. Many people are changing gears, some more impatient than others. If you’re picking up on a sense of urgency to do something different, if you’re experiencing some unwanted disruptions, or if you’re wary of something that seems sketchy – listen to your guts. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. This transit lifts January 17th.
This week in Astrology: January 18-24
Finding order through chaos
Saturn semisquare Neptune (Jan 20th)
Saturn’s influence requires boundaries, checklists, and an order of operations. On the other hand Neptune represents the unknown. Stick with (or start) your spiritual disciplines to make it through a foggy time: meditation, prayer, yoga, time in nature. Get into a routine – same time every day. See what can happen…
The Sun enters Aquarius
January 19th – February 18th is Aquarius zone and it’s a particularly Aquarian frequency this year. Consider your inner Einstein and carry a notebook with you to prepare to write down dreams, ideas, and aha moments.
Flashbacks, deja vu, and memories have you analyzing things.
Notice what feels out of sync in your mind/body. You may be interested in talking, discussing, or journaling in order to find greater alignment between the head and the heart. Chiron brings up pain points and suffering, but can also point you to areas where you like to nerd out. New perspectives are just what the doctor ordered. Mercury semisquares Chiron January 21 (observe), February 7 (reconsider), March 9 (move forward with a new perspective).
Hot date! Venus trines Neptune this weekend. Romance, fantasy, and creativity reign! Look back to August of 2020 for clues on what might tickle your fancy. Bonus! Love is in the air and you can work your magic in rose-colored glasses with this same transit that comes back June 21, and September 29.
Mars squares Jupiter this week. Growing pains. Speeding tickets. Notice what you’re energized to expand, learn, or grow. Does it have to be done the hard way? Proceed with caution, but it’s possible to turn lead into gold and problems into opportunities without burning up your pocketbook. There is a second time to work with this energy in December. And don’t underestimate the seeds you’re planting now. Hard work pays off and discipline is rewarded (Sun conjuncts Saturn).
The art of compassion with yourself and others. Sometimes the needs of the other people in our lives outweigh our plans. It’s a nice time to show someone you care, volunteer, or practice selflessness (Sun semisquares Neptune).
Weekend Vibes: January 23-24:
Inner healing. Counseling, self-care, acceptance, and being of service. The offering of Sun trine Chiron is presented three times: January 25 (observe), August 4 (modify), November 30 (move forward). Turn on, tune in, drop… in.
This week in Astrology: January 25-31
Unpredictability, outbursts, and radical changes of behavior/outcomes can result in hurt feelings if you’re in the habit of taking things personally (the Sun squares Uranus early in the week under a Cancer Moon).
Mercury semisextiles Venus this week. This is a unique energetic blend where all things are possible. Pause to align the head (Mercury) with the heart (Venus) and magic happens. Watch for good deals and opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Intense karmic relationships are in the air. You might notice some similar relationship themes from January 7th when we first saw Mercury/Venus make a splash in your love life, and a Venus/Chiron square is coming back around from January 12th. Sometimes it’s helpful to consider what it feels like to be on the ‘other side’ of you. There might be some fatal attraction and jealous vibes floating around as Venus conjuncts Pluto January 25-28.
It’s like a chess game out there right now. Look for windows of opportunity to increase your territory January 25-28.
Herbal Correspondences with the Leo Full Moon: Sunflower, Mullein, Valerian, and Cleavers. Try open-hearted postures in yoga, and put a little gold on your mat.
January 28th: Full Moon in 9-Leo
Sun conjunct Jupiter: You get your wish under the Leo Full Moon, just be careful what you wish for! The Sun joins Jupiter marking growth and expansion of all things (good and bad).
Hear me roar! Take a bow, celebrate your good work, find a reason to be proud of yourself. All things are possible. Make wishes around recognizing achievements, honoring your courage, and removing blocks to passion, play, or generosity. This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure wherever 9-Leo is in your chart. Sabian Symbol: Glass Blowers
Full Moon Intention: I tap into my highest potential and trust its unfolding.
Weekend Vibes: January 30-31:
Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius on Saturday the 30th. If you’re experiencing more confusion, finding errors and delays annoying, and the electronics are going hinky lately it’s due to Merc Retro in Aquarius. Use this as an opportunity to practice patience, understanding, and going at a different pace through February 20.
Focus on being of service under the weekend’s Virgo Moon. Where can you problem solve and organize without getting into analysis paralysis under a Virgo Moon? Crystal magick: Amazonite (soothing of the mind, body & soul) & Amethyst (clarity + spiritual grounding). Gardeners: plant seeds for roots.
Sneak Peek into Feb…Adaptability + Self-Study
7-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Self-Study
The energy is ripe for soul-searching and spiritual connection. It is a wonderful time for reflection, introspection, and truth-seeking. It’s possible you are feeling antisocial or detaching a bit in order to continue a personal quest. The puzzle pieces come together when you create daily routines that fill your cup.
February 17, 2021 – Gong Crash [1:3]
***Saturn square Uranus: Adapting to unexpected changes. Be like a leaf on a fast-moving stream – find acceptance and go with the flow to the best of your ability. What you resist persists. Stubborn moods and motives do not serve you well right now. Stay curious and open-minded. Three passes: February 17 (observe), June 13 (review), and December 24 (find completion). As the Merlin Astrologer, Rick Levine puts it: “We go further into denial or we give our old shit up.”
NEW MOON: February 11th in 23-Aquarius
Group alliances are changing – who do you want to network with?
FULL MOON: February 27th in 8-Virgo
“Stability & consistency come naturally to me” / Out with the old (thinking, behaviors, models)
Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Tiff offers astrology, mediumship, yoga, and tarot sessions. She uses the Golden Tarot deck combined with yogic philosophy and her lineage of Russian mysticism to address your concerns through practical advice. She holds a Masters degree in Health Psychology and founded Spellbound Publishers, a metaphysical book company. She owns and operates Wise Skies. Follow her work at www.TiffanyHarelik.com