December Skies 2017

December Skies 2017

We made it to December! How has your year unfolded? Are there any remaining goals you’d like to pursue? I’d love to hear about some of your wishes/dreams/goals that manifested this year in the comments. Have you enjoyed our monthly forecasts this year – but maybe you want a way to access this knowledge on your calendar? Our Astrology Calendar is the perfect tool to help remind you about the transits each day – and a great gift for your astrology-loving friends and family.

On to December! Some of the best astrological news of the year happens this month with Saturn moving into Capricorn. Lovers issues may feel some relief as Venus will move into playful Sag, and Mars into sexy Scorpio. And we have a big-ol Mercury retrograde this month which means although electronics, details, and communications may go haywire and travel plans can get delayed, it can also be a great time to find discounts and deals on gifts, clean the closet for a more minimalist lifestyle, and edit old writing projects. There’s always a silver lining if you look for it.

  • Best days to say yes: December: 2, 6, 9, 12, 19, 21, 22, 30
  • … and days to politely decline: December: 3, 4, 10, 15, 20, 27, 31

The energy may have felt cranky and dense at the end of November, likely due to the Mars/Uranus opposition on December 1st. Don’t worry, there is relief in the atmosphere when Venus and Jupiter get the month off on the right foot.

12/1 – Venus, the Goddess of Love and the second planet from the Sun moves into playful Sagittarius today and stays there through December 24th. Secret admirers come to the surface. You might want to head out on an adventure that takes all night, or you might want to invest (literally) in something fun. It’s a good time to fall in love with higher education, the law, and horses too. You’ll be feeling the good juju from Jupiter trining Neptune tomorrow as well. Think good news, dream job, intuitive hits.

12/2 – Jupiter trine Neptune is positive in the airwaves today. My teacher calls this aspect the proverbial cloud nine. However, a void of course Moon (6:18a-3:20p CST) suggests it’s better to take it easy than to plan a busy schedule or make a big decision or investment. Luna enters Gemini in the afternoon which is my favorite lunar placement for writing, eating tapas, and leisurely bouncing around from one location to another. If you’re not on the cloud nine energy it could be due to a nasty Sun square tomorrow. Just keep riding the wave.

12/3 – The energy is scattered today. It’s a doozy out there. Be aware of the possibility of being of a divided mind, inner struggles, and electronics going hinky as Mercury goes retrograde (at 29 Sagittarius), the Sun squares Neptune, and the Moon becomes Full in Gemini. Delays, breakdowns, identity crises are all possible. Check out my lunar updates or email me to join the Lunar Wisdom private group calls for ways to best utilize the rhythm of this Full Moon (

12/4 – The Skies are quiet today and Luna enters Cancer at 2:36 p.m. making it a good afternoon to make a nourishing meal and to take care of your inner child. This is a nice preview of the kind of loving-kindness energy we need for tomorrow when Chiron will go direct in Pisces. Practice compassion and patience with yourself and others.

12/5 – Chiron going direct at 24° Pisces today is the big news of the day that shades the broader landscape of our emotional lives. We have the opportunity to work with Chiron in Pisces for eight years (2010-2018). Chiron is the Centaur often referred to as the wounded healer, or having the wound that never heals. Legend holds that he tried every trick in the book and every healer on the planet before accepting that his wound was not going to heal. Acceptance became the magical key that allowed him to transform his pain into something that could be useful for others. In a way Pisces and Chiron are similar: they deal with wounds, wounding, and wounded people. You may want to work on boundary issues, addictions, and pain that seems like it will never go away. The serenity prayer can be a powerful totem for you to use during this time: Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Where is Pisces in your chart? What do you need to accept as-is in order to transform the energy?

12/6 – If I could create an astrologically perfect workday it would look like today: 6:05 a.m Mercury conjunct Saturn, 9:57 a.m Mercury sextile Mars, Moon v/c 11:55a – 2:37p (over lunch) then enters Leo, Mars sextile Saturn at 3:20p.m. If you need to have a conversation with the boss, shine in your career, or put together a strategic plan, today is your day. Also of note, today is St. Nick’s day. In fourth Century Greece, St. Nicholas of Myra was known for gift-giving. European immigrants brought the tradition of gift-giving with them to the states in the early 1800s. It’s a good day to give a thoughtful gift, an action-oriented gift, or a career-related gift.

12/7 – 12/8 – The Skies are quiet today but you may be feeling an extra dose of primal energy with Mars entering Scorpio on the morning of December 9th.

12/9 – Your true North becomes more and more evident to you as the Sun trines the North Node at 4:57 p.m. Watch for serendipitous moments, synchronicity, and things that seem meant to be – because today, they are. Tomorrow, not so much.

12/10 – The morning may start with some shocking news or a wild text that sets things on fire for you when Mercury trines Uranus. Be cautious and prepared for things that are too good to be true; they probably are. Things aren’t what they seem when Venus squares Neptune and Mercury squares Chiron. It’s tough day energetically with the Moon going void of course in the evening before moving into indecisive Libra. It’s one of those nights looking at all the shows to watch without actually picking one out before giving up and going to bed. It’s not a bad day to turn in early and let your dreams take over.

12/11 – Phew, the Skies are quiet today.

12/12 – Today, several Jewish communities will light one candle on the menorah for the first night of Hanukkah. Stay up talking all night, put a little extra thought into any gifts or have fun with meal planning while the Sun conjuncts attentive Mercury in playful Sagittarius.

12/13 – 12/14 – The Skies are quiet.

12/15 – Do what you love, and love what you do is the theme today as Venus trines the North Node.  Kiss an angel good morning as Mercury the great communicator gives sweet Venus a kiss in Sagittarius then trines the North Node all before 10:00 am (CST). Look for words of encouragement, spend time doing action items that are in alignment with your path, and be sweet. Check out A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle or The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman. Dan even has a nifty life purpose calculator you may enjoy.  You may want to keep things simple in evening hours while the Sun squares Chiron by 9:46 p.m: healer, heal thyself.

12/16 – You might wake up with a wild idea or out of the box solution when the Sun trines unpredictable Uranus early Saturday morning. A spark of creativity is available for inventors and artists. What inspires you? How can you inspire others? You may be feeling the crunch of the last few days of Saturn in Sagittarius in the area of your work/career. He has been there for three uncomfortable years and will finally move to a better placement in Capricorn on the 19th.

12/17 –  New Moon in Sagittarius brings bright ideas just past midnight. Wish for adventure, optimism, and overcoming excess. Heal the hips, liver, thighs, and sciatica. Set forth positive intentions around any legal issues. Check out my lunar updates or email me to join the Lunar Wisdom private group calls for ways to best utilize the rhythm of this New Moon (

12/18 – The Moon moves into Capricorn by 7:33 a.m giving hope for an efficient Monday at work. Focus on career building, ladder climbing, and your ambitions. Things have been rough for several of us with Saturn in Sag, but tomorrow is the day it moves to Capricorn. Stay focused on what you want to do with your career.

12/19 – Saturn has been uncomfortable the last three years in Sagittarius, but today (finally), he enters stable, determined, conservative Capricorn. This is a big deal. Wherever Capricorn is in your chart, look for a practical blessing. Use the next three years wisely to build the career you want, not the one that was handed to you. It won’t happen overnight. Be prepared for the long haul, not the short-term relief. Do what it takes and you’ll be rewarded.

12/20 –  Take it easy, Don’t schedule anything that requires too much of your brain today; the Moon is void of course all day from 9:36 a.m – 8:20 p.m (CST). Venus also squares Chiron in the afternoon and goes on to trine Uranus by early evening. Prepare to be lazy, but you may get a wild hare Wednesday evening as cabin fever sets in.

12/21 – Happy Winter Solstice! Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, when the North Pole is tilted the furthest away from the Sun and when the Sun enters Capricorn. The word solstice comes from the Latin word solstitium, which means ‘the Sun stands still’. The Sun conjuncts responsible Saturn at 3:08 p.m. Plans, celebrations, wishes, and events can be set up for success today if you have reasonable expectations – just keep in mind that trickster Mercury is still in retrograde until tomorrow.

12/22 – It feels like someone unkinked the communications hose as Mercury goes direct today. Speak your truth, get your oil changed, and back up your computer.

12/23 – The Skies are quiet.

12/24 – Venus enters Capricorn on Christmas Eve at 11:25 p.m. making it a great evening to spend time with beloved elders, exchange practical gifts, or share a responsibly planned meal together.

12/25 –The Moon is void of course all day on Christmas from 8:07am – 6:26pm (CST). Venus kisses Saturn in the Skies around lunch time; the energy is slow, laid back, and lazy until Luna enters Aries at 6:26 p.m. and you’re ready to get out of the house for a little bit.

12/26 –The Skies are clear for Kwanzaa celebrations that are starting today to celebrate African heritage, family, and community. It was first celebrated in December 1966 and January 1967.

12/27 –  Morning hours are best to get things done, before the energy slows around 3pm (CST). You’ll be feeling the effects of Mars with dreamy Neptune today too. In a book passed down to me by Molly from our astrological great-grandmother, she writes that this aspect should “inspire an artist to produce something mind-mending or highly original.  This aspect can be soothing for some who are restless in mind and spirit. There will be increased fortune for those in the fishing or shipping business. Ideal for a boating expedition or a cruise on the Love Boat.”

12/28 – 12/29 – The Skies are quiet.

12/30 – This is an optimal time for writing, vision quest work, and mapping out the new year. Our Skies are graced with a Gemini moon all day, and Mercury will trine the North Node at 4:01 p.m (CST).

12/31 –New Years Eve! The last day of the year is celebrated at midnight with sparklers, champagne toasts, kisses and people singing Auld Lang Syne. The crystal ball drop in Times Square in Manhattan, New York City has been held every year since 1907, except during World War II. But be prepared for big plans to change when Jupiter squares the North Node at 1:50 p.m. and then Moon goes void of course 5:45 p.m. – 2:10 p.m (CST). A celebration at home might be in order this year.