30 Nov December 2023
Written by Tiffany Harelik

December Numerology
1-Month in a 7-Year
Wise and careful consideration. Consider longterm plans and practical magic. Get clear on new desires of your heart and list out the action steps. What/who’s business are your building—and how?
Do you want to work with crystal grids? Are the crystals and stone people speaking to you? Mercury rules communication, Capricorn is an Earth element that governs crystal and stone networks.

December 1st – 7th
Beginning out the month…
December 2nd: Mercury sextile Saturn
Mentorship. Clear your mind, clear your heart – get ready to learn. The student becomes the teacher and vice versa. This is a great transit to work with when you need to come across as an authority, or step into the authority of your own life. It’s also optimal for studying your family lineage, working with people who are older and wiser, and negotiating long-term deals. Know this: Sometimes the best teacher is silence. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs April 5, May 12, May 19, December 2, and December 21.
Then, on the third: Venus square Pluto
Are you feeling the intensity? Breakups, breakdowns, and breakthroughs are all possible in love and money. Aim to be the best, most honest version of yourself and give everyone space to experience their own truths. This transit can start bubbling emotions around a day in advance and occurs March 16, and December 3.
Continuing on into the month,
December 4th, Venus enters Scorpio
Stay curious. Lady Venus moves into hotel Scorpio where she inspires us to wonder about the mysteries of life. Love takes on a deeper meaning, finances get a boost, and work life feels more empowering. The magick of life works when you stay focused on self-growth through December 29.
December 5th, Venus trine Saturn
Commitments in love feel good right now – and you’re able to make some headway with longterm goals and plans in all areas of your life. This can be felt coming in a day early and occurs May 13, and December 5.
Last Quarter Moon at 12° Virgo
This is harvest time. Something that started 2.5 years ago, and was propelled into action 1.5 years ago—is now coming to fruition. What is completing now? This Moon marks wisdom, experience, and seasoned perspective. Bills are due—it’s time to pay things off, or invoice for money owed. Can you provide awards or recognition for something that is wrapping up?
December 6th, Neptune Direct in Pisces
Neptune retrogrades in Pisces June 30 through December 6, 2023. This can be a time of inner reflection and increased psychic awareness. Do you want to recommit to your meditation practice? Write a new song? Keep a dream journal?
On the seventh,
Sun trine Chiron
Inner healing. Renewal. Counseling, self-care, acceptance, and being of service. This offering can be felt a day in advance and occurs August 12, and December 7.
Mercury trine Jupiter
Look for the wins. They are all around you. Where can you feel success in terms of workflow, your higher quest, and life goals?There’s flow in articulating messages through writing and educating during this transit. You might feel it come a day early and occurs August 9, September 4, September 25, December 7, and December 18.
December 8th – 14th
The second week begins on December 8th:
Venus opposite Jupiter Abundance can be a blessing and a curse. Be careful about overdoing sugar, and overspending. If things don’t gel today – no sweat. Do you want to let some time pass before making decisions and important appointments? Take nothing personally. This over the top energy can arrive a day in advance, and (friendly reminder) isn’t about ‘you’.
Then, on the eleventh, Mercury sextile Venus
Love letters. Ease, harmony, flow. It’s a good day for a good day. Shop the sales, find deals at vintage markets, and interesting items at garage or estate sales. If you’re organizing, and you don’t love it, let someone else have it: it’s an equally good time to put your unwanted things on the market and clear your clutter. It’s amazing what a clean ‘junk’ drawer can do for the mind. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs May 12, June 17, November 15, and December 11.
Closing out the week: the New Moon at 20°Sagittarius, on the 12th
New Moon Intention: Life is a fun adventure, full of clues on the quest for truth.
Planting seeds around: travel, teaching a new class, advertising, publishing a book, learning a new philosophy or language, cooking from a foreign cookbook, or finding a new outlook on life.
Do you want to do something fun? Is it time to live a little?
This phase signifies subconscious influences and new beginnings. More will be shown over time. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 20-Sagittarius in your birth chart.
Sabian Symbol: A child and a dog with borrowed eyeglasses.
Moon Family Story: A New 2 ½ year Cycle Begins. This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle over the course of four Moons:
1. **December 12, 2023 New Moon 20-Sagittarius: A new cycle
2. September 11, 2024 First Quarter Moon 19-Sagittarius: Poised for action
3. June 11, 2025 Full Moon 20-Sagittarius: Pivot: more is revealed
4. March 11, 2026 Last Quarter Moon 20-Sagittarius: Mission Complete
Garden tip: Plant annual flowers and plants that bear fruit and vegetables above ground during the waxing of the Moon—the time from the New Moon to the Full Moon. Leaves and stems are growing as the moonlight increases each night.
December 15th – 21st
The third week begins with the Sun Trine North Node / Sextile South Node…
Help is on the way! Good karma, and blessings upon blessings. This is an auspicious time to connect with your highest purpose and your spiritual inheritance – to realize you are your own guiding light and that you have support. Notice the bonuses and positive pivots in your life. This transit can be felt a day in advance and might feel a little like deja vu – it occurs three times this year: January 2, August 19, and December 15.
Also on the 15th, Mars Trine Chiron
The heros journey. Healing rifts, moving forward. “Sometimes you’re the windshield. Sometimes you’re the bug. Sometimes it all comes together baby. Sometimes you’re just a fool in love.” -Dire Straits. This can be felt 3-5 days early and occurs June 22, and December 15.
Then on the 16th, Sun square Neptune
Lower energy. Things are unclear – wait for more to be revealed. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs June 18, and December 16. Check the main forecast since the Skies send mixed signals this week: www.tiffanyharelik.com
Then on the 18th, Mercury trine Jupiter
Look for the wins. They are all around you. Where can you feel success in terms of workflow, your higher quest, and life goals?There’s flow in articulating messages through writing and educating during this transit. You might feel it come a day early and occurs August 9, September 4, September 25, December 7, and December 18.
December 19th: First Quarter Moon at 27° Pisces
A turning point: an opportunity to walk your talk. This yang phase signifies it’s time to take action (not contemplate). What pressures are working in your favor? Look back to events that were seeded by the New Moon in this sign (9 months ago)
— for clues where to get going.
Closing out the week, on the 21st:
Venus opposite Uranus
Opposites attract. Diversify, blend wacky interests, push up against what you aren’t to determine what you are. Heads up: there may be some unexpected expenses or curve balls. You got this! This eclectic energy can pop up a day early.
Mercury sextile Saturn
Mentorship. Clear your mind, clear your heart – get ready to learn. The student becomes the teacher and vice versa. This is a great transit to work with when you need to come across as an authority, or step into the authority of your own life. It’s also optimal for studying your family lineage, working with people who are older and wiser, and negotiating long-term deals. Know this: Sometimes the best teacher is silence. This can be felt a day in advance and occurs April 5, May 12, May 19, December 2, and December 21.
And then!
Sun enters Capricorn
Happy Birthday Capricorn!
We can all tap into our ambitious, practical, and pragmatic Capricorn-magic through the rest of the year. (Pssst… We have gifts and birthday readings for your Capricorn at www.tiffanyharelik.com).
December 22nd – 28th
The fourth week opens on December 22nd with CAZIMI Sun conjunct Mercury…
Information wizardry. Listen for downloads, bright ideas, good news, clarity and focused communication. With Mercury retrograde you might also consider: What kind of memories are you making? What needs to be re-worked and will be even more powerful under the new vision? This transit can be felt a day in advance and occurs Jan 7, March 17, May 1, July 1, September 6, October 20, and December 22.
On the 23rd, Mercury Enters Sagittarius
Are you feeling excited about the adventure of life? Inspired to learn a foreign language? Learning at a new level? Mercury in Sagittarius inspires a go-with-the-flow vibe of are available to all of us the rest of the year.
On the 24th, Sun sextile Saturn
Your hard work is paying off – keep going. Personal development, chiropractic, dental appointments are favorable now. Is it time to ask for a raise? Accept personal responsibility? Be mindful of what you take on, and what you let go of this week. Reminder: Karma is not a punishment, it’s a learning opportunity. Whatever is coming back to you now, originated from you. This transit can be felt a day in advance and occurs April 25, and December 24.
On the 25th, Mars Trine North Node / Sextile South Node
Change of plans. Something gives you a reason to see things in a new light. One door closes and another opens. Follow your intuition. What’s encouraging you forward? This can be felt a few days early and occurs July 11, and December 25.
Also, Venus trine Neptune
Eat dessert first. Love is in the air. Work your magic in rose-colored glasses. Allow yourself a mini escape from the daily grind. Romance, fantasy, and creativity are favored. Take advantage of the good mojo a day early and occurs June 2, and December 25.
The 27th is a big day in the skies,
Mercury square Neptune
Red lights. Be aware of confusion, delusion, lies, overdoses, improper medications, freak accidents, and toxins. Things are not as they seem. More will be revealed. Take all safety precautions seriously—this transit is felt a few days in advance and occurs June 25, November 27, and December 27.
Sun trine Jupiter
Bring it! Say yes, go forward, stand in your power, attract big magic. This good mojo can be felt a day early and occurs September 8, and December 27.
Mercury Conjunct Mars Clarity.
Decisiveness. Honesty. Practical advice and real solutions for rapid progress. This energy can be felt a day early and occurs October 29 and December 27.
Chiron Direct in Aries
What has been illuminated for self-improvement during the Chiron retrograde period from July 23 to today? Aries rules the self, the will, and our inner determination. Chiron represents the wounded healer archetype, as well as a part of us that feels lonely, isolated, and afraid of being different. What are you overcoming? Did you forget that you’re a miracle? What does self-love look like to you and how has that changed over time? Look at how far you’ve come—we see you.
Full Moon at 4° Cancer
Full Moon Intention: I love feeling at home in my body and good in my space.
Clearing space. Set intentions around: cleanliness and organization in the home—especially the bedrooms, living rooms, kitchen, pantry, and refrigerator. What else do you want to freshen up?
Set intentions around wrapping up anything that no longer serves you, removing any blocks to new beginnings, and removing anything that hinders your confidence and clarity. Under the light of the Full Moon it’s time to face facts, make adjustments, and reflect on what is seen at this time. Do you want to make a bold declaration for yourself?
Be aware of excess energy—tides are high, blood flow is higher, cycles are breaking, and karmic deadlines are approaching. This can be a good time to find things/people, get a new understanding of hard to treat diagnoses, and present your work to shine in public.
This phase signifies the illumination of a larger 27-month cycle. Get extra insight on what is culminating wherever 2-8-Cancer is in your chart. Celebrate your Progress.
Cancer Moon Family Story: Something that started 18 months ago, was triggered into action 9 months ago—and is now in full bloom with this Full Moon. Look for completion in 9 months:
1. June 29, 2022 New Moon 7-Cancer: A new cycle
2. March 29, 2023 First Quarter Moon 8-Cancer: Poised for action
3. **Dec 27, 2023 Full Moon 4-Cancer: Pivot: more is revealed
4. Sep 24, 2024 Last Quarter Moon 2-Cancer: Mission Complete
Garden Tip: Plant flowering bulbs, biennial and perennial flowers, and root crops during the waning of the Moon—from the day after the Full Moon to the day before the New Moon. Plants are encouraged to grow roots, tubers, and bulbs as the moonlight decreases.
The 28th follows with Mars square Neptune
Are you feeling the urge to escape? Safety first this week. Caution lights come on – be mindful of poison, toxins, deception, gaslighting, and confusion. This can be felt 3-5 days in advance and occurs March 14, and December 28.
December 28th – 31st
Closing out the month…
The 29th, Venus sextile Pluto
Feeling the heat? Take a breath, communicate with honesty, and let everyone have space and time to find their truth. This is an ideal time for a money makeover too. What action do you need to take regarding investments, banking, and estate planning? What needs to evolve? This can be felt a day in advance and occurs February 19, and December 29.
Venus in Sagittarius
Let your heart roam. We value adventures, freedom, and high spirited friends while Venus is in Sagittarius the rest of the year. This can be a fun period to learn a foreign language, learn how to cook a meal from a different lineage, or study foreign policies.
Finally, on the 31st:
Jupiter Direct in Taurus
Jupiter is the cosmic magnifying glass that helps us focus on the sensual side of life while in Taurus: sweet and savory meals, serene environments, soothing textures. Jupiter in Taurus influences patience, persistence, and perseverance. It is an indicator of financial luck—if you’re willing to put in the work. Jupiter remains in Taurus through Spring of 2024.

Tiffany is an evidential psychic medium, astrologer, and best selling author. She holds a Master’s in Psychology and has been trained by some of the world’s best mediums including Lisa Williams, Tony Stockwell, Janet Nohavec, Lynn Probert, Mavis Patilla, Colin Bates, and Stella Upton. When she’s not writing the astrology forecast, you can find her in the apiary, yoga studio, or midwifing new books at Spellbound Publishers.