22 Nov December 2022 Astrology Forecast
by Tiffany Harelik
December Intention: I enjoy living my Highest path of personal integrity and wisdom, in my own experiment of a life by divine design.

9-Month in a 6-Year: Closure, completion, tying things up. What are you integrating? This month can bring a sense of urgency and overstimulation. Look back to March for clues and patterns – it was a 9-month too.
- Mars is still retrograde in Gemini until January 12
- Dec 4th: Neptune Direct in Pisces
- Dec 6th: Mercury in Capricorn
- Dec 8th: Full Moon at 16° Gemini 01′
- Dec 19th: Mediumship 101 – workshop
- Dec 20th: Jupiter enters Aries
- Dec 21st: Solstice: Sun enters Capricorn + 2023 Predictions Workshop
- December 23: New Moon at 1°Capricorn
- Dec 23rd: Chiron Direct in Aries
- December 28: USA Pluto Return 3:3
- December 29: Mercury retrograde in Capricorn through January 18, 2023

December 1-10
Red lights come on as we enter December. There is a tendency to see the potential in a person or situation instead of accepting what actually is. Be aware of confusion, delusion, lies, lovers quarrels, overdoses, improper medications, freak accidents, and toxins. Venus Opposes Mars on the 1st while Mercury squares Neptune on the 2nd, and Venus squares Neptune on the 4th.
If you’re skipping the chaos, quitting drinking, or saying no to drama—know this: Venus/Saturn are supporting you on the 2nd: hard work pays off.
Take it easy on the 4th. Neptune turns direct in Pisces generating potent dreams and processing emotions through music. Do a little yoga, take a little nap.
Realign on the 6th. Mercury enters Capricorn, squares Jupiter. The Skies are helping you focus on business strategies and practical magic. But despite your high hopes for the future, the micro won’t match up with the macro unless you bring awareness to it. Make a list of your priorities, then make a second list of your daily activities. If they don’t sync up, it’s time to navigate yourself back to a lifestyle that works for you.
Full Moon at 16° Gemini on the 8th. Do you have too many tabs open? What project do you need to put down in order to move forward with other areas that are important to you? Set intentions around any blocks to writing, editing, speaking, reading, communication, and mental wellbeing. This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure. Get extra insight on what needs to end wherever 16-Gemini is in your birth chart. Full Moon Intention: I let go of unnecessary business, over-extension, and emotionally exhausting relationships to create space for greater vitality, curiosity, and sustainability.
Are you being too assertive, not assertive enough? Channel excess physical energy into exercise, safely as the Sun opposes Mars on the 8th, then pump the breaks on the sugar. Venus squares Jupiter on the 9th and indicates sticky business, and sugar overload.

December 11-20
Your hard work is paying off – keep going, just go slow and steady. Be mindful of what you take on, and what you let go of this week. Reminder: Karma is not a punishment, it’s a learning opportunity. Whatever is coming back to you now, originated from you. Sun sextiles Saturn on the 12th, and squares Neptune on the 14th.
If you’ve been looking for a sign to say yes—here it is! Stay open to unlikely friendships, and chance encounters by being at the right place at the right time. Mercury trines Uranus on the 17th. This unique and unconventional energy can show up a day early and bring unusual synchronicities. There are no mistakes.
Rewiring the heart. Pay attention to the messages of your relationships – sometimes we learn best through the lens of another (don’t be surprised if you’re feeling this a few days ahead of schedule). There are two optimal opportunities to work with your love language this year: July 31, and December 19. This can be felt a day in advance. Venus square Chiron and Mars Sextile Chiron on the 19th.
Jupiter enters Aries on the 20th The life you live is your example to the world. Where do you want to take initiative? What kind of leader are you being? What does selfless service look like to you? The current Jupiter in Aries period is from May 2022 to October 2022 and then December 2022 to May 2023.self-focused and self-sufficient. confident

December 21-31
Happy Winter Solstice and Happy Birthday Capricorns! We can all tap into our ambitious, practical, and pragmatic Capricorn magic through the rest of the year.
Try something new! You are your own lucky charm. Pleasant surprises, creativity, and unique approaches are favorable on the 22nd as Venus trines Uranus and the Sun squares Jupiter.
♑︎ New Moon at 1°Capricorn on the 23rd. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 1-Capricorn in your birth chart. New Moon Intention: I easily do things with a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Chiron goes direct in Aries on the 23rd. Half-brothers Jupiter and Chiron (both in Aries) are brothers in arms this year. There will be important opportunities for you to put the magnifying glass (Chiron/Jupiter) on you (Aries). Keep a running list in your journal: Where have I been selfish, self-centered, self-righteous, self-loathing, self-reliant, self-seeking? Where have I been too selfless? Where could I be more selfless? Who am I fighting for? Read the full scoop.
Creativity flows on the 25th. This is an auspicious time to watch for synchronicities, listen to inspiring music, and get in touch with the magical side of life as Mercury sextiles Neptune. The creative streak continues as Venus sextiles Neptune on the 28th.
December 28: The third and final USA Pluto Return. Themes: debt cancellation, business taxes, and environmental conservancy. Pluto will enter humanitarian-oriented Aquarius next year on March 23, 2023, and will retrograde back into Capricorn twice before entering Aquarius again on November 19, 2024—this is when the Pluto return cycle will end.
Allow room for reconsideration. Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn December 29 through January 18, 2023. How has your life pivoted and changed from what you thought it would be like at this stage? Give yourself permission to create a new dream, make a new vision board, and change the course of your life by dropping expectations.
Resolve issues on the 29th while Mercury conjuncts Venus. There is a return to love, an opportunity to forgive, or to step up as a team player. If old flames or feelings return in your love life – do you want to keep your heart curious and stay open to love?