Entering the Magician’s Realm

Entering the Magician’s Realm

Entering the Magician’s Realm

Every year from July 28th until August 12th, the Lion’s Gate portal opens, peaking on August 8th. It combines ancient astrological wisdom with numerology frequencies to open roads, clear paths, and grant wishes. The celebration of the Lion’s Gate dates back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians and Mayans. Even amidst challenging August Skies, this portal promotes creativity, abundance, and getting some pleasant surprises.

  • Numerology: the 8 resembles our infinite nature, and our ability to find stability within chaos. Think of it like surfing a wave of abundance – you’re both still and in motion. Visualize yourself surfing and feeling exhilarated.
  • Astrology: the Sun in Leo kisses the fixed star Sirius. This symbolizes a death and rebirth of our spiritual bodies. Consider this window in time a pilgrimage of your heart.

What better time than the Lion’s Gate portal to be asking yourself: Who am I becoming? Listen to the meditation, and read the full Lion’s Gate article here.

NUMEROLOGY 4-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Focus Pocus

Numerology shifts from external (1-3) to internal (4-7) through November. Declutter. Get things in order. Minimize distractions. Take note of anything that overcomplicates your life or triggers anxiety, and be willing to clean it up. Review your priorities and make sure your daily action list matches up with your bigger picture. Maximize your time by developing more efficient processes. Work with your biggest dreams on August 8 (8-8).

ASTROLOGY: Spiritual Megaphone (Jupiter semisquare Chiron) 

Feeling Triggered? How ’bout now? The Spiritual megaphone asks you what lengths you’re willing to go to in order to experience truth. You were built to overcome the odds, and this is a month where you’ll get to practice exactly that. Huge waves of energy with highs and lows are stimulating compulsive behaviors and a need to place meaning on things that may have none. This energy is prime for making mountains out of molehills, and oppositely – overlooking major things that require your attention. Bet on the underdog during this transit. Go slow, and wait until the end of the wave for clarity and common sense to return. Three passes: April 6, August 18, and November 17.

At a Glance

  • 8th – Lion’s Gate Portal  & New Moon in Leo
  • 11th – Mercury enters Virgo
  • 15th – First Quarter Moon
  • 19th – Uranus retrograde
  • 22nd – Full Moon in Aquarius + Sun enters Virgo
  • 30th – Mercury enters Libra + Last Quarter Moon

Psst – hey friend! Are you looking for the exact dates of all the transits and wanting to use astrology to help plan ahead with parenting, the timing of work/money issues, and relationships? A free month of our digital astrology calendar has it all.


Week 1: August 1-8: Unpredictable

Personal space and independence are themes this week, although you may find yourself dealing with challenging situations regarding authority figures, the elderly, the masculine, and dads. Stay focused on the positive. Be mindful of your public appearance in comparison with your personal issues. Keep your nose to the grindstone: hard work pays off, but this is not the time to sign deals, advance your position, or expect major gains (Sun opposite Saturn ℞).

Try something new! Pleasant surprises and unique approaches are favorable on the 3rd (Venus trine Uranus).

Unpredictability, outbursts, and radical changes of behaviour/outcomes are likely when the Sun squares off with Sir Uranus on Friday. Make the most of uncertain times by knowing yourself, and being true to yourself. Easier said than done sometimes. Look back to January for clues on how to continue to work with this excitable and disruptive energy. Where can you break through? (Sun square Uranus).

Love: Lookin for love in all the wrong places? Venus inconjunct Chiron-retrograde reminds us that the treasure is in our own hearts – take yourself out on a self-care date if needed August 1. Feeling connected? August 5th is an ideal time for flattery, flirting, and falling in love (Mercury semisextile Venus).

Money: Increased responsibilities. Where do you need to step up, even if you’re not being recognized? (Mercury opposite Saturn ℞)

Health: There has been a disruption of peace and plans. Nerves are frayed. This is not a good time to travel, make decisions, or buy electronics. Be prepared to calm your nerves if triggered. What tools do you have to maneuver through fiascos? See what comes up this week – the energy is a reminder of something that started shifting in January (Mercury square Uranus).

Weekend Vibes: Connecting the Cosmic Dots

Watch for symbols/metaphors, hidden agendas, mental illness, and propaganda. Let a little time pass before the truth is revealed. Stay connected to your Source and all is well (Mercury inconjunct Neptune ℞). 


August 8, 2021: New Moon in Leo + Lion’s Gate Portal

Follow your heart. This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours of when the Moon is New and are extra potent under the peak of the Lion’s Gate today. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where you have 16-Leo in your birth chart.

New Moon Lion’s Gate Intention: Truth flows to me and through me. I organically step into my role as the heart-centered leader of my precious life. 

Make wishes around leadership, creativity, courage, primal instincts, love, fertility, and passion. This phase signifies new beginnings and is a great time to set intentions wherever 16-Leo is in your chart. 

Read this post for a free meditation + more ideas on activating the Lion’s Gate Portal.

Week 2: August 9-15

Mercury inconjunct Pluto ℞ and opposes Jupiter before entering Virgo this week. This is an optimal time to get to the core of the matter. Slowly. Writing, talking, and meditating will reveal new layers of information. Handle sibling rivalries, cathartic conversations, and triggering events with awareness this week. Organize drawers, map out plans, and spend time in the garden or farmer’s market. Unrealistic expectations can spoil the vibe (Sun inconjunct Neptune ℞).

Love: There can be trouble in paradise when we look at what we want, versus what we have. Keep it real and in the zone of acceptance for what is. Be here now (Venus opposite Neptune ℞). New life to love and romance arrives on the 11th (Venus trine Pluto ℞).

Money: We tend to make poor decisions when we are in fear. This transit is set up like a hot potato to set off triggers and reactions. If something is upsetting you, notice it as ‘medicine’ – say thank you for showing me that which is unhealed, and try to make peace with your concerns (Mars inconjunct Saturn ℞). 

Health: Moderation in all things. Be careful not to overdo it – the energy is ripe for overextending, overeating, overdrinking, overthinking, etc. Read about the Temperance card in tarot for more ideas on working with the energy of reeling “it” in (Venus inconjunct Jupiter ℞).

August 15, 2021: FIRST QUARTER MOON [23-SCORPIO]: Tap into your ‘why’ – knowing what drives you helps you know what to do. This yang phase signifies decision making, determination, and commitment to action wherever 23-Scorpio is in your chart.


Week 3: August 16-22

One of the year’s major transits completes this week. Jupiter ℞ semisquare Chiron ℞: Watch out for compulsive behaviors and a need to place meaning on things that may have none. This energy is prime for making mountains out of molehills, and oppositely – overlooking major things that require your attention. Friday is the best day of the week to say yes.

Venus enters home sign Libra on the 16th, while the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd: constructive criticism. Dancing with a partner, finding the right balance between work and play, and harmonizing or blending goals are fun ways to play with this creative and organized energy.

Love: Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is is true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?” Many of us are overcoming feeling unheard with this transit. Let’s practice being honest, true to ourselves, and saying what we need to say with kindness (Mercury inconjunct Chiron ℞).

Money: Maybe it’s as simple as getting a new phone, but your communications are in need of an upgrade. There will be slower thinking, delays, and tough conversations. A positive use of this transit would be breaking down something old in order to rebuild it (Mercury inconjunct Saturn ℞:). Watch out for unexpected expenses and pass on any credit card purchases. This is not an ideal time to be flirting with finances, or in love. Instead, take financial precautions and zoom out.  Focus on inner illumination, higher perspectives, and your spiritual quest (Sun opposite Jupiter ℞).

Health: Take care that your beautiful self-will and will power isn’t used to control or manipulate to get your way. This is a time for faith in action rather than imposing personal desires (Sun inconjunct Pluto ℞).

August 19, 2021 (Thursday): Uranus ℞ in Taurus: We’ve been here before. Uranus remains in Taurus creating seismic shifts in our reality through 2025. This indicates reversals, major changes, and mood swings in the area of food/farming/environment, finances, and securities/stabilities. If things feel shaky, they are. Go slow and give the benefit of the doubt to others as we continue to make new paths.

August 22, 2021: FULL MOON [29-AQUARIUS]: This is the second Full Moon in Aquarius in a row. Work with the magic of detachment. Find completion with whatever is making you crazy. This will bring liberation and freedom. What groups, or collective ideas do you need to separate yourself from? This phase signifies the completion of a cycle, endings, and closure. Get extra insight on what needs to end wherever 29-Aquarius is in your birth chart.

Full Moon Intention: I am proud of my progress and experience futuristic solutions with ease.



Week 4: August 23-31

Distorted thinking. Calm the nervous system with a soothing anti-inflammatory diet. This is not an ideal time to make big decisions, but it’s a great time to daydream and explore options (Mercury opposite Neptune ℞). You’re fact-finding mission to uncover some important information resumes later in the week. This is an excellent transit for writing, researching, and exploring new ways of seeing the situation (Mercury trine Pluto ℞). 

Love: Guard against feeling/acting unpretty on the 26th. Write yourself a love letter, remind yourself how far you’ve come, take yourself out for a self-care date (Venus opposite Chiron ℞). Mixed vibes by the weekend. Some of us are letting go of outdated relationships and embracing new love languages. Others are dancing in limbo a little bit longer. Heads up: something may catch your eye and/or there might be some unexpected expenses during this transit. What looks good now, may not look good later. Your view of what’s desirable is changing (Venus inconjunct Uranus ℞).

Money: Commitments in love and money feel good on the 23rd- and you’re able to make some headway with long term goals and plans in all areas of your life (Venus trine Saturn ℞).

Health: Work on yourself. It’s easy to take on work for other people during this time, but you’re advised to stay focused on your own soul-growth and duties (Sun inconjunct Saturn ℞).

August 30, 2021: LAST QUARTER MOON [7-GEMINI]: Say yes to invitations, answer calls and callings. Look for natural provision instead of forcing issues. This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course wherever 7-Gemini is in your chart.

Looking Back to last August:

August 13, 2020: Mars-Pluto square – signaling danger, explosive outbursts, unsettling news, and anger. 

September Sneak Peek: Burying the Hatchet


5-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Double Rainbow

If you like the extroverted energy of the 5, this is your month to double down and go full steam ahead. Take a chance on yourself. This is a month where you can have some breakthroughs and opportunities if you channel the optimism, dynamic spirit and adventurous energy of the 5 to your advantage. Travel. Take a weekend trip or “create” little adventures in your day. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask yourself: what do I want to be free from? Distractions and inconsistency may be on the rise. Unprocessed emotions may surface. Learn to be okay in the highs, lows, stillness and adventure – trusting that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.  

NEW MOON: September 6th in 14-Virgo 

  • Blending the old with the new
  • New health routines
  • Organization & Cleanliness
  • Mountain Air
  • Changing Address Numerology

FULL MOON: September 20th in 8-Pisces

  • finding compassion with something that has come full circle
  • healthy boundaries 
  • finishing an inspiring book or movie series
  • detoxification of the mind, body, and living spaces

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT

Tiff offers private sessions and classes. She uses the Golden Tarot deck combined with yogic philosophy and her lineage of Russian mysticism to answer your questions through practical advice. She holds a Masters degree in Health Psychology and founded Spellbound Publishers, a metaphysical book company. She owns and operates Wise Skies. When she’s not reading star charts you can find her advocating for bees and gardening. Follow her work at www.TiffanyHarelik.com