31 Mar April Skies 2018
Welcome to APRIL Wise Skies crew! We are coming off the cuff of a SUPER INTENSE Full Moon on March 31st. I hope everyone stayed safe and sound? April marks one of the most significant astrological events of the year: Chiron moves into Aries. Listen to my April Podcast here or on itunes for more info. Friendly reminder: I report from Texas, in Central Standard Time.
Good days to say yes and schedule whatever: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 23rd, 24th
Days to say no, keep it light, and lay low: 3rd, 9th, 10th, 25th, 26th
Good days for love: 7th, 16th
Good for business and money: 2nd, 7th,
Easter Sunday April 1 The Sun meets retrograde Mercury in the morning Skies, and you could feel like you’re chasing your tail to some extent. But fear not because we have a MAGICAL, enchanting Mercury/North Node trine at 8:24am CST and then a Sun/Mercury conjunction at 12:52pm. The Sun then trines the North Node at 4:11pm and the Moon enters secretive and dramatic Scorpio at 5:57pm. Tell them how you REALLY feel this afternoon…. And Happy EASTER! Honestly, this day marks several golden windows of opportunities for you to review what you love about your life, and to identify what you’d like more of. Out with the old. In with the new. Trust that you’re going in the right direction. Doors open on your path, and your future is bright. You’re free from any barriers to communication, and you’re able to feel understood and heard. This is a huge cosmic sigh of relief. The North Node is always about your future/destiny, or your purpose and where you’re headed. But I also encourage you to step out of ‘self’ and consider our collective purpose. The waning Moon in Scorpio is a good time for laundry, beauty treatments, window cleaning, and other silly nonsense that you ain’t going to do because it’s Easter Sunday. Go ahead and make a list for the week before you go to bed, however, because you’re going to GET.IT.DONE tomorrow.
And here’s some BONUS material – Mars and Saturn will rise in the Sagittarius constellation at 3am this morning and you can see them in the South at dawn. You can also find VENUS in the night sky. Look for her in the West, from sunset until 9pm.
Monday, April 2 Green lights come on for work as Mars conjuncts Saturn this morning and is the only significant astrological marker all day. Mars offers energy, assertiveness, and drive. Saturn offers constructive criticism, structure, and discipline. When these two meet in the Heavens, you can operate at maximum efficiency and check a ton off your to-do list. Today’s waning Moon in Scorpio trining Neptune offers good juju for soaking in epsom salt baths, watering houseplants, mowing the lawn, detoxing your system, and yes, even hair removal (eyebrow appointment?). SKYWATCHERS: Jupiter is in Scorpio still, but you can see her in the Libra constellation, just below the Moon around 11:30pm.
Tuesday, April 3 Jupiter will be visible in the Sky at dawn, below and to the left of the Scorpio Moon. The Moon and Jupiter are actually going to be in a conjunction here, and your perspective could be off. Someone may blow things out of proportion. Mars will be directly below Saturn this morning as well. The Skies, although somewhat emotional, are clear for work or play. Unlessss you’re out latenight. Mercury squares Mars at 2:05am latenight, before Wednesday even has a chance to start. This is combative and contrarian energy, where someone takes playing devil’s advocate a little too far. Don’t poke the bear unless you’re ready for a fight.
Wednesday, April 4 the Moon is Void of Course so early Wednesday morning you won’t even feel it. Then Luna, the Moon, shifts from sexy Scorpio to adventurous Sagittarius early-early and stays there for a few days. With a waning Sag Moon you may feel like exploring, working on your foreign language, or eating a meal from a different culture. If your garden is rolling, it’s a favorable time to harvest and freeze or can your fruits. Jelly making party! Mercury squares Saturn late-night tonight too. Booooo. This can bring up issues with your boss, miscommunications at work, or a feeling like you’re in over your head.
Thursday, April 5: Skies are clear.
Friday, April 6: The morning hours are energized with a Moon/Uranus trine. Skies are clear for the early birds, but the Moon goes Void of Course over lunch from 11:49am – 1:01pm Central Time. Don’t start new projects or schedule important calls or meetings when the Moon is Void of Course. You’re just too foggy to get anything accomplished. The Moon then enters pragmatic Capricorn. You may benefit from working with the energy and taking on a more responsible, practical approach with a Capricorn Moon. In the garden: pull your weeds, and plant, harvest, or store your root vegetables. I have an amazing radish pickle recipe, and a new pickled celery recipe I want to try. What are some of your recipes for preserving roots?
Saturday, April 7: Saturn is visible just below the Moon this morning for any early morning Skywatchers out there. Sailing this close to the Moon, in a conjunction, can put a melancholy tone to the morning. Any moodiness is bound to break when Venus in Taurus goes on to trine Saturn today. This gives relationships an opportunity to mature. Connecting with older mentors is favorable, and an element of stability is available for your long-term finances. It’s a positive day to ask for a commitment. Mars finally ends his out of bounds phase with a final conjunction to the Moon and while still energized to get up and go, we hope to see less violence, aggression, and low thresholds we’ve seen in the media.
Sunday, April 8: The Skies are clear for work or play. In the garden, the Moon is still waning in Capricorn: work with your flowers, and your root veggies.
Monday, April 9: The Moon slipped into brilliant Aquarius overnight, and Venus will square the Nodes this afternoon. Watch out for hurt feelings or a roadblock on your path. It is NOT a good day for beauty appointments, investments, or shopping. Our values are a little off today. That said, it IS a good day for a dental appointment based on the Moon – seals will stick longer that are implemented today. But guys, if you’re looking at any kind of major surgery, please always consult Molly, our founder and head medical astrologer at Wise Skies. She really knows her stuff inside and out and can help you select the best dates to accomplish your health goals and optimal healing ([email protected]).
Tuesday, April 10: “Change, before you have to,” is a Jack Welch quote that fits the day. That, and the Stones song “You can’t always get what you want.” When the Sun squares Pluto, it feels like you’re being tested, or your power and authority are being threatened. There is a challenge, a paradigm shift, and a moment to breakthrough available for those seeking a new point of view. Transformation of the self is possible. Going with the flow is highly recommended today. Don’t put too much on your calendar, because it will surely fill on its own. Venus trines Mars in the wee hours and the Goddess meets the God. If you have a late-night date, things could turn sensual quickly.
Wednesday, April 11: Luna is Void of Course from 9:55am – 1:39pm CST. Don’t start new projects during this time, and avoid important meetings, calls or decisions. The Moon then enters intuitive Pisces for the remainder of the day. I saw a funny quote from Michael Lutein the other day on twitter. Michael is the guy who wrote SunShines, a book a HIGHLY recommend, and he also writes the horoscope column for Vanity fair. Anyways, he said something like – “Don’t blame Pisces. Without Pisces, just think. We wouldn’t have music, or God, or cocaine or anything.” Ha! I sent that to my Pisces friends. So with a Pisces Moon, you’re more likely to be on point with your psychic hunches, you may have a tendency to overeat/drink/think, and you could also be feeling particularly charitable. This coupled with Venus sextilng Neptune tomorrow could have you in a particularly artistic or meditative mood.
ALSO TODAY. Pam Younghans calls attention to a Sun/Pluto square completing this evening in her forecast with the Mountain Astrologer. She says “The Sun/Pluto square in Aries and Capricorn confirms the truth of famed psychologist Carl Jung’s words: “What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.” With this aspect, it may seem that every ounce of energy we exert in battle is added to the force being wielded against us.”
Thursday, April 12: So the Moon is still in psychic Pisces, and the Venus/Neptune sextile is completing today. This is a great day to be creative, get Spiritual, and/or support the arts. Get tickets for a play or live music, start a new painting project, listen to a new meditation on insight timer. Tap in, Tune in, Bliss out. Have you ever read The Hidden Messages of Water by Masaru Emoto? Look up his work and get to singing positive affirmations over your water. Today is a great day to experiment with his work and your water.
Friday, April 13: You heard me: Friday, the 13th. Don’t worry, there are no major transits in the sky to avoid or work with. It’s safe to watch a scary movie with your bestie.
Saturday, April 14: Mars sextile Neptune is what you’ll be feeling if you’ve got some extra drive, charisma, and magnetism today. But the bigger astrological news of the day is that the second of three Jupiter-Pluto sextiles completes. The first pass happened on January 15 and the last pass will happen on September 12. Circle those dates and see if any themes begin to surface for you. Scorpio rules Pluto, and Jupiter is in Scorpio right now, churning big heavy mojo, magical, transformative energy in the cauldron. You can take this energy in a variety of ways by traveling to the darkest depths, or be rising to the highest mountains. Choose your own adventure, but know that no matter your choice, you’re coming out transformed on the other side. There’s no way around it but through it.
Sunday, April 15: The New Moon is at 26’ Aries today and Mercury goes direct. Both are good omens for moving forward with renewed vitality and energy. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a man possessed of more gifts than he can hold”. It’s time to think fast, put yourself first, and put a new project into motion. Stay open to receiving a surprise today – this New Moon in Aries will also be holding hands with rebel Uranus in the Skies. Mars rules Aries and is currently in its sign of exaltation – Capricorn. In the Mountain Astrologer report, Emily Trinkaus says, “Mars in Capricorn brings the focus, discipline, and persistence to harness the Aries fire in a productive direction and translate our inspiration into form. The key is to own our authority as the creator of our own experience while releasing the need to control.” Themes for the day include freedom, initiation, and revolutionary thinking.
The New Moon occurs at 8:57pm and you have roughly 8 hours to write your wishes AFTER the New Moon is exact. So pay attention to this – don’t write your wishes before, write them within 8 hours after 9pm CST. Wish for things in the areas of independence, taking personal responsibility, cultivating fire, courage, and starting something new. Check out my New Moon report on the forecast page – usually available the Monday before the Lunation occurs.
Monday, April 16: Slow and steady wins the race; pace yourself today. Find ways to be methodical and strategic for long-term wins. The Moon moves into sensual Taurus and it’s a great day for getting your hair colored, getting a massage or scheduling a facial. Just be careful to not go overboard; Venus opposes Jupiter cautioning you to not overeat, overdrink, overspend, and overthink.
The Lyrid meteor shower starts today and lasts through April 25th. It is expected to have 20 meteors per hour shooting from the constellation Lyra to Harp, just West of Vega. The best viewing day for this is April 20th.
Tuesday, April 17: SO MUCH STUFF. Chiron enters Aries today, which is one of the most significant astrological events of the year. We anticipate seeing more themes around self-healing, healing our identities, and being ‘born again’. On the low end, you could be battling with self-esteem issues, misguided anger, or an inability to handle constructive criticism and move forward. Be aware of people who are feeling deeply hopeless and chronically discouraged. This could be a good angle for anyone in counseling to study, as you’ll likely have many clients struggling with these issues. I love what Pam Younghans wrote in the Mountain Astrologer this month. She says, “…as Chiron moves through Aries, it reveals why its glyph looks like an old-fashioned skeleton key: The Wounded Healer not only exposes our destructive self-doubts, but also unlocks the doors to their healing and resolution.”
Chiron will stay in Aries until 2027, with the exception of it moving retrograde backwards into Pisces from September 26, 2018 to February 18, 2019. During that time, we will get one more opportunity to seal, heal, or deal with issues that we worked on when Chiron was in Pisces previously. If you 50ish and born between 1969 and 1977 this movement of Chiron into is a major life event; it’s common to experience a healing crisis with your Chiron return in Aries.
Other news in the sky today: Saturn starts a five-month retrograde phase. We may feel like we can’t get something started, or that the delays are too much and that we should go in a different direction. This isn’t necessarily the case. Saturn is simply giving you time to strengthen your discipline muscles, and offers you time to take care of important details that have been neglected or any unfinished business. Saturn goes direct again on September 6th. Don’t miss the nectar of this retrograde period. Embrace it and do what needs to be done. Eliminate every area that’s holding you back from taking your business or career to the next level. Finish your taxes, rework your idea, take care of details, clean the barn, whatever you’ve been stalling on – you have five months to get it fixed. Don’t delay; Saturn’s watching.
Venus trines Pluto, opening doors of healing and transformation around values, and self-worth today. Keep in mind Uranus will be moving into Taurus this May, and we are all about to get a major financial makeover that affects our value system. Uranus changes signs every 84 years, so this is a major deal. This is not the time to take risks. Be prepared for themes around revolutionizing farming, changing financial systems, and finding eclectic new ways to get grounded.
Get important things done early because Luna goes Void of Course after 5p and stays that way until tomorrow morning. Go to bed early, you’re not missing anything. And SKYWATCHERS: Look for VENUS in the Westerns Skies tonight, above the Moon and to the right of it.
Wednesday, April 18: The Moon enters Gemini early Wednesday morning, making it a great day for writing, being a social butterfly, and intuitively showing up at the right place at the right time. Be heard, be seen, get out of the house. My writers’ group is called the Gemini Moon Writers Group. Literally, everyone in the group has a Gemini Moon except me – mine is in Scorpio. So it’s a great Moon for bouncing ideas and storylines too. Find VENUS in the Westerns Skies again tonight, this time just below the Moon.
Thursday, April 19: The Sun changes guards this evening as he enters Earthy, sensual Taurus. Watch for general themes around grounding, long-term planning, and methodical approaches for a month. In the garden today, plant flowers or flowering herbs, but avoid watering. Plants watered today may experience some unwanted pests. SKYWATCHERS: the Eta Aquarid meteor shower starts today and is active through May 28th. It peaks on May 7th at 4am, but a recently Full Moon will make it harder to see this one.
Friday, April 20: Sleepy. The day gets off to a slow start with a Void of Course Moon. Luna then enters emotional, water sign Cancer at 9:26 am CST and you’re ready for a home cooked breakfast in bed. Do something to nurture yourself today: massages and facials get green lights. Or better yet, just stay home. In the garden: plant your leafy veggies, mow the grass, and give everything a good watering if Mother Nature didn’t. Reminder: Skywatchers mark your calendar… this is the best day to see the Lyrid meteor shower. Look for the meteors around 2am to the west of the star Vega. Don’t let the star names intimidate you – just go outside and look up.
Saturday, April 21: Skies are clear. I think.
Sunday, April 22: The Mountain Astrologer report says “There’s an unexpected knock at the door early Sunday morning when the Cancer Moon squares surprising Uranus. Building this uncertainty, Pluto’s retrograde station in Capricorn augers a change in the weather.” The Moon is Void of Course from 10 to noon, then enters dramatic Leo. People need to be petted more than usual today. Go ahead and show someone you love them in their love language (not yours). On a bigger scale, Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn today. You may not feel this one as much in your day to day life, but there is a theme around subconscious patterns and your own jurisdiction. Where have you been a prisoner of your own making?
Monday, April 23: Rise to the occasion Monday morning, the Moon kisses the North Node in the morning Skies. Leadership comes in many forms: a knowing glance, a simple talk over breakfast, or a powerful speech. Mars sextiles Jupiter in Scorpio late night and that pillow talk could turn into, well, something else… it’s also a positive aspect for risk-takers.
Tuesday, April 24: Venus enters indecisive Gemini and you have no idea what to wear, or which call to make first. Venus goes on to give a little kiss to Chiron in Aries, and you could begin to notice some of the themes we mentioned about Chiron in Aries earlier in the report: self-help, healing, discouragement, taking responsibility for your actions. The Moon comes to your rescue in detail-oriented Virgo. Or maybe my rescue. I love a Virgo Moon. On the downside, a Virgo Moon can be hyper-critical, finding every imperfection, and judging to the extreme. But on the positive end, things get organized, cleaned, and lined up more easily. It’s a good time to be working with your hands like typing, or in the Earth, like gardening. Or maybe if you’re in the hypercritical mood, you could be tossing your hands around in the air while you’re talking and pointing out fault. Ha!
Wednesday, April 25: Be prepared to take two steps back and look for a breakdown-to-breakthrough at work. Intellectual Mercury squares workhorse Saturn this afternoon but the energy is there all day. Your way of thinking doesn’t match up with the bosses. The details aren’t in alignment with the big picture. You don’t have the latest version of the software that you need to complete your work. Traffic makes everyone late. The astrology isn’t changing, don’t try to avoid it. These are things to be aware of so that your highest self can be present during the tough moments.
Thursday, April 26: Luna is Void of Course literally all day. 4:49am – 8:12pm then enters Libra. A dangerous Mars/Pluto conjunction is extra potent since Pluto is practically standing still in the Skies. Stay out of the line of fire. Drink water. Stay home. Keep your cool. It’s a tough astrological climate out there today and not everyone has the secret astrology tools you do to understand that this too, shall pass.
Friday, April 27: The moody Libran Moon makes a series of uncomfortable transits today making us feel off-balance. But a positive Mercury/North Node trine at 3:16pm takes the pressure off and steers us towards a witty and heart-centered conversation. What is the most loving thing to do for all involved? It’s not all black and white today, there’s a magical third option just behind the veil of perception. Tap in, tune in, and figure it out.
Saturday, April 28: Skies are clear. A positive Sun/Saturn trine tomorrow has an efficient effect on today. In AstroLore Saturn rules Saturday – it’s a good day to get the house chores done.
Sunday, April 29: We have another intense Full Moon at 9’ Scorpio at 7:58pm this evening. Where the New Moon on the 15th may have helped start something, this Moon is about endings. In the Mountain Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus writes, “Scorpio rules the subconscious, and this Full Moon opens access to the deep inner workings of our psyches. Whatever we’ve been avoiding or suppressing is likely to surface, and we can see what’s undermining our intentions and efforts. This is not a comfortable Full Moon, and we might feel raw, vulnerable, and easily triggered. But the emotional truths and core desires that come to light open doors to greater aliveness and increased intimacy with ourselves, each other, and life itself. Where are we stuck in survival mode, instead of thriving? What is the risk we need to take?” Be sure to watch for my Full Moon report on the forecast page at tiffanyharelik.com and if you’re a member of my AstroMagic program you’ll get access to my special Moon calls.
SKYWATCHERS: In addition to that big, beautiful Full Moon, you can find Jupiter just below the Moon. And this is the best day to spot Mercury in the Sky as well. Look for Mercury in the Eastern Sky between 545am and 6am.
Monday, April 30: The Moon trines dreamy and artistic Neptune as you’re getting your morning coffee. It’s a beautiful morning to wake up with fresh new vibes and ideas. You can still see Jupiter at dawn this morning, on the Western horizon to the left of the Moon. The rose-colored glasses might fall off towards the afternoon as the Sun squares the Nodes. The work to realize your dreams might be tougher than you wanted it to be. Opportunities to talk your way through any emotional issues you’ve attached to your plan are available this afternoon with the Moon/Jupiter conjunction and the Moon sextiling both Pluto and Mars. By the evening, you can tap back into the magic of the night sky. Find Jupiter to the right of the Moon.
Sneak Peek into May: We are undergoing a very pivotal time in our lives as Uranus moves into Taurus mid-May. This rebellious planet moves once every 84 years, and the last time it was there was in 1934. The dust bowl. The Great Depression. Banks closed, OK? Look for themes around revolutionary farming and financial upheaval and a total change in personal and collective value systems. Uranus is really uncomfortable in Taurus, it’s said to be in it’s ‘fall’ here. I shy away from all the cryptocurrency talk, but radical new ideas in self-sustaining activities like ecovillages and family farms are what I’m looking forward to exploring.
Tools and resources to help you put the PLAN in planet.
- My podcast: Wise Skies Astrology
- Molly’s digital calendar for your planner. This is my astrological secret weapon and is a must-have for anyone who is serious about using astrology in their day to day life.
- My AstroMagic Membership!!! I am pretty full with the 2018 membership but I could take on 2-3 more monthly clients. Email me anytime – [email protected]
- Connect w/ us on twitter @WiseSkiesGuide @TiffanyHarelik @MollyGaut
Until next time,
Tiffany Harelik