April Astrology Forecast

April Astrology Forecast

The wheel turns. The second quarter of the year begins. The invitation of Q2 is to get out of your head and into your heart, out of the clouds and into practical action.

April theme: Overcoming odds with new possibilities
Quiet and shy, or the cunning observer? Pull your energy inward this month to learn more about yourself. April Journal Prompt: What is it like to be on the other side of the conversation from you? What adjustments would you like to make?

April Intention: I open to the field of unconditional love, and infinite wisdom, where all things are possible. 


9-Month, 5-Year: Closure, completion, tying things up are themes of the 9: What are you integrating? Heads up: This month is a culmination of energy that can bring a sense of urgency and overstimulation. The antidote is to know your why. Write down your spiritual mission statement for the month, then balance your calendar with time for self-study (introspection) as well as time to answer a higher calling (action). Fun facts about the 9:

  • In tarot, the Hermit is the 9th card and is associated with alone time in pursuit of wisdom and spiritual questing. 
  • In astrology, the 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius which represents many archetypes: gypsy, professor, travel, foreign studies, meditation, wise scholar.
  • The 9 promotes deep understanding, and offers a way to reconcile the need for alone time with a call to service. 


Overcoming odds by staying calm, neutral, and curious. This combination allows you to sense what great things are possible. Tune into the field of all possibilities and remain optimistic – it’s your secret weapon for manifesting exactly what you wish for the future. Simultaneously watch out for compulsive behaviors and a need to place meaning on things that may have none. This energy is prime for making mountains out of molehills, and oppositely – overlooking major things that require your attention (Jupiter semisextiles Pluto and semisquares Chiron). 

Shock, Awe, New Perspectives + Unplugging, Rewiring, Recalibrating
Heads up: There is a long running aspect which began in 2009 and is culminating in April and May. Some of us are revisiting an ongoing love affair with drama. Others are excelling in their healing. Invitation: make necessary changes to free yourself from the pain of the past with whatever means works for you. It’s time. (Uranus semisextile Chiron).



April 1-2: April Fools! Mercury, the trickster of the zodiac sends mixed messages to hurry up and wait. Start moving by being still. Up for some pranks? Lean into mischievous, cunning, spontaneous, team-oriented Coyote medicine to have a little fun, just be careful not to take things too far. (Merc semisquares Saturn under a Sagittarius Moon). 

Weekend Vibes: Mercury enters Aries on Saturday: the planet that governs our thinking processes and communication styles leaves sensitive Pisces and enters fiery Aries stimulating quick-wit, odd trivia tid bits, and sometimes self-centric thinking through April 19. A last-quarter Moon in 14-Capricorn late Saturday night reminds us that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Trust the process wherever 14-Capricorn is in your chart. Luna is Void of Course all day Easter Sunday. Idea: put some crystals around the garden and throughout the house to find for a natural Easter egg hunt.

This Week: April 5-9

Stay cautiously optimistic: the astro vibes start out with Rose colored glasses, roll into a dark and stormy night, and eventually the cat lands on it’s feet. This is a week to overcome odds, and bet on the underdog. 

Loose lips sink ships: watch out for over-communicating and over-sharing right now. Your time is better spent in quiet contemplation as opposed to lengthy conversations (remember the 9!). Caution lights are on around poison, toxins, deception, confusion. Keep your diet clean, stay safe on the water, and stay alert to avoid freak accidents while Mars squares Neptune, Jupiter semisquares Chiron, Mercury conjuncts Chiron + semisquares Jupiter this week. 

Clarity returns by the end of the week as Mercury sextiles Saturn: this is a great transit to work with when you need to come across as an authority. It’s also optimal for studying your family lineage, working with people who are older and wiser, and negotiating long-term deals. Two passes: April 10 (notice what is coming up), November 30 (get into action). 

Seriously buy a lotto ticket Friday and Saturday: Lady luck is on your side when Venus sextiles Jupiter. Roll the dice! Take a chance on love, a new investment, or be spontaneous. This transit occurs  April 10, and October 28.

Love: Venus sextiles Mars making good chemistry on Monday and Tuesday and she goes on to semisextile Neptune Wednesday. Love, romance, and flirty vibes are in the air. It’s also an optimal time for marketing yourself and getting creative. You’re a magnet for whatever you want to attract – go get ’em!

Money: Listen to your inner Einstein, Tesla, and Aristotle. There is brilliance in the air and you’re able to develop, engineer, and solve anything that comes your way during this brief but powerful “aha” transit Friday April 9, and May 10 (Mercury semisextile Uranus).

Weekend Vibes

The Sun semisextiling Neptune increases sensitivity this weekend which means higher empathy, tender emotions, and an ability to tune into the creative and mystical realms. This is a cool manifestation zone to work with Sunday’s New Moon.

Be aware that breakups, breakdowns, and breakthroughs are all possible while Venus squares Pluto this weekend – aim to be the best, most honest version of yourself so you have no regrets, and no emotional hangovers. 

Sunday, April 11, 8:31pm: New Moon in 22-Aries:

Fresh Start! The Moon of new beginnings in the sign of new beginnings is an auspicious time to start something new!

New Moon Intention: I share heartfelt interactions with my favorite people without conditions, expectations, or strings attached.

New Moon Wishes: 

New Projects, Fresh Eyes, High Energy
Forming a United Front
Singleness of Purpose
Mental Wellness
Being Bold and Initiating
Taking Responsibility   


This Week: April 12-16

Moon enters Taurus on Monday, followed by Venus on Tuesday (April 14th – May 8th). Focus on grounding through creature comforts like cooking your favorite meal, setting up a crystal grid with Rose Quartz, and zhuzhing up your closet and giving away the stuff you haven’t worn in a few years. 

The planets in Taurus remind us to keep some gas in the tank for personal reserves, while Mars is coming in hot!  Survival of the fittest, forward momentum, and breaking points are themes while Mars semisquares Uranus and and trines Jupiter this week. Grow through what you’re going through. 

If you’re not feeling heard or understood, don’t take it personally – pause and wait for a better time to communicate. For the accident prone: watch out for electrical and fire issues, and make sure you turn the oven off. Don’t poke the bears, guys, and don’t stop before the miracle happens.

Love: Mercury semisextile Neptune: Reminiscing, nostalgia, and dreamlike states. Thursday brings an optimal time to create memories, meditate, and read sacred texts. Just be aware a Sun/Pluto square in the background can bring up the temptation to force issues. Word to the wise: pick your battles. Do you want to experience peace, or to be right?

Money: Sun sextiles Jupiter under a Gemini Moon on Thursday: It’s time to put your money where your mouth is. This manifestation set up brings good vibes, spiritual health, and opportunities for positive change. Crystal magick: Labradorite (consciousness expansion).

Weekend Vibes

Mars trines and Mercury sextiles Jupiter this weekend: All systems go. This is a perfect time to reach for an opportunity, get outdoors, and go for what you want. Your judgement is sound, and you can experience more confidence and clarity. Opportunity knocks. It’s a good time to interview, write resumes, self-promote, work with the media, conduct book signings, gain favor in legal issues, investigate publishing, and explore spirituality. What you think about grows. Where do you want to find expansion, good luck, and good mojo? Just think about it. 

Mental agility is also increased. Your mind is literally on cheetah speed right now. Take time to write, journal, and process large amounts of information quickly. Put on your investigative reporter hat and beware of misrepresentation/deception/dishonesty  (Mercury sextiles Mars and squares Pluto).

In the background: This means war. Impasses are building and important decisions are forcing people’s hands. Be true to yourself and kind to others in order to stay empowered as situations arise (Mars inconjunct Pluto). You will get to the bottom of it, it will be good news, and sunny skies return briefly Sunday night (Sun conjuncts Mercury).

This Week: April 19-23

The Sun and Mercury join Venus in Taurus on Monday. Practical, down-to-Earth, conservative, traditional thinking is your secret weapon. “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”  -President T. Roosevelt

Tuesday brings a first-quarter Moon in 0-Leo, a yang phase that encourages you to walk your talk as a major theme of the month completes (Jupiter semisextile Pluto). Remain optimistic knowing that your prayers have been heard and the cosmic helpers are working on your behalf for your greatest and highest good.

Otherwise it’s a bit gloomy this week guys: moderation in all things. Some folks are feeling lost at Sea, lied to, and experiencing distorted thinking while Venus and Mercury challenge Neptune. There can be a lack of focus, indecision, and a feeling ripped off. Don’t take the bait. This is a danger zone for drugs/meds, alcohol, water sports/injuries, poisons, and toxic ways of thinking.  Looking back: this energy pattern surfaced back in early February. Do you notice any similarities?

Mars enters his fall in Cancer on Friday: This firey planet can lose steam in a water sign. You’ll likely see more passive forms of communication through body language, and indirect comments. See if you can listen to people’s hearts when words fail them. 

Love: Attraction to the unusual on Thursday. This could be a fun time to get a lovers astrology or tarot reading, go on a blind date, or put up some wacky art that you’ve always wanted to display. If you’re lover is triggering you, be ready to take on a new perspective and tackle old problems with new solutions (Venus conjuncts Uranus and semisextiles Chiron).

Money: Remain conservative with all that Taurus action. Save, plan, earn, slow and steady.

Weekend Vibes

Mercury conjuncts Venus over the weekend which is a positive time to resolve issues, focus on companionship, and be a team-player. There is a win-win and an opportunity to contribute under the Libra Moon. If old flames or renewed feelings return in your love life – keep your heart curious and open to love.  Crystal magick: Fluorite (clarity + peace) & Blue Apatite (authenticity + balance). 


This Week: April 26-30

Monday, April 26⋅9:31pm: Full Moon in 7-Scorpio: Focus on your deepest needs, be honest about your worst behaviors, and challenge yourself to change if needed. If you’re uncomfortable with what the Full Moon is revealing,, you’re probably growing. It’s going to be deep, and it’s going to be ok.

Full Moon Intention: I crave healthy attitudes, positive behaviors, and transformative experiences that take me to the next level of Soul growth. 

Full Moon Wishes:
The ability to execute/finish projects
Transcendence: Dark night of the ego
Closure on unhealthy obsessions/addictions
Completion, endings, overcoming demons/moods
Psychic detective work
Metaphysical studies 

Full Moon Crystal Magick: Serpentine (regeneration + psychic stimulation) & Black Tourmaline (energy clearing + security).

“The wound is the place where the light enters you.” -Rumi

We are practicing the art of compassion this week. Sometimes the needs of others outweighs our plans for the day. Show someone you care, volunteer, or practice selflessness (Sun semisquares Neptune and semisextiles Chiron).

Sometimes our best thinking and clever mind works against us, right? Prioritize your mental health through meditation, checking in with mentors/counselors, and getting a different perspective. Reminder: you don’t have to know everything, nor tolerate people trying to push their agendas. Take a time out from any arguments – put down your weapons while Mercury semisquares Mars: April 27, June 15, July 15, and December 31.

Pluto retrogrades at 26 Capricorn on April 27: The most powerful tones invite a change in career, a breakdown of government secrets, a power surge, and a shift in long held ideas. The treatment of elderly and death rituals/practices also bubble to the surface for collective review. Pluto goes direct again in October – same sign – second verse. Retrogrades of the outer planets are felt most heavily the day before and the day of retrograde as a slowness, then their tone fades into the background of the planetary tapestry. 

Love: We are loving a good challenge when it comes to relationships, creative projects, and work goals as Venus semisquares Mars towards the end of the week. Enjoy this playful combo April 30, October 6, and December 27.

Money: There is an auspicious window to get creative mid week. Watch for synchronicities, listen to inspiring music, and get in touch with the magical side of life. In business, this is a positive time for launches, sales, and marketing (Mercury sextile Neptune + Sun conjuncts Uranus).


May Sneak Peak: Discipline + Routine Stabilizes You

NUMEROLOGY: 1-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Motivation: Focus. Clarity. Vision. You’ve got drive and determination on your side. New beginnings, new identity, new logos, and Universal Oneness.

ASTROLOGY: Saturn and Mercury retrograde.  Let your conscience be your guide.  Discipline brings freedom. Observe where you can loosen your grip a little. This can feel equally unnerving and freeing. 

New Moon in Taurus: May 11th: new garden, new menus, planting seeds, making money

Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius: May 26th: Ending excess [minimalism = freedom], recognizing what journeys are over


Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT

Tiff offers astrology, mediumship, yoga, and tarot sessions and classes. She uses the Golden Tarot deck combined with yogic philosophy and her lineage of Russian mysticism to answer your questions through practical advice. She holds a Masters degree in Health Psychology and founded Spellbound Publishers, a metaphysical book company. She owns and operates Wise Skies. Follow her work at www.TiffanyHarelik.com