17 Aug September Astrology
by Tiffany Harelik
Are you ready for an Energy Recalibration? September Intention: I feel at home in my body. Home is a place I enjoy being.
September Numerology
6-Month in a 6-Year: Double Rainbow!
- Increasing Emotional Intelligence.
- Practice following gut instincts: what feels most loving for all involved?
- Taking care of your energy at home, in your body, aura, mind, and Soul are an important area of focus.
- Do you want to strengthen your psychic muscles in our psychic catalyst circles?
5th – Venus enters Virgo
10th – Mercury Retrogrades into Libra + Full Moon in Pisces
12th – Midheaven Workshop
13th – Psychic Catalyst Practice Circles Start!
23rd – Sun enters Libra + Mercury Retrogrades into Virgo
25th – New Moon at 2°Libra 48′
29th – Venus enters Libra
Best Days
7th – Fate Lends a Hand
27th- a Personal Awakening

September 1-4: Bold Start
Mars sextile Jupiter | Mercury opposite Jupiter |
First Day of the month Magic.
Mars sextiles Jupiter on the 1st – reach for the stars! Be bold and courageous to ask for what you want during this energy boost. Do you want to get clear on your answers inside yourself energetically? Once clear–look for opportunities and go forward under the First Quarter Moon on the 3rd.
Don’t be surprised if the energy fades. Do you want to lay low the rest of the week and let the Great Mind do the heavy lifting to align things?

September 5-11: Exciting New Options
Venus enters Virgo | Sun Trine North Node | Mercury Retrograde in Libra | Sun Trine Uranus
Little Things.
Focus Pocus: Venus enters Virgo on the 5th and stays through the 29th. It’s the little things that make a huge difference this month.
Bless it.
Auspicious timing—notice what’s motivating you and pulling you forward as the Sun trines the North Node on the 8th. What feels meant to be? What doesn’t? Friendly reminder: you don’t have to figure this out alone. Do you want to practice connecting to your guides and angels?
Question it.
Mercury Retrogrades in Libra on the 10th: You may be feeling unsure. If so, the subtle energies support staying curious. What do you need to review/revise/redo/revamp while Mercury is retrograde in the sign of relationships? Do you want to weave some breathing room in your schedule for the unexpected? Merc Retro Lesson: Don’t sweat the small stuff – Mercury goes direct on October 2nd.
September 10th Full Moon at 17- Pisces [9:58 AM CST] Full Moon Intention: I enjoy feeling the full experience of my soul-aligned-self.
What has come full circle? What requires new healthy boundaries? The mind protects the aura – if psychic boundaries that have faded, do you want to experiment with visualizing placing yourself in a glass cube? This Full Moon helps us detox mind, body, Soul, living spaces, and energy. Get extra insight on what requires closure wherever 17-Pisces is in your birth chart.
The Silver Lining from Jan 1.
Sun Trine Uranus on the 11th: Sparks fly (the good kind). Are you feeling inspired to try something different, make a new friend, or test out a new hobby? This transit also occurred on January 1st – do you want to look back at your new year’s resolutions and celebrate / make revisions?

September 12-18: Take Nothing Personally
Venus square Mars | Sun opposite Neptune | Mars Sextile Chiron | Mercury opposite Jupiter
Take it easy.
Rumors, gossip, deception, volatility, things don’t go as planned. Caution lights also come on around drugs, alcohol, and temptation the 14th-17th. Pay attention to loud impulses. Do you want to delay important decisions, conversations, and purchases?
Third Quarter Moon on the 17th falls in 24-Gemini. Do you want to listen for correct invitations, and natural provision instead of forcing issues? This yin phase signifies receptivity and a willingness to trust, surrender, and let things take their course wherever 24-Gemini is in your chart.
Spiritual Warriors gear up!
You’re getting a clear sense of your mission and overcoming odds around the 18th. And when you can be still — you can see the pivot. Look for opportunities to step into a mentorship role with someone who shares similar wounds, or seek out a new teacher. Find a sense of camaraderie, brotherhood/sisterhood, and a shared cause. Remember this: everyone is fighting an interior battle we know nothing about – our unity comes first.

September 19-25: Be Here Now
Sun Trine Pluto | Venus trine Uranus | Sun enters Libra & conjuncts retrograde Mercury | Venus Opposition Neptune
Best Life Vibes.
Whatever isn’t evolving, is dissolving. The Sun trines Pluto on the 19th and reminds us: Become you. You might just surprise yourself with the support of Venus trine Uranus on the 20th.
Happy Birthday Libras!
The Sun enters Libra and conjuncts retrograde Mercury on the 23rd: We can all tap into our Libra vibes through October 23 by listening for ways to balance energy, time, and behavior. With Mercury retrograde involved, this could be a great time to revamp and refine your image. What are you putting out there? Is that what you want coming back to you? (Pssst… We have gifts for your birthday-Libra at www.tiffanyharelik.com).
Not so fast.
Sometimes there’s (perceived) trouble in paradise when we look at what we want, versus what we have—and wish things were different. Venus opposing Neptune on the 23rd-24th encourages us to keep it real. The Skies influence us to accept reality instead of what ‘could’ be. What do you observe with this perspective?
Sept 25th: New Moon at 2-Libra [9:54pm CST]
New Moon Intention: I love experimenting the balance of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies—knowing this generates healing and expanded consciousness.
Do you want to reset some relationship intentions? This phase signifies new beginnings and is in the sign of partnerships. New Moon intentions are most potent during the first 8 hours. Get extra insight to what is renewing in your life by studying the house where 2-Libra is in your birth chart.

September 26-30: Resolve Issues
Mercury conjunct Venus | Sun opposite Jupiter | Mercury trine Pluto | Mars trine Saturn
Your Contribution.
The Skies encourage us to resolve issues, find harmony, and be a team-player on the 26th. There is a win-win and an opportunity to contribute. Do you want to keep your heart curious and open to love? Relationship lessons and renewal are themes this week.
Conserve Money.
Watch out for unexpected expenses and pass on any credit card purchases. This is not the time to be flirting with finances. Instead, take financial precautions and zoom out.
You’re on a fact-finding mission to uncover some important information, and journaling can help on the 26th-28th. This is an excellent transit for writing, researching, and exploring new ways of seeing things. Look for clues or spiritual signposts of what you need to uncover.
Hard work pays off as Mars trines Saturn on the 27th-29th. This is an optimal time to commit to an area where you want to see lasting success. Would you want to ask someone older and wiser for guidance?
Love is in the Air.
29th – Venus enters home sign Libra September 29-October 23. Are you having a Fall wedding (tee hee)? Journal prompts: Are you feeling more relationship oriented? Ever wonder what it’s like to be on the other side of you? What kind of partner do you want to have – and therefore need to be? Which partnerships are most fulfilling? Which need some adjustments for greater balance, respect, and love?
What’s next: Eclipse Season
Oct 25 2022 in Scorpio
Nov 8 2022 in Taurus