Hi! I’m Tiffany, founder of the Wise Skies Collective. I *love* working with human potential. Seeing people overcoming odds, breaking unhealthy patterns, and living life with eyes (and hearts) wide open is what motivates me behind the scenes at Wise Skies.
Born Under a Different Star
At a time when I was feeling lost in life, an introduction to astrology began to put things into perspective for me. Studying the natural cycles of the world as well as my personal birth chart gave me a sense of stability and peace.
I saw my psychic abilities as an intended gift of this life, and not something to avoid. I became fascinated with the world around me instead of being overwhelmed by it.
Timing is Everything
This life, this voyage through time, right here, right now, became precious to me. And realizing how unique this gift of life is made it paramount for me to do something important with my own. My studies and life experiments led me to get a Masters degree in Health Psychology, study yoga, tarot, mediumship, gardening, and bee keeping.
The road to Wise Skies also included my corporate experience in the live music and event world. I worked with Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits Music Festival, Viva Big Bend, Torchy’s and Google Fiber. During this chapter I wrote 14 cookbooks, became a bestselling author, changed my diet, and started over. I traveled to India, Peru, Honduras, France, the Caribbean, and beyond. I had babies, I sailed, I painted. My psychic gifts blossomed. All along the way, there were turning points that created new energy for understanding patterns, meeting pain, and stepping forward into potential. The moment came when I felt compelled to knit these experiences together in a useful framework to help others find answers, healing, and more meaning in their lives. I went back to my old love of astrology and began writing the monthly forecasts. I met Human Design and it profoundly changed my life. Things fell into place in perfect timing, in a way I could not have orchestrated or planned on my own.
Enter Wise Skies
Our team grew to include fellow leaders and teachers. In addition to the astrology forecast and podcast, we began offering a larger menu of services, and classes. Wise Skies strategically expanded and launched a sister company, Spellbound Publishers to produce body-mind-spirit books and oracle decks.
Tell me about the Collective
When Jupiter and Saturn formed the Great Conjunction of 2020 in the sign of the Collective (Aquarius), I knew it was time to make some shifts in our business. This astrological event comes every twenty years, but in 2020 the duo shifted out of an Earth cycle and into an Air cycle for 100 more years. Fascinating stuff!
While we value the immense personal growth that comes from one on one sessions, the timing called for new strategies to connect with more people through the airwaves. Wise Skies today is a group of intuitive counselors and curious people who share common goals—to work with specific tools and strategies for creating a more purpose-filled, synchronistic life.
We believe you were born wise. You have a unique guidance system to help you meet the challenges and victories of life. As your awakening unfolds, different tools will be useful along the way. Which tool sounds like the most fun to try next? What classes do you want to take?