1: Focus
Independent, Motivated, Leadership, Yang, Masculine, Goal-Driven, Drive, Confidence, Hustle. Stay mindful of not putting blinders on while in hyper-focused seasons.
2: Relationships
Cooperation, Intuitive, Balance, Flow, Trust, Yin, Feminine, Harmony, Collaboration, Co-Creation. Relationship with yourself, your Higher Power, the Universe, intimate partners, friends, colleagues, etc. Stay mindful of keeping healthy boundaries.
3: Creativity
Influence, Charm, Charisma, Optimism, Communication, Connection, Communities. Stay mindful of balancing social activities with a need to rest.
4: Stability
Organization, Processes, Procedures, Order, Consistency, Routine, Roots, Foundation, Discipline, Cleanliness. Stay mindful of the benefits of surrendering control and allowing room for flow and change.
5: Adventure
Change, Travel, Adrenaline, Freedom, Expansion, Entertainment, Momentum, Elevation. Stay mindful of balancing big changes with staying grounded.
6: Nesting
Home, Family, Comfort, Companionship, Nurturing, Health, Cozy, Connection, Compassion, Deep Rest. Stay mindful of tendencies to overgive or be overly protective.
7: Knowledge
Wisdom, Seekers, Philosophy, Quest for Truth, Metaphysics, Mystery Schools, Research, Deep Study, Mystics. Stay mindful of discerning what type and how much information you allow into your mind.
8: Abundance
Infinity, Power, Prosperity, Risk and Reward, Momentum. Be mindful that what goes up, must come down and vice versa.
9: Integration
Full Circle, Integrity, Experience, High Standards, Culmination, Value, Consciousness, Joy in Completion. Be mindful of balancing between endings and beginnings.