24 Oct November and December 2024 Astrology Forecast
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Dear friends,
Mars and Pluto have the microphone as the year comes to a close. It has been an honor to work with you in 2024, and I hope you’ll enjoy the 2025 prediction content. Please join us on November 11th for a special panel event to learn about 2025 from Celeste Brooks, Sarah L’Hrar and myself ($33).
Best days: November 22-23, and December 30-31.
Days to be mindful/play it safe: November 15-17, December 6-15, and December 30.
Get Ready for 2025 with these resources
The Self-Mastery card from Cher-Lyn’s Mystic Art Medicine Deck offers some good ideas for self-development as we close out the year.
“The art of Self Mastery is about learning how you direct your mental and emotional focus. Select your thoughts, just as you choose what you will wear each day. This is a power you can cultivate. Working on the mastery of your mind is the only thing that is worth trying to control. Drop all other ideas of control but that! For, if you don’t learn the art of Self Mastery you will consistently find yourself caught in a whirlpool. You canot be in control of your physical world. The task suggested before you is to master your inner response to your external world, your thoughts and emotions.
The watery underworld suggests emotional flux perhaps triggered from the subconscious. There are times when you feel angry or frustrated. During this time, know you are being tested. View it simply as information, take a deep breath, and prepare to deal. Know that you can call upon the resources to transform these challenges. Make an accurate assessment by honestly looking at your life circumstances and take action to make changes for the better.
When choosing this medicine card you are alerted to practice Self Mastery. Perhaps you are spending more time dealing with conflicts in your life than creating opportunity. Your soul is shining the light of awareness for you to fly like the eagle. You can soar higher playing with the thermals while keeping a sharp eye on negative thoughts. Take this solo flight to reach your highest potential.”
Walking through fire: New Moon in Scorpio
November is a 1-month in an 8-year, indicating fresh starts, new vision, and big risks. The New Moon in 9° Scorpio on November 1st initiates a new 2.5-year cycle just as the election heats up. Sabian Symbol: A FELLOWSHIP SUPPER REUNITES OLD COMRADES. The story unfolds August 1st, 2025, pivots May 1st 2026, and closes January 29, 20267.
Unhinged: Mars opposite Pluto
The New Moon in Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars and Pluto – which oppose each other on the 3rd. Feisty, combative, purging via ruthless tactics. A riot. Mars rules weapons, war, muscle, steel, bursts of fire, energy, passion, athleticism, and focused fire. It rules initiations, sacrifices, life/death moments, and the primal pulse of life. In the sign of Cancer, themes around homeland security, border issues, and emotional healing regarding mommy/daddy issues will come into play. Pluto rules resources, power, sex, wrecking balls, volcanoes, and regeneration. In the sign of Capricorn, themes include big business, government, and the environment.
Previous Mars opposite Pluto dates and headlines:
- June 5, 2021: Surveying Goma’s Volcanoes, Cardinal offers resignation over church abuse, Pence Says He May Never See Trump ‘Eye to Eye’ on Capitol Riot, Sinema and Manchin’s Nihilistic Bipartisanship, U.S. Waged Secret Legal Battle to Obtain Emails of 4 Times Reporters
- May 20, 2023: In a Sharp Reversal, Biden Opens a Path for Ukraine to Get Fighter Jets, Athletes With Gun Problems Urge Ja Morant: Learn From Me, Guards Brutally Beat Prisoners and Lied About It. They Weren’t Fired
Upcoming Mars opposite Pluto dates:
- November 3, 2024, January 3, 2025, April 26, 2025, October 3, 2026
Right after Mars opposes Pluto this November, it slides into Leo.
False Securities: Venus opposes Jupiter then squares Neptune
Question whatever the news is reporting with the election. Something is being misreported and misrepresented. A discussion (or something more serious) is necessary. Be skeptical with any financial promises being made by big business at this time. Venus opposes Jupiter then squares Neptune during the Mars/Pluto opposition. This creates added tension around financial decisions and the romantic side of life. Venus in Sagittarius can be lazy and unpredictable. Jupiter in detriment in Gemini struggles to know what the right decision is. This mutable opposition indicates something coming to bite us where we have been irresponsible with our financial stewardship. It’s time to tighten up, get honest, and make a new plan. Don’t gamble your future on someone else’s bad idea.
Narrow down the Options: Mercury squares Saturn
Mercury squares Saturn on November 12th before going retrograde, and again on December 6th, when Mars retrogrades. This shows us our limitations. Do we know when enough is enough? Are we able to handle significant limiting factors with grace and grit?
November 15: Taurus Full Moon, and Saturn direct in Pisces. Slow down, make adjustments. Pause, pray, pivot. Keeping long term, conservative goals in mind.
Out with the old, almost: Pluto leaves Capricorn, Mercury retrogrades
Pluto is leaving Capricorn on November 19th for the last time in our lifetime, ushering in new ideas and creative collaboration when it comes to the art and technology of the info wars.
Mercury which rules news and data retrogrades in story-driven Sagittarius November 15th, goes direct on December 15th, and will be out of shadow January 2nd, 2025.
Intense Connections and Resurrections: Mars retrograde
Mars stations (the day it stations retrograde, or goes direct) have been described as reaching an adrenaline threshold. December 6th: Mars retrogrades at 6° Leo and will back into the emotional waters of Cancer.
Mercury cazimi in Sagittarius, Venus moves into Aquarius, conjuncts Pluto then opposes Mars mid-month. The first two weeks of December are a big deal.
Israel, Russia and the United States all have placements close to 6° Leo – indicating these countries will be in the headlines. Reversals, going backwards, weapons, and heat are themes.
Dec 15th - Full Moon at 23° Sagittarius
The Christmas Spirit returns and makes some news as Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius today.
December 24 - Jupiter square Saturn
Covid news resurfaces in December. A message from December of 2020 comes back into focus. Tension builds energy. Jupiter expands, Saturn contracts. But with Jupiter retrograde, it influences much like a mini-Saturn. Notice themes around growing pains, responsibilities, sacrifices, and balancing out over/under doing things.
December 28 - Venus square Uranus
Surprise, surprise. New developments in love and expenses. There is an air of unpredictability and surprises as we step outside of our comfort zone and controlling tendencies. If you’re overstimulated with the tension, or still trying to manage everything – do you want to take it easy? Fresh perspectives are needed: the same old approach/story no longer works. Often—only when life feels unmanageable will we find a point of surrender to our higher power. Is there anything you want to put in your God box?
December 29 - Chiron Direct in Aries
What has been illuminated for self-improvement during the Chiron retrograde period? Aries rules the self, the will, and our inner determination. Chiron represents the wounded healer archetype, as well as a part of us that feels lonely, isolated, and afraid of being different. What are you overcoming? Did you forget that you’re a miracle? What does self-love look like to you and how has that changed over time? Look at how far you’ve come—we see you. Learn more about Chiron in Aries and how it affects you personally here.

Get Ready for 2025 with these resources

Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT is a professional astrologer and spiritual development teacher based in Texas. As the founder and publisher of Spellbound, Tiffany has authored and produced several best-selling books that span from cooking to astrology, and yoga to beekeeping. She holds a Masters in Health Psychology and is a certified Master Teacher. Enjoy her Wise Skies digital astrology calendar or 40 Days of Spirit email product all year long. Connect with Tiffany on her youtube channel, podcast, retreats, or membership classes at tiffanyharelik.com.