08 Aug Fixed Star Kerb
by Tiffany Harelik, MA, RYT
Fixed Star Kerb in 1° Aries is activated several times in 2025. It represents the archetype of a jilted lover. A “jilted lover” is someone who has been suddenly rejected or abandoned by their romantic partner, often in a way that is unexpected and emotionally painful. The term “jilted” suggests that the person who was left feels betrayed, at a loss, and deeply hurt.
Key: Overcoming a sense of betrayal collectively includes facing times when you have betrayed yourself and rewiring your mindset. Where did you set the ball rolling? Taking responsibility shifts the blame from someone else (something outside of ourselves) and puts the focus back on our actions and personal responsibilities to love ourselves and make good decisions for ourselves. It’s nuanced. I hope this helps.
Reminder: rejection is God’s protection. If feeling rejected is particularly triggering, you may want to do a rejection inventory. Is there a God-shaped hole in your heart that is wanting to heal? Journal prompts: What are all the ways you can make yourself feel rejected, and make things about you – when it’s not? What are all the ways you can choose yourself in moments of feeling abandoned? What are some solutions? Added awareness: How is the narrative of the jilted lover unfolding in the media or the collective consciousness?
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A word of caution: self-centric thinking is also part of the cosmic tapestry. Stand ‘for’ yourself without standing ‘against’ another person. Watch for impulsiveness and ‘my way or the highway’ thinking. Let your words pass through the three gates before saying anything: Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said right now?
Morning ritual to get out of ‘Selfism’
Do something for someone else first. Examples: feed the birds and fill their water, walk the dogs, pray for someone else’s good fortune and health for five minutes, water the plants, do the dishes for the family/roommates, etc. Smiling before walking into a room changes everyone’s mindset. Do you want to try it out?
Vibrant Health
Aries is associated with the head, face, suprarenals (adrenal gland), acne, the scalp, and the eyes. There may be a special focus on supporting/healing these areas while the Sun moves through Aries: craniosacral therapy, vision check, gut/brain axis support, meditation to clear the mind. Rosemary is a corresponding solar herb for Aries – just be mindful of adding heat to a hot sign. Stay hydrated and let extra air elements like wind chimes/bells or cooling herbs like mint balance out any excess heat. Statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
Flower Essence for Aries placements
Rock Rose Vervain helps integrate enthusiasm, passion, and idealism with relaxation. It supports the Sun in Aries’ energizing frequency, while calming overzealous tendencies. Folk name: Juno’s tears. Juno was the wife of Jupiter, and patron goddess of love, marriage, fertility, childbirth, and families. Flower essences are energetic remedies that deliver a flower’s healing frequency to us. Statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
Fixed Stars add complexity and nuance: They add extra details to an astrology forecast, like how a special seasoning can change the flavor of food. They are not part of the main forecast, but they are activated by the transits. They can help us see different parts of a situation more clearly.
Kerb is activated anytime there is an ingress in Aries, or a transit that lands on 1° Aries. Please find the main ones listed below. These are the times when we see the archetype of the jilted lover play out within ourselves or in the media. If it resonates with you this year, pause and ask: where have I betrayed myself or my inner child? Where am I standing, leading, and guiding myself better than before? Spiritual reminder: Our Higher Power will never betray us. Often when we feel betrayed, we feel alone. But we are never truly alone. Are you developing a relationship with your HP? It’s a beautiful season to draw nearer to Spirit.